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Monday, 9 January 2006

All cultures have a legacy, just as all people have parents and ancestors, whether they like it or not. This is what Sartre called our 'facticity', the thing that we cannot deny, our piece of unfreedom - our heritage.Everybody weaves some sort of history about themselves whether consciously or not [even Nihilism has its historical mythos]; the question is, as asked by Nietzsche;"What is the use of that history, or that mythos, for Life" ?

The Cultural Sceptic will use his Nihilism to remain in stasis, saying with the Greek Tragedy; "We cannot affirm, we cannot deny - all is dark! "That is no good to the Dionysian Superman: he wants to AFFIRM life - Eternally!

Therefore, it is of the UTMOST importance what people/cultures/nations BELIEVE themselves to be, as opposed to what they 'really' are [and that supposed 'reality' is as elusive as absolute Truth - and certainly, our Nihilists are not going to supply any positive historical mythos].

The British of the Victorian era believed themselves to be good Saxons who had brought democracy and progress to a retarded world, just as their Germanic ancestors had brought freedom to their once savage island centuries before when they invaded from the continent; some Britons even believed that their Race were descended from the Trojan Brutus Rome itself was founded on myths which were contradictory and absurd [Aneas the Trojan hero who fled the fall of Troy to travel - via Carthage - to found a new Troy, i.e., Rome; and Romulus and Remus, led by a she-wolf etc.,].But great ascending Nations understand the nature of METAPHOR, they do not degenerate into Socratic nit-picking and materialistic thinking - all that happens only when the Race has begun to decline.

All nations are founded on historical myths, and are SUSTAINED by such myths; and these myths are NOT discreet - the myth of Rome fed into the founding of the American republic [Latin:Res Publica] - all myths feed on one another and inter-breed - so much so, that we cannot fathom where some begin and others end.All law makers and culture-formers take myths from the past and revaluate them in order to make them work in the next cycle; this is a totally promiscuous process THAT HAS NO BEGINNING.

It is no good saying to the September 11th fanatics that Islam is all false, or that modern Islam has no real connection to Mohammed; it is what they BELIEVE TO BE THE CASE that underwrites their actions; they have in Nietzsche's view, just enough history under their belts in oredr for them to ACT.

The American Dream was no doubt the creation of Hollywood, but it sufficed to build a Nation with the optimism and freshness able to become the World's Superpower; likewise, Charlemagne in 800 A.D. called his Pan European Reich the 'Holy Roman Empire'; - that was his belief, even though, as some have suggested, it was neither Roman nor Holy.

Just as King Canute sat on his Throne at the seashore to demonstrate that his power could not hold back the tide, so too are cultural Nihilists impotent to tell the great waves of world culture that they are not 'the real McCoy', and they are not really European, or Roman, or Aryan, or Semitic, or American.

Europe was NEVER just a geographical expression, and it was always more, just as the culture of Europe now spans the WHOLE GLOBE. Europe was, and is, a mythical and cultural expression. It begins in the Greek peninsula, that was the first notion of Europa as a cultural entity [check out the ancient myth of Europa and the bull]. Then it was extended East by Alexander and West by the Romans, and finally globally by the Colonial Powers.Alexander was a Macedonian who, like his forefathers was Greek in culture; the Romans too - barbarians to the Greeks - adopted Greek culture; the culture of Europa; they had a mission, inherent in the mythos itself, to permeate and pervade the world with Europa, make the world in the image of the first Europa which was that small Greek peninsula.The colonial powers of Europe all studied the Classics and followed the guidance of Pericles, Caesar and Augustus, for their worldly ambitions.America as a Western Power can only be seen as the outcome of Europa; through the Empires of Greece, Alexander, Rome, Spain, Britain, and now America, the cultural mythos of Europa dominates the world, and its beginnings lie in that small cluster of slave-owning city states and their Aryan Nobility in Ancient Greece.Noble beginnings most certainly; followed by cycles and waves of decline, rise and fall, most definitely. But with Nietzsche's philosophy ahead of us, as a world historical political mythos, we will achieve further Noble empires in the future, as the arrow is loosed from the taut, tight, straining bow.Beware Nihilists, THE ABYSS IS ABOUT TO OPEN UP AND SWALLOW YOU ALL!

All Hail the Christ-Souled Caesar, for it is He!

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