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Tuesday, 27 December 2005

Breeding men

There were points in history where groups of hominids decided not to accept the randomness of nature and learnt to husband agricuture and live-stock....The need has now arrived to apply similar technics to the human animal.To be able to breed a Copernicus, and not just hope that one will come along by chance. To do this, knowledge of the necessary conditions of culture in which such a type will flourish, and in which breed of hominid he is likely to exist in, is invaluable.

The point about anthropocentrism is in knowing that it is WE who make our values by the strength of our will. The fallacy is in attributing this inescapable human perspective to a 'God', or to a 'non-anthropomorphic principle' which is really just another human invention in disguise.

The important element of distancing that is abundant in the strictly Aristocratic society and is somewhat diluted in modern communications is cruelty. Nothing gives one the sense of elevation so much as the practice of cruelty.All our higher culture is based on this pathos [suffering] of distance. This is why Aristocratic culture is always higher on every level than liberal, egalitarian, sympathetic culture.Early Greek philosophy was very close to the 'one-on-one' dual to the death, and real no-holds barred wrestling. In our culture all contests are fake!

Nietzsche may have made the hole in the cave wall, but it is still the eye which stares out, the eye which cannot see itself!

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