Julian Cope: Odin's Ode
"Rock 'n' roll is a perfect Odinist form, because it's so motivated by the female, it has that element of cross-dressing, and yet it's totally fierce."
[Julian Cope interview, The Wire #309 November 2009 p. 44]
"Being an Odinist is being a fierce warrior poet, because Odin gave his name to the ode ...
"Being an Odinist is being singular, but knowing that you're enacting a thing that is the law because tradition deems it the law - therefore it can't change..."
"Odin is a blood brother of Loki. Loki's often called the trickster, but he's far more extreme. And in the Lokasenna, where Loki goes off on one in the mead hall, he accuses odin of practising female magic, dressing like a woman and acting like a woman. And Odin hushes him up very quickly..."
"We're lucky that Norse myths haven't been picked clean by the scholars, because there's too much of the lager lout in them ...
"The Odin of the Norse myths is fierce, singular, poetic and has a really rich female side. That's why I think rock 'n' roll is perfectly placed as an Odinist form ..."
[ib. p. 45]
As well as the Eddas, Julian recommends Carlyle's Heroes and Hero Worship, First Lecture - The Hero as divinity: Odin.
"You need someone to validate the locality."
[ib. p. 40]
"We play Folk with an umlaut over the 'O'."
[ib. p. 45]
"For the Norse people, the Man now named Odin, and Chief Norse God, we fancy, was such a man. A Teacher, and Captain of soul and of body; a Hero, of worth immeasurable; admiration for whom, transcending the known bounds, became adoration. Has he not the power of articulate Thinking; and many other powers, as yet miraculous? So, with boundless gratitude, would the rude Norse heart feel. Has he not solved for them the sphinx-enigma of this Universe; given assurance to them of their own destiny there? By him they know now what they have to do here, what to look for hereafter. Existence has become articulate, melodious by him; he first has made Life alive!
"We may call this Odin, the origin of Norse Mythology: Odin, or whatever name the First Norse Thinker bore while he was a man among men. His view of the Universe once promulgated, a like view starts into being in all minds; grows, keeps ever growing, while it continues credible there.
In all minds it lay written, but invisibly, as in sympathetic ink; at his word it starts into visibility in all. Nay, in every epoch of the world, the great event, parent of all others, is it not the arrival of a Thinker in the world!"
[Carlyle ib.]
"We may call this Odin, the origin of Norse Mythology: Odin, or whatever name the First Norse Thinker bore while he was a man among men. His view of the Universe once promulgated, a like view starts into being in all minds; grows, keeps ever growing, while it continues credible there.
In all minds it lay written, but invisibly, as in sympathetic ink; at his word it starts into visibility in all. Nay, in every epoch of the world, the great event, parent of all others, is it not the arrival of a Thinker in the world!"
[Carlyle ib.]
Thomas Carlyle
Winter Solace
No more than a single thimble full,
I drank from the flow of mighty Fimbulthul,
Yet, soon the world of men did disappear,
Replaced by a thousand blazing worlds so rare,
That, in my greed, my need to habit them all,
My consciousness ascended so -
Never again to fall.
[Julian Cope, The Mead of Fimbulthul 2009]
Cope's Brain Donor music is drenched in wet weather - just as 'Black Sabbath' opens with the sound of a rainstorm, so do Brain Donor records. Even more so the torrential rain persists on Drain'd Boner's first track - we are outside - Sitting-Out - magic needs to be done outside.
Like the seething Siedhr Magic of the Norse, usually practiced by hedge-witches ... and by Odin too!
Like the seething Siedhr Magic of the Norse, usually practiced by hedge-witches ... and by Odin too!
Think of Blue Cheer's Inside-Outside.
The First Doom Metal Power Trio
Greek Origins of Doom Metal
Back to Bacchus
It is said that Doom Metal begins with Black Sabbath's eponymous first album.
Surely Doom Metal begins - as song - with the Doors 'The End'.
Therefore, Doom Metal commences amongst the Chthonic gods of the Greeks.
Doom Ring
Julian Cope takes it back to the Doomsday Book:
"One of the reasons I got obsessed with Doom Music was because a heavy study of Doom is part of my book of the ancient law. As in the idea of free-dom, king-dom, 'dom' and 'doom' was always to do with judgement.
"So Doomsday Book didn't originally mean we were all going to kill ourselves - it means you are going to meet your judgement. It's a ledger, and we're going to put in everything that you own. Which is why in Moscow the judgement seat is still called the Duma; in Iceland they don't kill people at Doom Rings, they judge people at Doom Rings. If you go to the centre of the Orkneys - again controlled by Northern Tribes - right at the centre of the island is a loch, Loch Dooming, and that's where they used to sit and make their judgements."
[ib. pp. 45-6]
Julian Cope
Striding Out
Striding Out
A Fierce Odinism
A wild, mad
stillness and
A belligerent
watching and
Odin's Runes
Runes dyed deep red by Odin
[Havamal 80]
Justification for the 'Race Soul'
Harrison [Themis p. 471-2] suggests that the 'soul' was originally a collective concept, rather than an individual one.
Race Fate
For Nietzsche, race is a kind of a fate, a destiny.
'Biology is destiny', said Freud.
But there is more to destiny than biology.
White's White
"In the white orbit of a sword."
[Ted Hughes The Ancient Heroes 1957]
'White' is a curiously non-racial race term - and appropriately so in view of what I am going to say.
Whites today rarely 'race' themselves, although still 'race' the Other - although this on the basis of self-deprecation.
Therefore Whites today are de-race-inated and regard themselves as only 'human'.
Whites have killed off their Race-Soul ... their God.
As Nietzsche says, the slave is he who is without Race.
Race-less-ness is the mark of the Chandala.
Race-consciousness is the mark of the Aryan.
Thought creates the Race.
And the Race is the God.
The Down-Going
The loss of race-consciousness amongst European Aryans is a recent thing.
The first step for any kind of European cultural renaissance is the re-assertion of this consciousness. Perhaps they will have to pass through the underdoggery of absolute racial-nihilism before they can re-emerge.
The question is not one of 'nationalism', but one of consciousness.
God's Shadow
"There is no god but Death."
[Ferlinghetti Assassination Raga 1968]
He is dead, but He still casts a shadow.
Such is the atavism of God.
Dead Gods
The Hidden God
The Strange God
The Unknown God
The Dead Pan
A Desert of
Death Smiles
I carressed Dionysos ...
Draw your picture of Dionysos, from Mad God to Mahayanian Void
naked, alone
Grey eye
The death-ravished slab; death-birds circle
Christ's dove
Then I took up the Runes ... Screaming!
Then I took up the Runes ... Screaming!
The Dionysian Danger
Southwell [A Beginner's Guide to BGE p.5] makes the point that Nietzsche championed the Dionysian as he felt that he lived in an overtly Apollonian age and therefore desired to bring them back into balance. Orage entitled one of his books on Nietzsche 'The Dionysian Age' [1911] suggesting that the turn of the 20th century was such an age. Were we today to be living in a Dionysian Age would we then - even as Nietzscheans - desire the Apolline?
Today, we are in the middle of a debased Dionysian maelstrom that is the death of Aryan culture.
The only hope is to re-affirm
the Apolline,
the White,
the Aryan.
the Apolline,
the White,
the Aryan.
Dionysian Transformations
The importance of Dionysos is that his worship becomes theatre, becomes art, becomes philosophy ...
Disease called 'Man'
Music, poetry, song, theatre, philosophy,
are all forms of madness utilised by the sane.
Why madness?
Because man is a disease - even the sanest man is a specimen of this disease.
Madness is a symptom of this disease as well as being its cure.
It destroys in order to cure.
Saying a poem, humming a tune, chanting a phrase - are all mild forms of madness, and attempts at a self-cure of the disease called 'humanity'.
The Mystic Nietzsche
Being the Moon to your Sun
Remaining Eternally True to the Earth-Sense