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Friday, 20 January 2006

Rome is Eternal; Her forms and imperatives are unsurpassed in world history. And it is BECAUSE She is unsurpassed, that She is not 'past'.The same is true of Nietzsche; he too is not 'dead' - his project stands to be realised.And yes, the Fasces also are Eternal [read Hitler's 'Table Talk'].

I have read Marinetti, and find the calls there for the destruction of high art to be nauseating; the suggestion [if I remember rightly] that the internal combustion engine is more beautiful than the Venus de Milo or the statue of Nike, is anarchistic nonsense, written to 'shock the middle class'. I agree that the ruling classes needed shocking, but not with that kind of Nihilism.European culture needs to go back to its roots, at the points where it took a wrong turn, and build from there in a modern cycle; - so, draw on the Renaissance, the imperium Romanum, the presocratics, the ancient Aryans. Re-establish a Master Morality, as well as cultural and political goals which are not based on the next election in a few years, but on the time-scale of thousands of years AT THE VERY LEAST!

Futurism is too one sided - it is not just the 'future' that is important, but the re-valuation and trans-valuation of the past. So I can only admire its response to the Bergsonian, Nietschean philosophy of flux, but hate its inability to stamp eternal Being on all that Becoming.

Remember that Capcek's (?) 'Robot' was a Slave; technology should be firmly under the Will of the Nietzschean creator of Values; it should not be used for transient, money-making schemes, but for the establishment of eternal cultural goals of discipline and breeding. What we have now is an awful combination of commerce and subChristian Morality in power.None of this internet, all the speed of travel and communication, all the overwhelming and ultimately unreadable plethora of info-tainment is worth three lines of a sparse, laconic, aphorism of Horace.Wright knew that 'less is more'; too bad that to the West, 'more is less'.

And let me say this; if we had a Caesarean culture today, we would already have conquered and colonised some of the planets in our solar system. The ideological burden of Christian morals means that we can't even conquer and annihilate the worthless subhuman slaves that exist on the earth, and rather help them to prosper at the expense of the Noble!

The technology exists to create supermen and to conquer new regions of this universe; the Will is sadly lacking because we cannot appreciate the past, the past of those Caesars and Leaders whose very cruelty and courageous vision gave us the means for which we no longer know the Way.

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