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Thursday, 20 April 2006

Blood Upholding

[This colour, called by Pliny 'the highest glory', was the shade of congealed blood - the 'blood of purple hue' as Homer put it]

On this day in the year 1290 A.D., The Edict of Expulsion was Promulgated in the Kingdom of England.
By this Edict did our good King Edward the First [known as Longshanks due to his uncommon height] banish all Jews from England. This Edict was later overturned by the Traitor Cromwell; however, because all Cromwell's strictures were nullified with the return of Monarchy, the Edict is still in effect.

On this day in the year 1596, did our most illustrious Queen Elizabeth the First banish all Negroes from the Realm of England, decreeing, in her own fair words, that all "Blackamoors be sent forth from the Land".
O Noble Lady, you were rightly Honoured by our great Elisabethan poets, playwrights, philosophers and seamen. We 'of the blood' still adhere to your guidance - Hail!

"Blood is a quite peculiar fluid".
[Goethe, Faust]

1) Race, descent, parentage; blue blood; fresh or new blood; young blood; in one's blood; of the blood (i.e., royal).
2) Relationship, relations (own flesh and blood); 'blood is thicker than water' (the tie of kinship is strong).
[Old English 'blod', from Germanic *blodham]

"There is only Nobility of Birth, only Nobility of Blood ".
[Nietzsche, The Will To Power,Bk IV 942]
The above was written in 1885, when Nietzsche was completing Zarathustra and working on 'Beyond Good and Evil'.
He further explains his notion of Blood in relation to Nobility;
"When one speaks of 'aristocrats of the spirit', reasons are usually not lacking for concealing something; as is well-known, it is a favourite term among ambitious Jews. For Spirit alone does not make Noble; rather, there must be something to Ennoble the Spirit. - What is then required? Blood".
[Nietzsche WM 942]

On this day in 1527 was born the British astrologer, alchemist and mathematician, John Dee.

On this day in 1887 was born the Norwegian Leader Vidkun Quisling.

All Hail the Noble Purple!

On that same fate-ful Day in 1925 was the first edition of Our Fuhrer's Mein Kampf published!There are no coincidences!


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