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Thursday, 20 April 2006

Nietzsche's Racism

Often philosophical problems accrue around a misunderstood word/concept.
'Racism' is clearly one such.
A quick on-line search shows that the Webters dictionary for 1913 does not have an entry for 'Racism' ; knowing that Nietzsche died in 1900, the question of 'Nietzsche's racism' begins to sound a little anachronistic.
The up to date Merrian-Webster Collegiate dictionary gives an entry for 'Racism', with the date 1936 [the year of the Spanish Civil War which saw Europe divided between fascism and communism].
The definition for that entry is not exactly enlightening;
" 'Racism'; A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities, and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race".

While Nietzsche definitely agrees that humans are determined by hereditary traits, and that some humans are superior to others, we are still dealing with a post-Nietzschean concept [i.e., racism].
However, I suspect that the concept came about as a 'criticism' of the sort of positions taken by Nietzsche and others in the 19th century; in other words, the term 'racism' has a note of opprobrium which is coeval with its invention.
While the much older term 'race' is neutral, the much more recent 'racism' was coined as a forbidding term - a modern 'thou shalt not'. So the sub-text to the definition of Racism is;
'A [misgiuded and fallacious] belief that race is the primary determinant etc.,'
So it is a 'loaded word', and not very useful for us when discussing a philosopher who stopped working in 1889, and who was not himself referring to a concept like the yet to be coined 'racism' both when he talked disparagingly of the 'race swindle', and yet affirmatively of 'Blood'.
This latter concept of 'Blood', so exalted by Nietzsche, is called 'racist' in the modern period [no doubt a cute term like 'coded racism' is used!].
Also, remember that Zionism is described today as Racism in some quarters [e.g., the U.N.], and so siding with the Jews does not give you automatic immunity to accusations of Racism [same goes for Ahrabs and Japs].

I would say that were Nietzsche writing post-1936 then he would be considered a 'Racist', just as he was considered a 'Blasphemer' in his own day. A value-loaded term like 'Racist' is the modern equivalent of 'Blasphemer' or 'Heretic' of old.
'Racism' really means;
"Disbeleiving in the modern dogma that race is a negligible component of human traits and capacities, and that so-called racial differences are only skin-deep and have no inherent 'superiority' of the one to the other".
In other words, 'racism' is a heretical rejection of anti-racist dogma!
Now that IS circular!
How can anyone give intellectual creedence to such a loaded term as 'racism', and even DARE to apply in the vicinity of Nietzsche's writings?

Perhaps this can only be done because 'race' itself is a far older and more respectable concept, although we should note that 'racism' itself seeks to eliminate 'race'. Another handy definition of 'racism' might be;
"That there IS such a thing as 'race' ".

So, to grasp Nietzsche's position we need to understand what 'race' itself is, and how it relates to Nietzsche's philosophy of 'Blood' and the Superman.

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