1) To My Enemy
Unwilling friend, let not your spite abate:Help me with scorn, and strengthen me with hate.[John Davidson; Davidson was a poet much influenced by Nietzsche - he was born in 1857]
2) "Provided one has a right to link the salvation and future of the human race with the unconditional dominance of aristocratic values, Roman values ..."[Nietzsche GM 1:16]
For man to actually HAVE a future, it is necessary that Noble Values dominate the earth; without that, mankind will become extinct, or worse, slip back to its simian past, devolve into an ape, 'more ape-like than any ape'.Nietzschean philosophy is our 'salvation' .
3) The Testament of John Davidson
...But with the unfading gods
Who live in the eternal moment, timeHas nought to do; their beauty and their strength
Renew themselves: with every ardent pulse
Desire augments throughout eternity.[Davidson, Testament, lines 1746 - 1750]
One should never forget that this is a Dionysian philosophy which lusts after the nobility of pagan culture in all its rich irrationality and will to might.
4) Deus est Amor
If a race NEGLECTS to create its own gods, it gets the bump.[Ezra Pound 1940]
5) "In the heathen classics you find no consciousness of sin ...They were conscious of wrath, of cruelty, avarice, drunkenness, lust, sloth, cowardice, and other actual vices, and struggled and got rid of the deformities, but they were not conscious of 'enmity against God', and didn't sit down and whine and groan against non-existent evil".[Theodore Parker]
6) Terra Italica
The glory of the polytheistic anschauung is that it never asserted a single and obligatory path for everyone.It never caused the assertion that everyone was fit for initiation and it never caused an attempt to force people into a path alien to their sensibilities.Paganism never feared knowledge. It feared ignorance and under a flood of ignorance it was driven out of its temples.[E.Pound 1931]
7) The Religion of Healthy-Mindedness
The earlier Greeks neither denied the ills of nature, nor did they, in order to escape from those ills, invent 'another and better world' of the imagination, in which, along with the ills, the innocent goods of sense would also find no place.[Wm. James]
8) All this was not lost with the fall of Greece and Rome; even into the Christian period much of the pagan lore, and therefore the aristocratic culture, was preserved in various ways (both esoteric and exoteric).
Indeed, the very blood itself so cried out for nobility that there were returns to the Graeco-Roman period;
"There was, to be sure, in the Renaissance an uncanny and glittering reawakening of the classical ideal, of the noble mode of evaluating things ..."[Nietzsche GM 1:16]
The forces of the counter-renaissance in the form of the Christian Churches both Protestant and Catholic did much to curtail this rebirth of the aristocratic ideal.
9) "With the French Revolution, Judea once again triumphed over the classical ideal ..."[Nietzsche GM 1:16]
It must be noted that it was the French Revolutionary government of 1791 which bestowed full civic rights on the Jews - this was Judaism's green light; social emancipation for the Jews followed throughout Europe [but conspicuously not in Tsarist Russia]
We want an European religion.
Christianity is verminous with semitic infections.
What we really believe is the pre-Christian element which Christianity has not stamped out.[E.Pound 1939]
11) "Like a last signpost to the OTHER path, Napoleon appeared, the most isolated and late-born man there has ever been, and in him the problem of the NOBLE IDEAL AS SUCH made flesh - one might well ponder WHAT kind of problem it is: Napoleon, this synthesis of the OVERBEAST and OVERMAN ."[Nietzsche GM 1:16]
For Nietzsche Napoleon was a gurantee that a return to Nobility is always possible, no matter how dire and 'democratic' the situation may be.
12) "Must the ancient fire not some day flare up much more terribly, after much longer preparation?More: must one not desire it with all one's might? even will it? even promote it? "[Nietzsche GM 1:17]
It is possible that Nietzsche was uttering a prophecy of Fascism here.
We can look forward to more such eruptions of that volcano in the future.
13) And let us be reminded of the mood of Master Morality among the Norsemen.
Look at the figure of Hrafnkel in the 'Saga of Hrafnkel Frey's Godi', as he sets out to deal with the oath-breaker Einar;
"He rode wearing black clothes. He had an axe in his hand, but no other weapons".
His retribution is swift and merciless;
"Then he leapt off his horse and swung his axe at Einar. He met his death immediately. After he had completed that, Hrafnkel rode home to announce the news".
When Einar's kinsmen seek legal recompence, they are told;
"You are not unaware that I never pay anyone reparations".
Einar's kinsmen suggest a mediating party; Hrafnkel replies;
"You regard yourself as my equal then, and we will never come to an agreement on that basis".
14) All this goes to show that it is Slave Morality which must be overcome, and Master Morality which must replace it;
"At least 'Beyond Good and Evil' does NOT mean 'Beyond Good and Bad' ".[Nietzsche GM 1:17]
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