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Sunday, 16 April 2006

How else could our 'moderns' understand the following passage from Nietzsche? -

"As soon as the composite European man is established, this homogenising species requires a justification: it lies in serving a higher sovereign species that stands upon the former and can raise itself to its task only by doing this".
[Nietzsche WP 898]

Note that this democratised European herd animal will be as a different SPECIES to that of the Masters of the Earth, the new Nietzschean aristocracy.
We say species are differentiated from other species because they are not able to inter-breed - the mass man will not be able to inter-breed with the new aristocracy!

"Not merely a Master Race whose sole task is to rule but a Race with its own sphere of life, with an excess of strength for beauty, culture, manners to the highest peak of the spirit; an Affirming Race that may grant itself every great luxury .."

Again - this Race, which will not be the same species as homo sapien sapien will have its 'own sphere' of life - completely segregated from the lower orders!
Only among this higher Race will culture flourish!
A 'pure' Race!

No doubt the Masses will continue with their vile pop culture, race-mixing and multiculturalism!

Such slaves have NOTHING to do with us!

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