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Tuesday, 27 December 2005

Breeding men

There were points in history where groups of hominids decided not to accept the randomness of nature and learnt to husband agricuture and live-stock....The need has now arrived to apply similar technics to the human animal.To be able to breed a Copernicus, and not just hope that one will come along by chance. To do this, knowledge of the necessary conditions of culture in which such a type will flourish, and in which breed of hominid he is likely to exist in, is invaluable.

The point about anthropocentrism is in knowing that it is WE who make our values by the strength of our will. The fallacy is in attributing this inescapable human perspective to a 'God', or to a 'non-anthropomorphic principle' which is really just another human invention in disguise.

The important element of distancing that is abundant in the strictly Aristocratic society and is somewhat diluted in modern communications is cruelty. Nothing gives one the sense of elevation so much as the practice of cruelty.All our higher culture is based on this pathos [suffering] of distance. This is why Aristocratic culture is always higher on every level than liberal, egalitarian, sympathetic culture.Early Greek philosophy was very close to the 'one-on-one' dual to the death, and real no-holds barred wrestling. In our culture all contests are fake!

Nietzsche may have made the hole in the cave wall, but it is still the eye which stares out, the eye which cannot see itself!
"The problem I raise here is...what type of human being one ought to BREED, ought to WILL, as more valuable, more worthy of life, more certain of the future". [Nietzsche A 3]

We can see here that Nietzsche almost regarded breeding and willing as synonymous. The application of will to the problem of the 'Higher Man' would surely manifest in a form of Eugenics;"Once the full implications of evolutionary biology are grasped, Eugenics will inevitably become part of the religion of the future, or of whatever complex of sentiments may in the future take the place of organised religion". [J.Huxley, 'Eugenics and Society', 1941]

Without what Nietzsche calls the 'pathos of distance' there can be no overcoming, no contest, no 'agon', no war!A society of Supermen would stagnate, or else break into factions and assert a new Rangordnung which would once again raise the spectre of Eugenics.

I don't think the Overman doctrine is idealistic; the Superman is not to be some spotless Christ-like figure. As Nietzsche writes;
"The word 'SUPERMAN' as designating a type that has turned out supremely well, in antithesis to 'modern' men, to 'good' men, to Christians and other nihilists--a word which in the mouth of a Zarathustra, the DESTROYER of morality, becomes a very thoughtful word--has been understood almost everywhere with perfect innocence in the sense of those values whose antithesis makes its appearance in the figure of Zarathustra: that is to say, as an idealistic type of higher species of man, half 'saint', half 'genius'...He into whose ear I whispered he should look about him for a Cesare Borgia rather than for a Parsifal did not believe his ears". [Nietzsche,'Ecce Homo', 'Books' 1]

I actually think that 'post-Nietzschean' science [e.g., Genetics, Quantum's Uncertainty Principle, and developments in Astronomy] is far more in line with Nietzsche's thinking than the science of his own day was. What is needed today is a 'Quantum Morality', i.e., Nietzscheanism.

Nietzsche makes a strong psychological point when he says that the ever-widening social distances [as in an Aristocratic society] create a widening in the noble individual's 'soul'. In other words his will is strengthened and multiplied. The problem with ANY kind of egalitarianism is that it narrows the 'soul'.
Technology is the invention, and therefore, the legacy of, Aristocracy.Aristocracy by its very nature is creative/inventive and always has the 'edge' of subject populations.
So, technology does not 'drive' Aristocracy, technics are the tools of Aristocratic rule. Of course, in history we see the fall of Aristocracies and the appropriation of technics [often crudely understood] by non-Aristocrats. In those cases we can speak of being 'driven' by technology, as such rulers cannot grasp the import of technics.
Greek;'technikos',of art,skillful, from 'techne', art, craft, skill; akin to Greek 'tekton', builder, carpenter. cf. Latin 'texere', to weave, and Old High German 'dahs', badger.

Nietzsche was a constant and unwavering advocate of social hierarchy and a bitter enemy of all egalitarian ideals. Breeding itself is an early Aristocratic technic.The will to form is an aristocratic principle which is manifest in the need to create 'distances'.Nietzsche's philosophy can be almost summed up by that word 'distances'. The distance between caste and caste, class and class, man and woman.Indeed the modern technologies [genetics, etc.] are merely developments of the Aristocratic principle of discipline and breeding.

Nietzsche desires the WHOLE so that he can create distances WITHIN the whole.

The goal is to create something wider and ever more stratified and articulated;
Life as a great work of art [techne].

Of course there are also inner technics, those seen in the best spirituality and philosophy. Aristocracies create space for the few to go aside and work on these inner-technics. Such beings then enrich the whole. In a non-Aristocratic society, inner-technics are often obliterated [e.g., in the accelerated haste of today].

To reiterate, the modern problem is that a non-Aristocratic class does not know what such technics are FOR.
Obviously, an Overman Caste would know how to use such technics to create Rangordnung [Order of Rank], which is the only creative objective for technics when driven by the Noble.
Technics used by non-Aristocratic types results in the perversion of 'preserving the weak' etc., rather than enhancing the rule of the best and creating ever wider social distances between castes. New species would be created, new worlds conquered.
So, a 'new religion' is necessary for the Christ-Souled Roman Caesar to extend His Dominion;

"A people which still believes in itself, still also has its own God.

"A proud people needs a God in order to SACRIFICE."

One has as much need of the evil god as of the good God.

"There is no other alternative for Gods: EITHER they are the Will to Power - and so long as they are that, they will be national Gods - OR else the impotence for power - and then they necessarily become GOOD.

"The Christian conception of God is one of the most corrupt conceptions of God arrived at on earth". [Nietzsche, A 15-18]

For this Christ-Souled Caesar, God will be both the Nation and the Will to Power DEIFIED!
"All the possibilities of Christian life, the most serious and the most insipid, the most harmless and thoughtless, as well as the best thought through, have been tried out; it is time for the invention of something new, or else we repeatedly will fall back into the same vicious circle: to be sure, it is difficult to break out of this whirlpool now that it has been spinning around for a couple of millennia". [Nietzsche, notebooks 1873-4]

It would take the type of a Caesar to break this vicious circle. He shall do it by first of all mastering the Christ-Soul;
"For the strong and independent, prepared and predestined for command, in whom the art and reason of a Ruling Race is incarnated, religion is one more means of overcoming resistance so as to be able to Rule: as a bond that unites together Ruler and ruled and betrays and hands over to the former the consciences of the latter". [Nietzsche BGE 61]
One would-be 'Fascist Caesar' who imbibed Nietzsche, Spengler and Shaw [and was a friend of Shaw] was the British aristocrat Sir Oswald Mosley.

He gave a lecture in 1935 called 'The Philosophy of Fascism'. I haven't been able to locate a transcript of this, but Griffin quotes from it in his Reader on Fascism [Oxford]. He entitiles his excerpt;'Christ, Nietzsche, and Caesar'.
I can quote a section which is quite revealing;
"In the 19th century, the major intellectual struggle arose from the tremendous impact of Nietzschean thought on the Christian civilisation of 2,000 years.
"That impact was only very slowly realised. Its full implications are only today working themselves out. But turn where you will in modern thought, you find the results of thst struggle for mastery of the mind and spirit of man...
"I am not myself stating the case against Christianity, because I am going to show you how I believe the Nietzschean and the Christian doctrines are capable of synthesis".

Just as Belloc's work understands the world historical importance of Caesar and Christ, so Mosley here recognises the world historical importance of Nietzsche.

From what else is given in the incomplete excerpt, it seems that Mosley envisaged a combination of certain Christian virtues [e.g.,'service'], with Nietzschean ones [e.g., 'virility']. We may say this seems unworkable and factitious.

I contend that Nietzsche's doctrine of Caesarean mastery of the Christ Soul is doctrine enough; Caesar serves no man or god because Caesar IS divine.

Hah!--just as Christ was a God become man, so was Caesar a man become god!

I was thinking of the famous 4th Pastoral or Eclogue, called 'The Golden Age Returns'. This is very apposite to our discussion as Virgil [died 19 B.C.] was evoking the birth of a miraculous child. The child was probably that of Octavian [Augustus Caesar], but the Church [e.g., St. Augustine] later suggested that Virgil was having a premonition of the Christ child.

To quote from Virgil's fourth Pastoral;
"Later, when you have learnt to read the praises of the great and what your father achieved, and come to understand what manhood is, the waving corn will slowly flood the plains with gold, gs hang in ruby clusters on the neglected thorn, and honeydew exude from the hard trunk of oak...
"Even so, faint traces of our former wickedness will linger on, to make us venture on the sea in ships, build walls around our cities, and plough the soil...
"Wars even will repeat themselves, and the great Achilles be despatched to Troy once more". [Vergil, IV Eclogue]

Here is a blatant espousal of the doctrine of the Eternal Recurrence of the Same, as well as an openly amoral stance. It is all very Nietzschean;
"The Fates have spoken, in concord with the unalterable decree of destiny". [ib.]

The piece finishes with this;
"Begin then, little boy, to greet your mother with a smile: the ten long months have left her sick at heart. Begin, little boy: no one who has not given his mother a smile has ever been thought worthy of his table by a god, or by a goddess of her bed". [ib.]

Is this the Christ child, or the Christ-Souled Roman Caesar!
'Christianity' promised a revaluation of all antique values. - It is the Orient, the INNERMOST Orient, it is the Oriental slave who in this fashion took vengeance on Rome and its noble and frivolous tolerance, on Roman 'catholicism' of faith, - and it has never been faith but always freedom from faith, that half-stoical unconcern with the seriousness of faith, that has enraged slaves in their masters and against their masters. 'Enlightenment' enrages: for the slave wants the unconditional, he understands in the domain of morality too only the tyrannical, he loves as he hates, without nuance, into the depths of him... he feels enraged at the Noble taste which seems to DENY suffering". [Nietzsche BGE 46]

So we see that tolerant Rome persecuted Christians and Jews for their INTOLERANCE. The intolerance of today's politically correct show that they are heirs to this 'Christianity'.
As to the Soul and 'intelligence'; I take it that the 'soul complex' includes the 'spirit' which we take as a symbol for the quanta of will available to such a soul. It may be worth pointing out that the German word for 'Spirit', 'Geist', includes the notion of 'intelligence' within it. The English word 'spirit' having a much narrower meaning than the German one. So intelligence is thought of in terms of will. The etymology of the word 'intelligence' is suggestive;Intelligent from inter-,between, and 'legere', to gather, select; akin to Greek 'legein', to gather, say, 'logos', speech, word, reason.That is the will to select from what has been gathered. Heidegger makes much of this notion of 'gathering' as applied to intelligence.
To Nietzsche, Caesar was an example of the "Highest Human Being". [Nietzsche, WM 544].
So in this polarity Christ is the lowest human being.

And yet both Christ and Caesar were conquerors in their own spheres. The Emperor Julian [called the Apostate], who tried to turn Rome back to paganism, said on his deathbed that the Galilean Jesus had conquered. He knew that the Empire would never again be pagan. This struggle between Christianity and Paganism is put in a formula by Nietzsche;
"Dionysos versus the Crucified" [WM 1052] ,and;
"We believe in Olympus--and NOT in the Crucified". [WM 1034].

But I suspect that this war is an Eternal one. An ascending spirit recognises not only that Caesar/Dionysos must have victory over Christ Soul/Crucified, but that the enemy is necessary and part of the economy of the whole.
No Christ, no Caesar; No Caesar, no Christ.

My contention is that Spengler's Caesarism ignores the necessity of a Christ Soul.

George Bernard Shaw's analysis of Caesarism naturally equated it to the Fascism of the 1930's;
"There is nothing new in Fascism...,Caesar, Cromwell, Napoleon, and his nephew Louis Napoleon are the bygone Fascist Leaders we talk most about; but they are only four out of innumerable able adventurers who have headed lawless revolts called 'coups d'etat' ', against governmental machinery that will not work fast enough to keep up with its ". [Shaw,'The Intelligent Woman's Guide', 1937]

We see here immediately that Shaw is right, but not profound enough to see that Julius Caesar's achievement was unique. His conquest of Gaul, brilliant in itself, created Western Europe as a world-historical force.

Could it be that Caesar alone had mastered his Christ Soul, and had therefore gone beyond mere 'Caesarism'. Do we have in Nietzsche's formulation the key which unlocks those great cultivators, of which Caesar is the exemplar?

I think we do.

Shaw puts his finger on the problem of Caesarism/Fascism;
"The catch in it is that Fascist geniuses are not immortal, and, as happened to the Napoleons, may wear out before they die. If they leave Fascism in incapable or vicious hands, it may produce results which are at best deplorable and at worst diabolical". [ib.]

This is what Nietzsche meant by the alarmingly chance nature of greatness. The project is to cultivate the great cultivators. To make greatness a product of Will.
To be able to make certain that a Caesar will rule, and be followed by an unbroken succession of Caesars; this is the thrust of this philosophy.So, the Caesar must first of cultivate his Christ Soul; that is imperative.

New Worlds beckon.
In early 20th century Nietzsche studies, the Christ/Caesar formula importuned many thinkers and doers. The Nietzsche-influenced thinker Spengler proclaimed his historical/philosophic doctrine of 'Caesarism' ;
"The coming phase of history will henceforth be lived out far above economic crises and the ideals of domestic politics. Elemental forces of life itself are now entering the fray where the stakes are all or nothing. The prototypes of Caesarism will soon become more clearly defined, more conscious, more brazen. The masks surviving from the parliamentary age of transition will fall away entirely. All attempts to determine the shape of the future within political parties will be forgotten. The fascist formulations of these decades will turn into new ones as yet unpredictable, and even nationalism as we know it will disappear...The Legions of Caesar are reawakening ". [Spengler, 'Years of Decision',1933]

Spengler was always prophetic, but we can see that his Caesarism lacks the mastery of the Christ Soul. It is a barren Caesarism.Karl Jaspers in 1938 wrote 'Nietzsche and Christianity'. A quote from this is very suggestive to our line of inquiry;
"The most amazing attempts to bring togather again into a higher unity what Nietzsche has first separated and opposed to each other...the synthesis of the ultimate opposition".
We have already argued that Nietzsche rejects 'antithetical values', and so can't quite go along with what Jaspers says here, but we at least think that Nietzsche intended to carry forward the Christ Soul in his Transvaluation.

Jasper's talk of synthesis, higher unities, is Hegelian, and is typical of how Nietzsche was interpreted by those men of thought and action in the 1920's and 30's.
"The great cultivator...the Roman Caesar with Christ's Soul". [Nietzsche WM Bk.IV 983]

How are we to take this pronouncement? It is a challenge to Nietzscheans and Anti-Nietzscheans alike.What?--could it mean that Nietzsche has overcome you all?

Who can even think this formulation of the 'Christ-souled Roman Caesar' ?You may not be surprised to hear that I am thinking it right NOW!


" Education in those rulers' virtues that master even one's benevolence and pity: the great cultivator's virtues.., the affect of the creator must be elevated--no longer to work on marble!--The exceptional situation and powerful position of those beings..: the Roman Caesar with Christ's Soul ". [Nietzsche, 'The Will To Power',Bk IV, 983]

We stand back from such a quote just as we stand back from an old master painting at an art gallery; we gaze in wonder. How elevated must have been the mind that thought able to look down on things from a great height, from a wide and lofty perspective!The context suggests that the Caesar masters his own 'benevolence and pity'.

So the first answer is that the 'Christ Soul' is one's benevolence and pity.

One must remember that Nietzsche is using 'Christ' and 'Caesar' as types.
Now we must assume that the Caesar is possessed of a Christ Soul [perhaps the greater the man, the greater his Christ Soul]; he doesn't reject it, he overcomes it. He masters it--it is his first conquest.This is the ruler's virtue, the great cultivator's virtue.

Of course Christianity will tell us that we must expand our Christ Soul; Nietzsche tells us we must master it.It may be the sort of mastery that allows one to perform ruthless tasks with a clinical touch, which if overmastered by the feeling of pity would cause our hands to shake.
This brings us on to Nietzsche's very apt sculptor metaphor,"no longer to work on marble! " he says. Does not the sculptor use a hard chisel to work on hard marble to create,in the case of a Michelangelo, the flowing contours of living flesh?
In other words, only by those harsh Nietzschean virtues can beauty be created; but first the cultivator must master his own softness, exercise his own constructive hardness.

I see Christ as the moralised Dionysos; it is with the aid of Caesarean hardness that Christ will be transformed back to Dionysos. But there is no antithesis here; Christ and Dionysos are polarities of the same sphere; Caesar is the star that guides us to the pole of Dionysos.
We can only be worldy if we have explored both poles.

But this is not enough; the profundity of the quote is barely touched;it is merely introduced. We need to know more of what it means to be a Caesar type and a Christ type. We all know of Caesar's military genius, his mastering of Rome; but listen to what Belloc says here;
"The Roman Empire might have remained, and so one would think it naturally would have remained, a Mediterranean thing, but for that capital experiment which has determined all future history--Julius Caesar's conquest of Gaul--Gaul, the mass of which lay north, Continental, exterior to the Mediterranean: Gaul which linked up with the Atlantic and the North Sea: Gaul which lived by the tides: Gaul which was to be the foundation of things to come. It was this experiment--the Roman Conquest of Gaul--and its success which opened the ancient and immemmorial culture of the Mediterranean to the world. It was a revolution which for rapidity and completeness has no parallel". [H.Belloc, 'Europe and the Faith']

Today we may not appreciate what Caesar's conquest means for world history.
It was a transformation in itself which made possible Christ's transformation of world religion. The Christ Souled Roman Caesar would then conquer the world both materially and spiritually; totally.

Tuesday, 20 December 2005

Blame implies responsibility,and therefore a belief in 'freewill'.There is only Strong will and Weak Will;there is no freewill.How can you blame ANYONE,when there is no freewill?I Am A Destiny,says Nietzsche.
Each man is a piece of Fate:Who can b 'responsible' for anything,if there is no 'freewill' ?That is the Innocence of Becoming,when the Lion becomes...a Child.
The only mention of 'purity' in Nietzsche in this connexion is when he says [in Daybreak] that there are no 'pure' races [pure itself is an abstraction],races only 'become' pure.It is the Will to purity that emphasises racial/religious/cultural differentiation [look at the purity laws in the Old Testament etc.].Nietzsche says elsewhere that he does not want Germanic racial purity,but rather to create [by what he calls 'discipline and breeding'] a European race.

So race is a project of BECOMING.To Nietzsche ALL is in a state of flux,so purity,like stability is unattainable;but it is the will to purity,like the will to being [stamp being onto becoming] that is important.

Race is commensurate with Nietzsche's philosophy of Order of Rank.In the strict hierarchical organisation of Nietzsche's wont,the differentiated racial strata will not inter-breed.This will create,over time,racial differentiation-unavoidable fact of nature [called 'genetic drift';it's how you get different species of monkeys(!) ].

Get this;In a strict hierarchy without cross-breeding racial distance will come into being/becoming;this by the laws of evolution.Nietzsche expounds the laws of Manu because it details a technic for achieving this [incidentally it was the caste system which helped Hinduism to survive the onslaught of Moslem 'conversion' [or more properly,conquest].Order of Rank WORKS.Do you really think that our multi-cultural socities will survive once the Muslim world attains technological parity?No,there will be a return to Order of Rank-imposed from without.

Individualism is the real lie;no man is an island,and our speech,culture and very lives are based on familial context,with ancestors reaching back into the mists of time.Societies that misunderstand this have low birth-rates,soaring suicide rates and an underlying Nihilism.

Atomism is descending;Order of Rank [race] is ascending.
We are seeing here in 'O' the whole perspective of slave ressentiment. According to this distortion,only O's people are victims;only O's people suffered;and those that made them suffer were pure evil,and intent on one thing-persecuting O's people.Only through persecution mania can this type define itself;it says "I am persecuted,therefore I am".This is the root of its eternal revenge,its eternal ressentiment.
"We cannot possibly get beyond our present level of culture unless we receive a powerful impetus from our primitive roots."But we shall receive it only if we go back beyond our cultural level,thus giving the suppressed primitive man in ourselves a chance to develop.
"We need some new foundations,we must dig down to the primitive in us,for only in the conflict between civilised
man and the Germanic barbarian will there come what we need:a new experience of the gods". [Jung]

Race as a political religion is particularly potent [and if we look at the spiritual/ideological vacuum at the centre of today's Global Capitalism,we may feel that such a Mythos is actually NECESSARY for the survival of Western civilisation].
Houston Stewart Chamberlain was a 19th century writer [an Englishman who married into the Wagner clan] who recognised the danger of what he called 'Folk Chaos' ;
"The monstrosity of the state without a nation;that empty form,that soulless congery of humanity;that union of mongrels bound together only by a community of taxes and superstitions,not by a common origin and a common heart-beat;that crime against the race of mankind which we have summed up in the word 'Folkchaos'. Even today we have not yet succeeded in purging our blood of all the poisons of that chaos". [Chamberlain,'Foundations of the 19th Century']

It was the ability of the race mythos to inspire the Will of Aryan man that made it so precious;
"Race lifts a man above himself: it endows him with extraordinary--I might almost say Supernatural--powers,so entirely does it distinguish him from the individual who springs from a chaotic jumble of peoples". [ib.]

Now Nietzsche eschewed 'ideals'.He saw the master race as an actuality:it was a 'fact of recurrence';
"The most important thing is that the possibility has been established for the production of international racial unions whose task will be to rear a Master Race,the future 'Masters of the Earth',--a new,tremendous Aristocracy,based on the severest self-legislation,in which the Will of Philosophical Men of Power,and Artist Tyrants will be made to endure for Thousands of Years--a Higher kind of Man who,thanks to their Superiority in Will and knowledge,riches and influence,employ democratic Europe as their most pliant and supple instruments". [Nietzsche,WM 960]

To Nietzsche this was the one,"SERIOUS topic;the 'European problem',as I understand it,the rearing of a New Ruling Caste for Europe". [Nietzsche,BGE 251]
1) We all know the passage in Zarathustra where he talks of the 'Three Metamorphoses of the Spirit',where the spirit becomes a Camel,then a Lion,and finally a Child.
Rather than seeing the Camel,Lion and Child as sequential,and on an individual level,we can also see them hierarchically,i.e.,politically.
Taking the form of the pyramid we can see them in reverse order going form the pyramid's peak,down;
The Child is at the top;this is the philosophical ruler who understands the 'Innocence of Becoming';they are amoral and their motto is 'I AM'.

The Lion is next in rank;they are fighters who create values,and whose motto is 'I WILL'.

The Camel is below;these are scholars who systematise all knowledge,including morality;their motto is 'THOU SHALT'

And finally,in the mass,comes The Herd;they obey the Holy Lies of the Camel and serve the Lion and Child. Their motto is 'WE OBEY'.

2) 'Universal human rights' is only possible when all 'humans' accept 'universally' the same view of what those human 'rights' can be. Until then,such 'universals' are a sham,Platonic Idealities and ill-afforded luxuries.As Nietzsche says,if humanity has no common goal,then perhaps 'humanity itself' is lacking.

3) The Body Basilisk. Abandon yourself to the dance;the dance of Dionysian amnesia. Then empty your thoughts in a whirling dementia of endless circular motion. Gilded with sweat as you collapse exhausted into the night;thought returns as recurrent,tangible dream.The need for Festival.Life as a gambol.

4) 'There is nothing new under the sun' saith the Preacher. -What!-could it be that the slaves have overheard their masters discuss the Eternal recurrence of the Same?!
"Man has been reared by his errors" (Nietzsche JW 160)

Nietzsche maintains that Christianity is 'Platonism for the people' (BGE Preface);a vulgurarisation of Platonism. Plato himself desired Philosopher Kings,and to that end he wrote his Republic and his Laws. He also stayed for some time at the court of the Tyrant King Dionysius,hoping to have his philosophy turned into political actuality.
Epicurus regarded a philosophy which entertained such political involvement as devalued;
"How malicious philosophers can be! I know of nothing more stinging than the joke Epicurus took the liberty of making on Plato and the Platonists: he called them 'Dionysiokolakes'-'flatterers of Dionysius'-consequently,tyrant accessories,and lickspittles; beside this,however,it is as much to say,'They are all ACTORS,there is nothing genuine about them' (for 'Dionysiokolax' was a popular name for an actor).
"And the latter is really the malignant reproach that Epicurus cast upon Plato: he was annoyed by the grandiose manner,the 'mis en scene' style of which Plato and his scholars were masters--of which Epicurus was not a master!". (BGE 7)

To Nietzsche the prime fault in Platonism was its moral philosophy,what is referred to in the Preface of BGE as 'the most dangerous dogmatic error',that of the 'good in itself';"All the more profound natures of antiquity were disgusted with the philosophers of virtue: they were looked upon as quarrelsome and playactors;judgment on Plato of Epicurus". (BGE 434)
"At the core of all Aristocratic Races lurks the Beast of Prey;the magnificent BLOND BRUTE,avid for spoil and victory".[Nietzsche,GM,I,11]

A feature of Aryan culture is conscious evolution.The Aryan is not content with being at the mercy of 'chance',or natural selection;he rather asserts his Will to Power in order to cultivate the noble specimen and his requirements.He breeds the superman.He is fully aware of the NECESSARY inequality of 'humanity':the slaves and instruments of the aristocracy are just as much bred DOWN [or levelled] as the Noble is bred UP.
"As we know from the experience of stock-breeders,a species that is given over-abundant nourishment and extra protection and care,generally shows an immediate and very pronounced tendency to variations in type,and is rich in marvels and monstrosities [and monstrous vices,too].
"Now let us consider an Aristocratic community,such as the ancient Greek 'polis',say,or Venice,as an organisation whose voluntary or involuntary purpose is to BREED". [Nietzsche,BGE 262]

Nietzsche recognises the very palpable,physical nature of this breeding;
"In the Latin 'malus' ['bad','evil']--beside which I place 'melas' ['black','dark']--the common man could be characterised as the dark-coloured,above all as the black-haired--"hic niger est" [Horace;'he is black']--as the pre-Aryan occupant of Italian soil,who by his colour stood out most clearly from the blonds who had become the rulers,namely the Aryan Conqueror Race". [Nietzsche,GM,I,5]

Nietzsche sees racial difference as a 'sine qua non' ;
"It is simply impossible that a person would NOT have his parents' and forefathers' qualities and preferences in his body--whatever appearances may say to the contrary.This is the problem of Race." [Nietzsche,BGE 264]

Here Nietzsche is at one with Manu,who says;
"A man born of the confusion of wombs,even if he comes from a leading family,will inherit that very character,to a greater or lesser degree.But the kingdom in which these degraded bastards are born,defiling the classes,quickly perishes,together with the people who live there". [Laws of Manu,V,60-1]
But what of the modern Vedic perspective?Sri Aurobindo's book of 1967 is a good guide;

"ARYAN;He who does the work of sacrifice,finds the sacred word of illumination,desires the gods and increases them and is increased by them into the largeness of the true existence;He is the warrior of the light and the traveller of the truth.The Aryans are the thinkers of the world,'mayamanah',holders of the thought,the thought-mind and the seer-knowledge.The Aryans are desirers of the god-head;they seek to increase their own being and the godheads in them by sacrifice,the word,the thought.To Indra,Agni,and Surya among the gods is especially applied the term ARYA,which describes with an untranslatable compactness those who rise to the Noble aspiration and who do the great labour as an offering in order to arrive at the good and the bliss". ['Key to Vedic Symbolism',Aurobindo]

ARYAN,ARIAN: Indo-European,also Indo-Iranian.From Sanskrit 'aryas' [Vedic 'aria'],'Noble'.Applied earlier as a National name-cf.Latin 'Ariana',eastern region of Persian kingdom,Greek 'Arioi',Medes [in Herodotus],'Ariane' [in Strabo],'Arianoi';cf. Avesta,'Airyana',whence modern Iran.[Oxford Etymological Dictionary]
"Rome vs. Judah" [Nietzsche,'The Anti-Christian']

Nietzsche maps out the main distances between the Aryan and Semitic thus;
The New Testament-a NEGATIVE Semitic religion;
The Koran-an AFFIRMATIVE Semitic religion;
Buddhism-a NEGATIVE Aryan religion;
Laws of Manu-an AFFIRMATIVE Aryan religion.

See 'The Will To Power,145,for this formulation.Furthermore,Nietzsche says;
"It is quite in order that we possess no religion of oppressed Aryan races,for that is a contradiction;A Master Race is either on top,or it is destroyed". [Nietzsche,WM,145]

The Semitic actually originated in opposition,out of resentment,out of envy,towards the Aryan.Nietzsche makes this clear;
"These provisions in Manu are instructive enough;in them we have,on the one hand,ARYAN humanity,completely pure and primordial--we learn that the concept of 'pure blood' is the very opposite of an innocuous concept [i.e.,as it is in Xtianity].On the other hand,it becomes clear in WHICH people hatred,chandala hatred against this 'humanity' became eternal,where it became religion,became GENIUS...From this point of view,the Gospels are a doent of utmost importance;the Book of Enoch,even more so.-Christianity,which springs from a Jewish root and is understandable only as a growth on this soil,represents a COUNTERMOVEMENT to every morality of Breeding,of Race,of Privilege-it is the ANTI-ARYAN religion par excellence.
Christianity as the revaluation of Aryan values,the triumph of Chandala values,the Gospel preached to the poor,the lowly,the general rebellion of all the oppressed,the miserable,the failures,the unfortunates,against 'RACE'--the immortal Chandala Vengeance as a 'Religion of Love' ". [Nietzsche,Twi. ib.,4]
"Have you understood me? Dionysos vs. Christ!". [nietzsche,EH,'Destiny',8]

Our Aryan religion is first recorded in the Vedas;
"The historical phase of Vedism or Vedic religion is usually taken to extend from about 1,500 B.C. until about 500 B.C.It was ushered in by the arrival of semi-nomadic Aryan tribes,who,by conquest and by settlement and assimilation,spread during these centuries across North India.The Aryans were that branch of the Indo-European peoples who moved down into Iran and Afghanistan and then into India.
What is known of their religion when they were in India derives mainly from the Veda,a remarkable corpus of religious literature which displays a considerable evolution of religious attitudes throughout the period". 'The Handbook of Living Religions',ed.Hinnells,Penguin]

The extent of Aryan religious writing is prodigious;
"The principal literary doents of Aryan religion are;The Veda;The Avesta [sacred book of the followers of Zarathustra];the Homeric poems;and the religious and mythological traditions preserved to us in the later literatures of Rome and Germany". [Muller,'Anthropological Religion']

The caste system which evolved out of the Aryan Vedic culture was laid down in 'The Lawbook of Manu';
"He should take pleasure only in the truth,religion,occupations proper for an Aryan,and purification". [Laws of Manu,4:175]

Nietzsche had high esteem for this doent;
"The Laws of Manu--this absolutely Aryan achievement,a priestly codex based on the Vedas,the system of Castes". [Nietzsche,letter to Gast,May 31,1888]

Nietzsche had no illusions about the meaning of Caste;
"Let us turn to the case of the BREEDING of a particular Race and Type.The most magnificent example of this is provided by the 'Laws of Manu';This law sets the task of breeding no fewer than four races at once:a priestly race,a fighting race,a race of merchants and farmers,and finally a race of servants,the Sudras". [Nietzsche,Twilight,'Improvers',3]
"In the beginning,images;then words;finally concepts". [Nietzsche,WM,506]

The main language groups of the Aryan [Proto-Indo-European] family;Hellenic-Italic-Albanian-Tocharian-Germanic-Armenian-Balto/Slavic-Celtic-Anatolian-Indo/Iranian.

For me,the concept 'Aryan' is what I would imagine 'Semitic' would be to another.I see the Aryan as running the gamut of the linguistic,historical,cultural,political,scientific,ethical,ethnical,religious,philosophical,and spiritual,aspects of life. Like the circle of the eternal return it is inexhaustible.

'Aryan' names the seed from which The Veda,The Zend-Avesta,the Homeric Greek grew;the root from which the Latin,the Celtic and the Germanic diverged and flourished.

The Aryan speaks of our passing from the realm of pure instinct to type-giving form;the articulation of primordial images.

In the post-'World'-War Two period,the term Aryan [i.e.,'noble'] has become deemed 'politically incorrect' by the ascendant mediocrity,and is usually therefore replaced by the phrase 'Indo-European'-in itself a dry term without resonance.

I seek here to regain the pith and the juice of our Aryan culture.

Hail the Sun!
Reality cannot be 'modelled' because any model is part of that reality; one can only have a PERSPECTIVE.
"You want if possible--and there is no madder 'if possible'--TO ABOLISH SUFFERING!;and we?--it really does seem that WE would rather increase it and make it worse than it has ever been!"Well-being as you understand it--that is no goal,that seems to us an END!
"A state which soon renders man liudicrous and contemptible--which makes it DESIRABLE that he should perish!"The discipline of suffering,of GREAT suffering--do you not know that it is THIS discipline alone which has created every elevation of mankind hitherto? ".[Nietzsche,BGE 225]

The superman type struggles against everything weak and contemptible in order to achieve that pathos [suffering] of distance between the Noble type and the common.

It is a basic tenet that the 'slave' is NECESSARY. As I have said,the important thing is the ever widening pathos of distance.I find only Joy in the struggle; the most misery I hear is the moaning of the 'underprivileged'...
'Slave',from Latin 'Sclavus','Slav'-from the reduction to slavery of many Slavonic peoples of central Europe.Even the word slave derives from an ethnic,political perspective.

To add some Nietzschean meat to the bones,the following are statements from Nietzsche on Slavery;

"We must accept this cruel-sounding truth,that slavery is the essence of culture".

"Slavery is necessary in order to make the production of the world of art possible to a small number of Olympian men".

"War is just as necessary for the State as the slave is for society".[Nietzsche,'The Greek State',]

"Slavery enhances the species 'man' ".[Nietzsche,BGE 44]

All the above is clearly an ADVOCATION of slavery.Middle-class leisure lifestyle is just another form of slavery.Supermanhood is strenuous,dangerous and war-like.Modern work-shy hedonists are worse than their wage slave contemporaries.

The main philosophical desideratum for slavery is the need to create that widening of the soul,just as egalitarianism makes the soul narrow.Nietzsche explains;
"Without the PATHOS OF DISTANCE that grows from inveterate class differences,from the ruling caste's constant view downwards onto its underlings and tools,and from its equally constant practice in obeying and commanding,in holding down and holding at arm's length--without this pathos,that other,more mysterious pathos could never exist,that longing for ever greater distances within the soul itself,the development of ever higher,rare,more far-flung,extensive,spacious inner states,in short,the elevation of the type 'human being',the continual 'self-overcoming of the human',to use a moral formula in a supra-moral sense". [Nietzsche,BGE 257]

I think that makes matters crystal clear.
Nietzsche sought the most extreme form of affirmation as the mark of the superman type;this he found in the doctrine of the 'Eternal Recurrence of the Same' .The basic outlook of the doctrine is that;

1) All is in a state of flux,of becoming-the unceasing river of Heraus.

2) Time is CIRCULAR and eternal;it has neither a beginning,nor an end.

3) Matter,both organic and inorganic,is limited and finite.

4) Therefore,since infinity has already elapsed prior to the present fleeting moment,then states of affairs have already repeated an infinite number of times.

The superman,as the pinnacle of strong will,resonates through the ages in all his glory,resurfacing eternally to recreate values,do great thought-deeds,and [re-]found civilisation/Empires.The superman rediscovers the lost mythos of the Aryan race,of the Masters of the Earth.

The superman's Master Ethic flows from a 'Transvaluation of Values'.the Slave morality which had triumphed in revolution is designed to prevent the re-emergence of the superman-type.The Master Ethic is of course dialectically opposed to Slave Morality.The former teaches that the superhuman elite must be strong,brilliant,proud and cruel;he must practice honour among his own caste and subjugate the born-slave.He must hate degeneration and therefore strive to keep the Order of Rank in shape by wielding his type-forming Hammer.

Zarathustra symbolises the type which paves the way for the dominance of the superhuman on earth by destroying the hegemony of slave morality [just as the Priest had sought to destroy master morality].Zarathustra announces the death of the God that he had once created [only the Master Race can create and destroy gods -priests are parasites on the gods of creators who finally make a god out of parasitism itself; this is the abortion that Zarathustra destroys].

The Political is the scaffolding upon which the superman type re-attains his Destiny.It must be based upon slavery at the bottom of its pyramid.
War is an indispensable instrument for the superman.The cause of war is immaterial,as glory in destruction and victory are all that matters.
Nietzsche derived his type of the superman from the ancient Greeks whose achievements in art,philosophy and statesmanship were truly extra-ordinary.It was the will to encom-pass and even sur-pass the Greeks that fueled the life-philosophy of the superman.

The basic qualities of the superman type as described by Nietzsche are;absolute affirmation,even of the tragic aspects of life,and directed,strong,will to power.

The superman implies an Order of Rank.
The most fundamental division is between Master and Slave.
The Slave is typically full of festering unrequited revenge and sublimated drives,which will periodically erupt into the Slave Revolt in Morals.
The Master,the superhuman,is able to requite immediately;his drives glory in the joyful wisdom of their fulfillment.
The Slave, meanwhile,in all his self-pity,regards his master as 'evil',ruthless,arrogant and cruel;in short,he resents him.
The Slave works day and night on crafty plans to overthrow his masters.
The Master though,proud and cheerful as he is,knows nothing of the devious labyrinthine regions of the slave's twisted soul.
He finds the mal-formed slave to be of a lower species-a subhuman-;a caricature of the true noble human being.
The master will be brutal towards the slave at times,but he cannot 'hate' such a botched creature.

Within the masterculture is a basic tension which Nietzsche calls the Dionysian/Apollonian.This goes back of course to the Greek model for the superman type,which has its roots in the barbaric inhuman substratum of the Dionysian.

Out of this evolves the pristine Apollonian,who is the apogee of reason,restraint and harmony-the will to purity.This is the Aryan ideal which is periodically submerged [within the masterculture] into the terrifying bestiality of the oriental Dionysian.
This dynamic drives on masterculture;the superman always contains inhuman aspects so that he is also both beast and superbeast. It is this primal Dionysian aspect that the slave propaganda latches onto to create a distortion,and calls his Master the 'evil oppressor'.
Nietzsche does expressly condone the elimination of undesirable off-spring [see 'The Will To Power',Book 3-section on 'society']; he also recommends that the ability to carry out 'cruel acts' WITHOUT FLINCHING is a sign of nobility.One could view many ancient pagan practices in this light.
It's worth remembering that Dionysos does not figure predominantly in Greek heroic epic;as Burkert points out,the most influential portrayal does not come until the end of the 5th century with the 'Bacchae' of Euripides.Dionysos is an invader from the east,symbolising the tension between the West and the East,or the Apollonian and the Dionysian,that IS Hellenic culture.

I will give a fuller quote from Burkert regarding the mask,which should make his position clearer;

"Dionysian ecstasy is not something achieved by an individual on his own;it is a mass phenomenon and spreads almost infectiously.This is expressed in mythological terms by the fact that the god is always surrounded by the swarm of his frenzied male and female votaries.Everyone who surrenders to this god must risk abandoning his everyday identity and becoming mad;this is both divine and wholesome.An outward symbol and instrument of the transformation brought by the god is the mask.The merging of god and votary which occurs in this metamorphosis is without parallel in the rest of Greek religion.." [Walter Burkert,'Greek Religion',page 62]
There is an undoubted connection between Master Morality and Paganism; Nietzsche himself affirms the value of the Homeric and Eddaic.
The basic dichotomy is between monotheism-typical of slave moral/Semitic culture,and polytheism-typical of Master moral/Aryan culture.

Nietzsche describes Monotheism thus;
"It is the rigid consequence of the doctrine of a single normal human type;the belief in a single,normal god in relation to whom there could only be pseudo-gods-it is perhaps the greatest danger that humanity has ever been faced with.It threatens us with the kind of involution that,as far as we can see,most other species have already reached-for all of them believe in one normal,ideal type for their species,and they have definitively imprinted the morality of mores deep into their flesh and blood.

This is a very important passage;today we are ever challenged by mono-ideologies,including political correctness as well as the old religions of one god.

Pagan religion would have to include;

1)Polytheism [here there are not only a variety of gods and goddesses,but also humanoid creatures,like dwarves etc.,which may be a throw back to the various species of hominids who once lived alongside one another in the inter-glacial periods].

2)Nature Religion.This includes the rejection by pagans of a creation ex nihilo,out of nothing;men and gods and wights are all part of eternal nature.Nature is revered;But here we should note Nietzsche's advice;nothing is more fearful and yes,IMMORAL,than nature.There is no room here for liberal posturing on the 'kindness' of mother nature. There is also no 'end' to life;it flows on endlessly.This is Heraean,and therefore Nietzschean.

3)Organic Origins;Paganism is rarely the work of the teachings of a founder,or a prophet;Paganism is not of the book;therefore it has no fixed dogma or ritual.In this alone it is Nietzschean,just as the dogmatic religions are not.

4)Ethnic religion;Paganism is based so much on the importance of 'blood'.Again,there is much in Nietzsche on this.This is all very inconvenient for liberals,who,like their Christian forebears,would like to outlaw such feelings.

5)Sacrifices;Nietzsche espouses the need to exercise cruelty;to be able to do so without flinching.Again,this is anathema to modernity.

Going back to the passage quoted from before,he speaks more on polytheism;"The invention of all kinds of gods,heroes,and supermen;as well as nearmen,halfmen,dwarfs,fairies,centaurs,satyrs,demons,and devils,was the preliminary act enabling the justification of Egoism and individual sovereignty".[Nietzsche,ib.]

This all goes to prove my contention that the superman is not an ideal for the future,but an actuality,here and now,just as it was for the pagans.

The Nietzschean doctrines of will to power,the eternal return,amor fati,and of course the superman,are all out of Aryan religiosity;"Better to have no God,better to set up destiny on one's own account,better to be a fool,better to be a god oneself!".[Nietzsche,TSZ LXVI ]

To the Monotheists,paganism is tantamount to non-religion,secularism.The slaves do not UNDERSTAND our spirituality.That is why they don't understand Nietzsche.There are very few real Nietzscheans today,just as there are few pagans.Most of those who call themselves such are disguised Christians.
Hat man mich verstanden?-DIONYSOS GEGEN DEN GEKREUZIGTEN. [Nietzsche,EH 'Destiny' 9]

So,to understand Nietzsche we have have to see him as Dionysos;but Dionysos AGAINST the Crucified.Now this means that the conception of Christ as a Dionysos archetype is not meant.What is meant is the historical Jesus who dies on the Cross for his crimes-HIS crimes,and nobody elses.The conception of Dionysos is that of the Affirmer of life in continual cyclic destruction and creation.Nietzsche,like Goethe,like Holderlin,is ultimately a pagan.

As Burckert writes of Dionysos;
"Everyone who surrenders to this god must risk abandoning his everyday identity and becoming mad:This is both divine and wholesome."An outward symbol and instrument of the transformation brought by the god is the mask."The merging of god and votary which occurs in this metamorphosis is without parallel in the rest of Greek religion."BOTH votary and god are called Bacchus-the god alone is Dionysos:'bakcheia' denotes the frenzy".

Here we see Nietzschean concordances of a remarkable nature;Nietzsche's own madness is signaled by a last letter to Cosima;'I love you,Ariadne-Dionysos'.Nietzsche's philosophy of multiple perspectives utilises the image of the mask;the metamorphoses of the spirit is spoken of in Zarathustra.

One cannot obviously talk about all pagan practices as if they were identical,but as far as I know the Germanic rune readings and Roman entrail readings were attempts to find out what Fate had in store for us.I would regard worship which begs for good outcomes somewhat slavish.The Aryan pagan is stoical in the face of Destiny.

I'd like to dwell on the concept of 'Justice',but will only pose this statement of Nietzsche's as a starting point for the moment;

"Every Aristocratic moral code is intolerant...even intolerance itself is counted as a virtue, going by the name of 'justice' ".[Nietzsche,BGE 262]
The O.E. for 'sacrifice' is 'Lac' [see Sweet etc.].Now,interestingly,the word has a range of meanings which give a very different tincture to the post-Christian conception of what sacrifice WAS [we must bear in mind too,that anti-pagan propaganda has coloured our general understanding].So,the O.E. word is glossed as ;Lac;-joyous activity,sport,game;contest,battle/gift,offering,sacrifice.A 'geLac' was a 'commotion'.

Now we see the whole Dionysian,Nietzschean trajectory of meaning;the joy in combat,war,contest;the offering before a battle and after victory.The sport-field as a training ground for battle;the connection between the religious pathos and the art of war.ALL THIS IS MASTER MORALITY.

Also,the vowel in 'Lac' was long,so it's pronunciation was 'lark';and of course it has survived in that dialect word as in 'larking about';Lark (colloq.)-play tricks,frolic,from dialect 'lake',play,sport.Old Norse leika=O.E. lacan,play,sport,Middle High German leichen,Gothic laikan,dance.
When Nietzsche,as a philologist by trade,says,'I can believe only in a god that can dance',we should be aware of his playing with those resonances.

Of course,Christianity sought to trivialise paganism,hence lark means only a piece of tomfoolery now,and not a sacrifice.But let us look at the profound Aryan view of sacrifice;

SACRIFICE. The outer symbol of an inner work,an inner interchange between the gods and men-man giving what he has,the gods giving in return the horses of power,the heroes of Strength to be his retinue,winning for him victory in his battle with the hosts of dissolution..." "The work of the Aryan is a sacrifice which is at once a battle and an ascent and a journey,a battle against the powers of darkness,an ascent to the highest peaks...""The principal features of the sacrifice are the kindling of the divine flame,the offering of the 'ghrta' and the Soma-wine and the chanting of the sacred word...""The object of the sacrifice is to win the higher or divine being and possess with it and make subject to its law and truth the lower or human existence..."[from 'Key To Vedic Symbolism',by Sri Aurobindo]

This is all too uncanny for words!The same emphasis on battle;the same joyousness!Not one scrap of Xtian style importuning-no,'please God,give me more of this and less of that'-pah!Can we not see the mighty tree and roots of our Aryan Master Morality here?And all this from the word 'lark'!And in Nietzsche do we not see Nietzsche as the fruits of this tree...and Zarathustra,the sacrifice?

I'm moved by the relationship between the words 'tree' and 'true' [they are both 'treow'] in O.E.,as they sum up the pagan faith known as 'Asatru' in its ethical and spiritual facets.As to fire,we must recall the Viking practice of cremation [and Hindu sutee] and the Zarathustrian belief in the ever-living fire;-like-wise the same belief is found among pagan Romans.When the fire is extinguished,then the world will end,or at least,the Aryan world.Of course the myth of Prometheus is central here [the latter's eternal torment is just another example of the eternal recurrence].

My view of justice is anti-Platonic,which shouldn't surprise anyone coming from a Nietzschean perspective.Remember how in the Republic Socrates argues against the view of Thrasymachus.The latter claims that 'justice is the interest of the stronger';put even more plainly-'might is right'.Nietzsche sophisticates this view by distinguishing between Master Morality and Slave Morality.In the former Thrasymachan might is exercised over the Slaves,but the Masters between themselves [inter pares] operate a noble code of requitement.The criterion is strong will vs. weak will;pity is rejected.Blood or marriage kinship provides certain grounds,but ultimately strong will,and the mutual respect of strong will is the bottom line.

Not unusually,then,for a theory which sees the will to power as the basic feature of life,Nietzsche adheres to the 'power' theory,rather than the 'rights' theory.In political terms the power position is put succinctly by Machiavelli in 'the Prince'-Nietzsche considers this to be 'perfection in politics' .Nietzsche did not accept any moral 'a priori',believing that morality is an INTERPRETATION of life and not an essence of life.'Natural justice' to Nietzsche would be something of a contradiction in terms,as nature is oblivious to human notions of justice.
The Nietzschean position is that morals,like philosophy,art,politics-culture in general-are the result of human creativity.They do not have an absolute Truth correspondence to a posited higher order [a higher order of 'essence' for example-whatever that might be].
Morality is not a Law dictated to man from any supposed outside force which some say governs the universe.


It is a 'common' mistake to think then that one's own interpretation is actually part of some immutable supernatural realm of 'essence'.In fact this is no more than superstition.

From there one can rightly say that morality is a matter of opinion.
Yockey offers a paradigm which could be seen in the light of master moral vs. slave moral;

Will to Power****************************Will to Riches
RANK as social distinction*************Equality
Society as organism********************Society as collection of individuals
Primacy of spirit*************************Materialism
World as object of organisation*********World as object of plunder
Fulfilment of duty*************************'Pursuit of happiness'

1.Absolute Western****************1.Aquiescence to the outer revoltSelf-preservation
2.Absolute will to*******************2.Race-suicide,birth control Biological fertility
3.Absolute will to*******************3.Surrender of Western world-hegemonyIncrease power

Social organic unity***********Class-war
Dual polarity*****************Feminism
Europe as Nation**************Petty-nationalism

This is just an adapted excerpt of his paradigms [ not from his magnum opus 'Imperium',but from the briefer 'The Enemy of Europe'],which,while not wholly Nietzschean,are very much of that ilk.Nietzsche's philosophy has tremendous political potential;today's Nietzscheans must explore this side which has been neglected for the past 50 years or so.
I believe that kin-feeling is the ESSENCE of religion.World religions seek to recreate,or as I said EXTEND this kin-feeling.

I would say that the characteristic of expansion from small tribal groupings to organised theocratic societies is loss of power of the kin-group,whose autonomy is given up.The tendency towards self-abnegation is marked in the biggest 'synthetic' societies however,where motiveless crime,narcotics abuse and suicide seem out of all proportion to the material benefits that 'synthetic' societies confer.But that is probably the answer-the benefits are only material.

The Aryan nations have long ceased to exist as MORAL entities;master morality [based on Order of Rank] has long been overturned,and we have had to suffer centuries of the spectacle of the blond beast making a rather bad of emulating slave morality.But the 'gnosis' as you put it,does not die.Nietzsche himself said that there are no pure races,races only BECOME pure.And this is the eternal recurrence-all will come again as it once was -a Zarathustra Reich for a Thousand Years.

'Tribe' literally means 'thirds' in Latin,and points to the subdivision of kin-goups within the nat-ion [nat-al,birth etc.].In von List's version of the Viking rune song of Wodan,he has the maxim,'your blood is your highest possesssion';this is the true sense of nation,and shouldn't be confused with the synthetic,individualistic,State.'Thirds' also reminds us of the very basic tri-partite Order of Rank in Aryan society;warrior,farmer and servant.Each rank would itself have a 'tribal' basis [this is seen in the Edda called 'The Lay of Rig']

Let us not forget that the slave morality seeks 'equality';a polyglot mass of 'humanity'-this marks a tremendous differentiation between Noble morality and Slave morality.Napoleon said that he recognised only two nations,the Occident and the Orient.Nietzsche spoke of the need for 'Europe to become one'.Francis Parker Yockey [a.k.a. 'Ulick Varange'] in his book 'Imperium' puts forward a useful pan-European nationalism [always bearing in mind the kin roots of the term nation].
Metaphor is the TOOL of genius;... The worship of Technics in excess lead to the disaggregation of the Will.
"The drop of LIFE in the Universe is without significance for the total character of the tremendous ocean of Becoming and Passing-Away:That uncounted stars possess similar conditions for the production of life as the Earth does-very many thus do,though they constitute only a handful compared with the limitless number which have never experienced the eruption of life,or have long since recovered from it;that measured against the duration of their existence,life on each of these stars has been but a moment,a sudden flickering up,with long,long,spaces of time afterwards-and thus in no sense the goal and ultimate objective of their existence.Perhaps the ant in the forest imagines it is the goal and objective of the forest just as firmly as we do when in our imagination we almost involuntarily associate the destruction of mankind with the destruction of the Earth:indeed,we are being modest if we halt at that and do not organise a general 'twilight of the gods' and the universe for the funeral rites of the last man". [Nietzsche,'The Wanderer and his Shadow',14]

In the above we see that Nietzsche was not only ahead of his own time,but ahead of ours too.
How common it is,even today,to hear the nauseating cry of 'human life is sovereign'!
Master Morality IS Strong Will;by this very act of overcoming/surpassing/exceeding,one IS being a Master.

Nietzsche says;"ETERNAL LIVELINESS is what counts".['Human II,386]

You must desist from the musty belief in 'freewill',and think necessity through to its very end.To quote again from that very fertile book;
"THE FATALIST-You HAVE to believe in Fate - science can compel you to.What then grows out of this belief in your case-cowardice,resignation,or frankness and magnanimity-bears witness to the soil upon which that seedcorn has been scattered,but not,however,to the seedcorn itself-for out of this anything and everything can grow".[H,363]

Returning to the notion that overcoming IS this Master Ethic itself;"WILL A SELF-Active,successful natures act,not according to the dictum 'Know Thyself',but as if there hovered before them the commandment:WILL a Self,and Thou Shalt BECOME a Self.-Fate seems to have left the choice still up to them;whereas the inactive and contemplative cogitate on what they HAVE already chosen,on ONE occasion,when they entered into life".[ib.,366]
The basic arche is 'wiil to power';this can only denote Becoming;there is nothing static in the universe.The ability to think the world is flat,or that the earth is the centre of the universe is of the same ilk as morality.If we really knew ONLY of the constant fluxions of the universe,we would not be able to survive;we NEED to posit a subject,a stability etc.It is when man becomes ever more aware of the meaninglessness and instability of the universe that he has to use extraordinary will power to 'stamp Being on Becoming'.This world of flux with its chaos and indeterminism does not allow for 'freedom';Man must assert all that he IS because it cannot be any other way.It is his tragic heroism which sees him exerting his existence and strength of will against an indifferent universe.Nietzsche will not take the Schopenhauerian, Buddhistic [and indeed liberal consumer escapism] path of resignation in the face of this terrifying truth of cosmic meaninglessness.The pagan terms of Fate [in Old Norse religion the Norns can be said to represent,'what has become','what is becoming' and 'what is yet to become'],Destiny and Necessity convey an understanding of our modern chaotic universe absent in Semitic Theology etc.
Some clarification is needful.These 'needments' were so called to convey a sense of necessity and affirmation,but of course they are like banners ed on battlemements,symbolising power,but not telling the whole story of all which lies inside the citadel.Let us go to a clearing here in the forest-to your left you will see a small primitive altar.It is to a pagan god,but only portrays a rough phallos.This is because they dared not to represent the god in any full likeness.They knew,as we do,that life is in the main 'unintelligible'.This universe is not here to beseech our understanding;rather we have to use a consciousness that was evolved to aid the survival of a simian species in prehistory in order to achieve a dim comprehension of things beyond our ken.That 'morality' was evolved to help human survival in social groups is not seriously doubted today.The term 'moral' was originally intended as a synonym for the Greek 'ethos' [ethics];Cicero is usually credited with this.Now,however,'ethical' and 'moral' shade different meanings.'Ethos' means 'habit','custom',and so has a 'non-moral' sense [I agree that 'non-moral' is a better term than 'immoral',but is not Nietzschean,as I shall explain].In other words,moral no longer is the same as ethical,but is now meant in the sense of 'formal morality';i.e., a theory of a 'moral world',whether the creation of a posited god,or else a 'universal' moral truth.Nietzsche's moral philosophy was a 'metaethics',and viewed morality as an 'ethnoethics',a positive morality of the first type that I described,having only evolutionary significance.Nietzsche affirmed the ethics of the Noble;an ethics of the 'goodlife'['good' in the 'good bad' sense];an ethics which represent the 'character' of the excellent human being.Such an ethics is not an abstraction like formal morality.Somewhat confusingly Nietzsche called this 'master morality',when a 'master ethic' would have better contrasted with 'slave morality' [the latter is undoubtedly a 'morality' and not an ethic].So I agree that the term 'immoral',if taken out of context [and context is 'everything' with Nietzsche because we know that he deliberately eschewed technical terminology],does partake of morality.But then nor does 'amorality' [this is a 19th century neologism] in most senses.The best way to convey our view of the limited extent of moralism would be to oppose it with 'non-moral',or 'supra-moral'.Nietzsche used a similar construction in an early essay,but tended to use moral/ethical interchangeably for his mature works.I think this was because he knew that master morality was an 'ethnoethic';to a moralist it would be seen as 'immoral' and 'amoral' [all terms which carry moral disapprobation],but was in fact an ethical rule.So 'immoralism' is meant to convey opposition to formal morality,but still suggest that master morality is an ethic,albeit known as 'evil' to slaves.
"Our great,remote 'Menschen-Reich',the 'Zarathustra-Reich' of a thousand years".

[Nietzsche,Thus Spake Zarathustra,Book IV,'Das Honig-Opfer';the last phrase is in German,'das Zarathustra-Reich von tausend Jahren--']

"Chief viewpoint:establish DISTANCES but create no ANTITHESES".[Nietzsche,WM,891]

The Ten Needments.

1.ETERNITY.There is no beginning nor any end to the universe;the universe is not limited in time or space:it is Eternal.

2.IMMORALISM.Morality is an human invention;there is no absolute good,nor absolute evil.

3.WILL TO POWER.There are no antithetical values;there is only will to power:it is always a matter of the degree or quanta of will.

4.NECESSITY.Also Fate,Destiny;freewiill is a delusion;luck,chance,are mere conjectures made by the weak-willed;Strong will requires only Fate:it recognises that one needs to Will a Necessity.

5.ETERNAL RETURN.The Eternal Recurrence of the Same;Cyclic time;There is no 'progress';no unique events in a linear trajectory.

6.ORDER OF RANK.Master/Slave;Man/Woman;Caste/Blood;there is no 'equality';there is no randomicity;there is no meaningless exchanges of blank qualityless atoms,or atomistic elements.

7.THE EARTH.And the Body;Away with all metaphysical 'otherworlds';no heaven/hell/paradise/nirvana/utopia;there is only this universe,this earth,this body and this life-did I say 'only'!8.ABSOLUTE AFFIRMATION.Amor Fati;Against all nihilism,pessimism,Nay-Saying and defeatism;against all evading,cowardice and wishful thinking.

9.THE SUPERMAN.The Dionysian/Apollonian;Zarathustra;The Free Spirits;Man must be surpassed;the soul must grow greater,wider and more multifarious;Tragic insight.

10.GOD IS DEAD.Atheism;'God' is an objection to a thinker.

Accepting one,means accepting all.
A 'Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future' [subtitle of 'Beyond Good and evil'],entails the existence of Future-Philosophers and philosophical Futurists.

In section 203 of 'BG&E', Nietzsche outlines five Herculean tasks necessary to test the mettle of 'New Philosophers';

1.Initiate antithetical evaluations.

2.To revalue and reverse 'eternal values'.

3.Fix the constraints,and fasten the knots which will compel millennia to take NEW paths.

4.To teach man the future of man as his WILL,as dependent on a human will.

5.To prepare for vast hazardous enterprises and collective experiments in discipline and breeding.

Nietzsche himself had done much for the first two tasks,and had prepared the soil for the remaining three.Of his successors,Heidegger was one who added much to those latter three tasks.

"Our faith that Europe will become more virile".[Nietzsche]

Heidegger described Nietzsche as the con-summation of Western Philosophy,being both the last of the old and the first of the new.Nietzsche stands in the 'Moment',Janus headed,surveying both past and future instantaneously.

In 1929,oppressed by the dark clouds of Nihilism,Martin Heidegger began his whole-hearted engagement with the philosophy of Nietzsche.Alongside this dialogue,Heidegger elaborated a Neopagan vision which incorporated within it the will of a European destiny.

"We few of many who again dare to live in a demoralised world,we Pagans in faith:we are probably the first to grasp what a Pagan faith is:-to have to imagine higher creatures than man,but beyond good and evil;to have to consider all being higher as also being immoral.We believe in Olympus-and NOT in the 'Crucified' ".[Nietzsche,WM,1034]
The exemplary strength of will manifests itself in,

"The manly instincts which delight in war and victory,in order to RULE over the other instincts". [Nietzsche,'Twilight',IX 38]

In brief,"The free man is a WARRIOR".[ib.]

Nietzsche goes on to describe,
"how freedom is measured by the resistance which must be overcome,the effort it costs to stay ON TOP.The highest type of free men would need to be sought in the place where the greatest resistance is constantly being overcome:a short step away from tyranny,right on the threshold of the danger of servitude".[ib.]

" something which one can WANT,which one can CONQUER". [ib.]

If all this is strong will,what typifies weak will?

Weak will,
"results from a degeneration of instincts,a disgregation of the will-which is almost a definition of the BAD.Everything GOOD is instinct-and therefore easy,necessary,free". [ib.,VI,2]

It should be noted here that 'Good/Bad' is Nietzsche's revaluation of the Slave moral antithesis 'Good/Evil'.'Good/Bad' denotes the Noble and the Slave respectively.In 19th century intellectual life,Nietzsche noticed this weak will among the 'sceptics';

"Scepticism is the most spiritual expression of a certain complex physiological condition called in ordinary language nervous debility and sickliness; it arises whenever Races and Classes long separated from one another are decisively and suddenly crossed".

"That which becomes most profoundly sick and degenerates in such hybrids is the WILL:they no longer have any conception of independence of decision,of the valiant feeling of pleasure in willing-even in their dreams they doubt the 'freedom of the will' ". [BGE,208]

Remember that 'freedom of the will' is Nietzsche's formula for 'strong-will',and should not be confused with the theological 'freewill'.Nietzsche proceeds to elaborate on the political outlook that he had introduced in the
Preface of BGE;
"Our Europe of today,the scene of a senselessly sudden attempt at radical Class-and CONSEQUENTLY Race-mixture,is as a result sceptical from top to bottom""And often sick to death of its will!Paralysis of will;where does one not find this Cripple sitting today!". [BGE,208]
War is the only way to progress. Peaceniks discover nothing.
'Political correctness' is the modern form of moralism.

Here morality becomes a totality!My word for this is 'motality' - Moral Totality.
Correctness is the new dogmatism.Religious residue,that most hardy of memes has bred correctness.

Latin,'co-rrect',from 'rectus',-straight-cf.,'right' [cf.,'rectum'!].
All political thoughts and activities must be aligned.
All must CONFORM.
There is to be no deviation from the [moral] NORM.
Right thinking is [morally] good;
Wrong thinking is evil.
The evil must be excommunicated,interrogated,inspected and buried alive to die in the womb of the earth,in their Devil's bowels.
This anally retentive totalitarianism extends to every nook and cranny.
If you dare to express INCORRECT thoughts then you will be spied on day and night.
Every deviation from the dictionary will be a capital offence.
Every punctuation 'error' will be a sin against the godess of 'pc'.
Every kind of spontaneous expression will be shreiked down.
The guardians of 'Motality' never deviate from their book of rules.
They religiously purge themselves of non-pc thoughts.
They apply spell-checkers like a rosary and study punctuation and punctuality like a catechism.
THOU SHALT is their only command.
All their own utterances are dead correct.
Cob webs are palpable in their scribblings.
They write poems on a production line.
With their friends the Nihilists, they plan the complete extinction of the free spirit.

Tuesday, 13 December 2005