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Wednesday, 17 May 2006

Here woman's voice is never heard : apart,
And scarcely permitted, guarded, veil'd, to move,
She yields to one her person and her heart.
[Lord Byron, Childe Harold II:LXI]

"Isn't the testimony of a woman worth only half the testimony of a man? That is because of her inferior intelligence".
[Sayings of Mohammed SB 3.326,Abu Sa'id al-Khudri]

Islam's separation of the es corresponds, if not in degree, then in kind, to Nietzsche's emphatic 'Pathos of Distance';
"Woman! One half of mankind is weak, typically sick, changeable, inconstant".
[Nietzsche WM 864]

Woman is intrinsically lower than man in the Order of Rank;
"Although women have similar rights to man, they are slightly inferior to them" [Qur'an 2.28&4.34], and the testimony of two women is equivalent to that of one man [Qur'an 2.282].

So the Koran, like Nietzsche, sees woman as inconstant, less reliable in her testimony; in short, like 'truth' itself.

Nietzsche admires Islam becuse it is, in his view, a 'religion for men'; a warrior religion.

"Shariah law makes the assumption that political power lies in the hands of the conquering Muslims. There are many rules relating to non-Muslims, mainly Jews and Christians, who are called 'dhimmi' and treated as a conquered and subjugated people.
'Dhimmi' are considered second-class citizens and must adhere to a number of restrictions designed to reinforce this second-class status. they have to pay a special tax called 'jizya'. Another feature of the Shariah are the draconian punishments for certain crimes, such as amputation for theft, stoning for adultery and the death sentence for any Muslim who leaves the faith, which is considered equivalent to treason against the State".
[Islam for Christians]

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