The LON~E offers the following ON~E Degrees:
Degree 9 - Subhumans
Recite the Anti-Christian Oath.
Renounce all Christian Morality.
Interview with a Connector.
Human All Too Humans
Read curriculum of the ON~E.
Endure Solitude as specified by a Connector.
Write short essays on Nietzschean themes [general].
Interview with a Lord to select subject for next level.
Book Study as agreed by a Lord.
Post each section as a work in progress to be critiqued on the ON~E Group.
Study Western Philosophy from the Presocratics to Heidegger.
Write short essays on the same.
Engage in a polemic against an anti-Nietzschean figure/subject.
Argue for an unpopular cause against hostile adversaries.
Report results to Connectors.
Take up a physical/martial discipline.
Court danger/taste death
Study Mythology/Runes
Present thesis on the same to the Group.
Study a Poet/Musician/Painter in relation to Nietzscheanism
Do a thesis/poem/musical piece/artwork on the above.
Submit result to a Lord
Study Indian/Eastern Philosophy and or Western Occultism.
Present a Master Work in the above to the LON~E.
Worshipper of Dionysos
From the Leader of the Order of Nietzsche England
James Douglas Morrison, 'Nietzsche Prose'.