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Friday, 27 January 2006

The Conspiracy of the Cult of Christianity

The Church Fathers were certainly adroit conspiracy theorists; whatever line you take [and Nietzsche's is in Genealogy of Morals 1:8, - "was not Christianity part of the secret black art of truly 'grand' politics of revenge, of a farseeing, subterranean, slowly advancing, and premeditated revenge ..? "], Christianity is not a 'real' religion, but rather an enormous con-trick ... a 'cult'.

An examination of political subversion at this period of the Roman Empire will show that conspiracy was the norm, not the exception.As the Classicist R.P.Oliver writes;"As early as 186 B.C. the Roman Senate tried to regulate the Bacchanalian rites of a cult that had been imported from Etruria, and used 'freedom of worship' as a cover for nocturnal orgies of promiscuity and perversion. Investigation disclosed that the alien 'religion' was really a secret conspiracy that worked systematically to entrap and corrupt young men and women in adolescence, and practiced, in addition to ual profligacy, such associated arts as the forging of wills and murder by poison.Despite the laws that were enacted to supress the conspiracy, other foreign cults were soon imported to provide religious camouflage for depravity, subversion and sedition".

It was in this hot-house atmosphere that the cult of Christianity was born.The Dead Sea Scrolls display a crude form of 'communism' and a hatred of the authorities - i.e., the 'Roman occupiers' and Jewish leaders who collaborated with the Romans. The famous 'War Scroll' contains the following;"In that indicated time, He shall advance with great revengefulness to fight against the kings of the North, and His anger will be so great that he will destroy Belial's horn and cut it off. That will be an era of liberation for God's people, and eternal destruction for all them that belong to Belial's party. So evil will completely perish and not a single one of the Children of Darkness will escape".

This perfectly illustrates the resentful slave revolt in morals described by Nietzsche in the 'Genealogy of Morals'; such pent up Jewish hatred will seek all devious means, including conspiracy, to achieve its insanely revaluated objectives;
"When they close ranks for battle, they will write on their banners:'War of God', 'Battle of God', 'Retaliation of God', 'Strength of God', 'Reprisal of God', 'Power of God', 'God Destroys All Nations' ".
[War Scroll, 'Dead Sea Scrolls' - Baigent/Leigh ed.]

This explains Jesus's utterance;
"Think not that I am come to send peace on Earth: I come not to send peace, but a sword". [Matt.10]

Once Christianity became organised, and got it hands on the levers of power, conspiracy and terror became institutionalised - not only that, but by the simple expedient of 'baptism', a Gentile-hating Jew was able to become a 'Christian', and work his subversion from within under the cover of Holy Water.
Oliver again;
"The Fathers of the Church were calculating or compulsive liars and forgers".

His knowledge of the history of this period enabled Nietzsche to expose the Conspiracy of the Cult of Christianity;
"Was it not, a necessary feature of the secret black art of the 'grand politics' of vengeance, a far-sighted, subterranean, slowly and carefully planned vengeance, that Israel had to deny its true instrument publicly and nail him to the cross like a mortal enemy, so that 'the whole world' - meaning the enemies of the Jews - might naively swallow the bait! ".
[Nietzsche GM 1:8]

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