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Tuesday, 27 December 2005

Technology is the invention, and therefore, the legacy of, Aristocracy.Aristocracy by its very nature is creative/inventive and always has the 'edge' of subject populations.
So, technology does not 'drive' Aristocracy, technics are the tools of Aristocratic rule. Of course, in history we see the fall of Aristocracies and the appropriation of technics [often crudely understood] by non-Aristocrats. In those cases we can speak of being 'driven' by technology, as such rulers cannot grasp the import of technics.
Greek;'technikos',of art,skillful, from 'techne', art, craft, skill; akin to Greek 'tekton', builder, carpenter. cf. Latin 'texere', to weave, and Old High German 'dahs', badger.

Nietzsche was a constant and unwavering advocate of social hierarchy and a bitter enemy of all egalitarian ideals. Breeding itself is an early Aristocratic technic.The will to form is an aristocratic principle which is manifest in the need to create 'distances'.Nietzsche's philosophy can be almost summed up by that word 'distances'. The distance between caste and caste, class and class, man and woman.Indeed the modern technologies [genetics, etc.] are merely developments of the Aristocratic principle of discipline and breeding.

Nietzsche desires the WHOLE so that he can create distances WITHIN the whole.

The goal is to create something wider and ever more stratified and articulated;
Life as a great work of art [techne].

Of course there are also inner technics, those seen in the best spirituality and philosophy. Aristocracies create space for the few to go aside and work on these inner-technics. Such beings then enrich the whole. In a non-Aristocratic society, inner-technics are often obliterated [e.g., in the accelerated haste of today].

To reiterate, the modern problem is that a non-Aristocratic class does not know what such technics are FOR.
Obviously, an Overman Caste would know how to use such technics to create Rangordnung [Order of Rank], which is the only creative objective for technics when driven by the Noble.
Technics used by non-Aristocratic types results in the perversion of 'preserving the weak' etc., rather than enhancing the rule of the best and creating ever wider social distances between castes. New species would be created, new worlds conquered.

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