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Thursday, 26 January 2006

Against the Jewish Slave revolt in Morals

First, Nietzsche understands that the Jewish religion of the Chosen People is the strongest example of spiritualised 'racism' in world history - anyone who actually READS the Old Testament cannot deny this.

Secondly, we must distinguish between the 'anti-Semitism' of Nietzsche's time espoused by Christians [and CHRISTIANISED/SECULARISED JEWS] in Germany, and his own original campaign against the Jewish Slave revolt in Morals which destroyed Nobility.

The final quote is from 1887, and cannot therefore refer to Hitler; indeed, it would seem to prophesy the bitter civil war within Europe which was to erupt between 1914 and 1945 [remembering that a corrupt Britain declared war on Germany on both occasions - see what Nietzsche has to say about the British in the same book!].
Hitler's plan was for a united Europe, around the Nordic-Latin Axis of Germany/Italy to form an Alliance with Britain and her dependencies; this was a Big European idea, a Good European idea - very different to the petty nationalism of Nietzsche's time.

A crude anti-sm/anti-Semitism is without intellectual credibility. However, the 'Distance' between Semitic and Aryan culture must be explored, and cannot be held-hostage by anti-Semitism, or anti-sm.
Those who wish to honestly engage with Nietzsche cannot be frightened of approaching the conflict of 'Judea versus Rome' - for this is the cultural/political Nietzsche.

The main difference is that the Aryans generated the culture of Master Morality.

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