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Thursday, 20 April 2006

Grand Style in Das Dritte Reich (compare and contrast to 'Pop Culture'!)

Atists, thinkers etc., who were affiliated/supportive of Hitler's Germany and Fascism include;
Leni Riefenstahl [female film-maker/actress/dancer - where are Hollywood's female directors to compare with Leni?]

Martin Heidegger [considered by those who know about philsophy to be one of the greatest philosophers of the 20th century].

Ezra Pound [surely one of the greatest poets of the 20th century].

Novelists/poets also include Knut Hamsun, Celine, D'Annunzio, Roy Campbell, Wyndham Lewis [also a painter], Stefan George, Gottfried Benn, Henry Williamson.

Musicians include Richard Strauss [composer of 'Also Sprach Zarathustra', later stolen by Hollywood], Carl Orff [composer of Carmina Burana].

In theatre the Third Reich pioneered 'Thingspiel' theatre, as well as concentrating on the classics [there were more Shakepeare productions in Hitler's Germany than in Britain].

In the visual arts, the Futurist Movement [Marinetti close associate of Mussolini]; the painter Emil Nolde was an ardent NSDAP member.
In sculpture the great Arno Breker and Josef Thorek.
In Architecture, the brilliant Albert Speer.

And few would deny that the genius Richard Wagner was a proto-Nationalsocilaist.

Nietzsche himself described some art forms as 'degenerate', and his writings probably gave the idea of exhibiting 'degenerate art' to Hitler/Goebbels.

"He who wishes his reign to last must Breed for the future"
[G.Benn, 'Breeding',1933]

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