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Wednesday, 25 January 2006

Taking the first phrase of our quote from Aeschylus' play, we notice that it has an echo in the genius of the English Elizabethan playwright, Shakespeare;
"On, on, you noblest English,
Whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof ! "
[Shakespeare, KHV iii.1.]

This play, King Henry V th, ranks alongside 'the Persians' as one of the great Patriotic works of European Art, as well as adverting to the continuity of our Aryan culture.The same dynamic is expressed by Nietzsche;"As a powerful Nation, we have an enormous responsibility to take the lead".[Nietzsche, Nachlass 1874]

Going back to our Aeschylus quote, the terms 'Hellas' and 'Hellenes', as in 'Sons of the Greeks', 'Sons of the Hellenes', had come to mean 'Greece' and 'Greeks' in the widest sense; what we would call today a Nationalistic sensibility.Likewise, Nietzsche came to see all Europeans as one, under the sacred banner of Europa.

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