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Wednesday, 17 May 2006

'The Will to Power' [i.e., that which is postulated in Nietzsche's philosophy as the nature of all being] is not aiming at anything other than its own flourishing.

It is WE human beings who create goals for ourselves.
Our own Will is the means to further those goals.
Political power is just one means to achieve our ends

'Gender' is very important in a philosophy of Distance and Order of Rank; I am constantly appalled at the modern convergence of male and female traits, all leaning towards a levelling of difference.

This Nihilist beleves that by intellectual suicide and self destruction, he is achieving the 'destruction' of Nihilism!
Insight - does a suicider think that by killing a human [himself], he is killing all of humanity? A question for both Nihilists and Solipsists!

Of course this Nihilist here just wallows in Nihilism, like Diogenes in his tub wallowed in his own excrement.

'Truth' as the subjective feeling of release when I give up my 'Self' to the 'non-Self 'of the Universe. The goal of all mystics; a self-abrogation; a form of gloriously self-deluded Nihilism (usually accompanied by some form of narcotica).

There is no 'God as an objective reality'.
The God of the Hebrews is very much a 'subjective reality' of the Hebrews, which has become, perversely, a subjective 'reality' for many non-Hebrews.
A victory of kinds - getting others to believe in your own perspectives!

It is with those very truth-goals that Nietzsche takes issue.
The Christian goals to humble man; to make man suffer and to feel a kind of bliss in that suffering. And to that end, to invent sin and guilt and self-disgust - disgust at the Body, at procreation.
To make man an invalid on this earth ['this vale of tears'] so that he can, as a meek one, find salvation in heaven.
All of those Christian goals are 'true' to the Christian believer, but they point to 'descending life'. They are the antithesis of the Classical ethos, particularly in its Dionysian aspect.
So, is your truth ascending (strong Will), or is it descending (weak Will) - that is the question.

Mastery has to BEGIN with self-mastery, and therefore 'selfovercoming' (I.e., self sublimation, self-conquest).
Only when THAT has been achieved can one even THINK that one is destined for command over others.

And therefore the MEANS used for self-mastery is immaterial - it could be Islam, sm, Karate or Hare Krishna - whatever; as long as it posits a 'rule to correct the emotion'.

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