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Monday, 22 May 2006

Suicide and Death

It is a Christian notion that suicide is "weak"

Amor Fati means that one's death is MEANT, and as deliberate as any suicide.
Hence the Samurai ritual suicide - see Mishima [ the Samurai philosophy is a Noble Superhumanist Ethic].

Is it ever 'weak' to kill oneself?
Isn't going willingly to your death the strongest thing you can do?

Isn't the man who begs for his life the weak one?
The man who will bargain his life for any infamy just so that he can live?

Isn't it one of the great tragic paradoxes of life that we possess both the instinct against death - the Schopenhauerian will to life - , coupled with the intellectual knowledge that we all die anyway?

Taking this thought of suicide as a 'temptation' [German, Versuch]; it is proof of strength that one entertains it - and then RESISTS it.

Nietzsche's famous quote 'What does not kill me makes me stronger' is relevant here.
Nietzsche describes this quote as being 'from the military school of life'; Nietzsche's own experience in war opened his eyes to the overcoming of depression necessary in the field of protracted combat.
Holed up in a filthy trench for months on end, always facing the possibility of sudden death - or even worse, of incapacitation, and therefore of being a burden on comrades.
In such conditions a man learns so much about himself.

Of course, the man who goes 'over the top', and faces enemy fire is courting death; to the Vikings to die a natural death [which is the Christian Secular ideal of dying in one's sleep common today] was dishonourable; they called this a 'Straw Death' [as beds were made out of straw].
The Viking MUST meet his death in Battle BECAUSE ONLY THEN COULD HE GO TO VALHALLA!
Through this metaphysic the Vikings conquered far and wide!

From this perspective, Nietzsche would agree with Kamakazi pilots and yes - suicide bombers!

There is also the clash between Christian and Pagan values. The former sees suicide as a 'sin', the latter sees it as couragous.
The Samurai ritual suicide was the culmination of a heroic life [see Mishima's version of the Samurai 'Hagakure' - this is a brilliant example of a very Nietzschean ethic; essentially the Samurai lives expecting death at every second, at every breath, and given the choice between life and death - always chooses death].
Mishima himself took his own life in a blaze of gory glory - it was his crowning artistic achievement!
Nietzsche says in Zarathustra that;
"One must Die at the right time".

This is taken as advocacy for euthanasia, and was certainly suggestive to the s.

So. in brief I would say that the thought of suicide was a constant test, and ultimately death itself would be seen as 'suicide', in that the Superhuman type Wills his own life - and therefore his own DEATH - to the point of Amor Fati.

Caste is DESTINY -
this was the great wisdom of the ancient Aryans ...
a wisdom echoed by Nietzsche.

Nietzsche claimed that slavery ALWAYS exists within human societies, whether they admit or no.

 So who are our slaves today?

Nietzsche famously gave his "formula" for "happiness" (in Twilight, I think), as;

"A Yes, a No, a Straight-Line and a Goal".

We can deduce from that that happiness is not the blissful drift of hedonism, nor is it the contentment of bovines.
It is rather goal-orientated and decisive, even aggressive,

The dis-eased man tries to infect others.

Time is a construction.
'justify life'.

Rare Few

The least well-adapted fail far more fequently than the well-adapted; hence the creativity of the unadjusted Rare Few, and the mediocrity of the well-adjusted Many.
There is an argument that Nietzsche himself was arguing against the popular conception of Darwinism, rather than Darwin himself.
If Nietzsche had read Darwin's The Descent of Man [I am assuming that he didn't], then I think he would have agreed with that book's notion of ual selection.

Of course there is an on-going symbiosis between man and his enviroment - the enviroment itself is a result of creativity. The enviroment also evolves in its own way, and so I object to the notion of a static enviromental 'given'.
And yet isn't 'Beyond Good and Evil' ALSO poetic?
The whole work finishes with an actual poem, while the chapters tend to culminate in prose poems of dazzling word-play.
And the Preface ... if that is not poetic, I don't know what is!
No, we cannot say that 'Zarathustra' is poetic and 'Beyond Good and Evil' isn't; - they are BOTH poetic.
Isn't poetry very close to philosophy anyway?
Weren't Nietzsche's favourite Presocratics oftener than not, poets?

Poetry and philosophy began in the same ancient place, and merely split off into two streams; with Nietzsche they became united once more.

No, no - we cannot make 'poetry' as our difference between the two works; rather Nietzsche was wearing a different persona in BGE - he was speaking in another poetic voice; more Dionysus the philosopher-god, than Zarathustra, the teacher of the over-man.

Actually both works do not deal with the same ideas - Zarathustra concentrates on The Eternal Return and the Superman, whereas BGE concentrates on the decadence of European culture.
Quite different.

I think it is on record that Burckhardt did not really appreciate Nietzsche's 'Philosophy of the Future', much to Nietzsche's chagrin.
It seems that the philosopher tried to 'entice' the historian Burckhardt to read his books on the basis that by reading one he would understand the other.
As we know from actually READING BGE and TSZ this is a gross over-simplification that we can excuse Nietzsche [and Nietzsche ONLY] for.

Nietzsche's primary quality for me is 'the fragment'.

European Synthesis

"Give to our lost continent Will, Union and Spirit, and our Europe can yet win this new world".
[Sir Oswald Mosley 1953]

We are living through a momentous time in history as Europe - slowly, painstakingly - attempts to "become one".

Of course it was Nietzsche, over a century ago, who recognised this political/cultural/spiritual necessity.
Did he not write in his 'Beyond Good and Evil' (1886);

"The most unmistakable signs that EUROPE WISHES TO BE ONE are now overlooked".
[BGE 256]

Alas, even today are these signs are being over-looked. We Nietzscheans, as 'Good Europeans' (BGE 241), must be advocates for this European Union.
Not the EU of the Bankers, but the EU of Philosopher Rulers and Artists!

"With all the more profound and large-minded men of this 19th century, the real general tendency of the mysterious labour of their souls was to prepare the way for that new SYNTHESIS, and tentatively to anticipate the European of the future ...
"I think of such men as Napoleon, Goethe, Beethovan, Stendhal, Heine, Schopenhauer ,,,
"I also count Wagner as among them ...
"It is Europe, the ONE Europe, whose soul presses urgently and longingly, outwards and upwards, in their multifarious and boisterous art - whither?
Into a new light?
Towards a new sun? "
[BGE 256]

That this United Europe must be a great Power is borne out by the gem-like aphorism in amongst Nietzsche's meditations on Europa;

"I hear with pleasure that our sun is moving rapidly towards the constellation 'Hercules': and I hope that the men on this earth will do like the sun. And we foremost, we good Europeans!"
[BGE 243]

Europe must find her Warrior nature once more!
It is not good enough for current German politicians to ramble on about Europe not "doing war" anymore!
Such lackies should be shot!
Only through war can Europe become One!

What kind of Europe though?
Here's some quotes from the Italian philosopher Baron Julius Evola on Europa;

" 'A Europe of the Peoples', with its regional and cultural differentiation, must possess a centralising force to avoid being weak and disorganised.
It must have a point of reference, a higher synthesis.
Hence comes the idea of the IMPERIUM which has 'checks and balances' in its inherent respect for diverse laws and languages in Europe".
[Evola - article in Scorpion 12]

One is reminded here of U.Varange's book 'Imperium', which offered a different, but parallel view of a new European order.
Evola continues;

"The notion of European unity is spiritual and supranational.
Homeland, nation, ethnic group subsist at an essentially naturalistic 'physical' level; Europe ['Europa una'] should be something more than this.
The old nationalisms and resentments are only grafted onto Europe when a particular national domination is imposed by one nation upon the rest of Europe.
The Euopean 'Imperium' will belong to a higher order than the parts which compose it, and to be European should be conceived as being something qualitatively different from being Italian, Prussian, Basque, Finnish, Scottish or Hungarian ..."

Truly, writers and thinkers like Evola have imbibed the essence of Nietzsche's 'Good Europeanism' and taken it further.
Dance, like philosophy, began with physical combat.

The first to keep the body in trim, the second to do the same for the mind.
The Order of Rank is only possible with the emergence of the self-styled warrior-god. For it is he, as an exalted being who reduces the vanquished to slavery.
Prisoners of war are the first slaves.

From the Sword Strong derives the hierarchy;

Warrior king and the warrior caste,
Priests [who worship the gods made in the image of the warrior band],
Peasant workers [who are of the race], and
Slaves [aliens captured in war].
The degradation begins with the tendency to posit 'equality' over hierarchy, to pretend to 'universality' over particularity; to begin to value 'peace' over War.To want Nothingness over Power.

Sunday, 21 May 2006


"The Beginning is what man lacks".
[G. Meyrinck]

"That which lives on reason lives against The Spirit".

"Blessed are the Strong for they shall possess the Earth
Cursed are the Weak for they shall inherit the Yoke".
[Might Is Right, Redbeard]

"The word 'reality' comes from the same root as 'royal' - 'reality' was ever what the King said it was".
[P. Lavenda]

"Truth and My Will are one and the same".

"The Economic Unification of Europe is a coming Necessity".
[Nietzsche, WP 748]

"Napoleon, the only man hitherto strong enough to make Europe into a political and ECONOMIC UNITY".
[Nietzsche, letter, 1888]

"Himmler conceived of the Welwelsburg Castle as a future SS Vatican, built on a gigantic scale to represent the Centre Point of a New Aryan World Order".
[Black Sun, Goodrick-Clarke]

"What a blessing, what a deliverance from a weight becoming unendurable, is the appearance of an Absolute Ruler for these herd-like Europeans - of this fact the effect of the appearance of Napoleon was the last great proof: the history of the influence of Napoleon is almost the history of the highest happiness to which the entire century has attained in its worthiest individuals and periods".
[Nietzsche, BGE 199]

"Music is nothing but knowing the Order of All Things".
[Trismegistus in Asclepius]

"Mercury is Wind, which takes Sulphur, or Dionysius, or [if you so please to call it] Ascelpius, being yet an imperfect Embryo out of the Mother's belly or out of the Ashes of the Mother's Body burned, & carries it thither where it may be brought to maturity".
[Atalanta Fugiens, M. Maier]

"To be Awake is everything".
[G. Meyrinck]
Capitalism is the aculation of Capital.
Its vaunting of 'competition' is its Noble Lie.
Those who believe that Capitalism is some noble gymnasium should wake up to the truth - the last thing that Capitalists want is competition!

The Aristocracy seeks to create as much DISTANCE between itself and the lower orders as possible - Nietzsche's Pathos of Distance.
This is also a PERSPECTIVE [a concept you clearly don't understand].

Nothing is 'plain and simple' - there is no 'blame' in the Nietzschean conception, hence the Innocence of Becoming.

Revaluation is not the same as Revolution - so where's the 'blame'?


A Master Race is destined to lose power because of its OWN degeneration - not 'blaming' anyone else here.
The castes beneath it [whether slave, peasant, merchant or priest] contain elements who are constantly trying - by hook or by crook - to over-throw the Master Caste.
Now those elements could never succeed when the Masters are at their most potent and cruel. However, because the necessity of nature dictates that all living things must eventually fall into decay - especially when they relax their grip - then the Master Race is DESTINED fall [and therefore also rise again].
Then the slaves may rise up with the aid of priests or with the aid of merchants [or both], since they all have the same goal to see the end of Warrior Power.

So this cycle of birth, life, death etc., grinds on eternally - there is nothing that can be done about that, and there is no 'blame' there!

Likewise, castes/classes are ALWAYS existent in every society - show me one where they are not!
Capitalism does NOT create more castes than any other society [see agrarian India for the most varied array of castes].
No blame there!

As for 'competition' - this is ALSO endemic to ALL existence!
What could be more competitative than a warrior society - check out Sparta!

In actual fact, Capiatalism tries to LIMIT competition by use of monoploy, trade tariffs, take-overs etc.,

No, it does not wash to pretend that Capitalism is 'Nietzschean' - Nietzsche had nothing but contempt for the merchant class - particularly for the "Stock-Exchange Jew" which he called the most disgusting creature on earth!

So where's the 'blame'!?!

Change, struggle, transformation, revaluation, hierachy and competion are all Necessary!

Sacred Orifice

The 20th Century Plague: not the Black Death, this time; the Gray Life.
[Aldous Huxley]

And alone and without his nest shall the Eagle fly across the Sun.
[Kahil Gibran]

There remains but a small space to cross of the long path we have trodden before the cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolise our people, will be completed.
When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vice".
[Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, 1905]

When chthonic (i.e., that which dwells in the under-world), the Snake is the enemy of the Sun and all Solar and spiritual powers and represents the Dark Forces in mankind".
[Dictionary of Symbolism]

The Persian snake Azi-dahak is 'the throttler', enemy of the Sun-God.

The brothers and sisters die if we live, the Myriads Invisible squeak reptile complaint.
[Alan Ginsberg T.V. Baby Poems 1961]

O O O ...

"And the drunken mountains tottered: the river,
Like a boa constrictor stretched over
The whole valley, darted out to wrap itself around them".
['Awakening in the Carriage', de Nerval]

The Breath - Ahhhh ...

"A man should not marry a girl who is named after a snake".
['The Laws of Manu' 3.9]

The stream wears the pebble round ...

"Ils reviendront, ces Dieux que tu pleures toujours!
Le temps va ramener l'ordre des anciens jours".
[They will return, those gods you still weep for!
Time will bring back the order of old days]
['Delfica', de Nerval]

Plunge in and down ...

"And I am homesick
After mine own kind that know, and feel
And have some breath for beauty and the arts".
['In Durance', E.Pound 1907]

The Halo ... The Hollow ... The Hole Above and Below ...

"The Nordic gods do not create mankind in the manner of the Christian God but rather provide it with original gifts. This is similar to the actions of the serpent and the fallen angels in the Christian mythos.
Man, in turn, moulds images of the gods and sacrifices gifts in exchange for those recieved".
['Gothicism and the Dark Tradition', T.Karlsson (]

Droplets ...

"Bless the cup which is about to overflow so that the water golden-flowing out of it may carry everywhere the reflection of thy rapture".
['TSZ', Nietzsche]

The Crown ... The Skull... The Deathmask ...

"As he died, Napoleon saw an armed head ...
He thought of his already weak and suffering son:
So the head was his beloved France,
Decapitated, dying at its Caesar's feet".
['The Armed Head', de Nerval]

Elipse ... Eclipsed ...

"The poets's is to DEFINE and yet again define till the detail of surface is in accord with the root in justice. [Rot] to submit to the transient".
[Letter of 1935, E.Pound]

Runes were not made into objects [as was the cross], but were inscribed UPON objects.Viking Rune Stones were not fashioned into the shape of crosses, but were left as natural rocks etc., with Runic inscriptions upon them. Of course there are examples of Runes inscribed on Christian Crosses [Ruthwell Cross].

Black Goddess

"The age of the Mother was first of all ...
One of the great symbols which ushered in the age of the masculinist Father-Son conflict was that of Laius-Oedipus".
['The Black Goddess', P.Redgrove]

Doors singer Jim Morrison's mantra, "fcuk the mother, kill the mother", describes the triangular nature of this conflict. The Blond Beast did not annihilate the Black Goddess, he rather conqered her; out of conquest arose a New Order, an Order of Rank where Pre-aryans and Pre-aryan worship was assimilated within the Aryan Order.

The roaming Blond Beast both created culture, and was changed by his own creation. It was the Hegelian dialectic of thesis (Black Goddess), antithesis (Blond Beast), and a resultant synthesis (Aryan Aristocracy).

The soundness of this outline can be seen by the identification of the Black Goddess with Nietzsche's idea of the Slaves;
"It is among the out-castes and outsiders that the Black Goddess has lingered through recorded history".
[Redgrove, ib.,]

This is for Nietzsche a Chandala culture of the lowest and therefore darkest castes. Such dusky and musky beings became an underclass in Greek life;
"It should be recalled that the Delphine oracle which gave all that bad news to Oedipus, was pronounced by a priestess, who inhaled trance-inducing and prophetic vapours from a deep cleft in the ground ..."
[Redgrove ib.,]

This reminds me that among the Vikings, the dark-haired Finns were often cast in the role of She-Seers.
This question of Race difference cannot be divorced from Nietzsche's political outlook, particularly as the darker Races usually have a more pungent body-odour;
"The Goddess Isis was often depicted as a Sphinx, or a black woman".

The stench of alien flesh is a primal discouragement to the Blood Crime of miscegenation.
The crafty Black Goddess [like the name-changing Jew] tries to change her smell to ensnare the Aryan man;
"The Black Goddess is the great pre-Oedipal Sphinx, sitting on her mountain of es. The riddle is literally under our noses ...
The non-Biblical legends say that the Queen of Sheba was black, and came from Abyssinia, 'along the road of es'...
Some say she was Lilith; she had a cloven foot and hairy legs, so was a kind of Sphinx, and posed difficult riddles to Solomon".

And of course, miscegenation was the sin of Solomon, a sin jealousy guarded against by Aryan man - by using his nose!

Nietzsche was always emphasising the sense of smell, and how it should too, be employed in philosophic work.
This relates to Nietzsche's love of the Presocratics;
"Heraus says:'In Hades souls perceive by smelling', and that, 'Nature loves to hide' - this is the riddle of the Sphinx".

Nietzsche sees the philosopher as a sort of Riddler [see his Thus Spake Zarathustra] - again this is a nod to the Oedipus archetype.

The Negro Woman symbolises the opposite pole to our Aryan Masculinist philosophy as found in Nietzsche.
She represents the great danger, and the great disgust ...

Redgrove allows himself to touch upon this;
"But what of blackness in its literal sense, of 'negritude'? ...
We should expect to find in negritude those qualities ... described as Romantic-Gnostic .."
['The Black Goddess', P.Redgrove]

In Romanticism and in that Platonic-Christian mysticism called Gnosticism is found the dank, dark stench of the Black Goddess; she has now become the mistress of the Aryan poet who flees to the East like Byron to write tales of the Giaour ...
Some may want to salvage the Aryan genius found in Romanticism and Gnosticism, but Nietzsche knew such things must be left alone as damaged goods. They speak both of the LOSS of Blondness, and of the decline of the Blond Beast, - not of his regeneration.

It is the Greeks who are the great example of the Aryan victory over Darkness in the philosophy of the Presocratics and in the myth of Oedipus.
The distinction I would make is this;
If you are offering 'the world' your own philosophy, and proclaim it as such, then it is quite likely to contain elements of past philosophy, including Nietzsche's.

This Nietzsche did himself with Schopenhauer; he learnt from the latter before creating his own philosophy which of course had Schopenhauerian elements within it.
However, by this very act of creation, he DID 'reject' Schopenhauer.

In fact this process is somewhat Oedipal.

Now there is the other type, who claim to be representing what a particular philosopher said, and tell us that they are true to that philosopher's vision.

Such acolytes have no business in saying that a part of such a coherent, organic philsophy as they espouse, is a "mistake"!

The only difference between such apostates and real philosophers is that these acolytes have not the wit, wisdom, or honesty, to create their own philosophy.

So I say in fine, that an expositon of a philosophy - such as I attempt here - should be warts and all; it cannot talk of "mistakes" on such fundamental matters as (in Nietzsche), Order of Rank, Politics, the Jews, Antifeminism etc.,

However, an Antinietzschean philosophy which may COME OUT of Nietzsche should call itself such, AND NOT PRETEND TO BE AN EXPOSITION.
The Blond Beast strikes Fear into the Herd.

Original Sin

The Christian notion of 'original sin' has been one of the most deadly ideological 'weapons of mass destruction' in human history.

But it is well to notice the biological basis of this 'holy lie'.
It was first introduced to deny the Aryan Pagan view of a pure race.

If, as the Christian dogs like to tell us, ALL men [except their wretch Jesus] are born into 'sin', then there can be no racial purity.
THAT was the intention of this foul doctrine when it was first unleashed on the Aryan Wolrd in all its Semitic stench!

"Throughout the whole of the Aryo-Germanic history, from the time of the Atlantean culture until the predominance of Christianity, there was only one idea which was authoritative for all decisions of the counsels, whether male or female - and that was the preservation of the purity of one's own race! ...
Christianity disasterously interfered in the history of the Nordic peoples with a misunderstanding of the latter's racial characteristics ...
The highest principle of all Nordic people was always the preservation of the purity of their blood".
[Jarl Widar aka K.M.Wiligut, 'The Secret King']

Not only did this 'original sin' doctrine destroy the basis of racial purity, it also contemned Woman;
"In prehistoric times no trace of concepts such as original sin, or doubts as to whether women had souls, was ever present in women of Aryo-Germanic blood ..."

But thanks to Nietzsche, we Free Spirits are disabused of these priestly deformaties such as 'original sin' etc.,
As we lose 'sin' and 'guilt', we once again take up the ideal of racial purity in our goal of the Superhuman!

Isn't it strange how the blond racial archetype [i.e., the Nordish] persists in Aryan lands despite 2, 000 years of Christian/Liberal/Communist/Politically Correct race-mixing propaganda!

I'm not sure I'd go so far in reifying 'religion' per se.
I see religion as a necessary activity rather than just as a purely imposed conspiracy [and it certainly is very often the latter - but not only that].

Methinks that religiosity is an aspect of human consciousness that cannot be extirpated [see the 'officially atheist' USSR for example].
The question then is rather WHAT KIND of religiosity are we involved with/advocating?

For me TSZ is a 'sacred' text!

The concept of 'Blood' [particularly to Germans!] is NOT purely materialistic.
Neither is the concept of 'purity' itself one that has to be supported by science to be believed in!

Look at what Nietzsche thinks of SCIENCE - he castigates Darwinism, for example, because it IS a science, and not a philosophy. Nietzsche's position is not purely 'dream', neither is it purely 'material'; it is Spirit in the broadest sense - the philosophy of the Free Spirit.

The evidence points to a practice of TABOOS in prehistory [see Anthropology etc.,]. The other hominids are thought to have been killed off by homo sapiens.

If Equality has not been achieved [yet!] than it has not ultimately succeeded, because Inequality still reigns.
We have already indicated some examples of equality failure, such as the USSR.

Being of the best family does not necessarliy mean that one will be Noble. Likewise, being born of Aryan blood but brought up exclusively in a Semitic culture may mean that one may have some none Aryan tendencies!

Therefore Blood is a combined biological/spiritual/cultural notion.

Nietzscheanism is all about encompassing polarities ... and going Beyond them.

Well, just because something may not be realisable in ABSOLUTE terms does not make it an Ideal.
Perhaps 'goal' would be a better term.
Racial purity is a goal [but not just that].
The journey is what life is about, not the end point; however, it is quite possible that in the future genetics may be able to yield a form of racial purity.

it is the BELIEF in racial purity/racial impurity that is important.

The Fall.
The Christian theology is fairly straight forward.
Before Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden he was without sin.
In Aryan terms, where the emphasis is placed on biologism, this would be tantamount to saying that he was racially pure.
To the Jews this meant Adam pleased their God;

"And God saw everything that he had made and behold, it was good".
[Gen. 1:31]

However, after The Fall, Adam became a sinner. His nature was changed from 'good' to 'bad' [Nietzscheans will get the resonance of that latter revaluation].
Since 'we' are Adam's children [according to the Semites], 'we' inherit this sinful nature.
As it says in the New Testament;

"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned".
[Rom. 5:12]

Now sin is passed on by the father, not by the mother.
Whereas the whole human race is supposed to be descended from Adam, Jesus was NOT. Jesus's father was supposed to be God Himself.
Therefore Jesus is without sin.

Of course, all the monotheistic religions of the Book - Judaism, Christianity, Islam etc., share this notion that 'we' are born into sin due to what happened in the Garden of Eden.
This is the Semitic outlook, where 'we' are all sinners on earth.

Now Aryan Paganism has no truck with all of this, believing rather in cycles of return. A Golden Age may degenerate [through race mixing], but it will return once again; the cycle of rise, decline, fall and rise again etc., will go on ad infinitum.
Also the Pagan system posits a whole collection of diverse races - this probably is a race memory of pre-history when different species of hominids dwelt together in Eurasia etc.,
To Pagans there are VARIOUS "Root Races" to quote Theosophy, there is no single line of descent for all hominids.
Indeed, this is the basic message of Polytheism, as against monotheism.
The latter is typically Semitic, the former is typically Aryan.

So the notion of single descent from a sinful father [Semitic] completely destroys the earlier Pagan notion of varied descent from all kinds of beings, some of them pure and some of them sinful [Aryan].

In the Aryan system, Noble Races are those who are descended from the pure and sinless. Christianity, when foist upon Aryans by the sword, led to an almighty pessimism where once proud 'blond beasts' ended up wearing sack cloth and ashes while tearing at their chests, and crying - "we are all sinners, we are all guilty".
Political correctness/holocaust mania etc., continues this farce.

Now, if we take Nietzsche's idea that our concepts BEGIN as concrete facts before they are abstracted [e.g., the 'spirit' originally referred to the life breath of living things before it became 'rarefied'], then we can see that 'purity' meant at first RACIAL purity as far as Aryans are concerned.
Wiligut, in his study of pre-Christian Germany says;

"For example, in order to guarantee the highest racial purity and excellent characteristics of certain leading clans ... marriage between brothers and sisters of their descendants was directly promoted.
In particualr women were subjected to a special test in connection with their racial purity. This test culminated in the examination and testing of all organs important for procreation by specifically qualified healers (both male and female) before the women were allowed to enter into marriage with racially pure men".
[K.M. Wiligut 'The Secret King']

So the Will to racial purity which emerged in the 19th century with Eugenics throughout the Western world and which culminated in Germany [for the time being] was actually a RETURN to Paganism, albeit via science.

Indeed, Nietzscheanism itself depicts a gradual return of Pagan outlooks as the Semitic begins to fade - Revaluation of Values.

A return to Paganism is not the insipid New Age rubbish - it is a return to the values of Hardness and Blood.

the word 'sin' which occurrs so frequently and obssessively throughout the English Bible is related to 'asunder'.
In other words 'sin', in its concrete origin, referred to that which DIVIDES ['rends asunder'] the Folk.
The introduction of 'bastards' into the clan refers in this orginal sense to mixed-race children.
In those days a crude Eugenics was practised where such 'sinful bastards' were killed at birth [see Shakespear's Titus Andronicus for a flavour of this].

Why else does the Old English word 'fair' mean both 'blond' and 'noble'/'decent'?

Bring out the Nietzschean method with all concepts; -
- Look for the concrete first.

Just because somethings are believed in which do not have physical properties, does not mean [by invalid inference] that all things believed in are non-physical!

Blood is a thing of physical fact [genes] and also a thing of belief - both at the same time!

There are no 'pure' facts.

That is why racial purity is a biological/cultural/spiritual complex.

That certain traits are transmitted via heredity is the biological fact upon which racial purity is based.

This is why the concept could NEVER be purely biological - that does not mean that it is NOT biological in any way.

My thesis;
The notions of 'racial purity', of pagan aristocratism were destroyed by Christian notions of equality. Particuarly by the notion of 'original sin'.

That was a fairly fresh, but decidedly Nietzschean thesis.
Its implications in Nietzsche's call for a return to Noble Values are obvious.

Racial Purity/Superiority is part of the Aristocratic pathos and is therefore Nietzschean.

All humans, male or female, are supposed to be descended from Adam.
Jesus was unique in that he was descended from God and not via Adam.
The point of sin being via the father answers the quibble that Jesus had a human mother - this is not seen as relevant for the reasons given. The parents [whether male or female] of today's Jews are all ultimately descended from Adam too - Jesus was not, as having the one and only God as your pa rather over-rides things.
Listen - this just vile Semitic sophistry, but it has its believers!

No contradiction in the final part; the Semitic is Universalist, while the Aryan is Particularist.
If all humans are sinful by Blood, then pure aristocractism is destroyed.
If however, some races are impure and sinful [e.g., Loki's breed etc.,], while some others ARE pure, then these latter are the Noble.
Again, the whole thing is being able to THINK in polyvalents and multiplicities.


A = Primal Cause
R = Shepherd's crook
Y = Three in one
A = Mountain
N = One

Napoleon = The perfect One of Power

Caesar = The crooked sea-snake of Apollo

Alexander = Sun-god of the Mountain, wearing the Cross of Lux

From the above we can deduce ....

The Aeons

In the basic sense, these are main Aeons of civilisation in our cycle;

9, 000 - 7,000 years ago;
The Primal Aeon
[symbolised by the Horned Beast; its magical working is Shamanism]

7,000 - 5, 500 years ago;
The Hyperborean Aeon
[symbolised by the Sun; magical working at the Henges]

5, 000 - 3, 500 years ago;
The Sumerian Aeon
[symbolised by the Dragon; magical working in trance/sacrifice]

3, 000 - 1, 500 years ago;
The Hellenic Aeon
[symbolised by the Eagle; magical working in Oracle/dance]

1, 000 years ago to 500 years AFTER PRESENT;
The Western Aeon
[symbolised by the Sunwheel/Swastika; magical working is Ritual]

[From Stephen Cox article in Scorpion 16]

An Aeon is an age of the Universe, from Greek 'aion', age.

The centre of the Hyperborean Aeon was the area around Stonehenge - this is referred to in later Roman testimony that Britain was the Druidic centre of Old Europa.
The centre of the Sumerian Aeon was near present day Baghdad; these centres continually draw mankind to them for good or ill as we see today.
The episode in Iraq is not unconnected with the Closure of The Western Aeon, reckoned to conclude in some five centuries time.

There next Aeon to come will be;
The Nietzschean Aeon;
Its symbol will be the Promethean torch and its magical working will be the creation of a race of Superhumans, as well as space travel and time travel.
Its centre will be in outer space.

Our immediate concern must surely be with the fall of the Western Aeon, - what we are starting to call the Old Aeon [OA], and our preparation for the coming Nietzsche Aeon, or New Aeon [NA].

As always there will be an over-lap as the OA slowly slides into the dust of history and the NA struggles inot its [re]birth.

Let us listen to those who have studied these 'Aeonics';

"Each Aeon, our Mystic Tradition tells us, has its Times of Troubles.
Now the OA forces can either stumble on for a time, still capable of ing out innovation ... or, innovation, resurgance and exploration can be enhanced and herald the Time to Come ..."
[Stephen Cox, Sleepwalkers vs. Ubermensch]

Remember how Nietzsche spoke of his Free Spirits as Heralds of the Philosophers of the Future. We of the Black Sun desire nothing other than that this OA be a fitting HERALD of the NA, rather than a miserable and unworthy prelude. That is why we fly the Swastika.

"We may be said to be in a time zone similar to the transformational period of Ragnarok in the Norse myths".

How much resonance do these Norse Myths have for us in these Time of Troubles!

" Tales such as 'Beauty and the Beast', 'Arthur the Once and Future King', are ENCODED teachings. Where the Abyss is crossed, good and evil return to their dynamic symbiosis and the Sleepwalker sheds his coil to reveal the awaiting Ubermensch, but before this can happen the native ethos must be restored".

So we are given part of our task here - that of a restoration of our mythic heritage.

Those who want to read the whole of Cox's essay should get hold of Michael Walker's 'The Scorpion' magazine, number 16. Michael always has back issues available.

Time travel is a possibility, without doubt.
That man could ever fly was once called 'ludicrous' [and not so long ago] by those same narrow doubters.

ON-E [the Order of Nietzsche - England]

"Friedrich Nietzsche is perhaps the greatest philosopher the world has known ...[...] he is a born mystic ... [...] The only thing unfortunate about him is, that he was born in the West; hence, he could never come across any mystery school."
[Osho, Zarathustra: A God That Can Dance]

There are many references in Nietzsche's works, particularly in the imagery of Zarathustra, that suggest that Nietzsche was aware of the traditions of Western Occultism.
This may be down to more than his wide reading; I tentatively suggest the possibility that he was an initiate of an Occult fraternity, but was sworn to secrecy regarding this fact.

The favourite candidate is the 'Ordo Templi Orientis [O.T.O]. This was a group founded in Germany in 1862.
The Manifesto of the English-speaking branch of this lodge states that "Wolfgang von Goethe and Friedrich Nietzsche" were members of the "originating assemblies of the O.T.O.".

There is another link between Nietzsche and the Occult, this time pointing to France.
Eliphas Levi [real name Alphonse-Louis Constant, died 1875] was the author of the hugely influential 'Dogme et rituel de la haute magie'. This work inspired the Marquis Stanislas de Guaita, who was the founder of the 'Rose + Croix' order, thanks to Catulle Mendes who was a friend of both Levi and Guaita.
It was Mendes who introduced Guaita to the work of Levi.[And note that Crowley claimed to be the reincarnation of Levi].

Those readers of Nietzsche's letters will know that Nietzsche wrote to Mendes in admiring terms, sending him his Dionysos Dithyramb poems;

"Eight 'inedita' and 'inaudita', presented to the poet of Isoline, my friend and satyr, with great distinction: may he present my gift to humanity".
[Nietzsche letter to Mendes, Turin January 1st 1889]

This letter was signed " Nietzsche Caesar Dionysos" - the name 'Caesar' was crossed-out with one line.
On the same day he sent another letter to Mendes;

"As I wish to render humanity an unlimited good deed, I give it my 'Dithyramben'.
I place them in the hands of the poet of Isoline, the greatest and first satyr who lives today - and not only today ...

It is my contention that Nietzsche could have been a member of a Secret Society of the Occult; and that this answered his need to belong to a small intimate band of 'Free Spirits'.
"If power asks why, then is Power weakness."
[Crowley, Book of the Law II, 31]
Catulle Mendes [1841-1909]
French poet, novelist and dramatist. Of Jewish origin ... In 1859 he founded the 'Revue Fantaisiste', to which the Parnassians first contributed, and told the history of their movement in 'La legende du Parnasse contemporain' [1884]
Acclaimed for his metrically skillful early verse, 'Philomela' [1864], and a Swedenborgian epic, 'Hesperus' [1869], he succeeded also with stylised plays [e.g., 'Medee', 1898] and opera libretti [e.g., 'Ariane', 1906, with Massenet].
He supported the Wagnerian cult [see his 'Richard Wagner' 1886, etc.] writing a novel about him and Ludwig II, 'Le Roi Vierge' [1881].
His prolific fiction has a characteristic element of erotic fantasy.
[Penguin Companion to European Literature]
The piece Nietzsche refers to - Isoline - is not mentioned, but I believe that this was a libretto of 1888, therefore this enthusiasm is directly contemporary with Nietzsche's last productive years.
Given Mende's aforementioned link with the occult, it strikes me that a rich field of 'Nietzsche and the Occult' has yet to be ploughed.
The cultivation of the Will by occultists has so much to teach us!
And the 'morality' displayed by the likes of Crowley is very close to Nietzscheanism.

 Given that Nietzsche is mentioned in the Protocols of Zion, as well as his connection to August Strindberg [an occultist], makes an interest in the occult possible.

"We inquired about the VALUE of this Will to Truth. Granted that we want the truth: WHY NOT RATHER untruth?
And uncertainty?
Even ignorance?".
[Nietzsche BGE]

Lou Salome's book on Nietzsche presented the philosopher as a Mystic, above all.
Nietzsche's conceptions of Superhumans, Order of Rank, the Eternal Recurrence of the Same, the Antichrist, the Will to Power, all have correlations in Occult literature/thinking.

Nietzsche was a Mystic.

There is a CONSTANT overlap between mysticism and occultism [after all, the first means 'of the mysteries' - i.e. of secret initiation, and the second means 'of the hidden'].

Nietzsche wrote in BGE that he 'strove for the forbidden'; he also saw his Zarathustran doctrine as being somewhat 'mysterious' and 'hidden' [see thread below on 'Zarathustra as the anti-Bible of our impossible Nietzscheanism' for evidence].
Thus Spake Zarathustra is an Occult work, comparable to the 'Book of the Law'.

The philosopher would prefer the title of "Satyr Nietzsche" in all irony!

"The revival of true Aristocracy has been my deepest idea all my life ..."
[A. Crowley, letter September 11th, 1944]

The Nietzschean echoes in Crowley's 'Book of the Law', and in his general Weltanschauung of 'Thelema' (i.e., 'Will'), are well known.
Also, Crowley had a prediliction for fascism.

During the period of the First World War, Crowley wrote many pro-German articles for George Viereck's publications - Viereck was was an influential promoter of German culture in America throughout the period of both world wars.

In the 1920s, when Hitler was still a struggling politician, Crowley implored one his contacts in Germany [Martha Kuntzel] to pass on a German translation of the 'Book of the Law' to Hitler.

On May 5th 1936, Crowley's diary entry records that he had discussed the idea of promoting;

" 93 [i.e., 'Thelema'] as base for New Order".
[Crowley diary entry May 5th 1936]

In Crowley then renewed contacts with Viereck who was in communication with the Third Reich Leader; once again, Crowley sought to push the 'Book of the Law' Hitler's way;

"One of my colleagues informed me a couple of months ago that the Fuehrer was looking for a philosophical basis for principles [...]
Some of my adherents in Germany are apparently trying to approach the Fuehrer with a view to putting the 'Book of the Law' in its proper position as the Bible of the New Aeon.
I expect you will be in close touch with the Chancellor and his immediate officers, and I should be very grateful if you would put the matter very tentatively before them [...]
Hitler himself says emphatically in 'Mein Kampf' that the world needs a new religion, that he himself is not a religious teacher, but that when the proper man appears he will be welcome".
[Crowley letter to Viereck, July 31, 1936]

Crowley recorded his dreams, and two of 1938/1939 deserve mention in this connexion;

"Elaborate dream about Hitler & cigars & Magick & my horse Sultan. I was running Germany for him".
[Crowley diary entry Feb. 4th 1938]


"I had several long talks with Hitler a very tall man. Forget subjects, but he was pleased and impressed: ordered all my books translated & made official in Germany. Later, a dusk night in a city. A man in gold-braid went round a corner, saw several horsemen, similarly gorgeous, one fired the first shot of the war".
[Crowley diary entry June 2nd, 1939]

During 1942-44 Crowley read Rauschning's 'Hitler Speaks', and made excited annotations in its margins. For example, (here Crowley writes in the third person);

"She [Martha Kuntzel] had been told in 1925 by the Master Therion [i.e., Crowley] that the nation which first accepted the 'Book of the Law', officially, would thereby become the leading nation in the world. She accordingly supplied Hitler with a copy of her translation of the 'Book', and other such parts of the extensive commentary on that 'Book' [...]
Many passages in this volume 'Hitler Speaks' show how clearly he [i.e., Hitler] profited by her teaching, and wherein his interpretations erred".
[from Crowley's annotated copy of Rauschning's 'Hitler Speaks', O.T.O. Archives]

Crowley maintained that Hitler had;
"almost certainly gotten the idea to use the swastika as the symbol from us. I personally had suggested it to Ludendorff in 1925 or 1926 - when he started talking about reviving Nordic Theology - pointing out that the Swastika is the only universal magical symbol which had an ancient title peculiar to that system: the Hammer of Thor".
[Crowley material from L. Sutin, 'Do What Thou Wilt']

"Jung believed in a ... single tradition of gnosis ... called ... the 'Golden Chain', and thought that it existed from the beginnings of philosophical alchemy and Gnosticism down to Nietzsche's Zarathustra".
[Surrette, The Birth of Modernism]

I note that 'The Temple of Set' [formed as a breakaway from La Vey's 'Church of Satan' by M. Aquino] has as one of its 'Orders', - 'The Order of Nietzsche-Germany'.
Unfortunately the statement by the 'Master of the Order' somewhat disappoints in its politically-correct tone, although it does say the following;

"The Order of Nietzsche will study this great Satanic Master's philosophy from the Setian perspective - the applicability to our personal 'Xeper'.
And Nietzsche was not only a great thinker but a man of refreshing and subtle humour. In one of his posthumously published notebooks - called 'black diamonds' - he wrote: 'Mit den Fursten der Finsternis habe ich Wurfel gespielt' ['With the Prince of Darkness I have gambled at dice']".

I wonder whether to form 'The Order of Nietzsche~England' [ON~E]?



Viking Jihad

The Viking belief in Vahalla is similar to Islamic Jihad.Viking warriors preferred to die fighting as to die a 'natural death' was deemed shameful [a 'straw (mattress) death'].
They were scooped up from the battle-field by beautiful Nordic maidens [Valkyries] and taken to Valhalla where they would live wonderful lives of combat and carousing with the added attraction of invulnerability. This is surely a form of Paradise, and led them to risk life and limb on impossible adventures.

It is false to posit Odin and Allah as parallels.The Vikings did not fight for their abstract Sky Gods, but rather for their warrior exemplars like Odin [who Snorri says was a deified chieftain].

The comparison here is with the prophet Mohammed who spread his faith by the sword [Allah was worshipped by Arabs long before Mohammed's Islam].

Those Muslims who partake in jihad today are fired by the activities of the prophet, just as those Vikings of yore were inspired by the deeds of Thor, Odin etc.,

Just as odin led armies on his wild hunt so did Mohammed lead his armies as they conquered lands for the prophet.

Viking Berserkers and Islamic Jihad have much in common; see the interesting report on a Viking Rus funeral from the Middle Ages by Ibn Fadlan to find out how much mutual respect there was between Viking and Muslim then.

The Sun, and the Dawn, were those abstract deities to which even the Viking bent his knee - just like the Muslim does to Allah.
It is a very Aryan outlook that inner distictions are reflected by outer ones.Indeed they are both of the same ilk - inner/outer is no distinction in and of itself, but a difference of perspective.
Those who wish to make all men equal will argue that outer differences are meaningless; they seek to level all men.
Of course, we know that those outer differences are vitally important as they betoken their intimately connected inner differences and reflect different starting points, different disciplines and different breeding.
As the Duke of Wellington quipped, a dog being born in a stable does not make it a horse.
For the Aryan, the perfected type seen in say, ancient Greek sculpture, says far more than what is on the surface; it is about the perfection of a particular lineage and ancestors; the perfection of a particular race and the perfection of an intellect.

One should not run away with the idea that Nietzsche's critique of CERTAIN religions is a rejection of religion per se.

Also, I do not take Nietzsche's correct observation that man needs a purpose in order to live [i.e., flourish] to be a rejection of purpose!

We know that Nietzsche would far prefer the greater and lesser holy wars inherent in Islam, to the principles of ever more a-voidance contained in nihilism.

So I am saying that a Nihilist has no right to look down upon a Muslim - quite the reverse.

Second Coming

See, they return; ah, see the tentative
Movements, and the slow feet,
The trouble in the pace and the uncertain
See, they return, one, and by one,
With fear, as half-awakened;
As if the snow should hesitate
And murmer in the wind, and half turn back;
These were the 'Wing'd-with-Awe',

Gods of the wing-ed shoe!
With them the silver hounds sniffing the trace of air!

Haie! Haie!
These were the swift to harry;
These were the keen-scented;
These were the souls of blood.

Slow on the leash, pallid leash-men!
[E. Pound, The Return, 1912]

'Wing'd-with-Awe' here suggests Zeus as Eagle as we have been discussing in relation to Prometheus. The imagery of eagle and vulture is accompanied by Yeats' use of the Falcon in his Second Coming, brings out this bird's significance.

Could we say;

Horus as Falcon
Zeus as Eagle
Prometheus as Vulture.
All signifying aspects of the Aeon.

The facloner is sitting on
His summer sand at dawn
Unlocking flooded silver cages
And with a silver din arise
All the lovely faces
And the lovely silver traces erase
My empty pages.
[Nico, The Falconer, from 'Desertshore']

It is very significant that from the occult/alchemical perspective, Yeats calls Nietzsche;
"That strong enchanter", and says that;
"Nietzsche completes Blake and has the same roots".

Such signposts are invaluable.

It is also important that the upside-down triangle/cone is seen as symbolising egalitarianism where the Few are over-shadowed and crushed by the wide 'base' which now becomes the 'top'.

Also, Yeats talk of a Druidism recalls not only Blake as he says, but also John Dee.

Feast of Infinities

Then I pass'd
The nights of years in sciences untaught,
Save in old time; and with time and toil,
And terrible ordeal, and such penance
As in itself hath power upon the air,
And spirits that do compass air and earth,
Space, and the peopled infinite, I made
Mine eyes familiar with Eternity,
Such as, before me, did the Magi, and
He who from out their fountain dwellings raised
Eros and Anteros, at Gadara,
As I do thee; - and with my knowledge grew
The thirst of knowledge, and the power and joy ,,,
[Byron, Manfred Act II,sc.ii]

This brims with Nietzschean/Zarathustran melodies!
Who can doubt that Nietzsche, in his severe emulative proximity to Manfred, did not undergo such an initiation himself?

Let us take a journey of initiation from Manfred to Zarathustra;

It is not noon - the sunbow's rays still arch
The torrent with the many hues of heaven,
And roll the sheeted silver's waving column
O'er the crag's headlong perpendicular,
And fling its lines of foaming light along,
And to and fro, like the pale courser's tail,
The Giant steed, to be bestrode by Death,
As told in the Apocalypse ...
[Byron, Manfred Act II, sc.ii]

And, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind ...

The figs fall from the trees, they are good and sweet; and in falling the red skins of them break. A north wind am I to ripe figs.
Thus, like figs, do these doctrines fall for you, my friends; imbibe now their juice and their sweet substance! It is autumn all around, and clear sky, and afternoon.
[Nietzsche, TSZ II, 24]

Are you on this journey?
Are these figs untimely?
Has this sun become black?

Hail the Black Sun!

"My heart was with those that did worship the Sun, mine was the heart at the pyramid's apex. I trampled the rose of my own brow knowingly, I blasphemed myself in the presence of idiots
I hid myself in laughter".
[The Book of Gog, 45]

"The strong shall partake of the nectar of the Amaranth and the blood of Bacchus, and they shall be sanctified thereof. But to the weak the sacraments shall be poison".
[ib., 55]

"I am the totem of the Earth, the Phallus raised to pierce the sky; - this is the altar of the stars. But they are mere flowers of the garden; harvest them and adorn thyself. Tear at the void and the lights therein; feast on infinities".
[ib., 72]

"Thou shalt have no God but thyself.
Thou art the sovereign of thy own Belief.
A curse upon those that say or act otherwise, use them entirely, they are the plague of weakness".
[ib., 94]


"If we must have a tyrant, let him at least be a gentleman who has been bred to the business".
[Lord Byron, letter to Murray, 1820]

Chile, you have learnt much and have expressed even more.

Satyr Nietzsche's love for Byron is never gainsaid [was Byron a one like Crowley?].
That Zarathustra continueth Manfred cannot be denied either.

These writings of the Black Sun do proclaim our purpose - the Zarathustra Reich is coming!

* Amaranth: imaginary unfading flower.

* Flowers: often grow from the blood of a god when it is spilt on the ground; e.g., the anemone or red rose from the blood of Adonis.

"The blood of War is in the nectar of the flowers of Adonis".
[The Book of Gog, 29]

*War: The process of disintegration and reintegration; abolishing disorder and establishing order out of chaos...

This is our Black Order, our Swart Gild.

"There is a great danger in me; for who doth not understand these runes shall make a great miss.
He shall fall down into the pit called Because, and there he shall Perish with the Dogs of Reason".
[Crowley, 'Book of the Law', II:27]

We shall now study Runes together and make great silence - our dreams shall benefit.
And then - TO BATTLE!

What happens to the Noble type during the age of Nihilism, the Kali Yuga?
The Byronic hero is one option;

"It was Byron who brought to perfection the rebel type, remote descendant of Milton's Satan ... immediately recognisable in the shrewd portrait of Byron outlined by Ralph Milbanke, Earl of Lovelace in his 'Astarte', the first book to throw light on the mystery of the life of his grandfather the poet:
" 'He had a fancy for some Oriental legends of pre-existence, and in conversation and poetry took up the part of a fallen or exiled being, expelled from heaven, or sentenced to a new avatar on earth for some crime, existing under a curse, pre-doomed to a fate really fixed by himself in his own mind, but which he seemed determined to fulfill' ".
[M.Praz, 'The Romantic Agony, Chapter II, 'The Metamorphoses of Saten']

Referring to Byron's line in The Giaour:' A noble soul and lineage high ', Praz writes of the Byronic "pale face furrowed by an ancient grief", and the "Satanic smile" which indicates "the traces of obscured nobility worthy of a better fate".
'"What power was it that freed Prometheus from his vultures and transformed the myth into a vehicle of Dionysian wisdom? It is the Herakleian power of music".
[ib., 10]'

Freeing Prometheus and killing the Vulture was Herakles' 7th Labour ["help says the vulture, I've become a myth!"].

Therefore the Prometheus tale fits in with the whole mythic sequence of the Sun Cycle which is all about cyclic rejuvenation.

A 're-ligion' is a 'binding-back'
There is a revaluation here; Promemtheus is happy to pity and yet hates to envy.
Whereas envy is a virtue to Nietzsche - so the Nietzsche would not suffer from this affect having attained the innocence of becoming.
It is rather pity that would unsettle him.
Ultimately all suffer from Time

The liver of Prometheus constantly renews itself just as Prometheus himself is immortal - in torment.
The ambiguity of such immortality underlines the anxiety of our Being in Time.
These symbols of death-less gods loading their hours with fantastic deeds, or else of mortal heroes, destined to taken young by their loving gods, all point to the ever unsettled and unsettling philosophical question of Being.

AH! But slowly now my friends!

Let us establish a canon on which to draw, and to make discoveries from!

Milton's 'Paradise Lost', and Blake's 'Milton'.

Byron's 'Manfred', and Shelley's 'Prometheus Unbound'.

Nietzsche's 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra' and Pound's 'Cantos'.

Rimbaud's 'Season in Hell/Illuminations', and Morrison's 'Lords/New Creatures'.

Hitler's 'Mein Kampf', and MacDonald's 'Turner Diaries'.

These books are in my New Testament.

All Testaments to Promethean struggle!
Nietzsche's 'Sketch on Prometheus', line 16

16. On the structure of the whole: the vulture speaks to himself and says: I am Prometheus's vulture and due to the most unusual cirstances I have been FREE since yesterday. When Zeus gave me the task of eating Prometheus's liver he wanted to get rid of me, for he was jealous because of Ganymede.


Commander's Commentary on line 16;

I find this somewhat obscure. I would venture that Nietzsche is conflating once again; this time "Prometheus's vulture" is conflated with "Zeus's eagle".

Of course, "Zeus's eagle" was actually Zeus himself in the FORM of an eagle.
So is Prometheus's vulture also Prometheus himself?
This certainly helps to explain the above passage from the Sketch.

"Ganymede, cupbearer to the gods, a beautiful young Trojan prince who was seized and carried up to Olympus by Zeus's eagle".

The mention of Ganymede is also suggestive; Zeus as an eagle actually S Ganymede and then kidnaps him;

"There, too, flushed Ganymede his rosy thigh
Half buried in the eagle's down,
Sole as a flying star shot through the sky
Above the pillared town".
[Tennyson, The Palace of Art]

The mythologers usually tell us that Hera is jealous of Ganymede, but here Nietzsche has Zeus as jealous. Could Zeus's of Ganymede have been motivated by jealousy as well as by unnatural lust?
Some ancient writers bear this interpretation out;

"Because of his beauty, Zeus kidnapped Ganymede by means of an eagle, and set him as cup-bearer in the sky".
[Apollodorus 3.141]


"But an eagle caught up Ganymede for Zeus because he vied with the immortals in beauty".
[Catalogue of Women Frag 40A (from Oxyr Papyri Frag. 3)]

This fits in with Zeus's general attitude towards moratals in the Prometheus myth, but it contrasts with Goethe's version, where any suggestion of jealous is absent;

"How, in the light of morning,
Round me thou glowest,
Spring, thou beloved one!
With thousand-varying loving bliss
The sacred emotions
Born of thy warmth eternal
Press 'gainst my bosom,
Thou endlessly fair one!
Could I but hold thee clasp'd
Within mine arms!".
[Goethe, 'Ganymede', 1789, first stanza]

In some accounts, it is not a vulture, but an eagle which eats Prometheus's liver.
The symbolism of the vulture and the eagle differ.
"The Eagle symbolises spiritual power, royalty, victory and favour.
An attribute of Zeus and as his lightning-bearer sometimes has a thunderbolt in his talons.
Originally an emblem of Pan who yielded it to Zeus; emblem of Ganymede as funerary; Ganymede depicted as watering an eagle is the overcoming of death.
The eagle symbolises release from ".
[Encyclopedia of Symbols]

"An eagle red with blood
Shall come, a guest unbidden to your banquet.
All day long he will tear to rags your body,
Feasting in fury on the blackened liver".
[Hamilton ib.,]

The liver itself has some significance;
"we could look at the regeneration of the liver ... as [being] the 'unbroken strength of will' ... the gift of blood as was Prometheus' gift of fire to mankind".
[Irene 08-24-03]

Reading that back, it occurs to me that the 'blackened liver' may be related to the Black Sun which is, as we know, the deep purple colour of dried blood.
The regeneration of the liver = the regeneration of the Black Sun.

"K.M. Wiligut also provided a further source for the myth of the Black Sun; an ancient sun called Santur, a second sun that shone 230,000 years ago upon the Hyperboreans in the North Pole and promoted their spiritual development.
Santur still orbits in the vicinity of our planet today as an extinct star, the invisible, but as a Black Sun it still emits a powerful intelligence".
[Black Sun, Goodrick-Clarke]

"The North Pole is the 'theonium' of the world associated with Prometheus and represents the the spiritual source of all Aryan strength".

"The Black Sun shines above the Midnight Mountain. The human eye cannot see it - and yet it is there: its light shines within".

"Blood is a condensation of light; the Aryan, Hyperborean Blood is just that - but not the light of the Golden Sun, not a galactic sun, but the light of the Black Sun".

"The SS are an esoteric order of initiates seeking the Holy Grail of Hyperborean blood".

"The Black Sun illuminates a Reich and will never set".

Also, and incidentally, the notion of the Black Sun is predicated on an eccentric view of the universe. There is no 'one centre' of things, but only the struggle of a multiplicity of genuine perspectives, and of as many suns.
The centre of the Universe is where you are now.

The centre cannot hold.

Nietzsche's 'Sketch on Prometheus', line 17

17. All religion is somewhat detrimental to the human being.
What would have happened if Prometheus had not been deceptive at Mecone!
State of things under the son when the priests devour everything.


Commander's Commentary;

17. Zeus then INVENTED religion to the 'detriment' of mankind, just as he made woman for the same reason.
If Prometheus had not defied Zeus then woman [Pandora] would not have been created by Zeus, and neither would Christianity have been foisted on mankind by his son [i.e., Christ]
It is when "things are under the son" that the priests "devour everything" - parallel to the vulture's devouring of Prometheus's liver.
Mecone was the place where Zeus and other gods were busy in conference while Prometheus, already having given fire to mankind, used the moment to deceive Zeus and aid mankind further.
He took the sacrifice made by men to the gods, and arranged that men should "get the best parts" [i.e., the meat] "and the gods the worst [i.e., the bones and fat]. Zeus was angry when he saw the bones craftily tricked out. But he had made his choice and he had to abide by it ..."
So Mecone denotes the moment when when Zeus "swore to be revenged, on mankind first and then on mankind's friend Prometheus ...When Zeus had punished men by giving them women he turned his attention to the arch-sinner himself ... Zeus had his servants, Force and Violence, seize Prometheus and take him to the Caucasus, where they bound him ..."

This final passage is the longest;


Nietzsche's 'Sketch on Prometheus', 21

21. The gods are stupid (the vulture blabbers like a parrot); when Zeus created Achilles, Helen, and Homer he was short-sighted and was not familiar with human beings; the real result was not the destruction of human beings, but instead Greek culture.
Whereupon he created the world conqueror in the form of man and woman (Alexander and Roma, science); his son Dionysos the overcomer of the world (foolish - fanciful, bleeds himself, becomes a fanatical Hades shade on earth, establishment of Hades on earth).
The overcomers of the world embrace the idea of the world conqueror - and with that things seem to be over for human beings. Zeus nearly perishes from this, but Dionysos - overcomer as well.
Prometheus sees how all human beings have become shades, ruined to the core, fearful, evil. Out of pity he sends them Epimetheus along with seductive Pandora (Greek culture). Then things get completely ghostly and disgusting and pulp-like among human beings. Prometheus despairs ...


Commander's Commenatry;

This seems to fill out the basic themes already touched upon, but introduces the figure of the 'world conqueror' as the 'overcomer' [cf., later Overman and Masters of the Earth].
Greek culture carried the seed within it of its own destruction, culminating in Christianity. However, another son of Zeus, Dionysos, will overcome Christianity and install the New Aeon [as mankind survives].
Prometheus [in reality a mask of Dionysos] sends his double-walker Epimetheus and the Pandora's box of Greek Culture [in its terrifying Dionysian aspect] to bring about this Revaluation.

Parrot: Imitation; unintelligent repetition.


None of Empedocle's work has survived in tact. We have only a few fragments and quotations made by other early philosophic writers of his work in commentaries.

It is Simplicius [flourished 500-540 AD] who gives us the most.

Simplicius writes, (and then quotes Empedocles);

"Empedocles also hints at a double world: 'For they are all in union with their own parts - Sun and Earth and Heaven and Sea - which have been separated from them and grown into mortal things' ..."
[Simplicius, 'Physics']

This suggestion of a 'double-world' is also found in mysticism;

"It is said of the philosopher and thaumaturge Empedocles that he claimed the existence of two suns".
[Alchemy and Mysticism, A. Roob, Taschen page 25]

Of course, the Presocratics are important in terms of their SUGGESTIVENESS - cf., Heraclitus.


The following is the English translation of an ancient rune stone believed to come from the Atlanteans.
It contains 12 theses;

1. Rejecting all antithetical values because all things are One; and the One is the Will to Power.

2. The processes of the One are creation, destruction, ad infinitum in an everlasting cycle of Becoming.

3. On Earth there are polarities such as ascending/descending, life/death, master/slave, Aryan/Semite, Noble/Base, strong Will/weak Will: this is Just.

4. The virile male principle in life is the Super Human and that is the generator of all greatness just as it is greatness within itself.

5. The Will to Power is a Necessity - it can be no other; therefore do ye worship it.

6. The Super Human caste creates the hirarchy known as Order of Rank on Earth - as above, so it it should be below. He classifies, he is a principle of selection.

7. Know ye well that Zarathsutra as the messenger of the Super Human did descend from the heights down to the Earth to rune this stone. He now returneth to the heights to slake off all the sub human and race mixing dross that he found below.

8. Lo, did Zarathustra demonstrate to all creatures the Will to Power in its Over Coming. But only a Few will follow him, these are the Free Spirits.

9. Just as the single Superman is a self-overcoming, so then is the Super Human an over-coming of 'mankind'.

10. Only by this teaching can a world-wide Order of Rank be achieved - we must be merciless my brethren.

11. This philosophy is called thrice: Zarathustra, Super Human, Dionysos.

12. This process of Becoming and Overcoming is never completed.

[The stone finishes with various indecipherable bind-runes].

The Sun and its Shadow

"Sometimes the Earth will spin into the Abyss & sometimes stand at the Centre and sometimes it spreads flat into broad Space".
[Wm Blake, 'Jerusalem']

The phases of the alchemical Work are given as either four or three in number.
They are represented as colours [cf 'castes' or 'varna'], the four being;

These are the same four colours as found in the Aryan caste system.

The Work is more generally reduced to three essential phases [one thinks of the very basic Aryan tripartite division of Order of Rank] which are called;


The Nigredo is symbolised by the Death's Head or Raven's Head - something dear to esoteric sm.
The Albedo is variously symbolised by a drowning king, a pelican piercing its own , a unicorn, or simply by the White Rose.
The Rubedo is symbolised by the Ouroborous, mentioned in the above post [and so a sense that the process always returns - Eternal recurrence], or by the rose garden, or the marriage of the King and Queen, or else by the Starry Lion.

"Hitler's demonic possession is directly linked to his Nietzschean vision of a new species of mankind, the Aryan Superman who will become a god among mere mortals.
The breeding of this divine mutation is the task of National Socilaism, which is thus no mere political movement but is concerned with transforming the very nature of life on earth".
[Black Sun, Goodrick-Clarke p.110]

"Alchemists were masters of wordplay ...
In addition to the symbolic characters, the texts frequently employ riddles, puns, and assonance.
They even go to the extent of stating the exact opposite of that they are intended to convey.
This wordplay is known as the 'Language of the Birds', or the 'Green Language' ".
[Alchemy, S. Martin]

Obvious parallels with Nietzsche's way of philosophising here.

Nigredo = Black
Albedo = White
Rubedo = Red

Are these not the colours of a certain flag?
The red background, the white disc and the black swastika?


Julius Evola - the Nietzschean philosopher, was also an Antimodernist.
Rejecting the Modern World, he explored the knowledge of ancient cultures including Aryan India;

"Evola wrote that the knowledge and powers pursued by the modern world are democratic, that is, available at educational institutions to anyone with enough intelleigence.
Likewise, technology is democratic: an instrument or weapon can be used by anyone with sufficient training.
By contrast, the Tantric magical powers ['siddhis'] are always personal and exceptional achievements accessible only to the Few".
[Black Sun, Goodrick-Clarke]

This is why I believe that Nietzsche too would have been drawn to such occult knowledge.

'Will' manifests itself in a multitude of Ways; and while the Conquerer obviously displays Will in a world-historical and exoteric fashion, so to does the Mage exhibit the development and expression of an esoteric Will in his occult ritual and curses etc.,
This 'Magickal' aspect has fought a relentless war against Christianity over the centuries - a Christianity which seeks to convince us that man does not possess such Magickal Powers!

Evola, imbued as he was with a Nietzschean disgust towards modernity and its incipient materialism, allied himself with fellow occultists including Arturo Reghini;

"Reghini sought the renewal of the Classical Tradition in a fiercely Anti-Christian, Pagan Spirit. He was a powerful influence on Evola during the years 1924 to 1930, introducing him to the traditional texts of Alchemy, whose symbolism they regarded as a universal key to the macrocosm of the Universe and the microcosm of man ..."

I have long thought that Nietzsche's 'Revaluation/Transvaluation' had an Alchemical flavour; note also Nietzsche's late correspondence with Strindberg who became fascinated himself with Alchemy.
But all this links to the Aryan Warrior Pathos;

"Evola believed that the veiled symbolism of hermetico-alchemical cosmology described the outlines of an Heroic, pre-Christian world-view, when a Warrior Aristocracy reigned supreme".

Alchemical Adept

The many-too-many like to say that Nietzsche 'contradicts himself'.
This is only said by those who believe in 'antithetical values'.
They think that to speak of the base and the precious in the same breath is contradictory,but they do not realise that base metals and precious metals are formed of the same stuff.
The base is a decadent aspect while the precious is an ascendent aspect of the primary material.
Nietzsche is the alchemist of the will to power as he transmutes the degenerate stuff of modernity and gregarious slavish instincts into the gold of the superman.

This is why he asks in section 2 of BGE;
"How could anything originate out of its opposite?For example,truth out of error?or the will to truth out of the will to deception?or the generous deed out of selfishness?or the pure sun-bright vision of the wise man out of covetousness?..."

He then posits the alchemist's response;
"It might even be possible that what constitutes the value of those good and respected things,consists precisely in their being insidiously related,knotted,and crocheted to these evil and apparently opposed things-perhaps even in being essentially identical with them".[BGE,2]

The 'revaluation of all values' is equivalent to the Philosopher's Stone.
Philosophy like alchemy is a solitary enterprise.
Alchemy derives from blacksmithing;Nietzsche,like a Smith,philosophises with a hammer.
He forges the sword whose shadow is the philosopher's happiness.

The philosopher is the physician of the soul.

"In my book 'Antibarbarus' I had discussed the psychology of sulphur".

In the Preface to BGE Nietzsche describes dogmatic philosophy,Platonism,Christianity and astrology as monstrous falsehoods,making "promises across millennia".

Adherents of all the above systems still abound in the world and are likely to describe their own system as exclusively true,and the others as all false.
So for example the Christian will heap abuse on the astrologer,and the rational philosopher deride the superstitions of the Theist,and so on.

But Nietzsche shows that all those systems are false in their own way.The dogmatic philosopher is no better at truth than the astrologer.
Does it matter that a great piece of intellectual architecture is not 'true'?
Should we rather not look at the efficacy of the system and ask;does it enhance life?;does it enrich the spirit?

Not only that,we should look at the amount of creativity,wisdom and knowledge that has been poured into the template of those systems.

To make the matter clearer we might look at the most 'superstitious' of the systems mentioned,astrology.
Taking on board Nietzsche's remark;
"Why have truth,why not rather untruth?"[BGE,1],
We can understand C.G.Jung's position;
"Astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity".[Jung,'Psychology and Alchemy']
The "old gods of the planets" were the "astrological components of destiny" which preserved "the bridge" between consciousness and its "natural roots in the unconsciousness psyche".
"Astrology led consciousness back again and again to the knowledge of the dependence of character and destiny on certain moments in time".[Jung,ib.]

Nietzsche's 'eternal recurrence' is founded on this aspect;
"That which was once possible could present itself as a possibility for a second time only if the Pythagoreans were right in believing that when the constellation of the heavenly bodies is repeated,the same things,down to the smallest event,must also be repeated on earth.But that will no doubt happen only when the astronomers have again become astrologers". [Nietzsche,'2nd Unfashionable Observation'.]

Both his emphasis on psychology and his sense of destiny became more and more acute as Nietzsche's philosophy evolved.
To return to the [Nietzschean] Jung;
"Science began with the stars,and mankind discovered in them the dominants of the unconscious,the 'gods',as well as the curious psychological qualities of the Zodiac;a complete projected theory of human character,astrology is a primordial experience similar to alchemy".[Jung,ib.]

Blake with his 'Infernal method' and the afore-mentioned Strindberg were both alchemical Nietzscheans.
All in all we see that astrology,alchemy and philosophy are monuments to radical perspectivism.

Wednesday, 17 May 2006


"The great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude". [R.W.Emerson, 'Self-Reliance']

Let us go back to that important imprecation;
"Few are made for independence - it is a prerogative of the strong [Vorrecht der Starker]".
[Nietzsche BGE 29]

Elsewhere, Nietzsche offers some advice for those who may want to shoulder this perogative;
"Not to cleave to another person, though he be the one you love most - every person is a prison, also a nook and corner: not to cleave to one's own detachment ... not to cleave to our virtues; One must know how to CONSERVE ONESELF: the sternest test of independence". [ib. 41]

To 'conserve', from the Latin 'conservare', from 'com-', thoroughly, + 'servare', to keep, to guard, observe. Never letting oneself go, practising constant self-vigilance;
"Perhaps severity and cunning provide more favourable conditions for the formation of the strong, independent spirit and philosopher than does the gentle, sweet, yielding good-naturedness and art of taking things lightly which is prized in a scholar, and rightly prized". [ib.29]

Indeed, as Montaigne says, "the contagion is very dangerous in the crowd. A man must either imitate the vicious, or hate them".

Constantly we see these associations in Nietzsche;
- strength + solitude + philosophy.
Strength is always emphasised most of all, the sort of strength needed in those great isolated Leaders of Men;
"The strong are as naturally inclined to SEPARATE as the weak are to CONGREGATE ".
[Nietzsche GM III:18]

Is that why I am up here - ALONE ?


Yes, it was Montaigne, I think,who said that the philosphical enterprise consists of countenancing (i.e.,facing) death at every moment.
This is also the warrior ethic.
In the Hagakure the Samurai must contemplate death at every instant.
Nietzsche faced his death every second of his life, sane or 'insane'.
'self-hanging' is not some kind of pitiful masochism; it is rather the necessary procedure to achieve Tragic Wisdom;"
One of the most necessary corrections to the character of mankind that have to be taken in hand, is a considerable strengthening of the contemplative element in it".
[Nietzsche HA 287]

Only then is one "finally strong enough to say,
' What do I have to do with YOU? ', and to go one's own way".
[Nietzsche WM 970]

Ariadne's Lament

post hunc consequitur sollerti corde Prometheus,
extenuata gerens ueteris uestigia poenae
quam quondam silici restrictus membra catena
persoluit pendens e uerticibus praeruptis.
[Catullus Poem LXIV, lines 294-7]

The Roman poet Catullus [c.84-54 BC] wrote the above of Prometheus, which can be translated thus;

There followed after him Prometheus of crafty heart,
Bearing faded traces of the ancient punishment
Which formerly, with limbs fast bound by chain to flint,
He paid by hanging over a sheer precipice.
[Catullus ib.,]

The poet placed this in close proximity to a recitation of the Ariadne tale. Lukacher in the aforementioned 'Time Fetishes' also refers to the Catullus poem in relation to what he calls an 'orgy box', full of 'time fetishes'.
The Dionysian orgy releases one from the tyranny of time, just as Prometheus's binding did so prolong and deepen it.
And what of Aridane - suffering abandonment on her island 'prison' [and don't we call prison 'doing time'?] - is she not to be 'rescued' by the Dionysian 'orgy box' just as Prometheus is rescued by Heraklean music?

Nietzsche's fascination for Ariadne is a counter-part to his subsumed Prometheanism. To transcribe again, those first lines from Nietzsche's 'Klage der Ariadne', where we are reminded of Shelley's opening lines to his Prometheus Unbound;


Who will warm me, who loves me still?
Give me your hot hands!
Give me your heart's coal-fire!
Stricken, shuddering,
Like one half-dead, whose feet are warmed,
I shake from unknown fevers,
O, how I tremble on the points of icy-frost arrows,
Hunted by you, my thought!
Unnameable, veil-ed one! Dreadful one!
O, hunter behind clouds!
Struck down by your lightning-bolt,
Your mocking eye, flashing out of the darkness!
Thus I lie,
Coiled, twisted, wracked
In every eternal torment,
Struck down
By you, cruel hunter,
Unknowable - God ...

But look at Nietzsche's inversion of Catullus' treatment of the same scene. In the latter Ariadne's feet are lapped by the island's sea-waves, not bizarrely warmed as in Nietzsche;

Often, they say, in frenzy, with her mind on fire,
She poured out shrill-edged cries from the depth of her heart,
And sometines in her sorrow she clambered up steep cliffs
From whence to extend her view of the ocean's empty swell;
Sometimes ran out to meet the restless brine's breakers
Kilting up her bared legs' light-weight covering.
[Catullus, ib., lines 124-133]

Here it is Ariadne who is on fire and needs to be cooled, whereas in Nietzsche the opposite is the case. In Catullus she vents her anger and asserts herself, while Nietzsche's Ariadne is masochistic;

These words at last she spoke of bitter lamentation,
Distorting with chill little sobs her tearful face:
'So, faithless one who took me from my father's altars,
You leave me, faithless Theseus, on a lonely beach?
So sailing off, contemptuous of the gods' will,
You carry home, ah heedless, accursed perjury?
And was there nothing that could turn your cruel minds'
Intention ...
[Catullus ib., lines 134-137]

When Dionysos [or 'Iacchus' as he is called here] comes to her, it is not the chill hyperborean terror of Nietzsche's poem, but very much the southern heat-wave of horrid abandon;

But in another part Iacchus in bloom flew by
With rout of Satyrs and Nysigenous Sileni,
Seeking you, Ariadne, and burning with love for you.
For him the Thyads raved around with frenzied mind,
Shrieking 'Evoe', 'Evoe', twisting their heads about.
Part of them were shaking 'thyrsi' with covered spike,
Part threw around the limbs of dismembered steer,
Part wrapped themselves about with wreaths of writhing snaked,
Part thronged the 'orgia' concealed in hollow creaks,
Those 'orgia' the profane desire in vain to hear ...
[ib., lines 251-60]

Now let Nietzsche's 'Ariadne's lament' continue;

Strike deeper!

Strike at me again!

Sting, spike, stab my heart!

What do these punsihments hope to achieve

With their toothstump arrows?

Why do you still look down,

Unweary of human sorrow

With malice flashing in those god-like eyes?

You do not wish to kill,

Only wound, only torture?

But why? Why torture me,

Malicious, unknowable God?


You creep up on me

Under cover of midnight?

What do you want?


You press upon me, force me down,

Ha! You are far too near!

You hear me breathe,

Listen to my heart-beat,

You jealous eavesdropper!

But jealous for what?

Away! Away!

[Nietzsche, Ariadne's Lament, lines 19-42]

This is a very different sensibility to that of Catullus - so different to that of the 'classical' that we must assume that 'Ariadne' is something personal to Nietzsche.
But then is that not how myths should present themselves to us?

As is well known, Nietzsche saw Ariadne personified in the person of Cosima Wagner.
On January 3rd, 1889, Nietzsche wrote a series of short missives to Cosima/Ariadne ['Ariadne' means 'purity'] from Turin.

These letters are usually dismissed as 'insane', however, I think they are philosophically significant;

"This 'breve' [breve=authoritative letter from sovereign or pope] to humanity is for you to publish, from Bayreuth, with the inscription:

The Joyous Message ...

To the Princess Ariadne, my Beloved.

It is a prejudice that I am human. But I have often lived among humans and know everything that humans can experience, from the lowest to the highest.

Among Indians I have been Buddha, in Greece Dionysos, -
Alexander and Caesar are my incarnations, as well as the poet of Shakespeare, Lord Bacon.
Last of all I was also Voltaire and Napoleon, perhaps Richard Wagner as well ...

This time, however, I am coming as the victorious Dionysos, who will turn the Earth into a day of celebration ...
Not that I have much time ...
The Heavens are pleased that I am there ...
I have also hung on the Cross ...

They tell me that a certain diine buffoon has these days completed the Dionysos Dithyrambs ...

Ariadne, I love you.

[Nietzsche to Cosima Wagner, January 1889]

The 'Dionysos Dithyrambs' contain the 'Ariadne's Lament', of course. The series of avatars mentioned, from Buddha onwards, are very precise and thought-provoking.

Three days later, in a letter to Burckhardt, Nietzsche mentioned that;

"The REST is for Frau Cosima ... Ariadne ... from time to time we practice magic".
[Nietzsche letter to Burckhardt, January 6th 1889]

The mention of "magic" here is an allusion to the possibility recognised in an earlier thread that Nietzsche may have been an initiate in the occult arts.

"Who knows except me what ARIADNE is!"
[Nietzsche, EH, Z 7]

We, when repose demands us, welcomed are
In young white arms, like our great Exemplar
Who, wearied with creation, takes his rest
And sinks to sleep on Ariadne's .
[H.Belloc, 'Heroic Poem in Praise of Wine']

Let us put some more of Nietzsche's poem on Ariadne here, - let us continue it for awhile as we have much pondering to do, and can later attatch our thoughts to it as they come, for we are to sleep now;

For what is the ladder?

Would you climb inside my heart?

Would you steal

Into my secret thoughts?

Shameless, unknown thief!

What do you hope to steal?

What do you hope to over-hear?

What torments do you bring,

O, r!

O, Hangman-god!

Should I roll in the dirt before you

Like a dog?

Sacrificed, raving with mad passion,

Should I wag in heat for you?

In vain!

Stab away

Cruel thorn!

I am not a dog, but your sport,

Cruellest hunter!

I am the proudest of your prisoners,

Robber behind clouds!

Will you not speak at last?

You veiled in lightning! Unknowable! Speak!

Highwayman - what do you want from me?...

[lines 43-66]

To continue a commentary on the poem Araidne's Lament [AL];

"For what is the ladder?"
(AL line 43)

*Commentary: The Ladder is a profound symbol.
Note that in the Mithraic cult 'The initiate ascends the stages of the seven-runged ladder to communicate with spirits and the spirit world [see also line 83 and its 'seven-fold layers of ice'].

The Ladder is the passage from one plane to another ... the breakthrough to a new ontological level; communication between heaven and earth with a two-way traffic of the ascent of man and the descent of a divinity, hence the ladder as a world-axis symbol which in turn connects with the Cosmic Tree and the pillar...
The ladder is also associated with bridge symbolism in the rites of passage and, like the bridge, can have razor-edges.
[Encyclopedia of Symbolism]

"O, Hangman-god!
Should I roll in the dirt before you
Like a dog?
Sacrificed, raving with mad passion,
Should I wag in heat for you?"
[AL lines 52-56]

*Commentary: Once again, we feel the presence of the Nordic Wotan in the 'Hangman' God. Wotan. of course, discovered the esoteric knowledge while hung on the World-Tree [cf., Ladder above].
The base image of the dog is important - the dog is a keeper of boundaries between this world and the next... and is usually a companion of Mother Goddesses, the Mother Goddess often being called 'the bitch' and being portrayed as a whelping bitch.
The ual element in dog symbolism is linked with fire - 'wag in heat'. The cold and betrayed Ariadne is longing for warmth at the start of the poem.
She represents that ual danger which often threatened Nietzsche.

[To continue the poem ...]


A ransom?

What kind of ransom?

Demand much - thus speaks my pride!

And do not haggle - thus speaks my other pride!


Me - do you want that?

Just me ..?


Then me, fool that you are,

Do you presume to injure my pride?

Give me love - who warms me still?

Who loves me still?

Give me your hot hands,

Give me your heart's coal-fire,

Give me, the most solitary,

Taught by seven-fold layers of ice

To yearn for my enemies,

For enemies themselves,

Give me, offer up to me ... yourself,

O, cruellest enemy of all!


He has gone!

He has flown from me,

My only companion,

My best enemy,

My Unknown,

My Hangman-god!


[Nietzsche, AL lines 67-95]

[onto the final section...]

Come back to me

With all your torments!

All my tears stream

Along their tracks towards you,

And the last embers of my heart

Burn out for you.

O. come back to me,

My Unknowable God!

My last happiness ..!

A flash of lightning.
Dionysos appears shimmering in emerald beauty.
Be wise Ariadne ..!
You have small ears, you have my ears: let a wise word slip into them! -
Must one first not hate oneself, if one is to love oneself ,,?
[Nietzsche, AL]

I am taken by Dionysos' entrance in this last section:

"Dionysos wird in smaragdenen Schonheit sichtbar".

Translation ;

"Dionysos appears, shimmering in emerald beauty".

We are reminded of the Emerald Tablet of Thrice-Great Hermes, as well as of these lines from Shelley's Prometheus, where Ione is describing the Spirit of the Earth;

"... how on its head there burns
A light, like a green star, whose emerald beams
Are twined with its fair hair! how as it moves,
The splendour drops in flakes upon the grass!".
[Shelley, Prometheus Unbound, Act III, scene iv]