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Sunday, 21 May 2006

The Aeons

In the basic sense, these are main Aeons of civilisation in our cycle;

9, 000 - 7,000 years ago;
The Primal Aeon
[symbolised by the Horned Beast; its magical working is Shamanism]

7,000 - 5, 500 years ago;
The Hyperborean Aeon
[symbolised by the Sun; magical working at the Henges]

5, 000 - 3, 500 years ago;
The Sumerian Aeon
[symbolised by the Dragon; magical working in trance/sacrifice]

3, 000 - 1, 500 years ago;
The Hellenic Aeon
[symbolised by the Eagle; magical working in Oracle/dance]

1, 000 years ago to 500 years AFTER PRESENT;
The Western Aeon
[symbolised by the Sunwheel/Swastika; magical working is Ritual]

[From Stephen Cox article in Scorpion 16]

An Aeon is an age of the Universe, from Greek 'aion', age.

The centre of the Hyperborean Aeon was the area around Stonehenge - this is referred to in later Roman testimony that Britain was the Druidic centre of Old Europa.
The centre of the Sumerian Aeon was near present day Baghdad; these centres continually draw mankind to them for good or ill as we see today.
The episode in Iraq is not unconnected with the Closure of The Western Aeon, reckoned to conclude in some five centuries time.

There next Aeon to come will be;
The Nietzschean Aeon;
Its symbol will be the Promethean torch and its magical working will be the creation of a race of Superhumans, as well as space travel and time travel.
Its centre will be in outer space.

Our immediate concern must surely be with the fall of the Western Aeon, - what we are starting to call the Old Aeon [OA], and our preparation for the coming Nietzsche Aeon, or New Aeon [NA].

As always there will be an over-lap as the OA slowly slides into the dust of history and the NA struggles inot its [re]birth.

Let us listen to those who have studied these 'Aeonics';

"Each Aeon, our Mystic Tradition tells us, has its Times of Troubles.
Now the OA forces can either stumble on for a time, still capable of ing out innovation ... or, innovation, resurgance and exploration can be enhanced and herald the Time to Come ..."
[Stephen Cox, Sleepwalkers vs. Ubermensch]

Remember how Nietzsche spoke of his Free Spirits as Heralds of the Philosophers of the Future. We of the Black Sun desire nothing other than that this OA be a fitting HERALD of the NA, rather than a miserable and unworthy prelude. That is why we fly the Swastika.

"We may be said to be in a time zone similar to the transformational period of Ragnarok in the Norse myths".

How much resonance do these Norse Myths have for us in these Time of Troubles!

" Tales such as 'Beauty and the Beast', 'Arthur the Once and Future King', are ENCODED teachings. Where the Abyss is crossed, good and evil return to their dynamic symbiosis and the Sleepwalker sheds his coil to reveal the awaiting Ubermensch, but before this can happen the native ethos must be restored".

So we are given part of our task here - that of a restoration of our mythic heritage.

Those who want to read the whole of Cox's essay should get hold of Michael Walker's 'The Scorpion' magazine, number 16. Michael always has back issues available.

Time travel is a possibility, without doubt.
That man could ever fly was once called 'ludicrous' [and not so long ago] by those same narrow doubters.

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