"At the core of all Aristocratic Races lurks the Beast of Prey;the magnificent BLOND BRUTE,avid for spoil and victory".[Nietzsche,GM,I,11]
A feature of Aryan culture is conscious evolution.The Aryan is not content with being at the mercy of 'chance',or natural selection;he rather asserts his Will to Power in order to cultivate the noble specimen and his requirements.He breeds the superman.He is fully aware of the NECESSARY inequality of 'humanity':the slaves and instruments of the aristocracy are just as much bred DOWN [or levelled] as the Noble is bred UP.
"As we know from the experience of stock-breeders,a species that is given over-abundant nourishment and extra protection and care,generally shows an immediate and very pronounced tendency to variations in type,and is rich in marvels and monstrosities [and monstrous vices,too].
"Now let us consider an Aristocratic community,such as the ancient Greek 'polis',say,or Venice,as an organisation whose voluntary or involuntary purpose is to BREED". [Nietzsche,BGE 262]
Nietzsche recognises the very palpable,physical nature of this breeding;
"In the Latin 'malus' ['bad','evil']--beside which I place 'melas' ['black','dark']--the common man could be characterised as the dark-coloured,above all as the black-haired--"hic niger est" [Horace;'he is black']--as the pre-Aryan occupant of Italian soil,who by his colour stood out most clearly from the blonds who had become the rulers,namely the Aryan Conqueror Race". [Nietzsche,GM,I,5]
Nietzsche sees racial difference as a 'sine qua non' ;
"It is simply impossible that a person would NOT have his parents' and forefathers' qualities and preferences in his body--whatever appearances may say to the contrary.This is the problem of Race." [Nietzsche,BGE 264]
Here Nietzsche is at one with Manu,who says;
"A man born of the confusion of wombs,even if he comes from a leading family,will inherit that very character,to a greater or lesser degree.But the kingdom in which these degraded bastards are born,defiling the classes,quickly perishes,together with the people who live there". [Laws of Manu,V,60-1]
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