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Tuesday, 20 December 2005

"In the beginning,images;then words;finally concepts". [Nietzsche,WM,506]

The main language groups of the Aryan [Proto-Indo-European] family;Hellenic-Italic-Albanian-Tocharian-Germanic-Armenian-Balto/Slavic-Celtic-Anatolian-Indo/Iranian.

For me,the concept 'Aryan' is what I would imagine 'Semitic' would be to another.I see the Aryan as running the gamut of the linguistic,historical,cultural,political,scientific,ethical,ethnical,religious,philosophical,and spiritual,aspects of life. Like the circle of the eternal return it is inexhaustible.

'Aryan' names the seed from which The Veda,The Zend-Avesta,the Homeric Greek grew;the root from which the Latin,the Celtic and the Germanic diverged and flourished.

The Aryan speaks of our passing from the realm of pure instinct to type-giving form;the articulation of primordial images.

In the post-'World'-War Two period,the term Aryan [i.e.,'noble'] has become deemed 'politically incorrect' by the ascendant mediocrity,and is usually therefore replaced by the phrase 'Indo-European'-in itself a dry term without resonance.

I seek here to regain the pith and the juice of our Aryan culture.

Hail the Sun!

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