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Friday, 27 January 2006

The Superior Few

The question of Race is this; what can the many of a particular Race produce by way of the Superior Few? - that defines the excellence, or no, of a Race.The minority Race of Europeans has produced the greatest explorers/statesmen/philsophers/artists and scientists the world has ever seen. It is this that qualifies this European Race (which has now spread beyond Europe, hence the term White Race) as superior.

It is completely un-Nietzschean to judge a Race by the many of that Race, as they are only the raw material from which the Higher man is forged. It is also against the spirit of this philosophy to posit enviromental conditions as decisive; to Nietzsche it is what's within - the Blood - that is paramount!THE STRONG EXCELL D E S P I T E BAD CONDITIONS!'Positive discrimination' / 'affirmative action', produces only more mediocrity.

"The descent from good ancestors makes up true nobility of birth; one single interruption in that chain, one bad ancestor, and the nobility of birth is cancelled out".[Nietzsche, Human 456]

How can anyone take the above as being anything other than Elitist?

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