1. | (esp. in ancient Greece) an utterance, often ambiguous or obscure, given by a priest or priestess at a shrine as the response of a god to an inquiry. |
2. | the agency or medium giving such responses. |
3. | a shrine or place at which such responses were given: the oracle of Apollo at Delphi. |
4. | a person who delivers authoritative, wise, or highly regarded and influential pronouncements. |
5. | a divine communication or revelation. |
6. | any person or thing serving as an agency of divine communication. |
7. | any utterance made or received as authoritative, extremely wise, or infallible. |
8. | oracles, the Scriptures. |
9. | the holy of holies of the Temple built by Solomon in Jerusalem. I Kings 6:16, 19–23. |
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