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Tuesday, 20 December 2005

Nietzsche sought the most extreme form of affirmation as the mark of the superman type;this he found in the doctrine of the 'Eternal Recurrence of the Same' .The basic outlook of the doctrine is that;

1) All is in a state of flux,of becoming-the unceasing river of Heraus.

2) Time is CIRCULAR and eternal;it has neither a beginning,nor an end.

3) Matter,both organic and inorganic,is limited and finite.

4) Therefore,since infinity has already elapsed prior to the present fleeting moment,then states of affairs have already repeated an infinite number of times.

The superman,as the pinnacle of strong will,resonates through the ages in all his glory,resurfacing eternally to recreate values,do great thought-deeds,and [re-]found civilisation/Empires.The superman rediscovers the lost mythos of the Aryan race,of the Masters of the Earth.

The superman's Master Ethic flows from a 'Transvaluation of Values'.the Slave morality which had triumphed in revolution is designed to prevent the re-emergence of the superman-type.The Master Ethic is of course dialectically opposed to Slave Morality.The former teaches that the superhuman elite must be strong,brilliant,proud and cruel;he must practice honour among his own caste and subjugate the born-slave.He must hate degeneration and therefore strive to keep the Order of Rank in shape by wielding his type-forming Hammer.

Zarathustra symbolises the type which paves the way for the dominance of the superhuman on earth by destroying the hegemony of slave morality [just as the Priest had sought to destroy master morality].Zarathustra announces the death of the God that he had once created [only the Master Race can create and destroy gods -priests are parasites on the gods of creators who finally make a god out of parasitism itself; this is the abortion that Zarathustra destroys].

The Political is the scaffolding upon which the superman type re-attains his Destiny.It must be based upon slavery at the bottom of its pyramid.
War is an indispensable instrument for the superman.The cause of war is immaterial,as glory in destruction and victory are all that matters.

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