After the Franco-Prussian War [in which Nietzsche patriotically fought], Bismarck went about [in 1871] creating a democratic Constitution. This is at the root of Nietzsche's rejection of Bismarck's Germany.
It wasn't until 1933 that this attempt at 'party politics' was undone.
Bismarck sought to introduce a British style democracy into Germany!This is the root of the Anlgo-German conflict that was to lead to the two 'World-Wars'.
Germany started to play England at her own game, and became a rival - a threat.
Nietzsche condemned Bismarck's Reich because it was "founded on the most thread-bare and despised ideas: equal rights and universal suffrage".[Nietzsche WP 748]
"Good European" was necessarily a political [Great Politics] concept. It entailed, as he said, the "complete POLITICAL and ECONOMIC unification of Europe".
I believe that the key to Nietzsche lay in Nietzsche!
"No words are sufficient to express my loathing of the deable interest-politics pursued by modern European dynasties ...Great Politics will place the physiology of Masters above ALL OTHER CONSIDERATIONS; it will forge a POWER strong enough to create a more complete, higher type of humanity; while SHOWING MERCILESS SEVERITY AGAINST ALL THAT WHICH CORRUPTS ...To create a Party of Life, strong enough for a Great Politics which will Cultivate a Higher humanity, which measures the Future importance of Races, of peoples, of individuals in terms of the magnitude of their INHERENT relish for life - which will bring an inexorable END to all degenerates and parasites ..."
[Nietzsche, Posthumously Published Fragments and Notebooks from the 1880s; S. Metcalfe, The Hammer of the Gods]
How else can one understand Nietzsche's constant phrase "Great Politcs"?!?
Note the use of the word "physiology"!
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