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Friday, 23 February 2007

On Being Nietzschean, II

Slave Salvoes
There is still hope for you, O slave!

Read Nietzsche day and night.
Learn it off by heart.

The Future Belongs to Us!

The world we are in today was once only imagined by the fearless few.

Great visionaries know that all that can be thought will be.

I am Necessity itself!

And you may even aspire to be my Footstool.

Deplore these sewer dogs ,my brethren, and long for the day when we eradicate their like from the face of our precious Earth.
A Holocaust would be too good for them!

The moths flock to my incandescent flame!

They were ALL fish-hooks, and I smell fish!

You can't find the point of your own beginning; breathlessly you chase your own tail, and then exhausted, you take another temporary retirement.
The great drawback of democracy, where even the slaves are allowed into the halls of culture.
Under my system such vermin will be kept firmly outside.

They will know their place.

The Struggle

In Nietzschean terms it was;

Judah vs. Rome.

And you wonder why there has been so-called 'Anti-Semitism'?
There is no racial equality.

It didn't take a Hitler to prove that!

'Plans' are the illusions of Power.

There is only Necessity.

If our actions are, as indeterminists claim, no more than random intrusions into the causal scheme of things, how can we be any more responsible for them than if they were caused?

Science is NOT a philosphy.

The Hammer rang out the following;
"I Love My Fate" (i.e.,'amor fati').

If there were no slaves, what would the Masters be master of?

It is inherent in the will to power that there is strong will and weak will.

That is Necessity.

All life is interdependent; there are no independent elements which are not knotted and crocheted to other elements.

This does not mean that the all is therefore 'enslaved'; such thinking is equalitarian.

Master and Slave are in a web of Necessity.

Slaves are never useless.
I merely object to their conniving a way to leadership.
I believe in Order of Rank.
I believe in a hierarchy.
I believe that cultures come to fruition when their will to power is unleashed.

The Master is Master and the Slave is Slave by virtue of the Order of Rank.
The Order of Rank is Necessary [i.e., its opposite, equality, cannot exist].

Life is will to power; there is no equality; all is a mastering and being mastered; all is will - strong will and weak will.

"The universe is a monster of energy,without beginning or end ".[Nietzsche,WM,1067]

"The distinguishing sign of slavery is to have a price and be bought for it".[Ruskin]

It is not slavery which is being abolished today, but Aristocracy: the idea is to make ALL slaves today.

"You cannot abolish slavery by Act of Parliament, but can only abolish the name of it, which is very little".[Carlyle]

Political correctness=Naivety

Listen to the slave!
He likes to pretend that Buddhistic self-ANNIHILATION is 'self overcoming'!


A rogue's gallery of Degenerate Mongrels.

It is obvious that they regard Nietzsche as a pop psychologist with only solipsistic significance.
Despite Nietzsche writing extensively on politics and Culture, they choose a narrow, childish, interior, interpretation.

The fact that my own interpretation stands out in space and time eternally, while their vaporous interpretation flickers in and out with its own timid semi-presence, speaks volumes.

Life is Will to Power.
This war has brought the deadly fruits of knowledge into my grateful hands.

I praise the godlings of the planets and the stars; especially our own star, that unvanquishable Sun.

Life is will to power.

Philosophers of the Will to Power and the Superman will go on to make up the elite of free spirits out of which cadre will be produced the Masters of the Earth, and yes ... the Superman.

All of this should give you a lease of Joy!
For once your life will have a purpose!
To provide the soil and platform for the Master Race!

We are here amongst you already!

Masters like myself are BORN writers,BORN thinkers,BORN Commanders.

All Joy worth its salt devolves from harsh, hard, wicked, and prolonged Struggle.

Write your own Mein Kampf

How many of our utterences are completely 'original'?

It is a matter of respect that when we quote we give correct references.
Not only can this lead worthy people on to works, but gives the necessary context.
When dealing with works in translation it is even more imperative that proper references be given,as translations tend to we know.
Origin, like context is PART of meaning.
Quotes should only be used as an illustration of a point.
If you can't put the point in your own words, you don't deserve it.

Nietzsche is the most constructive of thinkers; he used the hammer to MAKE not just break.

All great thinkers in healthy epochs were close to the political process [eg. Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli].

"I have already reached my SERIOUS TOPIC, the 'European Problem' as I understand it,the rearing of a new ruling caste for Europe". [BGE,251]

At about the same time as BGE we find in the notebooks some background to the above;

"From now on there will be more favourable preconditions for more comprehensive forms of dominion,whose like has never yet existed.
And even this is not the most important thing;the possibility has been established for the production of international Racial unions whose task will be to rear a Master Race, the future 'Masters of the Earth';- a new tremendous aristocracy, based on the severest self-legislation, in which the will of philosophical men of power and artist tyrants will be made to endure for millennia - a higher kind of man who, thanks to the superiority in Will, knowledge and riches, and influence, employ democratic Europe as their most pliant and supple instrument for getting hold of the destinies of the earth, so as to work as artists upon 'man' himself.
Enough, the time is coming when politics will have a different meaning

If you assert the will to power and stamp Being on Becoming, you are a Superman.

The eternal war is between the strong and the weak.

How is it that the weak can sometimes triumph?

This fact is a great source of shame.

The reason is simple;the strong are few, the weak are many, the many too many.

At every stage of history we have been grossly out-numbered.

The strong face the eternal prospect of extinction, such is our Fate.

The weak rather face famine as their continual greed causes them to glut and strip their resources bear.
They have no fore-thought.
Only Promethean Masters can teach them that!

But the Master's need slaves, Hegel was right on that count at least.

Man is a tool using animal, and the Master needs the slave tool.

As a Commander I know the utter Necessity of Ruthlessness, even towards my self - but particularly towards the Slave.

Pity will be the down-fall of any Master Race.

I hereby vow to this journal, kept in the quiet between battles, that I shall be even Harder, ever more Cruel towards the superfluous ones, until once again, the distance between the Masters and the Slaves shall be as great as the distance between this earth and the next Galaxy.

Such is the goal of my final victory.

He thinks that the birth of a Judean trouble-maker is 'the beginning'!

When you widen the notion of 'God' to include the 'Big Bang' hypothesis, or Nietzsche's very different and eternal 'will to power', then you render it useless.

Vagueness may be a virtue in Mystical circles, but it will not do in philosophy [those who want to see Nietzsche's own acute philosophising should look into Book Three of 'The Will To Power',called 'Priciples of a New Evaluation'.]

God is described by philosophers [and the concept differs slightly from that of Theologians] as;
"A unique entity,in some or all respects perfect and absolute, whose existence can supply answers to fundamental questions in metaphysics and ethics. This is not necessarily the same as the religious concept of a personal being who ought to be worshipped, obeyed etc.," [Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy]

How anyone could read EITHER of these concepts into Nietzsche's philosophy is absolutely staggering in its stupidity and naivety.
Of course those that do are self-professed non-readers of Nietzsche.
The God-fanatics who know no shame will try any ruse to either calumniate,or appropriate Nietzsche.
In the latter case they say,'ah, Nietzsche was one of we believers, he just didn't know it!'.

Again,as Nietzsche said,'God is an objection to a thinker'.

Solution a la Nero.

You are frustration personified.

Expletives equal frustration,

I'd rather use the term servant: it doesn't have the indignant undertone of the word "slave" (and "no one lies as much as the indignant do"). A dignified English butler is a servant, but no slave: he gets well paid for his services. (A short time elapses. Suddenly an aphorism springs to mind.) "The nobility would like to think they are the middle ground between the king and his people. Yes, like the hound is the middle ground between the hunter and the hunt!" A hint for aristocratic radicalists .

As it is,I'm going to have to say; "kneel degenerate slave,I am your Eternal Torment".

Your pain is palpable.

This does not give those without discipline cate blanche to wallow in Nihilistic chaos.

Nietzsche addressed himself to those who understand the Necessity of Apollonian Ordering.

Order of Rank.
Only when YOU KNOW the rules can you disobey them.

Modernity knows only disobedience.
Modernity NEEDS to learn to OBEY.

If you want to free yourself from a yoke, show me that you are one who DESERVES to be free!

Few are made with strong Will.

The weak chaotic nihilists must be tyrannised by the Strong Will of Order.

And if they break on the Wheel of my Will? - So much the better!

When you steal my name you steal my soul,you murder my ancestors.

The eternal vengeance of the Norns will now be upon you.

You have created for yourself your own Niding Pole.

Rather Death than Dishonour.

Nietzsche says that the Athenian Nobility had the motto "We who are Truthful".
The commoners are typified by their tendency to wholesale falsehood.
Being a Slave is to exist in fasehood.

Being untruthful to oneself is another matter.This is not only bad taste,it is Bad Philosophy.



Of course, for me it is never Fascist enough!
The final triumph of Superfascism is THE FUTURE!

Oh, so God's back in his Universe too is he! he?

This 'we' & 'our' you advert is the "average person".

What have 'I' to do with such Herd animals!

Think of me as Heimdall.

What I teach is Flourishing,and Ascending.

Affirming all existence, even [and especially] that which is deemed most evil.

How could the disagregated debile wretches come on a journey like that?

I am a piece of fate.
Where are the real men, whose battle-sweat is philosophy itself?

Nietzsche lived on for another eleven years after his 'breakdown', nursed by his caring sister,having withdrawn from philosophy.

It is significant that he died in the year 1900.

I date this as 'year one' of my calender.

I believe that he died peacefully in his sleep,


Of Meaning
That sounds like the suicide note of an old actor.

I merely explain the meaning in music as deriving from the cultural reservoir of aural signs and symbols developed by the human race WITHIN CULTURE over thousands of years.
It means everything to me on that BASIS;I do not need to pull in a mathematical theorem to explain it from 'outside'.

All meaning is human meaning

If, say,there was a 'sect' of Europeans who were followers of Nietzsche, and I was, say, their high-priest ... what 'signs' would you give us to demonstrate this reincarnation of the Great Prophet Nietzsche?

Remember that 'we Europeans' are naturally sceptical;that our spiritual sense has been largely diminished,and that we have a Science that has demolished the 'truth-claims' of our religions, indeed,'God is Dead' for us.

How would you make any progress in such a nihilistic culture?

Homeric laughter ensues.
To try and bring your OWN experience to bear.

Of course you are no doubt one of those who does not DESERVE to speak for their 'self '.

A Slave without a Master,so common in today's 'democratic' miasma.

A cynical Slave-Master.
How much you must despise the non-politically-correct Nietzsche!

How the lava in your blood must boil over in slave-like resentment!

You have found yourself a Cross, Oh sufferer.

The 'will to life'?

I teach you the Will to Power.

The 'will to life' as a formula is a needless tautology.
The tag - 'to life' - adds nothing to the concept 'will'.
That's why Nietzsche arrived at the conception 'will to power';

"Only where there is life there is will; not however,'will to life',- but - such is my teaching - Will to Power!" [Nietzsche]

And let's not forget that God is not only Dead....
God was murdered.
And this God homicide will Recur Eternally.

The Noble IS criminal [as far as the mob are concerned].

Power is always admirable, but never likeable.

That the snivelling weaklings could even pretend to 'admire' me!

Irony [and therefore its appreciation] is not the possession of those with no culture.

But I am equal to no man. I'd rather be your hang-man.

The same voice was heard [herd?] in the Slave revolt in Rome,in the mobs of the French and Russian revolutions.
The same Commie filth that brays against all that is great,clean and Noble.

Of course the slaves despise the Masters,that is essential for the pathos of distance.

Do not despair, as the West becomes ever more Third-worlded, you will be able to live in blissful slavish squalor to your heart's content.

You will not even KNOW of we Master's.
Your delusion of equality will contiinue to be spoon-fed to you as a drug.

You sound as if you need some sedation.

Get to work, slave.

"Work is the best Policeman".[Nietzsche]
Genetic manipulation IS nature.

Perhaps a more considered choice over your own means of conception may have helped the world to be a little cleaner. As it is, due to DYSgenic means, filth like you have come into the world.

There is only one answer;'Camps'.
To think,I was preventing 'true genius' from 'expressing' itself!

More gales of Olympian laughter!!!

The child is NOT to be seen as a REGRESSION.

The child symbolises the 'Innocence of Becoming'.

Beware of taking things LITERALLY rather than SYMBOLICALLY.

Philosophical Matters
Nietzsche actually said that only he who has two thirds of his day free of work,[-and that meant free of all interruption from people and books],is not a slave.
Only such a one has the POSSIBILITY of being a thinker.

Wittgenstein however advised his students to take manual jobs;no doubt this would have sorted out those able to even begin on philosophy,from those with no prospect of making any progress in the discipline.
Wittgenstein also liked to go to movies to empty out his mind!

Today's universal haste and vapid mind-emptying 'entertainments' do not produce philosophers.
But then,with the universal acess to 'education', all order of rank in knowledge has been destroyed.

The philosophical caste must be bred over generations.

I remember speaking to a 'fellow' student, an African, who said he had got as far as Kant, but could get no further; he could not understand Kant!
This person, like the many too many was in a 'university'.

As Nietzsche said,one more generation or so of universal education, and Spirit itself will stink!

The subject of Kant in relation to Nietzsche.

There is an adage among philosophers that,'you can philosophise with Kant,or philosophise against him, but you cannot philosophise without him'.
There is much truth in this.

It is an understatement to say that Nietzsche was 'against' Kant, and the struggle between these two Titans of German Philosophy has much to teach us about Western Philosophy and our present societal predicament.

It is necessary therefore, if we want to do this discussion justice [and I am one of the few who do],to give some SUBSTANTIAL background to the Kantian philosophy [far more than the often misleading notes added by the recent translators of Nietzsche's books].

"I would repeat it a hundred times that 'immediate certainty',as well as 'absolute knowledge' and the 'thing in itself' involve a 'contradictio in adjecto' ". [Nietzsche,BGE,16]

Perhaps the best-known Kantian philosophical notion is the 'thing in itself',meant to distinguish an object as it is conceived to exist independently of any relation to a knowing subject,from that same object as something knowable by us. Kant contually runs into self-contradiction by introducing the 'thing in itself', while saying that it is impossible to know it. His argument, presumabley, is that its existence can be somehow 'deduced'.

Nietzsche,in section 2 of BGE had already recognised this as part of the falsity of antithetical values.In this case the antithesis is 'thing in itself/thing for ourselves'.

For Nietzsche;
"A 'thing in itself' is just as perverse as a 'sense in itself',a 'meaning in itself'.There are no 'facts in themselves',for a sense must always be projected into them before they can be 'facts' ".[WM,556]

But,"supposing there were an in-itself,an unconditioned thing,it would for that very reason be unknowable!
Something unconditioned cannot be known;otherwise it would not be unconditioned!
Coming to know means 'to place oneself in a conditional relation to something' ".[WM,555]

This is "the sore spot of Kant's critical philosophy;Kant no longer has a right to his distinction 'appearance' and 'thing in itself' ". [WM,553]
Such antitheses are to be seen as "superficial estimates,merely provisional perspectives".[BGE,2]

"The aim should be to prepare for a TRANSVALUATION OF ALL VALUES for a particularly strong kind of man,most highly gifted in intellect and will,and to this end slowly and cautiously to liberate in him a host of slandered instincts previously held in check".[Nietzsche,WM,957]

At the time that Nietzsche was writing,the Neokantians had effected a renaissance of the 'Critical Philosophy' under the slogan 'Back to Kant'.

This movement was the very antithesis to Nietzsche's project of the 'Philosophers of the Future' [the subtitle to 'Beyond Good and Evil' adverted their Philosophy].

The Nietzscheans would regard it as 'no small insult' to be told that 'philosophy itself is criticism and critical science-and nothing whatever besides!';
"This evaluation of philosophy may enjoy the applause of every positivist in France and Germany [-and it might possibly have flattered the heart and taste of KANT:one should recall the titles of his principal works]:
Our new philosophers will still say: critics are the philosopher's instruments and for that reason very far from being philosophers themselves!
Even the great Chinaman from Koenigsberg [Kant] was only a great critic". [Nietzsche,BGE,210]

Things are different for the 'Philosopher of the Future',whose "task itself demands that he CREATES VALUES".[ib.,211].

God,'Gut'in the original Germanic was neuter.
All devotees to the 'higher context' [or higher swindle as Nietzsche calls it] of Idealism lack intellectual integrity because THEY LIE ON PRINCIPLE!

Man creates his own meaning,out of his own experience;
As Nietzsche said,"God is a conjecture".

What is the 'reason' for a Beethovan Quartet?
And yet people find this music meaningful.

If you were to measure scientifically,and very reasonably, music's acoustic content;plotting it all out on a graph,in sound waves,would you have discovered its meaning?
No,I think not.For many,you would have obscured its meaning.

To say that the universe is forever within the context of reason, does not per se give it any meaning.Whether one can prove this hypothesis or not is irrelevant to the question of meaning.

It is the meaning that is here FIRST.You found meaning,like all of us,before you found reasons.Indeed,so inured to meaning are we that we find it hard to see reason.
You are merely looking for reasons to justify your sense of meaning:a classic move for those who fear losing their Faith.
That does not make your reasons meaningful, anymore than warrors who fight for peace are made peaceful because their cause is peace.

You find meaning in God.
You find justification for your God in reason.
But your reason is no more meaningful than your God is reasonable.

The Hellenic concept of theos has NOTHING IN COMMON with the Semitic;
"The Greeks did not see the Homeric gods as set above them as masters,or themselves set beneath the gods as servants, as the Jews did:they saw as it were,only the reflection of the most successful exemplars of their own Caste; that is to say an ideal,not an antithesis of their own nature. They felt inter-related to them,there existed a mutual interest, a kind of symmetry. Man thinks of himself as Noble when he bestows upon himself such gods,and places himself in a relationship to them such as exists between the lower Aristocracy and the higher". [Nietzsche,'Human',114]

Christianity is essentially NOT a 'Western' religion. It is a Middle Eastern Semitic/Oriental religion which conquered spiritually,and then materially,the dying culture of decadent Rome.

That such a Slave religion [Thou Shalt have no other God but me; Thou Shalt obey my Commandments, or else etc.] was then inflicted on the West, is something of a World-Historical Tragedy.

Nietzsche's project is to return to the Hellenic, Pagan, Aristocratic culture of Europa;that is the true 'West'.
Christianity belongs to the 'East'.

"It is a curious thing that God learned Greek when he wished to turn author-and that he did not learn it better".[Nietzsche,BGE,121]

Nihilism resides in the Semitic,Slave notion of God.

The conceptions of God all have one thing in common;
He is constant,He is fixed, He is unchanging, He is PERFECT.

In all Oriental/Semitic concepts, God is NOT a process.
Also His Creation is once and for all,there is no evolution.

The Perfect God has lost the argument;
However there are those who,while having to accept Physics,still cling to their God;whatever new theory in Physics comes along,they will label it 'God'.


And this would bring up the nature of belief.
Is it,as the etymology of the word suggests [and therefore a preChristian view as the word dates prior to the Christianisation of Europe],a 'holding dear',i.e.,an esteeming;or is it,as in the Christian revaluation,a holding to be true,and by extension,a having faith in.
I see a belief which cherishes excellence as in Hellenism profoundly Nietzschean.
A belief that says my God right or wrong,a belief which holds that my God is my judger,my master...THAT I utterly reject.
A non-subjective aspect of experience?
How is this 'experience' of 'God'.

Nietzsche was critical of the whole concept 'cause'.
Much of Nietzsche's philosophical thinking is comparable to positions in modern physics,and like modern physics,his Will To Power eschews giving any 'meaning' to the universe.

'God' [even pagan 'gods'] is a token of meaning.
Those that want to label WTP 'God',or Apollo/Dionysos/Thor/Hecate etc.,are merely showing their craving for meaning.

The point is that the WTP is NOT an entity [we have the lies of grammar to thank for it seeming to be so-another Nietzschean concept],nor is it an agent of meaning.

The message is,'if you want meaning,do not look for it in the WTP-do not FOIST it on the WTP!'

This is not to say that there are no moves towards meaning in Nietzsche's philosophy - of course there are.
Such moves reside in the Eternal Return and the Superman.
And that is typical of Nietzsche;he gives meaning in those areas so difficult for those laden with the God concept to follow.

The Will To Power is not a 'thing in itself'; Nietzsche expressly said that there CANNOT be any isolated judgments.

The purely Judaeo-Christian concept of God and the [Holy] Spirit - it is nonsense to equate it with 'The Will To Power'.
The WTP is more like a process.

"Now that faith in God is dead,the question arises once more,'Who speaks in this God?'; My answer,taken from biology,not metaphysics,is 'the Herd-instinct speaks' ". [Nietzsche,WM,275]

The concept that life is an organic totality is not the sole preserve of Hegel,or Nietzsche or Chaos theory etc.,.

What we deduce from such a concept is what makes our differing perspectives.

Hegel was right "at least" to see life as an organic totality,just as Lovelock with his Gaia theory sees it that way, but that is where the similarity ends [hence the 'at least'].

If one looks back for example to 5th century BC Greece,one sees a 'transhumanism'.
Emerging from the formalised dogmatic static societies of the Near and Middle East was something unfathomably new;
Art that not only represented things as they are,in all their truth,but elevating them,pointing to a future transhumanity.
Philosophy was born;Science was born.
All that done by a small elite of slave-owners.

Of course that example reminds us that transhumanism is a wave that ebbs and floods, but it leaves monuments to its superiority on the shore for future ages.

A period of sub-humanity followed,when once again the Noble Romans set up a transhumanist society - that too ebbed and flood. Likewise in the Italian Rennaisance, a few hundred Noble families created another glory of transhumanity.

But just as transhumanity leaves behind its wreackage, then so does subhumanity.
The mass of slaves always outnumber the Masters.
Today,the sheer weight of subhumanity threatens to drag all Noble things down.
Look at the persistence of the Slave Religions;look at the way they have transmogrified into political ideologies.
Look at the overwhelming power of the money-changers.
Look at the way 'industry' has overwhelmed all art.
I mean the way that every cultural expression is surrounded by a Mass of parasites who have made themselves into a necessary facilitator.How can one imagine the Athenian playwrights, all encountering each other in contest,existing today; how can one imagine a Shakespeare, writing, acting and organising his small troup in today's overwrought media age of plebian hangers on. 'Industry' has squeezed the artist bone dry,and made art impossible.
When one sees Jew and Moslem, Catholoic and Protestant etc. etc., ever intent on furthering their slavish doctrines, one realises the pernicious life left in the slave's rule of perversion.

All of this is the heavy cloud from out of which the lightning of the Superman strikes.
And strike he must just as he did in Greece,in Rome,in Italy,in England and in Germany.

We have the means to transcend man once more.
I feel that 'transhumanism' is a fairly colourless doctrine,and really superfluous to a Nietzschean.


Logic and mathematics are of a kind; they are NOT a 'world view'.

The great mathematical philosopher Wittgenstein came to a similar conclusion as the mathematically trained Bertrand Russell;'Mathematical Logic has nothing to do with Philosophy'.
They realised that they had persued a false trail.
Briefly, even if 'logic' WAS a description of the universe [and I doubt it],it would not be an 'explanation';it would not be 'meaningful' in any sense,other than to say that the universe was 'logical'.

While Christianity IS an attempt to find meaning,science is [or should be] only an attempt to describe the world of phenomena.
Science does not provide meaning,nor should it.

As Nietzsche wrote,'you can no more refute a Xtian than you can refute bad eyesight!'

Plato in the Rupublic,knew that separate castes must be bred up.
Only then will Philosophers rule.

Yes,he who possesses much,is much the more possessed.

The Spartans offer a good model of a Master Race in simplicity.

Of course the Spartans forbid usury,so the possibility of luxury goods was out of the question.

I am profoundly suspicious of this 'Ayn Rand'.
This is not because,as some may think,because she was a Woman and a Jewess.
It is rather because her work strikes in me a note of chill whenever I attempt to read it.
How can anyone think that 'objectivism' is a possibility [there are no Kantian 'things-in-themselves' to be objective about; all is knotted and intertwined]-and even more so,a desideratum?

As a Nietzschean [i.e.,somebody well-read and grounded in Nietzsche] I find her work shallow in comparison.
She may inspire businessmen and so on,but she lacks any philosophical spirit,any spirit per se.
A philosopheress for feminised economists.

The reason for Nietzsche's great disgust was due to the fact that the Slave returns,Eternally.

The Slave is Necessary because ALL is Necessity.

All things are knotted and crocheted together.

It is self-delusion to think otherwise,
It is Nihilism to think otherwise.

How strange that human beings should think that their minds work in a similar way to how the universe 'works'!
How novel!

Did I hear anyone say 'anthropocentric'?

No,surely not!

We are actually in the throes of producing a world-wide Slave plantation.

Conspiracy theorists are right about this, but they are wrong to resist it.That attitude demonstrates slave resentment.

What the will to power is engineering is the most universal slave substrata to be used as a platform for the coming Master Race.
Plato rightly said that,"the eye cannot see itself".

Likewise,the Nihilist cannot recognise his own afliction.

He stops at the critique of [traditional] truth.
He thinks that there is only one type of [universal] truth which,he has rightly declared to be invalid .

THAT is the nihilist's PERSPECTIVE.
It is a Slave's perspective.
No creature is as nihilistic as the Slave.

The Master's perspective differs profoundly.
It is a creating perspective which rises above iconoclasm,deconstruction etc.
It is typified by Nietzsche's ACTUAL philosophy.

So,in his philosophy,Nietzsche offers the following 'Truths';

'Life is will to power'.

'All things must of necessity,recur eternally in the same configuration'.

'Man will be superseded by the Superman'.

And so on.

One must be bred for these truths.
Few are.

The many are bred only for blind belief in either the dogmas of the day,or the nihilistic rabblement.

A Philosophy must be able to RULE!

How can you be a Nietzschean without being a musician?

The quote by Blake against money is vitally important;
We hear much today about 'dropping the debt'.We also hear the counter-argument that corrupt third world leaders siphon-off aid anyway,so their people would never benefit whether the debt was dropped or not etc.
But all of this,corrupt leaders and plutocrats et al.,is due to the practice of usury.
Usury [basically the banking practice of interest bearing debt] is the corrupter.

The great poet Ezra Pound wrote felt that one could discern the amount of usury in a culture by its effect on the Art of that culture.The more usury,the more degenerate the Art.He wrote;

With Usura

With usura hath no man a house of good stone
each block cut smooth and well fitting
that design might cover their face,
with usura
hath no man a painted paradise on his church wall
'harpes et luthes'
or where virgin receiveth message
and halo projects from incision,
with usura
seeth no man Gonzaga his heirs and his concubines
no picture is made to endure nor to live with
but is made to endure nor to live with
but it is made to sell and sell quickly
with usura,sin against nature,is thy bread ever more of stale rags
is thy bread dry as paper,with no mountain wheat,no strong flour
with usura the line grows thick
with usura is no clear demarcation
and no man can find stone for his dwelling.
[See Pound's Cantos,number XLV,for the full poem]

To Pound Usury corrupts 'line' itself [think of the line in art-eg.,Durer;or else a musical line in melody,the line of contour in sculpture-even a line of thought in Philosophy].

Hitler's S.S. were the reintroduction of Elitism into Europe.
Fascism challenged the rule of Usury [basically the enforcement of interest bearing debt],hence the war of the Plutocrats [your beloved Uncle Sam] against the Axis...and this war CONTINUES [it's called 'making the world SAFE for Democracy']

"In the Reich Shakespeare's stock was steadily rising.In 1934,the first year the s fully controlled the choice of plays,235 theatres in Germany opened with new Shakespeare productions.Three years later the figure stood at 320.
In 1936 it was noted that there had been that year more productions of Shakespearean plays in Germany than in the rest of the world put together.
A year later,a special Shakespeare festival was put on for the Hitler youth in the presence of Rudolph Hess". [History Today,May 1997]

When certain elements in the party tried to impose a ban on Shakespeare during the War, Hitler personally intervened to lift it.

The Jewish feminist writer Susan Sontag said that the "Leni Riefenstahl is the one woman who made films that everybody acknowledges to be first rate".
Check out Leni's films of the 1930's like 'Olympia' and 'The Triumph of the Will'.

The Expressionist painter Emil Nolde was a card carrying ,as was one of the greatest philosophers of the 20th century,Martin Heidegger.
Other Fascist supporting artists and intellectuals during this period were;
Ezra Pound, T.S.Eliot, Wyndham Lewis, Knut Hamsun, Celine, Spengler, Roy Campbell,D'Annunzio, the Futurist Movement, Henry Williamson,etc.

In his introduction to Hitler's Table Talk,the British establishment historian Hugh Trevor-Roper said of The Fuhrer;
"We know from his secretary that Hitler could quote Schopenhauer by the page;and the other German philosopher of will power, Nietzsche, whose work he presented to Mussolini, was also often on his lips".

Hitler said in the Table Talk;
"There is no greater privilege in my view, than to play the part of a patron of the arts or the sciences".

Necessity means that which MUST happen.

You must WILL your Necessity.

Nihilists are those who Necessarily will their DECLINE.
You provide a text-book example of the self-deluded nihilist,
For that,I thank you!

Only the Higher man knows true disgust.

How can I even talk to such canaille?

Rediscover the Aryan Homelands, my children;
In Hyperborea,beyond the Northern winds.

I come from the land of the ice, of the snow, and of the midnight sun;
Driven by the Hammer of the Gods.

The further shores that WE seek for our children are beyond the Earth and lie in Space;
On the Planets of our Solar system,and on,ever further;
The Sun is the God that must one-day die!

We ride our Ships, to new lands, we fight the hordes, we sing and dance;
We Are Your Overlords.

My doctrine is Esoteric,it is for the few; you cannot gain entrance to THIS Temple!

Thank you for the compliment of comparing me to the great Adolf Hitler!
The cult of the good healthy body is always paramount in high culture.
Look at the sculpture of ancient Greece,and the Italian Renaissance.
Look also at the work of sculptors like Arno Breker during the Third Reich period.


I live in a country with Stonehenge,Westminster Abbey,Shakespeare's Stratford,Edinburgh Castle and the British Library reading room.

In our Monarchy runs the blood of Alfred the Great and the ancient Saxon kings;that is their legitimation.

ALL history is from a particular perspective.

Nietzsche's poetry

'Word-weldings' are very common in the archaic Old English;
If you think of the Dithyrambs as being sung to the self,then compare Old English poems like 'The Seafarer'.
The sort of treatment given to that poem in Ezra Pound's translation of it,has what I would call 'the grand style'.
End rhymes were not used in Old English or other Early Germanic poetry;alliteration and assonance was rather explored.

There can be something [tragi] comic in the archaising versions-but then Thus Spake Zarathustra WAS meant to be something of a pastiche [but not only a pastiche];by leaving out the archaic flavour Nietzsche becomes merely 'modern'.

I would aver that Gray's translation of Zwischen Raubvogeln,'Amongst Birds of Prey' is closer to the original;

Wer hier hinabwell Here,who will go down,
Wie schnell How swift
schluckt den die Tiefe! The deeps ingulf him!
-Aber du,Zarathustra, -Whilst thou Zarathustra,
liebst den Abgrund noch, Still lovest the abyss,
thust der Tanne es gleich?- Lov'st it like the Pine-tree?-

I can't help feeling that in the Dionysian Dithyramb we have the song sung at the Festival,the Bacchanal,the Feast of Feasts;

We keep our Feast of Feasts,sure of our bourne,
Our aims self-same:
The Guest of Guests,friend Zarathustra,came!
The world now laughs,the grisly veil was torn,
And Light and Dark were one that wedding morn.

Last stanza of 'From the Heights',epode to 'Beyond Good and Evil',from the old Zimmern translation.

Blake was a great poet and an excellent painter,naturally.

He does not provide a counter-example of a great poet who was also a great philosopher.

In fact he wasn't a philosopher at all;he was at most 'philosophical'.

His adherence to [an admittedly radicalised reading] of the Bible,preclude his entrance into the hall of Nietzschean philosophy.

Nietzsche himself was NOT a great poet;He WAS a great Philosopher.

Blake was philosophical,he was also theological,but he was NO philosopher-but he WAS a Genius poet.

A Mess of Shadows

A thousand candles together blaze with intense brightness.
No one candle's light damages another's.
So is the liberty of the individual in the ideal and fascist state
{Ezra Pound,'Fascio',Rome 1942]

"On the misunderstanding of 'cheerfulness':it is rather a temporary relief from a protracted tension;the higher spirits,the Saturnalia of a spirit that is dedicating and preparing itself for protracted and terrible decisions".[Nietzsche,WM,991]

"Does this simply mean a revival of the movement?In our view it does not;the best minds in that movement have passed beyond their pre-war conception.They have joined with other European minds in the birth of a new European idea.That idea is not national but European;it has passed beyond the old nationalism".
[Sir Oswald Mosely,1953]

"The idea is not achieved until it goes into action.The idea is not completed by the word.It is completed by going into action.The idea that does not go into action is a truncated idea.It lacks an essential part.
This does not mean,of course,that it has to go into action half an hour after it's born".[Pound,ib.]

"The generations which follow will no doubt accept without comment the unification of Europe which we are about to accomplish".[Adolf Hitler,1942]

"Who denies his great-grandfather would deny his race". [Pound,ib.]

By the end of the second war against Europe [1939-1945],Heidegger's tone had changed,although he continued his dialogue with Nietzsche's thought for the rest of his life.
In a letter of 1967 to the writer Ernst Junger,he wrote that it was,
"Nietzsche in whose light and shadow all of us today are thinking".

Post-war,Heidegger withdrew and embarked on what some have called his 'inner migration'.The language of 'dominion' gave way to that of 'custodianship' and 'conservation'.

To be a Guardian of Being,rather than a Master of the Earth.

A re-leasement of the will and the cultivation of a poetic dwelling for Being was maintained.

Shortly after the war,Heidegger wrote of the,
"Universal rule of will to power,within history,now understood to embrace the planet.Today everything stands in this historical reality,no matter whether it is called Communism,or Fascism,or World Democracy.This reality of the will to power can be expressed with Nietzsche in the proposition,'God is dead' ".

Within this temporary abyss where 'conservation' seems as doomed to failure as insurrection,Heidegger kept open the near vacant temples of Aryan culture,awaiting the return of the Pagan gods.
For the will does not stop willing;it either wills up and out,or it wills down and in.
And it is at those 'Moments' of inwardness when,in a Faustian people,the sleeping volcano will erupt.

"The stillest words bring the storm".-Zarathustra

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The Zarathustra Reich will not occur for a few centuries hence due to the sheer weight of slave misrule.
However,when it does finally come it will have the richest subsoil of underhumanity to drive its roots into ever known.
It will hold off the next slave revolt for thousands of years after its implementation.
Not only that,the Zarathustra Reich will engineer a Super race that will not be pulled back into the mass of subhumanity.
This Super race will,after the inevitable fall of the Reich,wander the Solare System as outcasts.
But then all this has recurred before,eternally.

It is obvious that Hegel's 'logic' is peculiar to Hegel [and his logic was notoriously bad]; why should an organic view of life make you follow Hegel anymore than Lovelock?

To me politics and culture are indissolubly intertwined.

Try and think in a 'non-Human' way....You can't? ...

'Luck' is impossible to a Nietzschean,hence the concepts of Necessity,Destiny and Amor Fati.

You Will your own Destiny.

Ecce Homo, subtitle-'How One Becomes What One Is'.
A Pox on this so-called 'Nordau'
Max Nordau,whose magnum opus of 1892,'Degeneration'devoted a chapter to the then still living Nietzsche.
Of Nietzsche's 'style',Nordau wrote;
"From the first to the last page of Nietzsche's writings the careful reader seems to hear a madman,with flashing eyes,wild gestures,and foaming mouth,spouting forth deafening bombast;and through it all,now breaking out into frenzied laughter,now sputtering expressions of filthy abuse and invective".[Nordau,Chapter V,pages 415-472]

Nordau also wrote;
"Nietzsche's literary style is always the same crack-brained disconnected sallies,prose and doggerel mixed...The very incoherence of his language is regarded by his admirers as a special merit".[ib.]


It is not Schopenhauer's 'Will' either, which Nietzsche criticised as a mere fabrication.

The WTP is not a man,even one as talented as Richard Wagner.

All of these comparisons,like that of God, make the mistake of thinking that the WTP is an entity.
It is not.
The WTP describes the nature of life itself,in its process of Becoming.
It cannot be reified as anything, even an ethereal anything like 'spirit'.
Unfortunately language makes a thing of everything it touches, so we must bear in mind that 'the' WTP is NOT a 'thing'.

"The universe is a monster of energy,without beginning or end". [Nietzsche,WM,1067]

You understand God alright,but the WTP eludes you.: -Is the Will To Power the same as,or a substitute for,'God'?

Whether we have different concepts of God or 'gods' is irrelevant.

The WTP is a description of how the world is.
It is therefore closer to the concept of 'Force' in Physics.

So the issue is,
1.What is the WTP?
2.Is the WTP comparable with God [ANY concept of god!]

So the WTP is not comparable to ANY God concept.
It is not comparable even with Dionysos!

The WTP does not give 'meaning' to life.
The WTP is not a religion, or even a metaphysics.

Those functions are fulfilled by the Eternal Recurrence of the Same'.
What Nietzsche calls 'spirit' he clearly defines as being an EXPRESSION of the WTP.
Your 'God' is a PRODUCT of the WTP.

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