We alone know these secrets!
"In the beginning,images;then words;finally concepts". [Nietzsche,WM,506]
Language groups of the Aryan [Proto-Indo-European] family;Hellenic-Italic-Albanian-Tocharian-Germanic-Armenian-Balto/Slavic-Celtic-Anatolian-Indo/Iranian.
For me,the concept 'Aryan' is what I would imagine 'Semitic' would be to another। I see the Aryan as running the gamut of the linguistic,historical,cultural,political,scientific,ethical,ethnical,religious,philosophical,and spiritual, aspects of life.
Like the circle of the eternal return it is inexhaustible.
'Aryan' names the seed from which The Veda,The Zend-Avesta, the Homeric Greek grew; the root from which the Latin,the Celtic and the Germanic diverged and flourished.
The Aryan speaks of our passing from the realm of pure instinct to type-giving form;the articulation of primordial images.
In the post-'World'-War Two period,the term Aryan [i.e.,'noble'] has become deemed 'politically incorrect' by the ascendant mediocrity, and is usually therefore replaced by the phrase 'Indo-European'- in itself a dry term without resonance.
I seek here to regain the pith and the juice of our Aryan culture.
Hail the Sun!No doubt the slaves will make the shameful assertion that there is 'no such thing' as Aryan.
Such crudities are beneath my contempt.
I shall rather start a new movement for other Aryans and not for slave Chandala.
I shall call it Aryanosophy.
Needless to say all of the astoundingly stupid points made by the traditional enemy of the truth will be dealt with in Grand Style.
Hail Victory!
Why o why is it perfectly legitimate to talk of the Semitic peoples as a cultural ethnos [or 'physiotype'],and yet NOT legitimate to refer to the Aryan peoples in the same way?
Is the Bible a greater,more factual document than the Vedas?
This all strikes me as Semitic-centric,with a sinister component.Is the intention to deny an ethnos,to exterminate a culture?
For as long as peoples proudly proclaim themselves Semites,Ethiopeans,Ameri-Indians etc.,then I will call myself an Aryan,and proudly own the culture unique to Aryans.
Of course they hate Aryan culture,- that is perfectly natural for you they will say that my conception of the Aryan is 'narrow'; read it again fools,it establishes the broadest canvas on which I am now going to paint in the finest details.
And you and your kind are going to HATE every word I write!
To Valhalla!
"Without Myth,every culture loses its healthy creative power". [Nietzsche,BT,28]
I assume that the Aryans were a numerically small ethnos,whose military superiority allowed them to impress an Order of Rank on amorphous 'human' societies.That hierarchical structure would then provide the scaffolding on which a higher culture could flourish;
"We find the old Indian society of the Vedic period divided,first of all,into two classes;the Aryas or nobles born,and the Sudras,the servants or slaves.
"Secondly,we find that the Aryas consist of Brahmanas,the spiritual nobility,the Kshatriyas of Raganyas,the military nobility,and the Vaisyas,the citizens". [Muller,'Philosophy and Religion']
So within the Aryas,we see a typically Indo-European tri-partite division,and below them,at this early stage,the undifferentiated mass of slaves,the Sudras;
"The Sudras were prohibited from knowing the Veda". [ib.]
The Vedas being the sacred books of the ancient Aryans-would that today's Sudras were prohibited from reading Zarathustra!
We are,of course,talking here not only of a type-forming culture,but also of a Master-Race.
"Have you understood me? Dionysos vs. Christ!". [nietzsche,EH,'Destiny',8]
Our Aryan religion is first recorded in the Vedas;
"The historical phase of Vedism or Vedic religion is usually taken to extend from about 1,500 B.C. until about 500 B.C.
It was ushered in by the arrival of semi-nomadic Aryan tribes,who,by conquest and by settlement and assimilation,spread during these centuries across North India.The Aryans were that branch of the Indo-European peoples who moved down into Iran and Afghanistan and then into India.
What is known of their religion when they were in India derives mainly from the Veda,a remarkable corpus of religious literature which displays a considerable evolution of religious attitudes throughout the period". 'The Handbook of Living Religions',ed.Hinnells,Penguin]
The extent of Aryan religious writing is prodigious;
"The principal literary doents of Aryan religion are;The Veda;The Avesta [sacred book of the followers of Zarathustra];the Homeric poems;and the religious and mythological traditions preserved to us in the later literatures of Rome and Germany". [Muller,'Anthropological Religion']
The caste system which evolved out of the Aryan Vedic culture was laid down in 'The Lawbook of Manu';
"He should take pleasure only in the truth,religion,occupations proper for an Aryan,and purification". [Laws of Manu,4:175]
Nietzsche had high esteem for this document;
"The Laws of Manu--this absolutely Aryan achievement,a priestly codex based on the Vedas,the system of Castes". [Nietzsche,letter to Gast,May 31,1888]
Nietzsche had no illusions about the meaning of Caste;
Aryanosophy & Race
The 'scientific' approach is self-defeating, because it either;
i) means we have to follow wherever science leads [and that could mean being led against racial nationalism], or
ii) we have to use science as a way of justifying our prejudices, which is not scientific.
Also, the DNA approach has nothing of the 'Spirit' about it to inspire much-needed Heroism.
So while a scientific approach may help us to 'classify', it does not help us to become Classical, and a purely scientific approach means that we have to discard the 'Aryan' category, because it is not a scientific classification.
Scientism leads to a gathering SCEPTICISM about the importance of Race [ethnicity also being a weaker term for race].
I say this; Race with us, MUST BE A PREJUDICE.
Race must be a matter of Faith.
To an Aryanosophist, Race is of Primary Importance whether supported by science or not.
Race is not purely a scientific concept. It is also a Spiritual/Cultural/Biological concept ... at least."The materialistic race-thinking of the 19th century had particularly heavy consequences for Europe ...
Old-fashioned racial theories ... must be destroyed ".
[Imperium, page 274]
Varange believes in a spritual conception of Race, but says;"Races cannot be classified, other than arbitrarily.
The materialistic 19th century produced several classifications of this arbitrary kind.
The only characteristics used were, of course, purely material ones. Thus, skull-form was the basis of one, hair and speech type of another, nose-shape and pigmentation of another.
This was at best mere group anatomy, but did not approach race".
[ib., page 277]"Race is NOT group anatomy;
Race is NOT independent of the soil;
Race is NOT independent of Spirit and History;
Races are NOT classifiable, except on an arbitrary basis;
Race is NOT a rigid, permanent, collective characterization of human beings, which remains always the same throughout history".
[Imperium, U.Varange p.282]
And that is the main mistake of race-science - it pretends that races are 'fixed' - Race is FLUID!
So the model we can use for Aryanism cannot be physical or taxonomic; it MUST be cultural; it refers to that culture which spread throughout Asia, Eurasia and Europa. It's self-designation is 'Aryan', which adverts to its own sense of Nobility.
To quote Imperium;
"Names belong to the SURFACE of history, not to its rhythmic, Cosmic side. If the present day inhabitants of Greece have the same collective NAME that the population of the same area had in Aristotle's time, is anyone deceived into thinking that there is historical continuity? Or racial continuity? Names, like language, have their own destinies, and these destinies are independent of others".
{Imperium, U.Varange p.282]
It takes the kind of fluid, Spiritual thinking shown by Varange [a.k.a. Yockey] in his Imperium to make a Racial Movement of the Future.
Let Imperium speak;
"Race is a horizontal differentiation of men.
The materialism of the 19th century, confusing race with anatomy, regarded Race as a vertical differentiation of men.
It was abstracted - away from reality - and started from the will to systematize".
[Imperium, U.Varange p.300]
Culture/nations CREATE Race, not the other way around;
"Whoever introduces racial theories of materialistic provenance, whether in the name of 'tolerance', which means we should abandon our instincts, or in the name of 'racial purity', which means we should abandon our Cultural unity, is prolonging the crisis and division of the West".
[Imperium, U.Varange, page 315]
The Necessity of Aryanosophy.
1) I recognise the necessity of Race Solidarity.
This is necessary for the existential value of Race as such.
Racial differentiation is a necessary result of Life's evolutionary diversification.
Races then, are in competition for finite resources; solidarity is necessary for survival in the struggle that is Life.
This solidarity can be best achieved by some political/fighting unit, the Nation-State being the best known.
Survival is a necessity.
2) From this it is self-evident that there should be a striving for homogeneity within the National/Race unit.
However, this must be allied to an ascending and an evolving project. If the Race project is completely inward, then it faces the dangers of extinction.
Therefore the Nation/Race project is an Imperium [i.e., it is expansive, not static and definitely not reductive].
3) The Race must be seen in the broadest sense as Aryan; this is a necessity which follows from the above.
Obviously, non-Aryans cannot become Aryan - nor is it desirable that they should try!
So the philosophic standpoint tells us that a Aryan Nation is a Necessity for all Aryans.
This philosophically justifies a broad 'Aryan Only' National policy.
Such a policy would be a spur to improving birth-rates of Aryans world-wide [see the need for expansion in point 2) above].
This is the very basics from which to build.
The Necessity of Superhumanity.
It is a given that Life is an evolutionary [but cyclic] phenomenon, and that the divergent Races are a Necessary product of such Life processes.
Races which strive for superhumanity are those which fulfill Life's Necessity.
Such Races are searching for excellence; we call them Noble, or Aryan.
Because Races attain differing levels of evolution/devolution, there is Necessarily an Order of Rank in Life.
The Aryan Race then is a necessity in the Rank Ordering of Life.
The Higher Race must rise and rule over the rest, creating Order out of Chaos.
2) The Will to Race Purity derives from the above Order of Rank.
However, as Nietzsche says, the superhuman is not a narrow stream, but an ocean.
By the principle of expansion [i.e., Imperium], the Aryan cannot restrict his to Race to the extent of becoming thoroughly in-bred.
So the Aryan must keep open the channels to receive healthy rivers into his ocean; fresh, quality Blood must come in to revivfy the Aryan.
Blood is a Fluid, but the Aryan is Eternal.
On Christianity in relation to Aryanosophy.
First I will say that 'my side' is based on two things;
1) Respect for Western Traditions in general, and
2) Respect for the Western Philosophical Tradition.
I then try to apply 2) to the body of 1).
There are those who say that Christinaity is purely a 'Jewish construct'; I am always suspicious of phrases like "Jewish construct", because the Jews have been very unconstructive in the main.
The Jewish banning of Godly images [see the Commandments] is NOT reflected in Christianty, which was in the main CONSTRUCTED by the Roman (Aryan) genius of organisation, not by the Jews.
Without the Roman Empire, the Christian Faith would have gone the way of many other cults which superfetated around the turn of the first millennium.
It was Aryan organisation (Rome), Aryan philosophy [Platonism] and Aryan Culture in general which made Christianity.
So, as a 'construct', Christianity is Aryan.
Here we may refer to Hitler's claim that the Jews are not a creative Race.
Like it or not, suitable or not, Christianity is an important part of Western Culture; and it has been so for nigh-on 2,000 years - and it is still so today.
We are entangled with it, we are immersed in it. We have helped to create it, as it has created us.
Our Aryan artists created under its influence: how do you countenance painters and sculptors like della Francesca, Botticelli, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Canova, Raphael, Carravagio, Durer, Rembrandt, the Pre-Raphaelites?
All of these were inspired by Christianity, and portrayed Biblical themes.
What of a great musician like J.S.Bach who devoted every note to his Holy God?
And works of literature like Milton's Paradise Lost and Novalis' Hymns to the Night?
How do you appreciate these Aryan works without being aware of their Christian context?
Aryan Christianity is a matter of 'facticity', not 'suitability'. There has always been a strong Christian current passing though Western Culture since the late Roman Empire, so that even someone like Nietzsche came from a long line of Churchmen on BOTH sides of his family. When he wrote his Zarathustra, he naturally used Biblical pastiche; and how many modern readers of Zarathustra miss all those Biblical resonances?
I say then, that the Christian aspect of Aryan culture is inescapable. The Christian element always finds its way to re-assert itself, especially in those who seek to extirpate it [cf. the atheist experiment in Soviet Russia].
All literalism leaves itself open to rational attack, whether it be Bible literalism, or Racial literalism.
There is always a strain of stupidity in Faith [so yes, there are contradictions and idiocies in the Bible]; but there is also great strength in Faith.
I even feel that mankind NEEDS Faith of some kind - he would rather have Faith in Nothing, then to doubt everything.
So I say, better to have Faith in something that sustains and furthers us, rather than to have Faith in Nothingness - a wretched Nihilism.
I agree with Nietzsche that the Old Testament and the New Testament are irreconcilable; but believers are able to explain away anything!
Nietzsche affects to prefer the Old Testament, with its vile jealous God and its rampaging, genocidal Jews ... but that could be irony at work.
My knowledge of movements such as Gnosticism and the Cathars/Albigensians comes mainly from two divergent sources; Hillaire Belloc and Alfred Rosenberg.
Belloc compares such heresies to Nationalism and fascism.
Rosenberg thinks that they display Aryan traits and are therefore worth learning from, if we can only get beyond the Xtian orthodox anti-heresy propaganda.
C.G.Jung's studies of Gnosticism make similar points.
So those movements are all grist to the Aryan mill.
Nietzsche's philosophy is grounded in the TENSION between Semite and Aryan - a tension that remains quite deliberately unresolved.
He formulated this variously. For example;
"Judea vs. Rome, Rome vs. Judea".
To Nietzsche the pagan Romans were Aryans par excellence, and the Jews their eternal enemy.
But Nietzsche recognises this eternal enmity as Necessary for Life. To that end he made the standpoint clear when he talked of his ultimate desire for the;
"Christ-Souled Roman Caesar".
And it is this synthesis that is CENTRAL to Fascism/National Socialism.
When Nietzsche writes of Dionysos vs. Christ he is talking of this ongoing struggle within Aryan Culture. Indeed, Dionysos and Christ can be seen as polarites of the same thing - the virgin born resurrecting God.
On Racialism.
Europe is, and has always been, a fluid sub-racial blend - going back to the last Ice Age.
The strongest Europeans have been those of a successful sub-racial BLEND.
Tacitus was writing the first century AD, describes the Germania as having RED hair, not blond.
The last Ice Age in Europe was around 10, 000 years ago!
Europe was occupied THEN by humans.
The Aryan diaspora out of Asia occurs much later in the 2nd millennium BC [around only 4, 000 years ago].
The evidence from linguistics shows that only some 4, 000 years ago the Aryans were a COHERENT GROUP.
They spread out due to population growth and their invention of the war chariot.
This enabled them to conquer other areas as they spread out from their Aryan homeland in the region of the Russian steppes.
As they branched out, then their languages and cultures became more distinct from each other, but still very close.
If you look on the Indo-European language thread somewhere on this forum you will see how close the Aryan languages are.
In a prehistoric period with scant communications this can only be due to the Aryan peoples being RECENTLY descended from a single group.
Now, migrating into Europe [and other places] in successive waves around 4, 000 years ago, they would have met an indigenous European population who had already been in Europe for over 6, 000 years PRIOR!
That is what we call the pre-Aryan population; European culture is the result of the HYBRIDATION of those two [Old European and Aryan] cultures.
This is symbolised in the Norse Sagas; the Aryan Aesir are from Asia way, and the Vanir are native Old European.
So the Aryans were cohesive to begin with [containing the seeds of Nordic/Mediterranean/Baltic/Alpine etc.,], and then, once in Europe they blended with the pre-Aryan stocks already here [symbolised by marriage between Aesir and Vanir].
Hitler was not the madman of Jewish propaganda; he was rather a cultured European who believed in the unification of European Culture.
It is always the Jews and their lackies who seek to divide Europe, to divide the White Race.
The Poltical Enemy is he who attempts to divide THE ARYAN RACE.
I regard my own perspective to be in keeping with National Socialism;
"The aim of our struggle must be to create a unified Europe".
[J.Goebbels, 1943]
Let Imperium speak;
"Race is a horizontal differentiation of men.
The materialism of the 19th century, confusing race with anatomy, regarded Race as a vertical differentiation of men.
It was abstracted - away from reality - and started from the will to systematize".
[Imperium, U.Varange p.300]
Culture/nations CREATE Race, not the other way around;
"Whoever introduces racial theories of materialistic provenance, whether in the name of 'tolerance', which means we should abandon our instincts, or in the name of 'racial purity', which means we should abandon our Cultural unity, is prolonging the crisis and division of the West".
[Imperium, U.Varange, page 315]
The Necessity of Aryanosophy.
1) I recognise the necessity of Race Solidarity.
This is necessary for the existential value of Race as such.
Racial differentiation is a necessary result of Life's evolutionary diversification.
Races then, are in competition for finite resources; solidarity is necessary for survival in the struggle that is Life.
This solidarity can be best achieved by some political/fighting unit, the Nation-State being the best known.
Survival is a necessity.
2) From this it is self-evident that there should be a striving for homogeneity within the National/Race unit.
However, this must be allied to an ascending and an evolving project. If the Race project is completely inward, then it faces the dangers of extinction.
Therefore the Nation/Race project is an Imperium [i.e., it is expansive, not static and definitely not reductive].
3) The Race must be seen in the broadest sense as Aryan; this is a necessity which follows from the above.
Obviously, non-Aryans cannot become Aryan - nor is it desirable that they should try!
So the philosophic standpoint tells us that a Aryan Nation is a Necessity for all Aryans.
This philosophically justifies a broad 'Aryan Only' National policy.
Such a policy would be a spur to improving birth-rates of Aryans world-wide [see the need for expansion in point 2) above].
This is the very basics from which to build.
The Necessity of Superhumanity.
It is a given that Life is an evolutionary [but cyclic] phenomenon, and that the divergent Races are a Necessary product of such Life processes.
Races which strive for superhumanity are those which fulfill Life's Necessity.
Such Races are searching for excellence; we call them Noble, or Aryan.
Because Races attain differing levels of evolution/devolution, there is Necessarily an Order of Rank in Life.
The Aryan Race then is a necessity in the Rank Ordering of Life.
The Higher Race must rise and rule over the rest, creating Order out of Chaos.
2) The Will to Race Purity derives from the above Order of Rank.
However, as Nietzsche says, the superhuman is not a narrow stream, but an ocean.
By the principle of expansion [i.e., Imperium], the Aryan cannot restrict his to Race to the extent of becoming thoroughly in-bred.
So the Aryan must keep open the channels to receive healthy rivers into his ocean; fresh, quality Blood must come in to revivfy the Aryan.
Blood is a Fluid, but the Aryan is Eternal.
On Christianity in relation to Aryanosophy.
First I will say that 'my side' is based on two things;
1) Respect for Western Traditions in general, and
2) Respect for the Western Philosophical Tradition.
I then try to apply 2) to the body of 1).
There are those who say that Christinaity is purely a 'Jewish construct'; I am always suspicious of phrases like "Jewish construct", because the Jews have been very unconstructive in the main.
The Jewish banning of Godly images [see the Commandments] is NOT reflected in Christianty, which was in the main CONSTRUCTED by the Roman (Aryan) genius of organisation, not by the Jews.
Without the Roman Empire, the Christian Faith would have gone the way of many other cults which superfetated around the turn of the first millennium.
It was Aryan organisation (Rome), Aryan philosophy [Platonism] and Aryan Culture in general which made Christianity.
So, as a 'construct', Christianity is Aryan.
Here we may refer to Hitler's claim that the Jews are not a creative Race.
Like it or not, suitable or not, Christianity is an important part of Western Culture; and it has been so for nigh-on 2,000 years - and it is still so today.
We are entangled with it, we are immersed in it. We have helped to create it, as it has created us.
Our Aryan artists created under its influence: how do you countenance painters and sculptors like della Francesca, Botticelli, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Canova, Raphael, Carravagio, Durer, Rembrandt, the Pre-Raphaelites?
All of these were inspired by Christianity, and portrayed Biblical themes.
What of a great musician like J.S.Bach who devoted every note to his Holy God?
And works of literature like Milton's Paradise Lost and Novalis' Hymns to the Night?
How do you appreciate these Aryan works without being aware of their Christian context?
Aryan Christianity is a matter of 'facticity', not 'suitability'. There has always been a strong Christian current passing though Western Culture since the late Roman Empire, so that even someone like Nietzsche came from a long line of Churchmen on BOTH sides of his family. When he wrote his Zarathustra, he naturally used Biblical pastiche; and how many modern readers of Zarathustra miss all those Biblical resonances?
I say then, that the Christian aspect of Aryan culture is inescapable. The Christian element always finds its way to re-assert itself, especially in those who seek to extirpate it [cf. the atheist experiment in Soviet Russia].
All literalism leaves itself open to rational attack, whether it be Bible literalism, or Racial literalism.
There is always a strain of stupidity in Faith [so yes, there are contradictions and idiocies in the Bible]; but there is also great strength in Faith.
I even feel that mankind NEEDS Faith of some kind - he would rather have Faith in Nothing, then to doubt everything.
So I say, better to have Faith in something that sustains and furthers us, rather than to have Faith in Nothingness - a wretched Nihilism.
I agree with Nietzsche that the Old Testament and the New Testament are irreconcilable; but believers are able to explain away anything!
Nietzsche affects to prefer the Old Testament, with its vile jealous God and its rampaging, genocidal Jews ... but that could be irony at work.
My knowledge of movements such as Gnosticism and the Cathars/Albigensians comes mainly from two divergent sources; Hillaire Belloc and Alfred Rosenberg.
Belloc compares such heresies to Nationalism and fascism.
Rosenberg thinks that they display Aryan traits and are therefore worth learning from, if we can only get beyond the Xtian orthodox anti-heresy propaganda.
C.G.Jung's studies of Gnosticism make similar points.
So those movements are all grist to the Aryan mill.
Nietzsche's philosophy is grounded in the TENSION between Semite and Aryan - a tension that remains quite deliberately unresolved.
He formulated this variously. For example;
"Judea vs. Rome, Rome vs. Judea".
To Nietzsche the pagan Romans were Aryans par excellence, and the Jews their eternal enemy.
But Nietzsche recognises this eternal enmity as Necessary for Life. To that end he made the standpoint clear when he talked of his ultimate desire for the;
"Christ-Souled Roman Caesar".
And it is this synthesis that is CENTRAL to Fascism/National Socialism.
When Nietzsche writes of Dionysos vs. Christ he is talking of this ongoing struggle within Aryan Culture. Indeed, Dionysos and Christ can be seen as polarites of the same thing - the virgin born resurrecting God.
On Racialism.
My RACIALISM is a political/cultural Racism.
That it is Racialism is a given; it cannot therefore be egalitarian.
As the cultural/political dimension of my Racialism is hierarchical, it cannot be egalitarian.
The Base of my Racialism is the original Aryan Race from which the Nordic, Mediterranean, Alpine, Dinaric etc., types evolved.
That all Aryan cultures have a common origin is made obvious by the very 'short distance' between the culture of the Aryan Vedas, the Gathas of Zarathustra, the Greek and Roman Epics of Homer, the Norse Sagas, the Arthurian Cycles and the Germanic Epics.
The pagan religions, the languages, and the GENOME of the Indo-European point to a shared heritage to a point in prehistory quite close in historical terms.
That is not 'internationalism'!
The Aryan languages point to shared landscapes, shared Gods PARTICULAR to Aryan culture!
The 'shining ones' of the Vedas, the Devas, were the Deus of the Greco-Romans and the Tiwaz of the Germans [see 'Tues-day'!].
How can any Aryan not feel an affinity with the Greek and Roman cultures? How can an Aryan not feel drawn to the holy places of the Stone Circles dotted throughout Europa?
On what basis is Nordic superiority asserted within the context of Caucasian sub-races?
I regard Adolf Hitler a far better RACIAL specimen than Arnold Schwarzenegger, because Race is SPIRITUAL first, and biological second.
Is it seriously being suggested here that 'Racism' should now exist between the various White sub-races?
Are we to repeat the old mistakes of the past where Briton kills German, German kills French etc., etc., while the non-White Races sit back and gloat as our power ebbs away?
Is the White Race so defeated that it now turns away from its natural non-White enemies, and decides once more to commit suicide?
To non-Whites, Whites are all the same [the Chinese call us all 'Franks']; it is only an extreme form of naval gazing that finds differences within diferences ad infinitum.
There are within sub-races what are called 'local types' etc., etc.,
It could be argued that such a Racial break-down is only another version of Liberal 'diversity'; at any rate, it just serves to 'divide and rule'.
As the White Race dwindles in every respect [racially, spiritually and intellectually etc.,], it will be left to a small rump of Nationalists, whether they be Alpine, Mediterranean, Baltic, Dinaric or Nordic et al., to band together for the final battle of that cycle.
Pushed once more into a corner, like those first Aryans, they will form ONE Aryan Race once more - indeed, those original Aryans were created from a similar sub-racial bonding; the cycles are endless in their repetition.
When the crisis is over, they will again spread out, bringing culture with them across all points of the compass; once spread, the slight differences between them will again become emphasised, and some will even think that they are 'separate' cultures!
Just as the Greeks regarded the Romans as barbarians!
How soon we forget.
'Racial perfectionism' can only be practiced within a Political Framework that has the Will to do so.
This is why political victory must be achieved FIRST: Breeding is a very LONG-TERM project.
In the future we all will be defined by our complete genome - this may lead to a radical re-thinking of racial classification.
As R.Dawkins says,
"Doctors of tomorrow will be more like vets ...
Doctors will have only one species of patient, but in future they will subdivide that species by genotype, as a vet subdivides his patient by species ..."
['A Devil's Chaplain', Dawkins 2003]
That it is Racialism is a given; it cannot therefore be egalitarian.
As the cultural/political dimension of my Racialism is hierarchical, it cannot be egalitarian.
The Base of my Racialism is the original Aryan Race from which the Nordic, Mediterranean, Alpine, Dinaric etc., types evolved.
That all Aryan cultures have a common origin is made obvious by the very 'short distance' between the culture of the Aryan Vedas, the Gathas of Zarathustra, the Greek and Roman Epics of Homer, the Norse Sagas, the Arthurian Cycles and the Germanic Epics.
The pagan religions, the languages, and the GENOME of the Indo-European point to a shared heritage to a point in prehistory quite close in historical terms.
That is not 'internationalism'!
The Aryan languages point to shared landscapes, shared Gods PARTICULAR to Aryan culture!
The 'shining ones' of the Vedas, the Devas, were the Deus of the Greco-Romans and the Tiwaz of the Germans [see 'Tues-day'!].
How can any Aryan not feel an affinity with the Greek and Roman cultures? How can an Aryan not feel drawn to the holy places of the Stone Circles dotted throughout Europa?
On what basis is Nordic superiority asserted within the context of Caucasian sub-races?
I regard Adolf Hitler a far better RACIAL specimen than Arnold Schwarzenegger, because Race is SPIRITUAL first, and biological second.
Is it seriously being suggested here that 'Racism' should now exist between the various White sub-races?
Are we to repeat the old mistakes of the past where Briton kills German, German kills French etc., etc., while the non-White Races sit back and gloat as our power ebbs away?
Is the White Race so defeated that it now turns away from its natural non-White enemies, and decides once more to commit suicide?
To non-Whites, Whites are all the same [the Chinese call us all 'Franks']; it is only an extreme form of naval gazing that finds differences within diferences ad infinitum.
There are within sub-races what are called 'local types' etc., etc.,
It could be argued that such a Racial break-down is only another version of Liberal 'diversity'; at any rate, it just serves to 'divide and rule'.
As the White Race dwindles in every respect [racially, spiritually and intellectually etc.,], it will be left to a small rump of Nationalists, whether they be Alpine, Mediterranean, Baltic, Dinaric or Nordic et al., to band together for the final battle of that cycle.
Pushed once more into a corner, like those first Aryans, they will form ONE Aryan Race once more - indeed, those original Aryans were created from a similar sub-racial bonding; the cycles are endless in their repetition.
When the crisis is over, they will again spread out, bringing culture with them across all points of the compass; once spread, the slight differences between them will again become emphasised, and some will even think that they are 'separate' cultures!
Just as the Greeks regarded the Romans as barbarians!
How soon we forget.
'Racial perfectionism' can only be practiced within a Political Framework that has the Will to do so.
This is why political victory must be achieved FIRST: Breeding is a very LONG-TERM project.
In the future we all will be defined by our complete genome - this may lead to a radical re-thinking of racial classification.
As R.Dawkins says,
"Doctors of tomorrow will be more like vets ...
Doctors will have only one species of patient, but in future they will subdivide that species by genotype, as a vet subdivides his patient by species ..."
['A Devil's Chaplain', Dawkins 2003]
Europe is, and has always been, a fluid sub-racial blend - going back to the last Ice Age.
The strongest Europeans have been those of a successful sub-racial BLEND.
Tacitus was writing the first century AD, describes the Germania as having RED hair, not blond.
The last Ice Age in Europe was around 10, 000 years ago!
Europe was occupied THEN by humans.
The Aryan diaspora out of Asia occurs much later in the 2nd millennium BC [around only 4, 000 years ago].
The evidence from linguistics shows that only some 4, 000 years ago the Aryans were a COHERENT GROUP.
They spread out due to population growth and their invention of the war chariot.
This enabled them to conquer other areas as they spread out from their Aryan homeland in the region of the Russian steppes.
As they branched out, then their languages and cultures became more distinct from each other, but still very close.
If you look on the Indo-European language thread somewhere on this forum you will see how close the Aryan languages are.
In a prehistoric period with scant communications this can only be due to the Aryan peoples being RECENTLY descended from a single group.
Now, migrating into Europe [and other places] in successive waves around 4, 000 years ago, they would have met an indigenous European population who had already been in Europe for over 6, 000 years PRIOR!
That is what we call the pre-Aryan population; European culture is the result of the HYBRIDATION of those two [Old European and Aryan] cultures.
This is symbolised in the Norse Sagas; the Aryan Aesir are from Asia way, and the Vanir are native Old European.
So the Aryans were cohesive to begin with [containing the seeds of Nordic/Mediterranean/Baltic/Alpine etc.,], and then, once in Europe they blended with the pre-Aryan stocks already here [symbolised by marriage between Aesir and Vanir].
Hitler was not the madman of Jewish propaganda; he was rather a cultured European who believed in the unification of European Culture.
It is always the Jews and their lackies who seek to divide Europe, to divide the White Race.
The Poltical Enemy is he who attempts to divide THE ARYAN RACE.
I regard my own perspective to be in keeping with National Socialism;
"The aim of our struggle must be to create a unified Europe".
[J.Goebbels, 1943]
I try to avoid a racial fetishism because there are plenty of Aryans out there who are the enemy!
That is because they are Internationalists of one stripe or another; i.e., commies, liberals etc.,
ZOG uses such Aryan traitors to infiltrate Nationalist groups.
So it is NOT ENOUGH to sit back and indulge in racial perfectionism - there must be a POLITICAL EDGE.
BOTH must be brought into complete alignment.
Without Politics [i.e., the Nation], we will not make anything of our Race.
The Programme of the NSDAP actually denies citizenship to those Aryans who are not National Socialists; Aryans who are Communists, liberals etc., are seen to be just as bad as Jews and other non-Aryans. Indeed, in some cases, they are worse.
I think we are in a period when National Socialism is becoming de-politicised; it is in danger of becoming a cult.
The Cult of the Body can exist within any type of society, even the most degenerate. I say that we must never lose sight of the Body Politic.
I am definitely a pan-European Racialist; given the cultural achievements of ancient Greece, I find it hard to take extreme Nordicists seriously.
Hitler himself thought that the Greeks had made the Highest Aryan Culture in aesthetic terms, and the Romans the Highest Aryan Culture in political terms; and I tend to agree with him.
That is because they are Internationalists of one stripe or another; i.e., commies, liberals etc.,
ZOG uses such Aryan traitors to infiltrate Nationalist groups.
So it is NOT ENOUGH to sit back and indulge in racial perfectionism - there must be a POLITICAL EDGE.
BOTH must be brought into complete alignment.
Without Politics [i.e., the Nation], we will not make anything of our Race.
The Programme of the NSDAP actually denies citizenship to those Aryans who are not National Socialists; Aryans who are Communists, liberals etc., are seen to be just as bad as Jews and other non-Aryans. Indeed, in some cases, they are worse.
I think we are in a period when National Socialism is becoming de-politicised; it is in danger of becoming a cult.
The Cult of the Body can exist within any type of society, even the most degenerate. I say that we must never lose sight of the Body Politic.
I am definitely a pan-European Racialist; given the cultural achievements of ancient Greece, I find it hard to take extreme Nordicists seriously.
Hitler himself thought that the Greeks had made the Highest Aryan Culture in aesthetic terms, and the Romans the Highest Aryan Culture in political terms; and I tend to agree with him.
On the 'Nordic' question.
Some have suggested that National-Socialism is an expression of the darker, more 'Alpine' stratum of Europe reasserting itself; i.e., those whose roots go back to the pre-Aryan inhabitants of Europa.
That pre-Aryan stratum, who really were THE SOIL, just as the Aryans and their BLOOD were invaders; Blood and Soil describes this ancient almalgamation.
The 'socialistic' Goddess-worshipping culture of Old Europe becomes blended with the 'nationalistic' patriarchal Aryan culture to produce National Socialism thousands of years later.
How many 'pure' types [whether Aryan or pre-Aryan] are found amongst the Leadership and inner-circles of National Socialism/Fascism etc., when it was a world force?
Of course, when we say 'pre-Aryan', we mean that population before the Aryan diaspora of the second-millennium BC. But genetic mapping shows that there were various waves of Caucasian peoples spreading into Europe before the historicallly defined Aryan invasions; it is these pre-Aryan peoples who are associated with the Stone Circles.
Lest a sub-race become insular and inbred, it must mix with related stocks to re-invigorate itself.
Taking your non-mixing of sub-races to its LOGICAL conclusion would condemn us all to the sort of inbreeding which destroyed the quality of many European Royal houses.
There is evidence that tribes who mix the sub-types emerge stronger; you mention Britain: the Normans who invaded Anglo-Saxon England in 1066 and defeated it were a bastardised race; second generation Vikings who had adopted Latinate ways and language - and Blood too; William the Conqueror was known then as William the Bastard.
But this 'mixed race' had an almighty Will to Power.
Interestingly, it was noticed that when the Anglo-Norman ruling caste had exhausted itself, many of Cromwell's followers were from that brown-haired pre-Aryan substratum.
Similarly the Prussians, are another 'mixed race' with an incredible Culture-Forming energy.
Even the Vikings were known as being both Dubhgals [dark strangers] and Fingals [blond strangers] to the Irish who trembled before their invasions.
All in all, wherever you turn in Aryan culture in its ascendant aspect you see the fluidity of the various Caucasian sub-races, while they observe at the same time a strict bar against mixing with non-Caucasians.
Hitler provides the good example of the Americas; in North America the various White European sub-races mixed, but they always segregated themselves from the indigenous 'Indians', and the Negro slaves.
In South America though, the European invaders mixed with both the native Amerindians and the Negroes - racial chaos ensued.
A barrier against mixing with non-Whites is fairly straightforward, and necessary; after all, it has been maintained in general by Whites over thousands if not millions of years.
However, I think it is a perverse innovation to suggest that Nordics and Alpines for example, shouldn't mix.
That pre-Aryan stratum, who really were THE SOIL, just as the Aryans and their BLOOD were invaders; Blood and Soil describes this ancient almalgamation.
The 'socialistic' Goddess-worshipping culture of Old Europe becomes blended with the 'nationalistic' patriarchal Aryan culture to produce National Socialism thousands of years later.
How many 'pure' types [whether Aryan or pre-Aryan] are found amongst the Leadership and inner-circles of National Socialism/Fascism etc., when it was a world force?
Of course, when we say 'pre-Aryan', we mean that population before the Aryan diaspora of the second-millennium BC. But genetic mapping shows that there were various waves of Caucasian peoples spreading into Europe before the historicallly defined Aryan invasions; it is these pre-Aryan peoples who are associated with the Stone Circles.
Lest a sub-race become insular and inbred, it must mix with related stocks to re-invigorate itself.
Taking your non-mixing of sub-races to its LOGICAL conclusion would condemn us all to the sort of inbreeding which destroyed the quality of many European Royal houses.
There is evidence that tribes who mix the sub-types emerge stronger; you mention Britain: the Normans who invaded Anglo-Saxon England in 1066 and defeated it were a bastardised race; second generation Vikings who had adopted Latinate ways and language - and Blood too; William the Conqueror was known then as William the Bastard.
But this 'mixed race' had an almighty Will to Power.
Interestingly, it was noticed that when the Anglo-Norman ruling caste had exhausted itself, many of Cromwell's followers were from that brown-haired pre-Aryan substratum.
Similarly the Prussians, are another 'mixed race' with an incredible Culture-Forming energy.
Even the Vikings were known as being both Dubhgals [dark strangers] and Fingals [blond strangers] to the Irish who trembled before their invasions.
All in all, wherever you turn in Aryan culture in its ascendant aspect you see the fluidity of the various Caucasian sub-races, while they observe at the same time a strict bar against mixing with non-Caucasians.
Hitler provides the good example of the Americas; in North America the various White European sub-races mixed, but they always segregated themselves from the indigenous 'Indians', and the Negro slaves.
In South America though, the European invaders mixed with both the native Amerindians and the Negroes - racial chaos ensued.
A barrier against mixing with non-Whites is fairly straightforward, and necessary; after all, it has been maintained in general by Whites over thousands if not millions of years.
However, I think it is a perverse innovation to suggest that Nordics and Alpines for example, shouldn't mix.
The dangers of in-breeding are well known [see 'inbreeding depression']; Mankind has known this instinctively from time immemorial; hence the tendency for ruling elites to bring in 'fresh blood'.
The Aryan incursions into Europe found a pre-Aryan population already here [note that the Basques do not speak an Aryan tongue and have a completely different blood-group to surrounding populations in Europe].
Those pre-Aryans are reckoned to have had a non-Aryan Goddess worshipping culture.
Nietzsche thought that the brown-haired 'Alpine' type populations of Germany were a residue of this pre-Aryan population. He also speculated that socialism [not Marxism, but 'blood and soil' type socialism] was an atavistic expression of this pre-Aryan population. Considering that the Aryans were invaders, then it is feasible to suggest that the pre-Aryans would proffer a doctrine based in the SOIL.
The leading figures of nationalistic socialistic doctrines, such as Hitlerism and Fascism are predominantly pre-Aryan or mixed.
The only pure-Nordic figures in the leadership of the Third Reich were those statues made by Arno Breker.
Notice that the 'blue-bloods' - like Stauffenberg - plotted against Hitler.
As to the 'Dubhgals' - I trust the observations of those who faced the Viking menace at the time; as added evidence, note the description of Egil Skalla-Grimsson in Egil's Saga.
There is always a difference between the ideal and reality; it is moronic to confuse the two. The ideal was represented in Breker's art, as I have said; the reality was the very non-Nordic Joseph Goebbels' breeding six children with his 'Nordic' wife Magda.
Why did Nordic man have to be led by such "Lower types" as Goebbels, Hitler, Goering, Himmler, Rosenberg and Hess [the latter was so dark he was known as 'the Egyptian'!]?
Why did Hitler's movement begin in southern Germany, and not in the 'nord'?
Is it because Nordic Man is not as superior to Alpine Man or Mediterranean Man as HE thinks?Behold, my child, the Nordic man,
And be as like him as you can:
His legs are long, his mind is slow,
His hair is lank and made of tow.
And here we have the Alpine Race:
Oh! what a broad and brutal face!
His skin is of a dirty yellow.
He is a most unpleasant fellow.
The most degraded of them all,
Mediterranean we call.
His hair is crisp, and even curls,
And he is saucey with the girls.
[H.Belloc, 'Talking (And Singing) of the Nordic Man']
Belloc describes how the Nordicist has to explain away the Roman Empire - "how was this possible if the Mediterranean race were as vile as our greatest authorities have discovered it to be?
It is odd that the simple answer to this difficulty has not occurred to the writer. It is that those who governed the Empire, and led the armies, called 'Roman' were Nordic".
Of course! Just as, no doubt, Hitler, Goebbels, Goering, Hess et al., were also Nordic!
As Belloc notes;
"The Iliad and possibly the Odyssey were clearly Nordic in composition. Catullus was as Nordic as he could be.
The Nordic character of Aristotle is a common-place. Dante was Nordic. So was Leopardi.
Take any outstanding Italian or other Mediterranean name and you will find upon close examination that the man to whom it is attached was of the Nordic type: Napoleon Buonaparte occurs at once to the mind".
The Aryan incursions into Europe found a pre-Aryan population already here [note that the Basques do not speak an Aryan tongue and have a completely different blood-group to surrounding populations in Europe].
Those pre-Aryans are reckoned to have had a non-Aryan Goddess worshipping culture.
Nietzsche thought that the brown-haired 'Alpine' type populations of Germany were a residue of this pre-Aryan population. He also speculated that socialism [not Marxism, but 'blood and soil' type socialism] was an atavistic expression of this pre-Aryan population. Considering that the Aryans were invaders, then it is feasible to suggest that the pre-Aryans would proffer a doctrine based in the SOIL.
The leading figures of nationalistic socialistic doctrines, such as Hitlerism and Fascism are predominantly pre-Aryan or mixed.
The only pure-Nordic figures in the leadership of the Third Reich were those statues made by Arno Breker.
Notice that the 'blue-bloods' - like Stauffenberg - plotted against Hitler.
As to the 'Dubhgals' - I trust the observations of those who faced the Viking menace at the time; as added evidence, note the description of Egil Skalla-Grimsson in Egil's Saga.
There is always a difference between the ideal and reality; it is moronic to confuse the two. The ideal was represented in Breker's art, as I have said; the reality was the very non-Nordic Joseph Goebbels' breeding six children with his 'Nordic' wife Magda.
Why did Nordic man have to be led by such "Lower types" as Goebbels, Hitler, Goering, Himmler, Rosenberg and Hess [the latter was so dark he was known as 'the Egyptian'!]?
Why did Hitler's movement begin in southern Germany, and not in the 'nord'?
Is it because Nordic Man is not as superior to Alpine Man or Mediterranean Man as HE thinks?Behold, my child, the Nordic man,
And be as like him as you can:
His legs are long, his mind is slow,
His hair is lank and made of tow.
And here we have the Alpine Race:
Oh! what a broad and brutal face!
His skin is of a dirty yellow.
He is a most unpleasant fellow.
The most degraded of them all,
Mediterranean we call.
His hair is crisp, and even curls,
And he is saucey with the girls.
[H.Belloc, 'Talking (And Singing) of the Nordic Man']
Belloc describes how the Nordicist has to explain away the Roman Empire - "how was this possible if the Mediterranean race were as vile as our greatest authorities have discovered it to be?
It is odd that the simple answer to this difficulty has not occurred to the writer. It is that those who governed the Empire, and led the armies, called 'Roman' were Nordic".
Of course! Just as, no doubt, Hitler, Goebbels, Goering, Hess et al., were also Nordic!
As Belloc notes;
"The Iliad and possibly the Odyssey were clearly Nordic in composition. Catullus was as Nordic as he could be.
The Nordic character of Aristotle is a common-place. Dante was Nordic. So was Leopardi.
Take any outstanding Italian or other Mediterranean name and you will find upon close examination that the man to whom it is attached was of the Nordic type: Napoleon Buonaparte occurs at once to the mind".
Those with their eyes open know what REAL Race-mixing is; it is the cross-breeding (mixing) of Races, such as the Caucasian Race with the Negro Race.
That is the evil which threatens to destroy European man and therefore European culture.
The mixing of sub-races and LOCAL-TYPES within a Race, such as Alpine with Nordic, or Nordic with Baltic is NOT 'Race-Mixing' because they are NOT DIFFERENT RACES!
Now this mixing of sub-racial/local-types within Europa/Aryana has always gone on.
Not only that, but most of our Heroes THROUGHOUT THE AGES have been products of mixed local/subracial types.
Because of the success of such Heroes, it is safe to conclude that such products of combined local/subracial types have a greater Will to Power.
One thinks of Hitler, one thinks of Hess, one thinks of Napoleon, one thinks of Egil Skalla-Grimsson, one thinks of Caesar, one thinks of Pericles.
In each of the above-named you will find a mixture of Nordic/Medeterranean/Alpine/Dinaric/Baltic strains.
Indeed, that goes for most White people [exceptions being Albinoes etc.,]; it is rather a case of one subracial/local-type strain PREDOMINATING in an individual.
Greatness in Europe entails a combination of Nordic/Alpine/Med. etc. within a clan/individual; I believe it is wrong to advocate separation between Scandinavians, British, Germans et al., on the fallacious grounds that this is 'Race-Mixing'.
Even the Viking invaders in the 8th century didn't take their women with them and bred rather with the Brits, Celts and Franks they encountered on their raids [the powerful Norman Race being an example].
The only credible post-war thinking in Racial Nationalism is taking place along the lines of Yockey, Thiriart etc., where what I call an 'Aryanosophical' Racial Consciousness is advocated.
It involves looking at the POLITICAL reality of the situation; this means that life is seen in a stratified way; being White is an overall umbrella; being predominantly Nordic/Baltic/Alpine, for exampe, is another strata; being of a particular Region such as Scandinavia is another, and being of the Nation of Norway etc., yet another. Beyond that we can go into clan, tribe family etc., if necessary; but over-ridingly we are White.
We are White to our friends,
And we are certainly White to our ENEMIES!
"Kill Whitey" they shout - what does the enemy care for nearly-nordic, or almost-alpine!
That is the evil which threatens to destroy European man and therefore European culture.
The mixing of sub-races and LOCAL-TYPES within a Race, such as Alpine with Nordic, or Nordic with Baltic is NOT 'Race-Mixing' because they are NOT DIFFERENT RACES!
Now this mixing of sub-racial/local-types within Europa/Aryana has always gone on.
Not only that, but most of our Heroes THROUGHOUT THE AGES have been products of mixed local/subracial types.
Because of the success of such Heroes, it is safe to conclude that such products of combined local/subracial types have a greater Will to Power.
One thinks of Hitler, one thinks of Hess, one thinks of Napoleon, one thinks of Egil Skalla-Grimsson, one thinks of Caesar, one thinks of Pericles.
In each of the above-named you will find a mixture of Nordic/Medeterranean/Alpine/Dinaric/Baltic strains.
Indeed, that goes for most White people [exceptions being Albinoes etc.,]; it is rather a case of one subracial/local-type strain PREDOMINATING in an individual.
Greatness in Europe entails a combination of Nordic/Alpine/Med. etc. within a clan/individual; I believe it is wrong to advocate separation between Scandinavians, British, Germans et al., on the fallacious grounds that this is 'Race-Mixing'.
Even the Viking invaders in the 8th century didn't take their women with them and bred rather with the Brits, Celts and Franks they encountered on their raids [the powerful Norman Race being an example].
The only credible post-war thinking in Racial Nationalism is taking place along the lines of Yockey, Thiriart etc., where what I call an 'Aryanosophical' Racial Consciousness is advocated.
It involves looking at the POLITICAL reality of the situation; this means that life is seen in a stratified way; being White is an overall umbrella; being predominantly Nordic/Baltic/Alpine, for exampe, is another strata; being of a particular Region such as Scandinavia is another, and being of the Nation of Norway etc., yet another. Beyond that we can go into clan, tribe family etc., if necessary; but over-ridingly we are White.
We are White to our friends,
And we are certainly White to our ENEMIES!
"Kill Whitey" they shout - what does the enemy care for nearly-nordic, or almost-alpine!
"Let us turn to the case of the BREEDING of a particular Race and Type.The most magnificent example of this is provided by the 'Laws of Manu';This law sets the task of breeding no fewer than four races at once:a priestly race,a fighting race,a race of merchants and farmers,and finally a race of servants,the Sudras". [Nietzsche,Twilight,'Improvers',3]
But what of the modern Vedic perspective?
Sri Aurobindo's book of 1967 is a good guide;
"ARYAN;He who does the work of sacrifice,finds the sacred word of illumination,desires the gods and increases them and is increased by them into the largeness of the true existence;
He is the warrior of the light and the traveller of the truth.
The Aryans are the thinkers of the world,'mayamanah',holders of the thought,the thought-mind and the seer-knowledge.
The Aryans are desirers of the god-head;they seek to increase their own being and the godheads in them by sacrifice,the word,the thought.
To Indra,Agni,and Surya among the gods is especially applied the term ARYA,which describes with an untranslatable compactness those who rise to the Noble aspiration and who do the great labour as an offering in order to arrive at the good and the bliss". ['Key to Vedic Symbolism',Aurobindo]
This all from a scholar of the ancient Veda;the last statement is particularly adroit.
But what of caste;what is that to this scholar-poet?;
"VARNA [literally 'colour',Sanskrit for Caste]:The brightness of the light of the truth is the 'ARYA VARNA',the very hue of these Aryans.
'Varna' would come to mean almost the nature,or else all those of that particular nature;this idea was a current notion among the ancient Aryans,as is shown by the later use of different colours to distinguish the four castes,White,Red,Yellow and Black". [ib.]
Black was always the lowest caste,white always the highest.
This is the Law;Woe to those who break the Order of Rank!
ARYAN,ARIAN: Indo-European,also Indo-Iranian.
From Sanskrit 'aryas' [Vedic 'aria'],'Noble'.
Applied earlier as a National name-cf.Latin 'Ariana',eastern region of Persian kingdom,Greek 'Arioi',Medes [in Herodotus],'Ariane' [in Strabo],'Arianoi';cf. Avesta,'Airyana',whence modern Iran.
[Oxford Etymological Dictionary]
A recent book on Aryan culture,which has full politically correct credentials is J.P.Mallory's 'In Search of the Indo-Europeans',published by Thames and Hudson,1991.
In that he makes a point which is probably at the root of the campaign which seeks to deny Aryan culture;
"The discovery of the Indo-European language family did more than simply elucidate the historical relationship between many European and Asian languages.It severed once and for all the fantasy of deriving all languages from Hebrew,and by extension,Adam". [ib.p.267]
This is the sin that the politically correct charge us with,by their very instincts!
Mallory is a severe critic of anything that smacks of the 'Aryan Myth',hence his use always of 'Indo-European' [henceforth I.E.].
I can safely quote him as an unbiased but knowledgeable source;
"The similarity of the I.E. languages when we first encounter them historically,stretching from the Atlantic to India,all speak for their relatively recent spread from a more confined area.
"The I.E. hypothesis presupposes a Proto-I.E. language spoken by a population in some area of Eurasia severely more confined than their earliest historical distribution".[ib. p.23]
"One of the most obvious I.E. correspondences can be seen in the similarity of Sanskrit 'devas',Latin 'deus',Lithuanian 'dievas',Old Irish 'dia' and the Old Norse plural 'tivar',all meaning 'god' or 'gods'." [ib.p. 128]
Writing a century or so before,the German linguist/cultural scholar Max Muller,spoke unashamedly of Aryan,rather than I.E.;he offered some further correspondences,a random sample of which follows [Zend refers to the sacred books of Zarathustra];
FATHER;Sanskrit [Sk.] 'pitar',Zend [Z] 'pitar',Greek [Gk] 'pater',Latin [Lat.] 'pater',Teutonic [Teut.] 'fadar',Celtic [Celt.] 'aithar'.
Muller gives similar tables for all familial relations,as well as items of everyday exitence.It is the most mundane correspondences that suggest that the Aryan peoples once shared a common homeland;
MOUSE:Sk.'mush',Gk. 'mus',Lat. 'mus',Teut. 'mus',Slavonic 'mysi'.
In the following we may see a clue to the disputed etymology of 'aryan' it self.The term to 'stir' can refer to either the plough or the oar;
TO PLOUGH,TO STIR:Sk. 'arya'-landholder,Z. 'airya',Gk. 'arow',Lat. 'arae',Teut. 'arjan' Oid.Norse 'ardhr',Slav.,'orati',Lith. 'arkla',Celt. 'arathar',Welsh,'aradr'.
There are many startling examples which make nonsense of the 'no such thing as Aryans' jibe.The Aryans are acknowledged to have pioneered the use of the war-chariot;the following is just an example;
AXLE:Sk. 'aksha',Gk. 'axon',Lat. 'axis',Teut. 'ahsa', Slav. 'os',Celt.,'echel'.
I could go on,but think this suffices to show the ignorance of my opponents.
Going back to Mallory,that very establishment figure of today,even he has to acknowledge the importance of caste in Aryan culture;
"In Indo-Iranian ideology,for example,the arya are contrasted with the aboriginal [and from the Aryan perspective,inferior] dasa. In turn,the arya are subdivided into upper classes versus commoners,a system also found in Caesar's account of early Celtic society".[Mallory,ib. p.141]
Here we are firmly in Nietzschean territory;and why not?-this philosophy is above trends of political correctness;it is rather for millennia.
"At the core of all Aristocratic Races lurks the Beast of Prey;the magnificent BLOND BRUTE,avid for spoil and victory".
A feature of Aryan culture is conscious evolution.The Aryan is not content with being at the mercy of 'chance',or natural selection;he rather asserts his Will to Power in order to cultivate the noble specimen and his requirements.He breeds the superman.
He is fully aware of the NECESSARY inequality of 'humanity':the slaves and instruments of the aristocracy are just as much bred DOWN [or levelled] as the Noble is bred UP.
"As we know from the experience of stock-breeders,a species that is given over-abundant nourishment and extra protection and care,generally shows an immediate and very pronounced tendency to variations in type,and is rich in marvels and monstrosities [and monstrous vices,too].
"Now let us consider an Aristocratic community,such as the ancient Greek 'polis',say,or Venice,as an organisation whose voluntary or involuntary purpose is to BREED". [Nietzsche,BGE 262]
Nietzsche recognises the very palpable,physical nature of this breeding;
"In the Latin 'malus' ['bad','evil']--beside which I place 'melas' ['black','dark']--the common man could be characterised as the dark-coloured,above all as the black-haired--"hic niger est" [Horace;'he is black']--as the pre-Aryan occupant of Italian soil,who by his colour stood out most clearly from the blonds who had become the rulers,namely the Aryan Conqueror Race". [Nietzsche,GM,I,5]
Nietzsche sees racial difference as a 'sine qua non' ;
"It is simply impossible that a person would NOT have his parents' and forefathers' qualities and preferences in his body--whatever appearances may say to the contrary.This is the problem of Race." [Nietzsche,BGE 264]
Here Nietzsche is at one with Manu,who says;
"A man born of the confusion of wombs,even if he comes from a leading family,will inherit that very character,to a greater or lesser degree.But the kingdom in which these degraded bastards are born,defiling the classes,quickly perishes,together with the people who live there". [Laws of Manu,V,60-1]
From the Semitic perspective,yes,-what I call a revolt,they call a 'revelation';just as those Bolsheviks and Jacobins call their slave revolts 'revolutions'.Just as those failed slave revolts such as Catiline and Spartacus,were called by their apologists 'rebellions'.Of course-but they cannot deny that something happened! they cannot deny that the order changed.
That India has degenerated is due to the break down of the rigid Aryan caste system,and the decadent influence of Buddhistic ideas from around 500 B.C.
Monotheism is typical of the Semitic,Abrahamic religions,that's all.That they are ascendant in the West is due to the overthrow of the Aryan Order of Imperial Rome;that 'Slave Revolt';and it is correct to call it so,because the Semitic religions were those of the slaves and rabble in Rome when she was at her peak.
As for 'primitive' man etc.,the Aryan invasion of India is put around the middle of the second millennium B.C.,so we are not going back to any pre-historical ages here;
"It is about 1400 B.C. that the Indo-Aryans make their first appearance as a separate people, calling themselves 'Hari',that is 'the Blonds' and in Old Ondian sagas the gods are always 'the Blond'. The new immigrants to India brought with them the art of building in wood, and the habit of body-burning, which still survives in that sub-continent, and adapted the caste system as a means of racial preservation, to prevent the conquered from intermarrying with the 'tall', 'white', 'blond', 'fair-nosed' Aryans. It is noteworthy that the Hindu word for caste is 'varna' [colour]..." ['Early Civilisations',R.Pearson M.S.]
That caste systems existed,that slavery existed,that revolutions have occured throughout history is UNDENIABLE.
The liberal tendency to close one's eyes and say 'no such thing as' in the face of reality is lamentable.
Nietzsche regarded the inability to think in terms of 'race' as typical of the degenerate slave type.
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