The Christian notion of 'original sin' has been one of the most deadly ideological 'weapons of mass destruction' in human history.
But it is well to notice the biological basis of this 'holy lie'.
It was first introduced to deny the Aryan Pagan view of a pure race.
If, as the Christian dogs like to tell us, ALL men [except their wretch Jesus] are born into 'sin', then there can be no racial purity.
THAT was the intention of this foul doctrine when it was first unleashed on the Aryan Wolrd in all its Semitic stench!
"Throughout the whole of the Aryo-Germanic history, from the time of the Atlantean culture until the predominance of Christianity, there was only one idea which was authoritative for all decisions of the counsels, whether male or female - and that was the preservation of the purity of one's own race! ...
Christianity disasterously interfered in the history of the Nordic peoples with a misunderstanding of the latter's racial characteristics ...
The highest principle of all Nordic people was always the preservation of the purity of their blood".
[Jarl Widar aka K.M.Wiligut, 'The Secret King']
Not only did this 'original sin' doctrine destroy the basis of racial purity, it also contemned Woman;
"In prehistoric times no trace of concepts such as original sin, or doubts as to whether women had souls, was ever present in women of Aryo-Germanic blood ..."
But thanks to Nietzsche, we Free Spirits are disabused of these priestly deformaties such as 'original sin' etc.,
As we lose 'sin' and 'guilt', we once again take up the ideal of racial purity in our goal of the Superhuman!
Isn't it strange how the blond racial archetype [i.e., the Nordish] persists in Aryan lands despite 2, 000 years of Christian/Liberal/Communist/Politically Correct race-mixing propaganda!
I'm not sure I'd go so far in reifying 'religion' per se.
I see religion as a necessary activity rather than just as a purely imposed conspiracy [and it certainly is very often the latter - but not only that].
Methinks that religiosity is an aspect of human consciousness that cannot be extirpated [see the 'officially atheist' USSR for example].
The question then is rather WHAT KIND of religiosity are we involved with/advocating?
For me TSZ is a 'sacred' text!
The concept of 'Blood' [particularly to Germans!] is NOT purely materialistic.
Neither is the concept of 'purity' itself one that has to be supported by science to be believed in!
Look at what Nietzsche thinks of SCIENCE - he castigates Darwinism, for example, because it IS a science, and not a philosophy. Nietzsche's position is not purely 'dream', neither is it purely 'material'; it is Spirit in the broadest sense - the philosophy of the Free Spirit.
The evidence points to a practice of TABOOS in prehistory [see Anthropology etc.,]. The other hominids are thought to have been killed off by homo sapiens.
If Equality has not been achieved [yet!] than it has not ultimately succeeded, because Inequality still reigns.
We have already indicated some examples of equality failure, such as the USSR.
Being of the best family does not necessarliy mean that one will be Noble. Likewise, being born of Aryan blood but brought up exclusively in a Semitic culture may mean that one may have some none Aryan tendencies!
Therefore Blood is a combined biological/spiritual/cultural notion.
Nietzscheanism is all about encompassing polarities ... and going Beyond them.
Well, just because something may not be realisable in ABSOLUTE terms does not make it an Ideal.
Perhaps 'goal' would be a better term.
Racial purity is a goal [but not just that].
The journey is what life is about, not the end point; however, it is quite possible that in the future genetics may be able to yield a form of racial purity.
it is the BELIEF in racial purity/racial impurity that is important.
The Fall.
The Christian theology is fairly straight forward.
Before Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden he was without sin.
In Aryan terms, where the emphasis is placed on biologism, this would be tantamount to saying that he was racially pure.
To the Jews this meant Adam pleased their God;
"And God saw everything that he had made and behold, it was good".
[Gen. 1:31]
However, after The Fall, Adam became a sinner. His nature was changed from 'good' to 'bad' [Nietzscheans will get the resonance of that latter revaluation].
Since 'we' are Adam's children [according to the Semites], 'we' inherit this sinful nature.
As it says in the New Testament;
"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned".
[Rom. 5:12]
Now sin is passed on by the father, not by the mother.
Whereas the whole human race is supposed to be descended from Adam, Jesus was NOT. Jesus's father was supposed to be God Himself.
Therefore Jesus is without sin.
Of course, all the monotheistic religions of the Book - Judaism, Christianity, Islam etc., share this notion that 'we' are born into sin due to what happened in the Garden of Eden.
This is the Semitic outlook, where 'we' are all sinners on earth.
Now Aryan Paganism has no truck with all of this, believing rather in cycles of return. A Golden Age may degenerate [through race mixing], but it will return once again; the cycle of rise, decline, fall and rise again etc., will go on ad infinitum.
Also the Pagan system posits a whole collection of diverse races - this probably is a race memory of pre-history when different species of hominids dwelt together in Eurasia etc.,
To Pagans there are VARIOUS "Root Races" to quote Theosophy, there is no single line of descent for all hominids.
Indeed, this is the basic message of Polytheism, as against monotheism.
The latter is typically Semitic, the former is typically Aryan.
So the notion of single descent from a sinful father [Semitic] completely destroys the earlier Pagan notion of varied descent from all kinds of beings, some of them pure and some of them sinful [Aryan].
In the Aryan system, Noble Races are those who are descended from the pure and sinless. Christianity, when foist upon Aryans by the sword, led to an almighty pessimism where once proud 'blond beasts' ended up wearing sack cloth and ashes while tearing at their chests, and crying - "we are all sinners, we are all guilty".
Political correctness/holocaust mania etc., continues this farce.
Now, if we take Nietzsche's idea that our concepts BEGIN as concrete facts before they are abstracted [e.g., the 'spirit' originally referred to the life breath of living things before it became 'rarefied'], then we can see that 'purity' meant at first RACIAL purity as far as Aryans are concerned.
Wiligut, in his study of pre-Christian Germany says;
"For example, in order to guarantee the highest racial purity and excellent characteristics of certain leading clans ... marriage between brothers and sisters of their descendants was directly promoted.
In particualr women were subjected to a special test in connection with their racial purity. This test culminated in the examination and testing of all organs important for procreation by specifically qualified healers (both male and female) before the women were allowed to enter into marriage with racially pure men".
[K.M. Wiligut 'The Secret King']
So the Will to racial purity which emerged in the 19th century with Eugenics throughout the Western world and which culminated in Germany [for the time being] was actually a RETURN to Paganism, albeit via science.
Indeed, Nietzscheanism itself depicts a gradual return of Pagan outlooks as the Semitic begins to fade - Revaluation of Values.
A return to Paganism is not the insipid New Age rubbish - it is a return to the values of Hardness and Blood.
the word 'sin' which occurrs so frequently and obssessively throughout the English Bible is related to 'asunder'.
In other words 'sin', in its concrete origin, referred to that which DIVIDES ['rends asunder'] the Folk.
The introduction of 'bastards' into the clan refers in this orginal sense to mixed-race children.
In those days a crude Eugenics was practised where such 'sinful bastards' were killed at birth [see Shakespear's Titus Andronicus for a flavour of this].
Why else does the Old English word 'fair' mean both 'blond' and 'noble'/'decent'?
Bring out the Nietzschean method with all concepts; -
- Look for the concrete first.
Just because somethings are believed in which do not have physical properties, does not mean [by invalid inference] that all things believed in are non-physical!
Blood is a thing of physical fact [genes] and also a thing of belief - both at the same time!
There are no 'pure' facts.
That is why racial purity is a biological/cultural/spiritual complex.
That certain traits are transmitted via heredity is the biological fact upon which racial purity is based.
This is why the concept could NEVER be purely biological - that does not mean that it is NOT biological in any way.
My thesis;
The notions of 'racial purity', of pagan aristocratism were destroyed by Christian notions of equality. Particuarly by the notion of 'original sin'.
That was a fairly fresh, but decidedly Nietzschean thesis.
Its implications in Nietzsche's call for a return to Noble Values are obvious.
Racial Purity/Superiority is part of the Aristocratic pathos and is therefore Nietzschean.
All humans, male or female, are supposed to be descended from Adam.
Jesus was unique in that he was descended from God and not via Adam.
The point of sin being via the father answers the quibble that Jesus had a human mother - this is not seen as relevant for the reasons given. The parents [whether male or female] of today's Jews are all ultimately descended from Adam too - Jesus was not, as having the one and only God as your pa rather over-rides things.
Listen - this just vile Semitic sophistry, but it has its believers!
No contradiction in the final part; the Semitic is Universalist, while the Aryan is Particularist.
If all humans are sinful by Blood, then pure aristocractism is destroyed.
If however, some races are impure and sinful [e.g., Loki's breed etc.,], while some others ARE pure, then these latter are the Noble.
Again, the whole thing is being able to THINK in polyvalents and multiplicities.
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