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Thursday, 20 April 2006

Blood of Christianity

In 'The Antichristian', Nietzsche leaves us in doubt as to the 'Blood lineage' of Christianity;
"Christianity is the revolt of all things that crawl on their bellies against everything that is lofty ".
[Nietzsche, A 43]

The Gospels provide evidence of this most base Blood; talking of them, he says;
"The FIRST thing to be remembered' if we do not wish to lose the scent here, is that we are among Jews".
[IB. 44]

Remember, this is the 'New Testament';
"This fraud in word and pose which in the Gospels is elevated to an ART, is not the accident of any individual gift, or any exceptional nature. These qualities are a matter of RACE".

Nietzsche believes that certain ideological/theological standpoints are the product of Blood, i.e., of the Race;
"All of this is not only tradition, it is HEREDITARY".

That this very Jewish poison should find its way into the Aryan Blood-stream was a tragedy for Nietzsche;
"The whole fatality was rendered possible only because a kind of megalomania, akin to the Christian one and allied to it in Race, - the Jewish kind - was already to hand in the world: the very moment the gulf between Jews and Judaeo-Christians was opened, the latter had no alternative left, but to adopt the same self-preservative measures as the Jewish instinct suggested, even AGAINST the Jews themselves, whereas the Jews, theretofore, had employed these same measures only against the Gentiles. The Christian is nothing more than an anarchical Jew".

Aryan man had begun to be Judaised, a kind of miscegenation was occuring both in the spiritual as well as in the physical realm; Christianised anti-Semitism was yet another example of this!

It should be noted that Nietzsche's own opposition to the Jews was racial and political, and is therefore a precursor to the kind of non-religious anti-Semitism which was to flourish in the 20th century.

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