Folk-Greetings and Sun-Hael!
As Founder and Folk-Warder of Woden's Folk I would like to welcome you to our Movement. Woden's Folk was founded on April 23rd 1998 after a profound mystical experience that I undertook; this experience led to the creation of this Folkish Movement aimed at reviving the most ancient Ur-Religion of the English Folk in a new form suited to the New Age - the Age of Ing. For nearly a decade now we have grown into one of the foremost Folkish Heathen Movements here in England, and we have gathered together a formidable group of activists who promote this English Faith and who have created a number of groups (WF Hearths) around England and overseas too.
Over the past 20 years or so I have come to realise that the English have a unique destiny within the Northern Folk, and that it is here in England that the Last Avatar will arise. This is a Folk-Deliverer who will wage war against the Forces of Darkness and Matter, and who was prophesied to appear in the White Island by various different traditions around the world - all stemming from the Folk-Wanderings of old. Woden's Folk was set up to prepare the way for the coming of The Hooded Man who is the Crowned and Conquering Son who will incarnate when the Hanged God is swallowed by the Wolf. This astronomical event will take place at the Winter Sunwend of Year 12 : Age of Ing (2012).
For the past few years it has become obvious that this land will be rocked by natural catastrophe and a breakdown in society that will create chaos, disorder and anarchy on a large scale. Catastrophic events such as flooding and earthquakes would make this society collapse into lawlessness, and it is our aim to prepare ourselves for such times, and to warn others of these so that they too can prepare themselves. United we stand - divided we fall! Where our warnings fall on stony ground there is little we can do, since the vast majority of the masses are little more than sheep being prepared for their fate as lamb chops!
What we need, as the English Folk, is a new religion based upon our most ancient Ur-Religion of the North; only a religion will override political differences and will unite the English as a Folk-Community once more. By the term "religion" we refer more to a way of life - where every act is a religious act. Our gods never left us, for it was we who cut the communications to them. All that is needed is for that line of communication to be remade and the gods will come back to us once more. This is done through ritual work and through our Folk-Moots.
When we talk of religious activities this is a far different concept than the dreary old stone buildings in which worship was made to an omnipotent "God" who ruled by fear. Our work is done around the Sacred Groves and the Ancient Sites of England, where we gather around a Holy Fire to do blot to our Gods and Ancestors. These blots are done around the camp-fire where we drink mead & ale and make boasts and toasts to our Gods and honour the Ancestors of our Folk. In short we enjoy ourselves in our worship, and we drink with our Folk-Comrades as a Folkish Brotherhood around the Holy Flame of our Folk. The Sacred Fire represents the Sun at the centre of the circle around which the Folk gather in blot. This is a religious rite followed by a social gathering around the camp-fire. It also prepares us for later struggles when we shall need to huddle around a fire to keep warm, and to gather with like-minded kindred in order to survive in a hostile world that collapses around us.
This land - England - has changed beyond belief in the last 60 years. Today we are "blessed" with the multi-racial society, made up of different "communities" all vying for a slice of the cake, and all claiming their own "rights". Outside of this - and completely left out - are the English who have prior claim to this land. We cannot blame anyone but ourselves, for had the people of this land had the guts (and the intelligence) to oppose this imposition, then today's England would be vastly different. Today the flood-gates are open and anyone seems to be able to get in; there are no checks on criminal gangs, on disease and virus-carriers which means a future of crime, vice, and epidemics unknown to us before. We can see signs of this right now. The false rulers of this country seem to care not one jot about the welfare of its people - "votes" are much more important, for they can only hold on to their lucrative jobs through this system of government.
In such a wasteland we see the final decay of a once great land and empire; we are at the end of this cycle, and thismeans that the future holds nothing but collapse and final destruction. This is the inevitable result of today's society based upon false ideas. For so long this land - and this world - has been held up by debt & credit; somewhere - and sometime - this has to come to an end - a final collapse. Together with the natural disasters we face (due to our being cut off from nature and the cosmic cycles) we face a future of disorder, anarchy and chaos in which everyone will be fighting for their individual survival. Such a result is inevitable in a land where society is based upon self-interest, egoism, and self-gain. The only antidote to this is the formation of Folkish groups founded on the principle of self-sacrifice for the whole, and for a healthy co-operation between blood-kin that will ensure the survival of our Folk at some level. This is the aim of Woden's Folk.
Wodenism is a Nature-Religion in that we uphold the Eternal Laws of Nature and hold our Folk-Moots outside at the ancient sites around England. Our All-Father is the Spirit of Nature and the ultimate force that pervades the multiverse; his is the animating force of the Cosmos. We are also a Warrior-Religion in that we recommend that our Folk take up some form of the Warrior Arts in order to defend themselves in a land fast falling into violent disorder. The figure of Woden as the One-Eyed Hunter-God (Herne the Hunter) is that of the God of Battle and the Virile Male Warrior Ethos which has been suppressed in our society - and which will eventually erupt in stark opposition to its suppression! To call Wodenism a "patriarchal" religion is to miss the point; there has been a total unbalance for some 1500 years or so since the Virile Male Warrior archetype and the Spirit of Nature were deemed to be "The Devil". The meek and weak religion of the past 2000 years was hardly that of the archetype of the Virile Male Warrior! Behind the facade was a lunar religion that was a mere reflection of the true Solar Religion of the Ancients - just as the Moon is a reflection of the Sun!
The true and original English Religion is based upon a balance of opposites - male & female polarities - which is the basis of The Hooded Man Prophecy. This prophecy was given to me on October 31st 1993 and is based upon the ancient Prophecies of Gildas but is in a slightly altered form, a form whose alterations prove it to be the new form for the New Age. This has as its basis the balance of Light & Darkness which is held in the individual and in the Folk as a group. This is the aim of our work at one level. Not only is Wodenism a religion but it is also a Spiritual Discipline for the individual, but as part of a wholeness - the Folk. This Spiritual Discipline centres around the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag system which is my own runic system based upon the 33 English Runes, and worked around the idea of the Wera - The Solar Warrior. This system is in its early development but in the years to come it will be forged into a true and unique runic system for the English Folk and eventually for the Northern Folk as a whole. This is part of the Inner Order of Wodenism - the Cult of Woden.
Woden's Folk offers an all-round religion and spiritual discipline to the English Folk, our aim being to restore the English Identity and to take the fate of the English back into our hands so as to ensure our survival as a Folk. On January 1st 2007 the English Movement was formed within Woden's Folk so as to restore the English Identity, and to preserve English Culture and English Tradition - see This is a vital part of the growth of our Movement.
We welcome like-minded kinfolk into the Movement, either as WF Supporters (who subscribe to our magazines) and WF Activists (who get fully active within a WF Hearth or as Lone-Wolf Activists). There is room for anyone who is English, proud and who upholds the values of English Heathendom. Too long have we suffered under an alien yoke; it is now time to regain our own - our identity, our ancient religion that binds us, and our land that has been stolen from us through the work of traitors within our midst!
Honour & Loyalty!
Wulf - Founder & Folk-Warder : Woden's Folk.
Woden's Folk : BCM Woden : London : WC1N 3XX : ENGLAND
The Ancient Runes
There are patterns of Wyrd contained in the rune-row, so much so that these are more often overlooked. These patterns can be interpreted in very different ways, of course, since there are many different levels within the rune-rows. Here I am going to develop one particular theme which is the basis of the work done through Woden's Folk, and concerns the subject of the Last Avatar and the Age of Ing. As I have stated, this is just one particular interpretation of which there will be numerous interpretations for the same sequence.
Tir - The god Tiw, the Sky-Father or the Shining One.
Beorc - The Birth-Mother who is the giver of life and who can also be seen as the Northern Mother.
Eh - This rune represents the Divine Marriage of the Sky-Father and the Birth-Mother, and also the Divine Twins or Horse Twins, who are born of their pairing.
Man - The Manu, the first-born of the Divine Twins who brings the Laws of Caste or the Laws of Race to mankind; this is an aspect of Hama/Heimdall who first brought the Divine Order of the Gods to mankind, and who incarnates at various times of the Great Cycle to reinforce these Divine Laws when they lapse.
Lagu - This rune can mean many things and it here refers to the Great Flood which precedes the advent of the Last Avatar. It also refers to the area called Logres which is England, where the Last Avatar will appear. The Lagu-Rune is the Tiw-Rune with his right hand missing, and thus there is a link here to Woden who is a more sinister god whose role leads along the Left-Hand Path too. When the Golden Age ends and Tiw loses his right hand, this role is taken up by a god more suited to lead the Folk out of the Dark Age - Woden. The Lagu-Rune is also a rune of the virile, male warrior since its shape shows the phallus and flow of semen - i.e. it also refers to the virulent warrior ethos that is renewed by the Last Avatar.
Ing - This rune has the meaning "god" or "hero", the latter being misunderstood by most interpreters. This is the Rune of Ing (obviously) who is the Hero-God and the Last Avatar in this next incarnation. He is the Son of Man(nus) and associated with the constellation of Bootes which follows the Waen (Great Bear - Woden's Waen) around the Pole Star. This is the "Saint Cuthman" of Christian legend whose legend holds the secret of the God of England. On August 11th 1999 there was a Solar Eclipse (the Sun turned black) and the next day the Perseid Meteor Shower (the hots stars fell from the sky); at the same time as the Solar Eclipse the Sign of Ing (Sign of the Son of Man) appeared in the skies through a planetary conjunction. This heralded the conception of the New Age - the Age of Ing. The Ing-Rune is also the Rune of the Blood and is thus linked to the Sacred Blood Struggle of this era.
Daeg - This is the rune of the balance of opposites - Light & Darkness - which are contained in the figure of The Hooded Man who is the Last Avatar. It also symbolises the hour-glass which, when emptied, is turned around in order to start time once more. It is a timer. This tips once more to start a new Cosmic Cycle. When something reaches its totality it will flip into its polar opposite; here the Global Order will fall into tribalism and a New Order.
Edel - This is the Rune of the Racial Homeland, for the IE Root * At-Al means "race"; this is the ancient Island of Thule or At-Al-Land which "sank" beneath the waves and which is prophesied to rise once more. This "sank" into our Racial Unconscious and will arise as a herald of the restoration of the Ur-Time. The rune also contains a Germanic Ing-Rune and a Gyfu-Rune combined, and is another variation of the Gift of Ing and thus linked to the Gar-Rune which has the same meaning.
Here we see a sequence in which the recent cosmic events are found to be contained within our rune-row. The "marriage" of the Sun and Moon which occurred at the Solar Eclipse heralded the conception of the Age of Ing. This is underlined in Norse Mythology where we find the incarnation of Hama/Heimdall prophesied, followed by a Great Flood, and then the appearance of Widar the Avenger when Woden is swallowed by the Fenris Wolf. This is a cosmic event that takes place around the Winter Wunwend of 2012 when the "Wolf's Jaws" swallow the Hanged God at the Galactic Centre - the Dark Rift - as our Sun aligns with the Galactic Centre. The constellation of Cygnus the Swan is a marker for the Galactic Centre and is symbolised by the Wilmington Giant in the South of England. There is a further sequence of runes added to the Common Germanic Futhark, making up the 33-Rune English Rune Row.
Ac - The Oak-Tree, symbolic of the centre of the House of the Wulfingas - the Branstock Oak. Woden pushed the Sword of Need into this Oak-Tree, which was taken out by Sigmunde the Waelsinga. This sword is the Broken Sword of legend which was reforged and used by Sigurd the Waelsinga to slay the Dragon and to take the Gold-Hoard. This rune also represents the enegry-matrix of Albion since the central point of this island is the Beran-Byrig where the Island Dragons meet - the Red Dragon and the White Dragon. This is the Ancient Power that resides in the Land of Albion.
Aesc - The Sacred Ash-Tree (Iggdrasil) upon which Woden hangs in order to gain the Wisdom of the Runes. This is the First Man created by the gods Woden, Willa, Weoh whose form is animated by the gods and who are thus Sons of the Gods. This rune is linked to the Os-Rune which has replaced it in the First Aettir; it is also related to the term Oski which is the same as Wunsc and refers to the Wish Lord and the Wish Hounds - The Wild Hunter-God and the Wild Hunt. The IE Root * ansu means spirit and refers to the Ancestors and the Ancestral God - Woden.
Yr - Yr has two distinct meanings from which we can decifer its meaning. The first is gold decoration which can refer to the ancient Gold-Hoard which symbolises the Solar Knowledge of the ancient Solar Race. This is the Solar Wisdom that Sigurd gains when he slays the Dragon and becomes a Dragon-Lord. Here he slays the dragon, eats the Heart of the Dragon (Soul) and drinks the Blood of the Dragon (Spirit) to become a Dragon-Lord. The second meaning is that of Primal Being which refers to Ymir who is "slain" by the gods to create the Cosmos. The name Ymir holds a secret, for it refers to the Sound of Creation YM which is the OM or AUM of the Aryan Hindus. This is sounded like the French "lune". Ymir is the Sound of Creation (the name Ymir can mean The Sounding One) that brings the worlds into being, and Hymir is the Sound of Destruction that brings the cycle to an end - this is the role of Hama-Heimdall who sounds the Giallarhorn. The names Ymir-Hymir-Gymir are all related and they could well be seen as Primal Sounds - YM - HYM - GYM that have certain roles in the Cycle of the Ages. This rune is also that of the Yew-Bow and the symbolism contains an Ur-Rune with the Irminsul or Ur-glyphic Irminsul within it - thus symbolising the primal state of the galaxy - the Milky Way (the Irminsul is the Milky Way).
Ior - The Serpent. This can be the Serpent that enters the house to destroy Man, and who is slain by Woden who uses the Nine Glory-Twigs to do so. The Nine Glory-Twigs are the matrix from which all 33 runes can be drawn. In other words Woden uses the Power of the Runes to destroy the Power of the Serpent. When the points of this rune are joined it makes a 6-pointed star which symbolises the fusion of opposites - chaos. This is the Power of the Serpent. It can also represent Jormungandr - the Midgard Serpent - who is the enemy of Thunor and in this era represents Globalism.
Ear - This rune is the rune of the Way of the Ancestors (Straw-Death) whose bodies return to the Earth to be reborn anew into their family or tribe. Here we see the arms are bound - earth-bound - and thus this is the way back to rebirth upon Earth. This is a rune of burial and the earth-grave. This is the death which is not the way of the Aethelinga. The IE Root * er can mean "earth" but it can also mean "water" and "eternity" - these are in fact linked since the Way of the Ancestors is the eternal return in which the rebirth of the individual is eternally bound to the tribe.
Cweorth - This rune represents the Way of the Gods and is the transcendent rune which transcends this eternal cycle of birth-rebirth in order that the Initiate becomes a god-like figure that is reborn at will, as and when needed or summoned to help the Folk. This is why cremation is used for the Solar Way which is linked to the Cosmic Fire (Kan) and Kingship (Kon) through the Ken-Rune. Cweorth is the Fire-Twirl - the Fire of Cremation that transforms the spiritual body at death. This is the Rune of Valhalla where the Einheriar feast with the Gods. This transcendence is through the overcoming of the Serpent within us (S-elf) that transforms the Initiate into the Elf - The Shining One, and to immortality, as the Gods. This is the secret contained in the Myth of Knit Mountain where Woden enters the mountain as a Serpent (Earth-bound), sleeps for three nights with Gunnlod (Tantric Love-Rite), wins the Mead of Inspiration (becomes enlightened) and rises as an Eagle (Heaven - Home of the Gods). This is exactly the same symbolism as Iggdrasil where the Serpent lies at the base of the tree (spinal column) and the Eagle sits in its branches with the Hawk between his eyes (Third Eye). Cweorth is also the rune of the Hidden God who waits his return when the Cosmic Cycle has ended. Perhaps the most important meaning of this rune relates to the One-Eyed Hunter-God seen in the figure of the Wilmington Giant and Herne Giant, as well as in the shape of two arms of Shiva the Destroyer. This is the One-Eyed Hunter-God as leader of the Mannerbund - the Wild Army.
Calc - This rune means both chalk and cup - together with the next rune (Stan) this makes chalk stone or white stone, the White Stone referring to the ancient Stone of Ing which lays in the South Saxon Mark. The term cup is one related to the Grail Mythos which must have been known to the English who settled here; it is likely that their Initiates took over these mysteries. The cup (Calk), stone (Stan) and Spear (Gar) are all related to the Grail Mythos, and it can be no coincidence that these can be found at the end of the English Rune-Row. At one level this is a rune of Kalki (HelgiH) as the name Calc suggests; the glyph is that of a Bow and Arrow which is related to the Wild Hunter-God. Rune of the Death Mysteries.
Stan - Rune of Being in that this represents stability, stillness, static, state, and other words beginning with st - the Immovable Centre around which the Wheel of Becoming turns eternally. This symbolises the anvil out of which the Sword of Need is taken. The Aryan Root STAN means thunder, so this rune is associated with Thunor the Thunder-God. The hammer of the Thunder-God may once have been the blacksmith's hammer used to forge the ancient swords. It has been suggested that this rune represents the White Horse Stone (Inga-Stone) which is near Aylesford in Kent. This is in fact a complex rune which is a bind-rune of various other runes, but this would be too complex to deal with here.
Gar - This rune is the first and the last and is outside the Four Aettir (4 rows of 8 runes); this is the Spear of Woden (Gift of Ing) which represents the Cosmic Axis and the Immovable Centre again. This is a bind-rune of the Gifu-Rune (Gift) and the Ing-Rune (of Ing) and is also the crossed spears upon the English Symbol. Here the "X" marks the spot - England. This also represents the Spear of Destiny.
These last 9 Runes (9 being a Sacred Number of the North) were added to the Common Germanic Futhark; there are 29 rune-poems in the Old English Rune Poems, the last 4 runes being left out. This is simply because they are transcendent runes and the key to the rest of these nine runes. The Ear-Rune represents the Dying God (Hanged God) whilst the Cweorth-Rune represents the Avenging Son that takes his place at the start of the Age of Ing.
For more information on the Ancient Runes look up the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag system devised by the Wulfinga Gemoot of the Hearth of Heruli in the South Saxon Mark.
English Religion
The English are a specific Racial Group whose origins lie within the Germanic Race which itself is part of the White Race. As such they need a unique religion suited to their origins and their destiny upon Earth. This religion is Wodenism. The term religion means "to bind" and it is this meaning we need to take up in order to bind the English together as a Folk-Community. The English need a religion suited to their racial make-up, one which will bind them together to fulfill their destiny upon Earth. No political change will regenerate the English, nor revival of culture, tradition and heritage without some form of binding force - i.e. a religion.
Woden's Folk promotes the ancient religion of Wodenism, but in a new form suited to this era in our history. This era is one of decay and disintegration, and one in which the world is in a state of chaos. No matter how much we try to hold on to what is gone, the forces of disintegration will prove more powerful at this time. But things are changing, and a new era is dawning. The only way to oppose these forces of disintegration is to go against the flow of time, which is downwards towards decay and death! We have to build a movement of regeneration within the falling world in which we live today - the seeds of a New Order upon Earth.
What we need to start with is to understand that the English are a kind of being that exists with its own particular Race-Soul; this is part of the Race-Soul of the Germanic Race. The English are an integral part of a whole. It is thus futile to break ourselves from our Germanic Roots, no matter what two devastating world wars have done to cause a great split with our own kinfolk. These two world wars, caused by forces seeking the total destruction of our Folk-Group, have caused the English to deny their true roots - a form of "guilt" imposed upon us like the "Original Sin" of Judaeo-Christianity. This type of guilt complex causes a distortion in the Folk-Soul, and thus the decay of a people.
The prime religions of today are inorganic, for they are "international" or "global" in their form, and they have no links to the origins of any one Folk-Group. Religions we shall term organic - such as Odinism, Wotanism, Wodenism, Shintoism etc. arise from the origins and the essence of a particular people. They grow from within a people, and are not imposed upon that people, as are the "global" religions. Organic religions do not "convert" nor "preach", for they are within the particular group from which the religion arises. Wodenism must be looked at in this light. It is the Ur-Religion of the English and the only religion that is right for this particular Racial Group. This is why we do not "convert", nor do we "preach". Those who come to us do so because they feel the Call of the Blood.
Wodenism is an English Religion for the English Folk; but it is part of the world-wide struggle for the freedom of the Northern Folk, and for the freedom of the world from the Dark Forces that control the world today. Nature is unity in diversity, but a mighty force today wills the destruction of this diversity and to impose a global uniformity upon the Earth which is contrary to Natural Law and Cosmic Law. This is why Woden's Folk will co-operate with all peoples aroud the world who seek to break free from this world domination by the Dark Forces. We seek to rebuild the most ancient religion of the English in order to fulfill the English Destiny, but we recognise the world-wide struggle that our Folk has taken up, and that the future lies with co-operation between all peoples who uphold the Eternal Laws of Nature and Cosmic Law.
Mysteries of Woden
The Hooded Man - Mysteries of the Hooded Man as "The Fool" and the Last Avatara and Folk-Hero of England. Incarnation of Thor, Parsifal, Perseus, Peredur - the Pure Fool (Der Rhein Thor).
The White Dragon of England - The supreme symbol of the English Nation and the Saxon Nation. Revived by Woden's Folk. This is the symbol of the spiritual Revolution - the English Revolution.
The Helgi Mysteries - Helgi Thrice-Born, the Wulfinga Hero. Helgi is here equated with Kalki Avatara (Hinduism) who is the last incarnation of Vishnu (Woden) in the cycle of the ages.
Three Crowns of Anglia - The Three Royal Lines of East Anglia - the Wolsungas, Wulfingas and Heardingas.
The Sword of Hengest - The Sword of Attila (the Hun) who Wyrd is passed to Hengest as the new "World Ruler" (Emperium) as stated in the Beowulf Saga.
Guardian-Goddess of England - "Britannia" is the Guardian-Goddess of England, seen in a dream by a Viking Invader. She is the "Wif-Earn" (Eagle-Woman - Wyvern) who symbol is the White Dragon.
The Secrets of the Stars - The Solar Eclipse of August 11th 1999 with the meteor shower in the Constellation of Perseus ("The Fool") and the Ing-Rune alignment (Circle-Cross) with Venus (The Virgin) in Leo the Lion, prophesied in the Eddas and foretelling the coming of the Hooded Man and the birth of the Age of Aquarius. Nine months later (May 4th 2000) came a seven star alignment in Taurus the Bull (or Aries the Ram using the Sidereal Zodiac) which herald the "birth" of the Avatara-Force. May 2001 saw yet another important star-alignment, and the cattle-slaughter of the "Foot and Month" epidemic here in England was linked to these signs in the sky. Put together these herald the Coming of the Hooded Man.
The Grail Mysteries - The true meaning of the Holy Grail (Sang Real) with the christian dogma removed; through an understanding of the Grail Mysteries we can understand what is happening in England today, and see how things are changing and moving towards an English Awakening.
The Divine Twins - Hengest and Horsa, Romulus and Remus, Attila and Bleda - the meaning of the Horse Twins and the relevance to our struggle for freedom in England. Creation-Destruction in terms of Empire.
The Wulfinga Mysteries - The Ur-Tribes of the Wolf. The Wuffinga Royal Dynasty of East Anglia. The Sceptre of the Divine Emperor and the Wulfinga Line descended from Caesar.
These and many more mysteries form the foundation of the Cult of Woden at an esotric level. Work is continuously being done to update these Woden Mysteries, and more are coming to light as this research goes on. There is plenty of interest here for those who seek knowledge of the Ancient Mysteries and those interested in esotericism and hidden lore. The also form part of the Woden Mystery Religion and Magico-Mysterical work within the Cult of Woden. The meaning of the "Signs of the times" are vital to an understanding of what is happening today, and of how to look for signs of change in an Age of Darkness and Ignorance. As the stars unfold, so does the history of our folk.
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