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Monday, 22 May 2006

European Synthesis

"Give to our lost continent Will, Union and Spirit, and our Europe can yet win this new world".
[Sir Oswald Mosley 1953]

We are living through a momentous time in history as Europe - slowly, painstakingly - attempts to "become one".

Of course it was Nietzsche, over a century ago, who recognised this political/cultural/spiritual necessity.
Did he not write in his 'Beyond Good and Evil' (1886);

"The most unmistakable signs that EUROPE WISHES TO BE ONE are now overlooked".
[BGE 256]

Alas, even today are these signs are being over-looked. We Nietzscheans, as 'Good Europeans' (BGE 241), must be advocates for this European Union.
Not the EU of the Bankers, but the EU of Philosopher Rulers and Artists!

"With all the more profound and large-minded men of this 19th century, the real general tendency of the mysterious labour of their souls was to prepare the way for that new SYNTHESIS, and tentatively to anticipate the European of the future ...
"I think of such men as Napoleon, Goethe, Beethovan, Stendhal, Heine, Schopenhauer ,,,
"I also count Wagner as among them ...
"It is Europe, the ONE Europe, whose soul presses urgently and longingly, outwards and upwards, in their multifarious and boisterous art - whither?
Into a new light?
Towards a new sun? "
[BGE 256]

That this United Europe must be a great Power is borne out by the gem-like aphorism in amongst Nietzsche's meditations on Europa;

"I hear with pleasure that our sun is moving rapidly towards the constellation 'Hercules': and I hope that the men on this earth will do like the sun. And we foremost, we good Europeans!"
[BGE 243]

Europe must find her Warrior nature once more!
It is not good enough for current German politicians to ramble on about Europe not "doing war" anymore!
Such lackies should be shot!
Only through war can Europe become One!

What kind of Europe though?
Here's some quotes from the Italian philosopher Baron Julius Evola on Europa;

" 'A Europe of the Peoples', with its regional and cultural differentiation, must possess a centralising force to avoid being weak and disorganised.
It must have a point of reference, a higher synthesis.
Hence comes the idea of the IMPERIUM which has 'checks and balances' in its inherent respect for diverse laws and languages in Europe".
[Evola - article in Scorpion 12]

One is reminded here of U.Varange's book 'Imperium', which offered a different, but parallel view of a new European order.
Evola continues;

"The notion of European unity is spiritual and supranational.
Homeland, nation, ethnic group subsist at an essentially naturalistic 'physical' level; Europe ['Europa una'] should be something more than this.
The old nationalisms and resentments are only grafted onto Europe when a particular national domination is imposed by one nation upon the rest of Europe.
The Euopean 'Imperium' will belong to a higher order than the parts which compose it, and to be European should be conceived as being something qualitatively different from being Italian, Prussian, Basque, Finnish, Scottish or Hungarian ..."

Truly, writers and thinkers like Evola have imbibed the essence of Nietzsche's 'Good Europeanism' and taken it further.

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