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Thursday, 26 January 2006


Nietzsche neither "rambled" nor "lamented"; on the contrary, his writing 'evolved' towards ever tighter concision, and his overall sensibility was one of cheerfulness.

Christianity was rooted in Jewish Slave Morality, but its interpretation in Europe showed that the underlying paganism was not vanquished. Examples are the Emperor Julian's return to Paganism, the long slow and painful process of Christianisation which was latest and least convincing in Scandinavia. The preservation of pagan lore in the Classical civilisation and in the Celto-Germanic world [the Eddas, Sagas, Epics, Arthurian cycles etc.,].The pagan quality of the Troubadors and their culture of knightly love; the profound triumph of the Renaiisance giving Europe and the world some of the finest artistic and intellectual work. The Enlightenment finally made the Judeao-Christian nonsense suspect [as well as scientifically confirming the Aryan connections between Europe and Asia], while Romanticism reinvigorated the pagan Mysticism indigeneous to the European. The 'divine right theory' in Europe is actually pagan in inspiration, this is evidenced by the most extreme form of it was The Sun King, in all his immoral splendour in pre-Revolutionary France!Plenty to affirm here which is not Christian!

The idea that 'love' is a specifically Christian notion is nonsense; indeed it is pagan pantheism which sees all things as living and worthy of love, while the Bible extolls man to master the beasts of the earth, and use the latter to his own ends. It is the Jewish-Christians who demystify the earth and animal kingdoms; it is the Christians who make the Body a thing of shame and a sin.Christ's ambiguous message hallows the destruction of the enviroment and spiteful religious war.Lest anyone should say that this was a perversion of Christ's own message, let's not forget 'His' words;"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth; I come not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother (etc.,) ... And a man's foes shall be they of his own household".[Matthew 10, 34-6]

Here we have the plan to destroy Aryan civilisation which was set out in full much later in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion!This Messiah is spoken of in the Book of Revelation like this;"His eyes were as a flame of fire ... and out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword". [Rev.1,14-6]"And he was clothed with a vesture dripped in blood". [ib. 19,13]

The European literature of love is derived from the pagan culture, where love is spoken of in various nuances - agape, eros etc., Christianity, like Islam, and like Judaism, is a hateful monotheistic Misanthropism;

"He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the Lord only, he shall be utterly destroyed".[Exodus 22,20]THAT is the key to the hateful farce as it flows from the Jews to the Christians and onto the Moslems [not to mention the 'Democrats'].

To the pagan, a god is an equal of a Noble; to the Jew/Christian/Moslem, God is Jealous Master, wrathful and spiteful.

Not the Darwinian 'will to survival', but the Will to Power is Nietzsche's philosophy; it is the philosophy of the Noble pagan cultures which once stretched around the world before the eruption of hateful monotono-theism in the shape of the genius race of resentment and their Bible-doctrine which has spawned the most negative religions and post-religious ideologies like Communism.

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