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Monday, 9 January 2006

Ha-Ha! He condemns those who think in terms of 'superiority', and replaces it with 'better'. For this Nihilist, 'Racial Betterment' is to be preferred to 'Racial Superiority' !And doesn't that illustrate the utter bankruptcy of Political Correctness!The latter has virtually destroyed thinking amongst these flinching decadents, who demonstrate only triumphant Slave Morality.

They are obsessed with 'crimes' [the Holocaust, crimes against 'humanity' etc., etc.,]; They are obsessed with reing 'superiority' [the insecure shadow of all equalitarian cravings].

It is their craven fear of acknowledging difference; in short, it is the instinct of the Herd.

Against all this Nietzsche advocates difference, and the multiplication of diversity in the world, nay, even within the individual's soul.
Nietzsche advocates DISTANCE; between those multifarious differences he seeks to WIDEN all distances, creating something vaster, more complex; again, microcosm and macrocosm.

Nietzsche advocates HIERARCHY: the Difference and the Distance is Ordered according to the Degree of Power; The Super-ior is Super in terms of Power.This means the rejection of all the liberal cliches of 'coming together', of 'melting pots', of 'coffee coloured', ape-like, grinning, meek inheriting the earth, and Undifferentiated Herd Humanity.It means affirmation of the differentiating, separating, purifying, heroic, eccentric and experimenting, superhuman, ascending, life. Splayed out in all directions, or stratified; all at various Heights and Depths.This Distance in a biological aspect is commonly called Race. It follows that races exhibit difference from others, distances from others; some are of a different Order to others, placed variously in the hierarchy; some are of a greater and more ascending power compared to others. Races are breeding enviroments, able, in a greater or lesser degree, to produce exceptional individuals.As to the criteria of what is Noble; start with the concept of exception versus the rule [see BGE chapter 2 for example].

No one can read 'Beyond Good and Evil', 'The Genealogy of Morals', and 'The Will To Power, Bk. IV', without seeing this as Nietzsche's view.

"The Spartans were the first who sought to improve the breed not only of dogs and horses, but also of men". [Plutarch]

"It is easy to see that these measures could not but produce a Race excelling in build and in strength. It will be hard to find a healthier and more efficient people than the Spartans". [Xenophon]

"Crossed Races always mean at the same time crossed cultures, crossed moralities". [Nietzsche, Daybreak 272]

"The necessity of keeping control over barbarians in the Congo or elsewhere". [Nietzsche WM 922]

"Negoes are representatives of pre-historic man". [Nietzsche, GM II,7]

"The new philosophy can only arise in conjunction with a ruling Caste". [Nietzsche WM 978]

"The Jews seem to be merely transmitters-- they invent nothing". [Nietzsche, letter 1888]

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