How right Nietzsche is to expose Christianity's conspiracy against Aryan nobility;
"Christianity only takes up the fight that had already begun against the CLASSICAL ideal and the NOBLE religion". (Nietzsche WM 196)
And what was this Noble religion? -"Christianity is the great anti-pagan movement of antiquity". (ib. 195)
This religion, sprung out of Judaism, was used as a Trojan Horse to infect and finally exterminate Aryan Nobility. It was largely the masterplan of Saul, who changed his Semitic name to the gentile name Paul; Christians know him as 'saint' Paul to Nietzsche he is;"Paul, the genius of hatred". (Nietzsche, 'The Antichristian')
Taking a deep breath, let us examine some of the evidence.
Jesus's utterances in the Gospels ['good tidings' - what irony!] are full of paradoxes which betoken interpolation. The very Jewish Jesus who says that he 'has not come to bring peace to the earth, but to bring a sword' (see 'The Bible', Matthew 10), preaches the opposite in the same Gospel;
"Turn the other cheek". (Matt. 5.39)
And elsewhere;"Love your enemies". (Luke 6)
Of course it is this latter 'Christian' message for Gentile ears which betokens the Trojan Horse; by this debilitating poison of pacifism, 'Jesus' will make the Aryans ripe for conquest!
That 'His' message was different for Jews is shown by the following, when he shows solidarity with the Jewish Old Testament;"Think not that I am come to destroy the Law, or the Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill". (Matthew 5)
And what was that message waiting for fulfilment?
It was of a world conquering JEWISH Messiah, who is spoken of here;
"They shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet". (Isaiah 49)
The tremendous store of hatred and revenge against Gentile/Aryan nations spews out - pure ressentiment. It is this which is carried by duplicity of Christianity into the Noble bloodstream!
This Jesus makes his conspiracy clear;
"I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel".(Matt.15)
Christians though, are meant to obey the following;
"Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned; forgive and ye shall be forgiven". (Luke 6)
Oh how very convenient! - is that the Jewish law?
No, the Law is for the Jews, - it is the Gentiles who are to be fed the self-destructive nonsense of liberalism, altruism and humility - 'do not fight back!'.
Think of all those generations of European children who were brainwashed as they were forced to recite this poisonous creed in the famous 'Lord's Prayer';
"And forgive us our misdeeds, as we forgive the misdeeds of others towards us".
All that forgiveness comes in handy when your ancestral religion, homeland and race is being destroyed in front of your very eyes!No wonder the 'West' has become lawless with this kind of Christian filth infusing all its institutions.
That this 'Christianity' was a conspiracy to chronically annhilate Aryan values, beginning with pagan Rome, cannot be doubted;
"I send you forth as lambs among wolves". (Luke 10)
But, to deflect charges of 'anti-Semitism', I shall quote a Jew on the matter;
"Only after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 A.D. the new belief of Christianity started to win respect.
A patriotic Jew, called Paul or Saul, hit on the idea of breaking the moral backbone of the Roman soldiers by means of the doctrine of love and pacifism, preached by a small Jewish sect, in order to force Rome to its knees and humiliate it.He became the apostle to the heathens, the very person who had been, up to then, one of the most zealous persecutors of that gang, the Christians. Paul did it so well that 400 years later, this huge Empire, which had conquered Palestine and half the world, had become a heap of rubble. And the Law of Moses, which had gone out from Sion, became the state religion of Rome".[Marcus Eli Ravage, 1928]
That Trojan Horse rumbles on today with its liberalism, political correctness, anti-racism, anti-sm, and all the rest of its pseudo-Christian doctrines!
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