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Sunday, 16 April 2006

If it's laughter you want, then read this;
"Ye shall overthrow their altars and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place".
(The Bible, Deut. 6 - see also Exodus 20 etc.,)

This is what they DID!
But what happens after they have destroyed your culture?
They teach YOU to forgive!
They enforce the doctrine of liberalism where you mustn't punish wrong-doers! - it wouldn't be Christian!
No, if an Aryan defends himself he will go the way of Hitler, or of the Saxons - and they will use their propaganda machine to make out it was this Hitler who was the 'Jealous God'!

For this they must be punished.

This is why Nietzsche's Laws against Christianity are fully justified, and they will be enacted - they have to be because the Meme begun by Moses and his criminal gang which flows into all the semiticised religions and political ideologies, is anti-nature, anti-life.
It is a cancer which MUST be rooted out if the Superman is to rise again - which he IS Destined to do.
As always, this end must be Willed!

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