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Sunday, 21 May 2006


"The Beginning is what man lacks".
[G. Meyrinck]

"That which lives on reason lives against The Spirit".

"Blessed are the Strong for they shall possess the Earth
Cursed are the Weak for they shall inherit the Yoke".
[Might Is Right, Redbeard]

"The word 'reality' comes from the same root as 'royal' - 'reality' was ever what the King said it was".
[P. Lavenda]

"Truth and My Will are one and the same".

"The Economic Unification of Europe is a coming Necessity".
[Nietzsche, WP 748]

"Napoleon, the only man hitherto strong enough to make Europe into a political and ECONOMIC UNITY".
[Nietzsche, letter, 1888]

"Himmler conceived of the Welwelsburg Castle as a future SS Vatican, built on a gigantic scale to represent the Centre Point of a New Aryan World Order".
[Black Sun, Goodrick-Clarke]

"What a blessing, what a deliverance from a weight becoming unendurable, is the appearance of an Absolute Ruler for these herd-like Europeans - of this fact the effect of the appearance of Napoleon was the last great proof: the history of the influence of Napoleon is almost the history of the highest happiness to which the entire century has attained in its worthiest individuals and periods".
[Nietzsche, BGE 199]

"Music is nothing but knowing the Order of All Things".
[Trismegistus in Asclepius]

"Mercury is Wind, which takes Sulphur, or Dionysius, or [if you so please to call it] Ascelpius, being yet an imperfect Embryo out of the Mother's belly or out of the Ashes of the Mother's Body burned, & carries it thither where it may be brought to maturity".
[Atalanta Fugiens, M. Maier]

"To be Awake is everything".
[G. Meyrinck]

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