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Friday, 28 April 2006

The Antichristian is Coming

The Heaviest Blow that ever struck
Humanity was the
Coming of Christianity.

Thursday, 20 April 2006

"In three distiches Nietzsche tells how this companion, Zarathustra, entered into his life;
I sat there waiting - waiting for nothing,
Enjoying, beyond good and evil, now
The light, now the shade; there was only
The day, the lake, the noon, time without end.
Then, my friend, suddenly one became two -
And Zarathustra passed by me'. ".
[The Life of Friedrich Nietzsche, D.Halevy 1911]
Nietzsche actually thought Darwinism to be true - and a terrible truth at that.

Nietzsche [like many today] slightly confused Darwinism itself with the ideas of Herbert Spencer [who actually coined 'survival of the fittest'].

Nietzsche quibled that evolution [an idea he accepted as it was first mooted by the Presocratics] was aiming at survival. He didn't think evolution was aiming at anything else other than evolution itself; and as for 'survival', he thought that life strove only to overflow and flourish - The Will To Power.

In all this, Nietzsche wasn't that far off from Darwin and Darwinism. This is why Nietzsche was taken up by philosophically minded Darwinists in the early 20th century.

How anyone cannot see the evolutionary dynamic to a philosophy of Becoming, Will To Power and the Superhuman, is beyond me!

Zarathustra's Racial Ecology

One must Will the Superhuman in order to CLEANSE THE RACE.

This is the Destiny of all things which are ascendant; this is the 'meaning' of life.

It is mankind, not the Superman who is, as Nietzsche says, a "polluted river" (TSZ I).

That means that mankind is too mixed; he has allowed his best human stocks to be mixed with unclean sub-human strains; he has neglected Purification, and ignored the gradual bemuddying of his Heraean river;
The oil slick of sub-humanity darkens this once gleaming ocean.

So let us recognise the tragedy of race-mixing - let us own up to our 'pollution';
Down bred, Christianised, multicultural man, so proud of his 'soul' concept, is contemptible to the Superhuman thoroughbred;
This sub-human 'soul' is "poverty, dirt and a miserable ease" (ib.,)

Zarathustra is Green
In a letter to his publisher, Nietzsche informed him that he had a new book ready, Part One of Thus Spake Zarathustra;

"Today I have some news for you: I have just taken a decisive step - I mean,one profitable to you. It concerns a little work, scarcely 100 pages long, entitled:'Thus Spake Zarathustra', a book for all and none.It is a poem or IT IS A FIFTH GOSPEL, or something which has no name; by far the most serious, and also the most happy of my productions and one that is open to all".
[Nietzsche, letter to Schmeitzner 14/2/1882]
"The word 'Superman', as the designation of a type of Supreme achievement, as opposed to 'modern' men, to 'good' men, to Christians and other Nihilists..."
[Netzsche, EH 'Books' 1]

The objective, to achieve the finest racial specimen possible;

"To understand this Superhuman type, one must first become clear about his physiological presupposition: this is what I call the GREAT HEALTH .."
[IB., 'Z',2]

The political ramifications of all this cannot be shirked;
"Zarathustra CREATES truth, a WORLD-GOVERNING Spirit, a Destiny".
[ib., 6]

Nietzsche claims of his gospel that;
"Here man has been over-come at every moment; the concept 'Superman' has here become the greatest reality ...
Zarathustra experiences himself as the SUPREME TYPE OF ALL BEINGS".

This is nothing other than a call to racial SUPREMACY!


'We're all the same', say exhausted liberals.
But this means no more than 'we are together' or 'we are similar' ;
' SAME ', from Old Norse 'samr'; compare to Latin 'similis', like, 'simul', together, at the same time; 'sem-', one , Greek 'homos', same, 'hama', together, 'hen-', 'heis', one.

Clearly, this all means the coming together of things as one, but there is always a recognition of difference; the most that is claimed is SIMILITUDE.
The progression is; - together, at the same time, like, similar, same. This is a gradual blunting of language.

' EQUAL ', from Latin 'aequalis', 'aequus', level, equal.
But where does this notion derive from? the following makes clear;
' LEVEL ', from Latin 'libella', diminuative of 'libra', weight, balance.

We are dealing here with the concept of things having equal weight in the BALANCE of scales. As with 'same/similar', when (differing) things are brought together, we ask 'how do they match'?
The concept is comparative at all times: how close do differing things conform - one is of course prepared to overlook differences if one wants to increase similarity.
To Nietzsche, much human folly is due to this tendency to want to make the diverse 'similar'.

And what of the following;
' NORM ',from Latin 'norma', literally a carpenter's square.

SO! - we have two trends; the need to bring things into comparison in order to judge, and second, the trend to artificially render things the 'same'.
When the above two trends are misunderstood, then arises the misconception that things ARE the same.
From this stupidity arises Egalitarianism.

Politics of Kingship

"Monarchy represents the belief in one man who is utterly superior, - a Leader (Fuhrer), a saviour, a demigod.
Aristocracy represents the belief in an elite humanity and higher caste.
Democracy represents the DISbelief in great human beings and an elite society".
[Nietzsche,WzM 752]

The British poet John Wain remarked on how Shakespeare used the idea of kingship to explore the reaches of the human mind.
Shakespeare, as he says, was a believer in the 'divine right of kings' - a believer, but not an uncrititcal believer.
Kingship is based on kin-ship [ etymological connection between 'kin' and 'king', the latter from 'kinging'] : Imperialism then, is an extension of this, [although the alien peoples of the Empire cannot really have OUR king, unless it is in the state of conquest, or else an imploration of protection]; the King is 'the best' of the kin-group - he embodies the masculine [vir] principle, the ruling principle. Importantly, he has the role of protecor, just as the head of the family has that role.

Has the Monarchic principle fallen foul of universalism and democracy?
It would seem so, but only on the face of it: Shakespeare's appeal would be lost on present audiences if that were true. As Wain says, "everyman fancies himself as a dispossessed king".
Kingship is central to the individual psychology and is therefore in for a revival the more individualistic society becomes. Forget the republican notion that we are 'led' into docility by Kings; - the King, properly, is the Highest expression of the best that man can be.
The King guides his kindred to a Higher Purpose - he is a Star in the constellation of sovereign peoples.
The system of representation of the common people should be bereft of party politics and based on Service; the lower ranks must serve the Higher.
The Kingdom is held together by the spiritual ideal that the Sovereign has a sacred duty to protect and honour the kindred.


We know ARISTOTLE'S works from ... LECTURE NOTES!

Nietzsche's favourite writing was aphoristic fragments such as those Lichtenberg, La Rochefoucauld etc.,

'The Will To Power' has, since Heidegger's work on it, been recognised as Nietzsche's CENTRAL text.
The Classical Idealises, and therefore de-eroticises the human form. This is the meaning of Platonic Love; the erotic is sublimated and cancelled out.
Only someone completely oblivious of Classical Culture could blur the difference between the and the
Example of the ; 1) the Venus de Milo,Example of the ;2) girl in striped socks by Egon Schiele.

1) is not erotic/ographic, while 2) very much is.
2) is partly clothed, while 1) is completely .
It seems we can either;
1) Accept such non-replacement (combined with longevity of an aging populace), and plan for a dwindling/'grey' community over the coming generations, or;
2) Import young foreigners as immigrants and their dependents into our homelands to artificially raise the birth-rate (this is of course the policy followed by our corrupt 'democracies', following their appalling defeat of the Axis), or;
3) Follow the 'blood and soil' policies of sm/fascism, where the White race is encouraged to breed well and proliferate. This will have an eugenic dimension (including euthanasia).

I feel that 1) is too complacent and is essentially suicidal [the Schopenhauerian solution?], while 2) is utterly unacceptable on every level, and is favoured only by capitalists [and our racial enemies] from an economic point of view [and liberals from a sentimental perspective].
So, of the three, 3) is the only tenable solution to a Nietzschean . it has the advantages of being based on Will, Race, and Culture.
It occurs to me that only the great Adolf Hitler has furnished a polity that can really save the Aryan race. Of course, if there are improvements on it, or other options, we must look into them.


Polarities run right through Nietzsche's work, from the 'Dionysian/Apollonian' of his first work, to the 'Dionysos/Crucified' of the last letters of his madness.
This notion of polarity can be imagined as the north and south poles of planet earth; both are either ends of the same axis, and are subject to axial shifts and magnetic reversals. Both are necessary; indeed, as Nietzsche said, " there are no ' laws ' in nature, only necessities".

The notion of ' polarity ' is therefore a philosophical Arche;

" The essence of Goethe is the concept of 'polarity' which is also reflected in the mind of Nietzsche and of many of the great German thinkers. The duality is the wholeness of the teaching.
The idea of opposite poles being complementary to each other, and even serving each other, is inherent in the German mind".
[Sir Oswald Mosley]

There is in this complementariness, a continual cycle of 'war and peace/peace and war', each following the other into perpetuity;

" At the end of his 'Will To Power', that is, at the end of the life of his mind, Nietzsche once more returned to the antagonism within the Greek Soul between the Dionysian and Apolline, and once more celebrated the triumph of a god who wrests the utmost of glorifying beauty from the monstrous terror of chaotic passions".

Incidentally, Mosley here gives the lie to the absurd notion that Fascists did not 'understand' Nietzsche, and only 'twisted' his philosophy. Clearly, Fascism is in the stream of Germanic/European culture which flows out from antiquity into the present and onto the future.
Going back to the philosophical perspective of 'polarity', which Mosley divines in both Goethe and Nietzsche, the Fascist Leader has this to say;
"The essence of the doctrine is the 'ewig Werdende' [eternal Becoming]. In this respect the German neo-Hellenists are all nearer to Heraklitus than to the 'absolute' of Christian or even of Platonic teaching.
The 'ewig Werdende' must in turn be related to the 'ewig Strebende' [eternal Striving] ; it is impossible to BECOME without effort".

To illustrate the latter point, Mosley quotes Goethe's Faust;

"He only earns his freedom and existence
Who daily conquers them anew".

This is the Dionysian aspect seen in Nietzsche;
"The ecstatic, and yet agonised attempt of the mind to grasp and hold forever the moment of beauty through achievement, which must elude it, and can only be found again through fresh achievement".

Poles Apart

Ye look upward when longing to be exalted. And I look downward because I am exalted.
[Nietzsche TSZ I,'Of Reading and Writing']

To fascists, nationalism in one country was just a step towards the next stage, a fascist Europa - Nietzsche's 'Good European'.
The stages were;
The Camel - Democracy
The Lion - Nationalistic Fascism
The Child - European Fascism.

This was described in Skidelsky's biography of Sir Oswald Mosley;
"The democratic camel and the fascist lion of Nietzsche's 'Three Metamorphoses', must give way to something higher - The Child; 'a forgetfulness, a new beginning'. This was Mosley's Europe".

To orientate us on this age-old polarity variously described in this thread, I will list the following (the Classical/Nietzschean will always be first, the Democratic will always be second);

Culture - Civilisation
Intuition - Intellect
Depth - Superficiality
Hierarchy - Pluralism
Leadership - Democracy
Organic - mechanical
Living Growth - Static Form
Prussian Duty - French Revolution
Racial Purity - Mixed-Races
National Community - Contractual Society.
[Schenck ib.]

By opposition, we know where we stand.

Body vs. Contract

Body I am throughout, and nothing besides; and soul is merely a word for a something in the Body.
Body is one great reason, a plurality with one sense, a war and a peace, a flock and a herdsman ...
There is more reason in thy Body than in thy best wisdom. And who can know why thy Body needeth thy best wisdom?
[Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra I, 'Of the Despisers of the Body']

The idea of the Body as a macrocosm and microcosm is an essentially Classical idea; it appears in the anything from the 'Body Politic' of the Ancient Pagans, to the totalitarian 'Corporate State'.
It also appears in Nietzsche's philosophy on every level; the individual's 'soul', to Nietzsche, is like a complex political State, where the fundamental fact is Power - the Will to Power.
This is true not only of society at large, but of the Cosmos as a totality - all is Will to Power.

This clasical notion was revived, of course, in the Renaissance; but in the Enlightenment it was challenged by the contrary idea of the 'Contract'.
In this opposition, life is not down to the Body, and the Organic, but down to the Contractual.
This latter notion has triumphed today, for the time being, with Capitalist Democracy and its charters of 'human rights' etc.,

Many of the Romantics of the late 18th and 19th century, violently rejected this middle-class ideal of the Contract, and Nietzsche was certainly in agreement with those Romantics on this issue - hence his promotion of the Body.
The difference is that Hitler was open about his intention to censor anti-white poison [see his Mein Kampf etc.,] , while liberals claim to "welcome the expression of new ideas".
Nietzsche himself advocated the burning of books, so censorship is part of the war of ideas; it is only liberals that pretend that they are against censorship, while they stealthily practise it. One strategy liberals use is 'the cold shoulder', where they seek to censor by silence and avoidance -
They cannot argue the ideas because THEY have none!
'Higher Types' occur in all Races, that must be accepted (even if the term 'Higher Type' may seem absurd when applied to some Races, but that is down to the natural perspective of universal racism); of course, it is true that the lower the Race, the relatively lower in the overall Order of Rank will be its Higher Type.
The Higher Type of the Black cannot possibly compare to the Higher Type of the White, for example.

"Minorities" is a relative term; everyone is aware that a conservative projection makes Whites a Minority in the U.S.A. before the end of this century. Of course, in this Globalised world, Whites are a Minority anyway, and have always been so (compare populations of China, India and Africa etc.,).
When a Race lays open its homelands (where it is relatively in the majority) to hostile and fast-breeding aliens, then it is choosing the path of Racial Suicide.
"Racism" as well as being a natural affect is, in its intense form, the strategy for Race Survival; - anti-Racism is the suicide pill for the degenerating White Race administered by its enemies.

Philosophically though, and speaking as a Nietzschean, Race cannot be other than both a Perspective, and a Nexus of Will To Power; i.e., in asserting myself in 'Absolute Affirmation', I am also asserting my Race; - my stock itself must occupy a place in the Order of Rank', so that even the most mediocre member of my kin is precious to me, as it is from this stock that I have evolved, and it therefore is a part of my Destiny: I 'Love my Fate' (amor fati).
Therefore I must hate Race-Mixing like the Devil and treat all alien Races as the enemy. Such an outlook is also necessary to the continuing conflict which maintains the fitness of the human races.
I agree that there is a problem there; how do I treat those members of my Race who have practised or preached Race-Mixing etc.,?
The answer to my eyes is similar to that of Earl Turner; - such creatures are criminals, Race Traitors, and should be dealt with accordingly (teason should always enjoy the death penalty).

The question is also raised; do we envisage a multi-racial Empire with various Alien Races occupying descending segregated strata below the White [Aryan Domination], or do we imagine autarkic White Nations with our own separated folk arranged in a strata of classes below an eugenicised Aryan aristocracy [Parallel Nations]?
For if we hold to the necessary idea of Order of Rank, then we must accept class and/or caste. Belief systems (e.g., The Eternal Return) can easily legitimise this Racial Order of Rank, just as the liberal hegemony at present tries to discredit it. I think, though, that 'nature' is on the side of racial stratification, and that the natural world baulks at the sight of half-breeds strutting around the stage as 'masters' (rather puppets of the engineers of the multi-racial lie) as they are beginning to do today. Such a sight raises us to a rage, and suggests that the world must be under Aryan domination by way of natural right.
The domination of the world to rest on coincidence stretches credulity somewhat. Of course, those who are dominated may feel better in themselves if they believe it is all down, not to their own weakness, - but to chance!But this is a non-Nietzschean outlook;

"No conqueror believes in chance".
[Nietzsche, JW 258]
The question of Race is this; what can the many of a particular Race produce by way of the Superior Few? - that defines the excellence, or no, of a Race.
The minority Race of Europeans has produced the greatest explorers/statesmen/philsophers/artists and scientists the world has ever seen. It is this that qualifies this European Race (which has now spread beyond Europe, hence the term White Race) as superior.

It is completely un-Nietzschean to judge a Race by the many of that Race, as they are only the raw material from which the Higher man is forged.
It is also against the spirit of this philosophy to posit enviromental conditions as decisive; to Nietzsche it is what's within - the Blood - that is paramount!
'Positive discrimination' / 'affirmative action', produces only more mediocrity.

"The descent from good ancestors makes up true nobility of birth; one single interruption in that chain, one bad ancestor, and the nobility of birth is cancelled out".
[Nietzsche, Human 456]

How can anyone take the above as being anything other than Elitist?
The fact that blacks have been used as Slaves by the Egyptians, Arabs, and Europeans etc., over millennia shows that they have been valued for their physical (if not mental) strength.Hitler thought that it was unfair (to Europeans) to pit Europeans against black Africans in certain sports, such as running, as the African had a natural advantage.The nonsense about Hitler 'snubbing' Jesse Owens at the 1936 Olympics is just Jewish propaganda; Owens was 'snubbed' by the U.S.A. representatives also (America still had racial segregation at the time). In fact Owens recalled in his autobiography that Hitler waved and smiled at him, and said he culdn't understand why certain people wanted to say otherwise.So Hitler never said that blacks were not 'strong'.
"The formula for greatness in man is AMOR FATI".
[Nietzsche, EH]'

Amor fati' means 'love of one's Fate';

"Every man is himself a piece of Fate".
[Nietzsche, WS 229]

And what is this fate that we should love?;

"The Destiny of the Higher Man is to be a Creator".
[Nietzsche, TSZ L]

This concept of destiny pervades the philosophy;

"Let us be on our guard against saying that there are laws in nature. There are only necessities".[Nietzsche JW 109]

"Everything happens just as it ought to happen".
[Nietzsche WM 1004]
'Unions' is of course plural, so when Nietzsche writes of the need for "international racial unions", he is not talking of one union, but of many!Nietzsche does not think that ALL these race unions will produce ONLY Supermen! No doubt this is the egalitarian fantasy of those who wish to pervert Nietzsche, so that they can say "we're all Supermen now"!


Nietzsche advocates an Aristocracy built on a steep Order of Rank, beginning in the Slavery of the many, and ascending to the Supermanhood of the Few.Some of these international racial unions will produce only under-men, sub-men, last men; men as instruments, and men as slaves; only a Few of the Race Unions will be able to produce Higher men and Overmen!

The reason for "international" Racial Unions is because the races have become spread out internationally. The White Race is now scattered across the globe; therefore, something like Rockwell's 'White Power' is a nascent International Race Union. Indeed, this is the meaning of the World Union of National Socilaists.Similar movements in other Races are afoot (e.g., Black Muslims).Of course, as I said, some Race Unions will produce material only for the lower echelons of the Order of Rank (and some will be exterminated).
As to book length 'arguments' on this postion, Francis Galton's 'Hereditary Genius' is a good one if only for the fact that Nietzsche himself was familiar with it.
I will quote from a couple of paragraphs;
"The ablest race of whom history bears record is unquestionably the ancient Greek, partly because their master-pieces in the principal departments of intellectual activity are still unsurpassed, and in many respects unequalled, and partly because the population that gave birth to the creators of those master-pieces was very small. Of the various Greek sub-races, that of Attica was the ablest ..." [...] "... (and) by a system of partly unconscious selection, she [Attica] built up a magnificent breed of human animals ..."
[Galton ib.]

The idea then, that a race is a pro-ject of what Nietzsche calls 'Discipline and Breeding', suggests that the ancient Greeks 'bred themselves up' - no doubt using the sublime ideal racial types seen in their statuary as a goal to aim for.
Once the cirstances change, however, and the self-imposed eugenic rules are relaxed, then the type is liable to be spoiled and even bred out altogether. Modern day Greece offers an example of this decline of a type; and nothing is more detrimental to the breeding of a higher type than "compassion for all men" !
Selection is not necessarily 'analytical' - it can be random, it can even be intuitive!Is Natural Selection 'analytical' - I think not.Intuition is by its very nature, selective; "why did you make that selection?" -"I don't know, it was intuition, I guess".We can suppose that we are 'recognising' and 'cultivating' our instincts, - but then, does that mean we 'understand them'? - again, I think not. I recognise the flowers in my garden and cultivate them - but I would be a damned fool if I claimed to 'understand' them! Think how much more mysterious are our drives, our volitions and our instincts!The man who claims to 'know himself' is an arrogant prig.


Connections have been shown between Lanz's world-view and Nietzsche's in the above post. Lanz also provides a 'rainbow bridge' between Nietzsche and Hitler;
"Lanz's specific recommendations for the disposal of Racial inferiors were various, and included: deportation to Madagascar; enslavement; incineration as a sacrifice to god; and use as beasts of burden".

It seems that the SS took their Nietzsche very seriously - but then it is the Destiny of every philosophy to be turned into action and deed at some time or other. Lanz's magazine 'Ostara' provided a ready digest of such cutting-edge thought, and it is no surprise that the young Hitler was a subscriber to it, who even made a pilgrimage to meet Lanz;
"the stock themes of Lanz's 'Ostara' were racial somatology, anti-feminism, anti-parliamentarianism and the spiritual differences between the blond and the dark races in the fields of ual behaviour, art, philosophy, commerce, politics, and warfare, and caste-law derived from the Hindoo codes of Manu".

The latter was of course championed by Nietzsche, who called the Manu the most 'Aryan' of doents. Also, uality was an important subject for Nietzsche, in his estimation of the distance between man and woman, as well as in the questions of Blood and 'woman as such'. Nietzsche's Genealogy makes much of the qualitative distance between the blond and dark races, and the term 'Blond Beast' is coined there in that connexion.
All in all, the lineage from Nietzsche to Hitler is well established, with the likes of Lanz filling out and enriching the picture.

Blood Upholding

[This colour, called by Pliny 'the highest glory', was the shade of congealed blood - the 'blood of purple hue' as Homer put it]

On this day in the year 1290 A.D., The Edict of Expulsion was Promulgated in the Kingdom of England.
By this Edict did our good King Edward the First [known as Longshanks due to his uncommon height] banish all Jews from England. This Edict was later overturned by the Traitor Cromwell; however, because all Cromwell's strictures were nullified with the return of Monarchy, the Edict is still in effect.

On this day in the year 1596, did our most illustrious Queen Elizabeth the First banish all Negroes from the Realm of England, decreeing, in her own fair words, that all "Blackamoors be sent forth from the Land".
O Noble Lady, you were rightly Honoured by our great Elisabethan poets, playwrights, philosophers and seamen. We 'of the blood' still adhere to your guidance - Hail!

"Blood is a quite peculiar fluid".
[Goethe, Faust]

1) Race, descent, parentage; blue blood; fresh or new blood; young blood; in one's blood; of the blood (i.e., royal).
2) Relationship, relations (own flesh and blood); 'blood is thicker than water' (the tie of kinship is strong).
[Old English 'blod', from Germanic *blodham]

"There is only Nobility of Birth, only Nobility of Blood ".
[Nietzsche, The Will To Power,Bk IV 942]
The above was written in 1885, when Nietzsche was completing Zarathustra and working on 'Beyond Good and Evil'.
He further explains his notion of Blood in relation to Nobility;
"When one speaks of 'aristocrats of the spirit', reasons are usually not lacking for concealing something; as is well-known, it is a favourite term among ambitious Jews. For Spirit alone does not make Noble; rather, there must be something to Ennoble the Spirit. - What is then required? Blood".
[Nietzsche WM 942]

On this day in 1527 was born the British astrologer, alchemist and mathematician, John Dee.

On this day in 1887 was born the Norwegian Leader Vidkun Quisling.

All Hail the Noble Purple!

On that same fate-ful Day in 1925 was the first edition of Our Fuhrer's Mein Kampf published!There are no coincidences!


Blood of Christianity

In 'The Antichristian', Nietzsche leaves us in doubt as to the 'Blood lineage' of Christianity;
"Christianity is the revolt of all things that crawl on their bellies against everything that is lofty ".
[Nietzsche, A 43]

The Gospels provide evidence of this most base Blood; talking of them, he says;
"The FIRST thing to be remembered' if we do not wish to lose the scent here, is that we are among Jews".
[IB. 44]

Remember, this is the 'New Testament';
"This fraud in word and pose which in the Gospels is elevated to an ART, is not the accident of any individual gift, or any exceptional nature. These qualities are a matter of RACE".

Nietzsche believes that certain ideological/theological standpoints are the product of Blood, i.e., of the Race;
"All of this is not only tradition, it is HEREDITARY".

That this very Jewish poison should find its way into the Aryan Blood-stream was a tragedy for Nietzsche;
"The whole fatality was rendered possible only because a kind of megalomania, akin to the Christian one and allied to it in Race, - the Jewish kind - was already to hand in the world: the very moment the gulf between Jews and Judaeo-Christians was opened, the latter had no alternative left, but to adopt the same self-preservative measures as the Jewish instinct suggested, even AGAINST the Jews themselves, whereas the Jews, theretofore, had employed these same measures only against the Gentiles. The Christian is nothing more than an anarchical Jew".

Aryan man had begun to be Judaised, a kind of miscegenation was occuring both in the spiritual as well as in the physical realm; Christianised anti-Semitism was yet another example of this!

It should be noted that Nietzsche's own opposition to the Jews was racial and political, and is therefore a precursor to the kind of non-religious anti-Semitism which was to flourish in the 20th century.

Nietzsche and Race

So by way of a preliminary, let us get to an understanding of what 'race' means/has meant.
The word derives from Old Italian 'razza', the dictionary giving the date 1586. Here we are in a time frame, the late Renaissance, so beloved of Nietszche.
The definitions given for 'Race' are;

"1) A breeding stock of animals ..."
Before going on we will note that Nietzsche took the very un-Christian view that humans were animals who could be bred just like animals and were not uniquely made in Jehovah's image.
The famous passages in Zarathustra refer to the evolutionary perspective of man ascending from worm, to ape, to man and then to superman. Likewise, Nietzsche frequently used the terms discipline/breeding when talking of mankind.
Given that Nietzsche believed in hierarchy among humans (he blatantly advocated slavery and aristocarcy for example) which he called a 'Rank Ordering', then we cannot deny that Nietzsche believed in the concept of 'race' among humans, and believed it to be decisive. This would mean by the post-1936 definition of 'racism' that he would be a 'racist'.
But let us go on to the other dictionary definitions of 'Race';

2):a) a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock.
b) a class or kind of people unified by a community of interests, habits or characteristics.

3):a) an actually or potentially interbreeding group within a species,
b) a 'breed' [an Old English word from before the 12th century, but it is noted to be used by 1553 to mean 'a group of animals or plants presumably related by descent from common ancestors and visibly similar in most characteristics etc.,'],
c) a division of mankind possessing traits that are transmissable by descent and sufficient to characterise it as a distinct human type.

4) (obsolete): inherited temperament or disposition,

5): distinctive flavour, taste or strength.

So, there is little to argue with there from a Nietzschean perspective. I have talked in detail long ago about Nietzsche's fondness for the ideas of Sir Francis Galton, whose book 'Hereditary Genius' Nietzsche possessed and read. The book's title is self-explanatory, and I would be willing to quote from my own copy if anyone is interested.

Broadly, my opinion is that Nietzsche's concept of race encompassed and synthesised notions of breeding, in the biological/eugenic sense, as well of that of 'Blood', in the more mystical sense.
So while Nietzsche adhered very much to a philosophy of Blood and Breeding, he would have rejected the tiny value-loaded judgements of anti-racism which arise in the later modern period long after Nietzsche's death. I regard the TAKING SERIOUSLY of 'racism'/'anti-racism' as a symptom of modern degeneration [along with the mythology of the Six Million Jews and their Holocaust - come on, who do you think you are kidding!].

Is Nietzsche a 'racist'? - you bet he is!

Nietzsche's Racism

Often philosophical problems accrue around a misunderstood word/concept.
'Racism' is clearly one such.
A quick on-line search shows that the Webters dictionary for 1913 does not have an entry for 'Racism' ; knowing that Nietzsche died in 1900, the question of 'Nietzsche's racism' begins to sound a little anachronistic.
The up to date Merrian-Webster Collegiate dictionary gives an entry for 'Racism', with the date 1936 [the year of the Spanish Civil War which saw Europe divided between fascism and communism].
The definition for that entry is not exactly enlightening;
" 'Racism'; A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities, and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race".

While Nietzsche definitely agrees that humans are determined by hereditary traits, and that some humans are superior to others, we are still dealing with a post-Nietzschean concept [i.e., racism].
However, I suspect that the concept came about as a 'criticism' of the sort of positions taken by Nietzsche and others in the 19th century; in other words, the term 'racism' has a note of opprobrium which is coeval with its invention.
While the much older term 'race' is neutral, the much more recent 'racism' was coined as a forbidding term - a modern 'thou shalt not'. So the sub-text to the definition of Racism is;
'A [misgiuded and fallacious] belief that race is the primary determinant etc.,'
So it is a 'loaded word', and not very useful for us when discussing a philosopher who stopped working in 1889, and who was not himself referring to a concept like the yet to be coined 'racism' both when he talked disparagingly of the 'race swindle', and yet affirmatively of 'Blood'.
This latter concept of 'Blood', so exalted by Nietzsche, is called 'racist' in the modern period [no doubt a cute term like 'coded racism' is used!].
Also, remember that Zionism is described today as Racism in some quarters [e.g., the U.N.], and so siding with the Jews does not give you automatic immunity to accusations of Racism [same goes for Ahrabs and Japs].

I would say that were Nietzsche writing post-1936 then he would be considered a 'Racist', just as he was considered a 'Blasphemer' in his own day. A value-loaded term like 'Racist' is the modern equivalent of 'Blasphemer' or 'Heretic' of old.
'Racism' really means;
"Disbeleiving in the modern dogma that race is a negligible component of human traits and capacities, and that so-called racial differences are only skin-deep and have no inherent 'superiority' of the one to the other".
In other words, 'racism' is a heretical rejection of anti-racist dogma!
Now that IS circular!
How can anyone give intellectual creedence to such a loaded term as 'racism', and even DARE to apply in the vicinity of Nietzsche's writings?

Perhaps this can only be done because 'race' itself is a far older and more respectable concept, although we should note that 'racism' itself seeks to eliminate 'race'. Another handy definition of 'racism' might be;
"That there IS such a thing as 'race' ".

So, to grasp Nietzsche's position we need to understand what 'race' itself is, and how it relates to Nietzsche's philosophy of 'Blood' and the Superman.

Power and the First Reich

"Nietzsche's demonic figure looms large over Moeller van den Bruck's magnum opus.
POWER is the keynote to all of NIetzsche's writings.
Power and megalomania.
In Nietzsche's autobiography, chapters are entitled 'Why I am so Wise', and 'Why I am so Clever'.
In 'The Will to Power' Nietzsche bluntly states:
'Society has never regarded virtue as anything else than as a means to power and order. The State is the Will to War, to Power, to conquest and revenge".
['The Man Who Invented The Third Reich', Lauryssens]

It would do well here to briefly describe the First Reich, which was a 'Thousand Year Reich':
"First there was Clovis, at the end of the 5th century A.D.
At the close of the 8th century, Charlemagne ...
Otto I crowned emperor in 962 ...
Frederick II conquered Jerusalem in 1228 - he died at the age of 56 on December 13th 1250, having ruled a large part of Europe, UNITING NORTH AND SOUTH ...

"The Teutonic Knights conquered East Prussia.
Under Emperor Charles V (1519-56), the vast Empire included Austria, the Netherlands, Spain, and part of the New World.
By war and inheritance, Frederick the Great (1740-86) acquired a chain of territories stretching from the Polish frontiers westwards to the Rhine ...
In 1760 the Russians entered Berlin, and in 1806 the French troops under Napoleon marched in triumph into the German capital.
The Holy Roman Empire, known as the FIRST REICH came to an end".

The Aura Catena

"The will to power is so hated in democratic ages that their entire psychology seems directed toward belittling and defaming it".
[Nietzsche, WzM 751]

As has already been shown, Moeller van den Bruck was thoroughly immersed in the teachings of Friedrich Nietzsche. In his recent book on Moeller, Lauryssens discusses the proximity of the two authors;
"Nietzsche is convinced that the future of German culture rests on the shoulders of the sons of Prussian officers".
['The Man Who Invented the Third Reich', Lauryssens]
One of Moeller's books was an excursus on 'Prussian Style'.

"Nietzsche describes the coming 'Ubermensch' or 'superman' - a term he borrowed from Goethe's 'Faust' - as a new, biologically more valuable, racially improved, stronger type of man, with a greater capability for survival and preservation of the species".
Another like-minded author of this inter-war period, Carl Jung, made similar connexions;
"Thus Spake Zarathustra, like Goethe's Faust, was a tremendous experience for me. Zarathustra was Nietzsche's Faust....
The second part of Faust was more than a literary exercise. It was a link in the Aura Catena ('The Golden Chain' in alchemy] which has existed from the beginnings of philosophical alchemy and Gnosticism down to Nietzsche's Zarathustra. Unpopular, ambiguous, and dangerous, it is a voyage of discovery to the other pole of the world...
Goethe's secret was that he was in the grip of that process of archetypal transformation which has gone on through the centuries ...
The Dionysian experience of Nietzsche might better be ascribed to the god of ecstasy, Wotan ..."
[ 'Memories, Dreams and Reflections', CG Jung]

And by that Golden Chain, Jung brings us back to the Teutonic god Wotan, and therefore to things Germanic in the deepest, most esoteric sense.
This aspect of Nietzsche is emphasised in Lauryssen's book on Moeller;
"Nietzsche's 'Superman', perfect in body and mind and one who delights in battle, is happy in the consciousness of his own strength, and disdains man-made laws and man-made gods. What is soft must become hard; man must become a Superman, trained for war. Those who are weak and sick must be eliminated, for the Superman will not weaken himself by feeling pity:
'There is no such thing as a right to live, the right to work, or the right to be "happy" ', writes Nietzsche; 'In this respect, man is no different from the meanest worm. Society can only be a scaffolding for a select race of Supermen to elevate themselves to higher duties'.
The complete man is the complete beast.
Nietzsche longs to see the strong, hard, barbarian Teutonic Knights of former times revived in a new aristocracy of 'UBERMENSCHEN' ".

Lauryssens gives an indication of other influences on Moeller besides Nietzsche - they make a familiar role-call for fascist culture;
Wagner, HS Chamberlain, Dostoevsky [Moeller did the first German translation of Dostoevsky's COMPLETE works], and the poet Stefan George.
Of the latter, he says;
"In Stefan George's poetry, words such as 'Reich' and 'Fuhrer' figure prominantly. He believes in the vision of the poet, in the Aristocracy of the Spirit, and in the revival of Teutonic Supremacy.
He is attracted by the idea of ruthless, unlimited power, and predicts the birth of a Hero who will plant the seeds of a new Reich and lead first of all Germany, then a 'European Union', and finally 'the world government' into a new 'World Order' ...
George advocates a secret academy called the 'George Circle', with himself as the high priest, and Nietzsche, as one of its apostles. Wearing only black clothes of a clerical cut, and using the Swastika as his symbol, he moves from city to city preaching to a small audience".

Strangely, George - like Moeller - is given scant attention in today's 'democratic age' !
The assertion that 'Democratization' is somehow signifigant is laughable, and to downplay 'Aryan Blood' as an enemy is even more so. The fact is that the 'West' as you call it has prostituted itself, and innaugerated almost every major decline since the 19th Century. One wouldn't be typing on a computer if it weren't for Gutenburg, "monoculturalism" and "Eternal Aryan Beauty". Mankind has technologically devolved and degenerated precisely because of "multiculturalism" and "democritization".Separatism is nothing new. It's existed since the dawn on man. And man's evolution has been thus far been supercharged by it.
'Semiticisation' is the process of becoming imbued with Semitic values, Semitic ideals, Semitic preferences and Semitic traits.

Or to put it another way;

Some are born Semitic,
Some achieve Semiticness, and
Some have their Semiticness THRUST ...
Is it to say the least odd that a 'Democracy' which dumbs down every worthwhile Western novelist, poet, painter... going so far even as to have an anti-art exhibition (of degenerate art in which ironically the amazingly derivative works of the artistically redundant were juxtaposed with works of junk metal, etc., in order to prove their 'artistic relevance'!) should be considered somehow as the political fruition of N.'s ideas. Such a person reels soberly from Nietzsche, as he is without political ballast. Understanding Nietzsche without the faintest conception of a political (that is to say AFFIRMATIVE) perspective, is impossible. A Democrat is not only a wimp, a degenerate and an israelite but a chronic invalid, someone who chooses to ignore the decline of the 20th century.
The Mercantile scale of 'success' and 'failure' one applies to things absolutely REEKS of the Levant.

Grand Style in Das Dritte Reich (compare and contrast to 'Pop Culture'!)

Atists, thinkers etc., who were affiliated/supportive of Hitler's Germany and Fascism include;
Leni Riefenstahl [female film-maker/actress/dancer - where are Hollywood's female directors to compare with Leni?]

Martin Heidegger [considered by those who know about philsophy to be one of the greatest philosophers of the 20th century].

Ezra Pound [surely one of the greatest poets of the 20th century].

Novelists/poets also include Knut Hamsun, Celine, D'Annunzio, Roy Campbell, Wyndham Lewis [also a painter], Stefan George, Gottfried Benn, Henry Williamson.

Musicians include Richard Strauss [composer of 'Also Sprach Zarathustra', later stolen by Hollywood], Carl Orff [composer of Carmina Burana].

In theatre the Third Reich pioneered 'Thingspiel' theatre, as well as concentrating on the classics [there were more Shakepeare productions in Hitler's Germany than in Britain].

In the visual arts, the Futurist Movement [Marinetti close associate of Mussolini]; the painter Emil Nolde was an ardent NSDAP member.
In sculpture the great Arno Breker and Josef Thorek.
In Architecture, the brilliant Albert Speer.

And few would deny that the genius Richard Wagner was a proto-Nationalsocilaist.

Nietzsche himself described some art forms as 'degenerate', and his writings probably gave the idea of exhibiting 'degenerate art' to Hitler/Goebbels.

"He who wishes his reign to last must Breed for the future"
[G.Benn, 'Breeding',1933]

Sunday, 16 April 2006

I don't go along with this liberal idea that 'we' are 'all Bisexual' to 'some degree', which is of a piece with the 'all men/women are equal' nonsense.

Hermaphrodites do occur in nature, but very rarely; and essentially males cannot, like women, bear children or le children etc.,
Nor can women produce etc.,

Those people who have -change operations have a problem with their identity, that is plain, but having one's penis removed and taking hormones does not make one into a 'woman' as such.

Bisexuality is nothing more than rampant, hedonistic self-indulgence which is common to eras of social decay, and the Decline of Civilisations.

In Nietzschean terms we notice that such Biuality does not occur in the Greek Pre-Socratic era which he admires and affirms above all others, but in the Post-Socratic period. Again, it occurs not in the Rome of the Republic and early Empire, but in the late Empire.Here, as elsewhere, it is all a matter of Order of Rank.

"Homophobia" is another liberal invention, supposedly meaning 'fear of queers'; what man worth his salt would be 'afraid' of some lisping queen?

Having an AVERSION need have nothing to do with fear!

I have an aversion to pop music - I do not fear it!

Of course it makes the queers feel big and tough if they kid themselves that they are 'feared'!
I affirm the distance between polarities.

Hegelian freedom vs. Nietzsche

The version of 'freedom' which liberals usually faslely foist on Nietzsche, is more akin to Hegelian philosophy.
An excerpt from Hegel, such as the following three paragraphs, will show that this is antithetical to Nietzsche's viewpoint;
"The Orientals do not know that the Spirit is free in-itself, or that man is free in him-self. Because they do not know it, they are not free. They only know that 'One' is free; therefore such freedom is only arbitrariness, ferocity, obtuseness of passion or - by contrast - mildness and gentleness, which itself is merely accident or arbitrament. This 'One' is therefore a despot, not a free man, not a man.

"The consciousness of freedom arose among the Greeks, and therefore they were free; but they, like the Romans, knew only that a Few are free, and not man as such. Neither Plato nor Aristotle knew it. Therefore the Greeks not only had slaves to whom their lives and their beautiful freedom was tied, but their freedom was itself only an accidental or contingent, undeveloped, passing and limited flower, involving a harsh servitude of the human and humanitarian sentiments.

"Only the Germanic nations have in and through Christianity achieved the consciousness that man 'qua' man is free and that freedom of the spirit constitutes his very nature".
['The Philosophy of History', Hegel, 1822]

We note to our modern surprise that Germanness is closely associated with Christianity in this period - hence Nietzsche's tendency to attack Germanity and Christianity in the same breath [of course, Hitler has subsequently laid this connection between Germany and Christianity to rest forever].
What to Hegel is a 'progress' towards 'Freedom' in history, is in reverse terms, a decline away from Strong Will to Nietzsche. Nietzsche extolls, as we have seen, the 'Oriental' attitude towards women; and elsewhere Nietzsche admires the Slave societies of the ancient Greco-Roman world saying that slavery is necessary for a High Culture.
For Nietzsche it is the encroachment of this liberal 'freedom' - which brings with it the emancipation of the Slaves and Women and other subject Races - that has put paid to the evolution of the Uebermensch.
What is required is the re-establishment of Distance between the es, the Races and the Castes: in short, an Order of Rank.

I am still left to wonder how so many can read Nietzsche and think they are reading Hegel.
The main ideologist of the s, Alfred Rosenberg, discussed feminism in his master-work, 'The Myth of the 20th Century'.
Taking up from where Nietzsche left off, Rosenberg (who was executed by the pro-feminist Allies for his views), sees feminism as a "ual collectivism".
So, in Nietzschean terms, the Distance between male and female, which is so essential, is eroded to produce degeneration.
This is connected with the dysgenic cross-breeding of Races;
"sexual collectivism, such as miscegenation (dysgenic race-mixing), will end in the debasement of the people ... feminised man joins with emancipated woman to become the symbol of the cultural decline of the state".
['Myth 20th Cent.', Rosenberg]

The feminised man is prevelant today in the Media-Queer, and the fetid homoualisation of pop-culture; this usually goes hand in hand with the most vile promotion of dysgenic Negro/Aryan miscegenation. Such 'freedoms' are antithetical to Nietzschean philosophy.

"Every culture for 8,000 years has arisen only under the protection of the sword".

It is the all important 'Blood' that must be protected by the sword. In this connexion, Gobineau describes 'degeneration';
"The word 'DEGENERATE', when applied to a people means that the people has no longer the same intrinsic value as it had before, because it has no longer the same Blood in its veins, continual adulterations having gradually affected the quality of that Blood.
In other words, though the nation bears the name given by its founders, the name no longer connotes the same race; in fact, the man of a decadent time, the DEGENERATE man properly so called, is a different being from the racial point of view, from the heroes of the great ages ..."
['Essay on the Inequality of Human Races', Gobineau]

Gobineau's book was published 1853-5, and would have influenced Nietzsche as it influenced the whole Wagner Circle, a circle which Gobineau joined at the same time as Nietzsche [around 1876]


Many maintain that Nietzsche's philosophy was 'all about freedom', and that therefore Nietzsche would have rejected any political/social 'oppression'.
Of course, this is palpable nonsense, deriving from the mistaken imputation of the liberal meaning of 'freedom' to Nietzsche's philosophy.
To Nietzsche, 'freedom' meant the exercise of Strong Will, and the power of Command. This Strong Will necessarily involves the oppression of other weaker wills.

To illustrate the contrast, let us look at Nietzsche's attitude towards the 'Emancipation of Women' [a hot political potato even in his times].
In one of his most important books 'Beyond Good and Evil' (1886), he says;

"When a woman has scholarly tendencies, there is usually something wrong with her uality. Barrenness in and of itself prediposes to a certain masculinity of taste: for, if I may say so, the man is the 'barren animal' ".
[Nietzsche BGE 144]

Here, the intellectually emancipated woman [who is likely to be the architect of 'women's freedom'] is seen to be unnatural, and unwomanly. Her barrenness spells disaster for the preservation of the race.

Women need to be kept down by vigorous physical punishment, according to Nietzsche;
" From old Florentine tales, and in addition from life: ' women, good and bad, need to be beaten' ".
[ib., 147]

Nietzsche has nothing but contempt for the 'Women's Movement';
"We men now wish that women would stop compromising themselves by their enlightenment, just as men once showed their concern and protection for women when the Church decreed:
'let women keep quiet in church' !
It happened for the good of women when Napoleon gave the all-too-eloquent Madame de Stael to understand:
'let women keep quiet on politics'! -
And I think it will be a real friend of women who calls out to them today:
'let women keep quiet on women'! "
[ib. 232]

Again, it ultimately comes down to the preservation of the race and the attainment of High Culture. How did the Greeks produce such excellence in their ancient days?;
"A deep man - deep both in spirit and in desire, deep in a benevolence that is capable of rigour and harshness and easily mistaken for them - can think about women only like an ORIENTAL: he has to conceive of woman as a possession, as securable property, as something predetermined for service and completed in it.
He has to rely on the tremendous reason of Asia, on Asia's superior instincts, as the Greeks once did ..."
[ib. 238]

The masculinisation of women leads to the concommitant feminisation of men;
"Women are now forgetting how to FEAR men - but a woman who 'forgets how to fear' is abandoning her most womanly instincts".
[ib. 239]

For good measure, Nietzsche looks right into the future of our civilisation - the view is bleak;
"Wherever the industrial spirit has triumphed over the military or aristocratic spirit, women are striving for the economic and legal independence of office clerks:
'Women as clerks' is written over the entrance-way to our developing modern society".

I can think of only one political movement in Europe which tried to arrest this feminist poison, and that was fascism.
In that alone, we can see how Nietzschean fascism was, and how Anti-Nietzschean Western Democracies are today.

New Rennaissance

To Martin Heidegger, Nietzsche's doctrine of the Eternal Recurrence of the Same marked "the beginning of the 'tragic age for Europe' ".
['Nietzsche Vol II', Heidegger]

If Nietzsche signifies the completion of that philosophic cycle which began with Socrates, then his doctrine of Eternal Return makes a reversion to the Presocratic.
Taking up where the Presocratics left off, and attempting to swim in the river of Heraean fluxions.

The doctrine of Eternal Return is something that one would have come across in the ancient Pythagorean Brotherhood. What kind of Europe would have emerged if its major religion was founded on the work of Heraus rather than that of Plato?

In the 'Joyful Wisdom' [1882] the Eternal return is broached by Nietzsche.

Book IV of that work is entitled 'SANCTUS JANUARIUS' after a saint whose dried Blood is supposedly kept in a vial in a church in Naples. The Blood is said to become liquid again annually on a certain feast-day. And with this book, Nietzsche feels that his own Blood has become liquified again.
The title page has a short verse written in Genoa, January 1882;

With a flaming spear you crushed
All its ice until my soul
Roaring toward the ocean rushed
Of its highest hope and goal.
Ever healthier it swells,
Lovingly compelled but free:
Thus it lauds your miracles,
Fairest month of January!

This miracle betokens the new beginning, the tragic age of Europe.
This miracle is palingenesis; January, the month of Janus, the Roman god of gates and beginnings.
In this book Nietzsche introduces Zarathustra with the words, 'the tragedy begins', and in Thus Spake Zarathustra, the book which follows, the Eternal Return is explicated in the story of the Gateway [TSZ 'On the Vision and the Riddle'].
This Janus looks back and forward at once - a tremendous going across, a tremendous going back.
The whole project of the completion of metaphysics and a return to the Presocratics as Heidegger sees it, symbolised by Janus.

"Two-headed gods and figures, such as Janus, symbolise the beginning and the end; past and future; yesterday and today; solar and lunar power, also Lunus-Lunar; the descending and ascending power of the Sun; the choice at the crossroads; Destiny; the beginning of any enterprise and journey, departure and Return; the powers of opening and closing Doors.
The two heads also represent judgment and discernment; cause and effect ..."
[Encyclopedia of Symbols, Cooper]

Griffin sees this sense of 'rebirth', of palingenesis as the 'Mythic Core of Fascism';
"The coherence exists not at the surface level of specific verbalised ideas, but at the structural level of the myth which underlies them, serving as a matrix which determines which types of thought are selected...
The Fascist felt he had been fatefully born at a watershed between national decline and national regeneration, a feeling that alchemically converted all pessimism and cultural despair into a manic sense of purpose and optimism ".
[Fascism, Griffin]

Here we have Amor Fati out of the Eternal Return; Janus facing both the past and future at once as the new order of a Good Europa is created based solely on Nietzschean philosophy.

"Our thinking today is chaged with the task to think what the Greeks have thought in an even more Greek manner".
['On the Way to Language', Heidegger, 1954]

European Elegy

Better fifty years of Europe than a cycle of Cathay.
['Locksley Hall', Lord Tennyson 1842]

Nietzsche entitles section 362 of 'The Joyful Wisdom';

In this section Nietzsche talks of Napoleon who " wanted One Unified Europe as MISTRESS OF THE EARTH ".

The great Unifiers of Europe;
The Roman Empire which united southern and western Europe.
Charlemagne, crowned Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in 800 A.D.
Napoleon, Emperor 1804.
Hitler, Axis formed 1937.

But today's post-Hitler 'EU' is a soulless affair;
"The age of chivalry is gone - that of sophisters, economists, and calculators, has succeeded; and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever".

This was also felt by the Nietzschean writer DH Lawrence, and expressed by him in stronger language;
"One realises with horror, that the race of men is almost extinct in Europe. Only the Christ-like heroes and woman-worshipping Don Juans, and rabid equality-mongrels remain".
"We have all lost the war. All Europe".
['The ladybird', DH Lawrence]

But the Flame still burns, and will once again burn like a Beacon.

Good Europa

Good Europa

The kinship of all Europeans, and a rejection of petty-statism, which latter is nothing but 'divide et imperam'.

Good Europa is for us our spiritual destiny, and like many things was instigated by the European philosopher Nietzsche [to call him a 'German' philosopher is for me, too narrow].

To quote the following astounding passage from 'Beyond Good and Evil' (1886);
"Thanks to the morbid estrangement which the lunacy of nationality has produced and continues to produce between the peoples of Europe, ..."

Here we must note that he is talking against the petty nationalism which works towards internecine wars, and the break up of great cultures, just as Sir Oswald Mosley was to proclaim in the next century, Europe Herself is a Nation.
Nietzsche goes on to suggest that petty nationalism is used to secure immediate preferment for self-serving political who know nothing of the glories of High Culture;
" ... thanks likewise to the short-sighted and hasty-handed politicians who are with its aid on top today and have not the slightest notion to what extent the politics of disintegration they persue must necessarily be only an interlude - thanks to all this, and to much else that is altogether unmentionable today, the most unambiguous signs are now being overlooked, or arbitrarily and lyingly misinterpreted, which declare that EUROPE WANTS TO BECOME ONE .
In all the more profound and comprehensive men of this century the general tendency of the mysterious workings of their souls has really to prepare the way to this new SYNTHESIS and to anticipate experimentally the European of the future".
[Nietzsche, BGE 256]

Such a synthesis emerged briefly in the Rome Berlin Axis of 20th century Fascism, but was destroyed by the subhuman adherents of 'balance of power'. The efforts of the latter led to Europe being severed in half, between 'East and West' - such was the ignominy of their methods of rule.
I think that Mosley was referring to the fairly immediate moves made by Hitler to out-law all opposition, and to bring all other nationalist parties under the wing of the NSDAP.
The schism that appeared within the NSDAP from the National-Bolshevick faction was dealt with decisively in the Night of the Long Knives (or Roehm Purge).
The only internal opposition that remained after that was among the blue-blooded Prussian officer class who were behind the failed Stauffenburg bomb plot; this allowed the SS to eliminate this faction. Of course, this latter faction actually 'won out' when Hitler earlier took action against the Roehmists, and no doubt Hitler would've liked to eliminate them too at an earlier date, but this would have been politically impossible.
I agree that the regime was all the more effective for taking such uncompromising action, and ideally the State should have been built entirely on the basis of a fanatical, Aryan/pagan SS cadre of complete Loyalists.

I make the basic distinction with facism;
1) Fascism as a Spiritual/Economic doctrine [e.g., Mussolini], and
2) 'fascism' as a Spiritual/Biological doctrine [e.g. Hitler].

In 1) , non-Aryan ethnies [like the Israelites] could be incorporated into an Eurasian Fascist Imperium. The question will then be on what rung of the Order of Rank will they stand?
This is congruent with Nietzsche's Good Europe.
In 2) , the Racial State is the objective, and non-Aryan elements are to be weeded out by a long-term process of Selection. However, it should be noted that even Alfred Rosenberg thought that a small minority of Jews should be allowed to stay in the Reich to give a constant and salutary reminder to Aryans of Jewish depravity. To act as a sort of innoculation.
This is congruent with Nietzsche's 'Discipline and Breeding'.

A synthesis of 1) and 2) [the Axis] is desirable, as they both have in common the Revaluation of Semitic Ideals.
All of this is a thread which runs through the concepts of the Christ-Souled Caesar and the Mediterraneanising of the North.
Two factions split from Mosley pre-war and post-war. In the former instance, the pro- William Joyce [Lord Haw-Haw] and his associates; and in the latter, A.K. Chesterton and others, who went on to form the National Front in Britain.
So, ultimately, Mosley did not satisfy true 's and British Nationalists
Also, Francis Yockey [author of 'Imperium'] was shunned by Mosley in the post war period, despite being another advocate of a European Union. Yockey for his part was repulsed by Mosley's pro-Americanism, and Mosley rejected Yockey's Antisemitism!
The historian David Irving has also said that he thought Mosley not to be "genuine".

Whatever, all this goes to show that there is no simple definition of Fascism.
Have a look at Lyndon LaRoche's on-line article on Fascism (where he calls the present Israelite government fascist, not out of abuse, but by showing a doented lineage of Israelite fascism); it's very enlightening.
It reminds me of Mosley's first reading Popper's 'The Open Society and its Enemies', where Plato, Hegel etc., are denounced as enemies of that 'freedom' you speak of. - You see I was right, he said; the philosopic tradition is right behind fascism!

And there I DO agree with him!
Hitler didn't use Nietzsche as a "justification" [particularly as Nietzsche was not then considered a legitimate scholarly philosopher]; Hitler rather read Nietzsche in his early days, as did Mussolini, before he even knew what he wanted to do with his life.
Also, Nietzsche was called by the British etc., "The man who caused the FIRST world war", so Nietzsche's name was linked with German Militarism long before the Third Reich.

It was the Allies who imposed "Unconditional Surrender" on the Germans! It was the British who kidnapped the peace envoy Rudolf Hess, and still persist in a cover up of that act!
It was Churchill who ordered the bombing of German civilian targets to get Hitler to retaliate in kind!
The Allies included the Soviet Union whose record of mass-murder far exceeds the supposed German record.
Anyway, 'Surrender' is Nihilist - fighting to the very end against insuperable odds is heroic.


An admirer of Mussolini and Hitler in the inter-war years, Sir Oswald Mosley [Leader of the British Union of Fascists] somewhat modified his position in the post-war period [this did not stop him from being continually attacked by Communist and Jewish organisations until his dying days]. He centred his Neo-Fascism on a United Europe, and many of his arguments pre-figure today's European Union.

It must be understood that he was speaking here in the early 1960s, in the period of prosperity and optimism [unlike the days of unemployment and despair of the fascist heyday];
"I think the basic error of Fascism was that in its drive for action at all cost, it overrode liberty; and the great problem of this present-day age is to synthesise the drive for action, which is completely necessary, with the preservation of individual liberty. And if we can achieve that, we've made some contribution to the thought of our age, and that has been my whole effort since the end of the war".
[Interview, O.Mosley, 1972]

Mosley says of 1930s Fascism;
"The power of the State was exaggerated, the whole concept was too bureaucratic".
He also makes the surprising claim that Hitler and Mussolini were wrong to intern dissenters, and should have allowed their opponants equal media time and ANSWERED them.

"Fascism was a national creed which died in the 1930s, and the main reason for its non-revival is that any dynamic person who was drawn to that kind of thing would now be a 'European' ; I want to see the complete unity of Europe".
This is another startling claim; it seems to suggest that the militaristic elements which make Fascism 'fascistic' are to be dropped, and the National Fascist idea is to be transvalued into the National European idea;
After World War II Mosley declared;
"A European Nation. By this term I meant Europe as much an integrated State as Britain, France, Germany, or indeed, America is today. America is rather the model in that respect, because are united states".
The interview was obviously given to an American station. Here we see how 'fascism' has transmogrified itself into Europeanism;"In Europe there's no question of having a totalitarian party or a totalitarian figure. The other European countries would never tolerate for a moment one man from one country being put over the lot of them. You have to have, as I've always said, an 'equipe', equals, a Round Table, King Arthur, or the old archon-type round table concept, and then the man with the best ideas wins ...
Something so huge as Europe and so diverse can never be unified in a Fascist or totalitarian fashion".

In this we see the continued progress toward Nietzsche's "Europe wants to become one" idea, an idea given impetus by Fascism, and continued by modern Europeanism.
Of course, today differs from the 60s, particulary with the problems of Globalised Terrorism and its related fall-out. If the situation worsens, then the fascist symbols may need to be brought out again ...


"The maintenance of the military state is the last means of all of acquring or maintaining the great tradition with regard to the supreme type of man, the strong type. And all concepts that perpetuate enmity and difference in rank between states - e.g., Nationalism, protective tariffs - may appear sanctioned in this light".
[Nietzsche, WzM 729]

This must be dwelt on - the 'supreme/strong type of man' can only come about on the basis of a great tradition. When that tradition is endangered (as it is today), then a Military State must be set up. That state must be Nationalistic, Autarkic and aggressive. It must work to establish Order of Rank.

What is the basis of this Nationalism?
Paul treanor, author of National Planet, puts it in a nut-shell;
This means that there is no human who does not belong to a nation (or that those outside of nation-hood are sub-human).
Not only by choice .

This means that;
a) Nations have a great historical continuity and should be continued (see Nietzsche's quote above to discover why the 'should').
b) Because nations have shaped the lives of those who now live in them, they should continue to exist.
c) Migration may be restricted to preserve a pattern of location/residence in nations.
d) National cultures have value, therefore nations must exist to produce and preserve them (again, this is Nietzsche's basic position).

This means that;
a) No entity which is not a nation/a people may hold territory to form a state.
b) No non-national entity may gain territory, for instance, by discovery.
This means that;
a) Nations have a status no other group or collectivity can have.
b) Nations deserve supreme respect, beyond that for other groups.


This means that;
a) No process which ends nations is legitimate.
b) A world-order of nation staes may not be terminated.
c) Nations may not be eroded without an equivalent successor.

All this and more is the basis of our 'National Bigotry'!
"Nationalism is consistently an ideology of World Order".
[Paul Treanor, Nation Planet]

Nietzsche sees all politics as a means to an end; therefore, political movements are a Becoming, a Process, to be variously modified and cast-off when the time arises. Likewise, the s expected their political party to become irrelevant once their goals had been attained; and amongst the ancient Romans the Dictator was entrusted with power in times of crisis, and expected to retire when the crisis was over.

Modernism is a Crisis.

"National bigotry is one of the most favourable inhibitions and remedies of Modernity, as it simplifies, it concentrates".
[Nietzsche, WzM 126]

Here Nietzsche advocates the extreme form of Nationalism, so necessary in an age where all is weak, tolerant, and overly-complex; where all lacks focus.
Nationalism is a duty for those Nietzscheans living today if they actually want to see something DONE;

"Through the interposition of the virtues of;
Patriotism, and
Through upholding
Revenge - in short, all typical characteristics that contradict the Herd Type, does the State do a host of things that the individual would never countenance".
[Nietzsche, WzM 717]

That last sentence is important; there are things - necessary things - which the 'individual' cannot do. In times of Degeneration, individualism is surrender, is defeat, is Nihilism.

Yes, my timid ones, today we need those virtues which include Hatred and National Bigotry!

We need this Nationalism to create Greatness; it will be noted that liberal democratic internationalist politics does not create greatness - quite the opposite!
"A nation is a detour of nature to arrive at six or seven great men. Yes, and then to get 'round them".
[Nietzsche, BGE 126]

Greatness is always within the vicinity of Nationalism;
"Napoleon made nationalism possible: that is its excuse".
[Nietzsche, WzM 877]

We never make absolutist claims for Nietzsche; we say rather that here and now, Nationalism is Necessary - anything else is cowardice.
On the question of the "eradication" of the Jews, I think it is evident that this was not the s' initial intention.
I say this not in the spirit of 'revisionism' or ' sympathies', but solely based on a reading of the historical material.
It is obvious that the s desired the Jews to be excluded from The Reich, as the following manifesto makes clear;

"None but members of the nation may be citizens of the State.
None but those of German blood, whatever their creed, may be members of the nation.
No Jew, therefore, may be a member of the nation".
[25 Points of the NSDAP, 1932]

This is far from being an 'eradication' of the Jews, and it is clear from correspondence between leading Zionists and the s in the 30s, that they saw each other as mutually useful;
The Zionists wanted to create a Jewish (fascist) State in Palestine, the s wanted Jews out of the Reich. Clearly, the mutual intention was that 'European' Jews would go to 'Israel'.

The Second World War (or the 'War of Polish Independence' as Ludovici calls it!) put a different complexion on things for various reasons, not all of them down to the Germans own antipathy towards the Jews; the Allies demanded the 'unconditional surrender' of Germany (a demand unlikely to be accepted given Hitler's known to be uncompromising nature); the Allies bombed German supply lines cutting off medical and food aid in the last stages of the war (thus affecting the camps), just as the Russians were given a free hand to butcher non-combatants in the East in the same period.
Given this nightmare scenario, it is not surprising that people of all kinds caught up in the carnage were slaughtered.

Even this does not point to a German plan to 'eradicate' the Jews.

Have you read Martin Luther's 'The Jews and Their Lies'?
This tract by the great Reformer advocates the burning of the synagogues and homes of German Jews, as well as the deprivation of all 'rights' to Jews, including the right to use the highway. Jewish religious books are to be burned, and Rabbis forbidden to teach on pain of death.
You will find no such doent from the s!

Why is it that Luther, and the Protestant church is seldom reproached, and yet the s are accused of wanting to 'eradicate' the Jews?

The evidence suggests that Nietzsche's;
"Rome vs. Judea, Judea vs. Rome"
Is very much in the spirit of antisemitism.

Whereas the Hollywood falsification of sm, the Exterminationist, has much more in common with Lutherism.
"At the base of all these Noble Races one cannot fail to recognise the beast of prey, the splendid BLOND BEAST who roams about lusting after booty and victory; from time to time this hidden base needs to discharge itself".
[Nietzsche, GM I,11]

This continual, recurring and circular struggle between Noble and Base, Master and Slave, has generated Culture itself.

Nietzsche avers that polytheism, with its rich array of gods and goddesses [such as in the Hindu, Teutonic, Norse, Celtic, Greek and Roman pantheons] is one outcome of this struggle;

"The whole history of ethnic fighting, triumphing, reconciling, merging - everything that precedes the final Rank-Ordering of all ethnic elements in every great racial synthesis - is reflected in the genealogical confusion of their gods".
[ib., II, 20]

So here we have the idea of the necessary race-war, and the idea that so-called 'racism' is at the root of all great culture.
By the same token, 'anti-racists' preside over an ever more bland anti-culture, like present day 'democracy': the 'melting pot', where only the pot melts.

Race in Nietzsche's GM

"... 'Gut', i.e., the 'man of godly race' is identical with the name for the nation - originally for the nobility - of the Goths".
[Nietzsche, GM I,5]

The Goths were from Scandinavia, and spread throughout Europe and beyond as a Master Race.
Moving from his theory of the blonds as Nobles, and the darks as Slaves, Nietzsche then posits a pre-history of Master/Slave societies;

"The oldest 'state' made its appearance as a terrible tyranny, as a crushing and ruthless machinery ...
- Some pack of blond beasts of prey, a race of conquerors and Masters, which, organised in a warlike manner and with the power to organise, unhesitatingly lays its terrible paws on a population enormously superior in number perhaps, but still formless, still roaming about ..."
[ib., II, 17]

This is the context of the fabled Blond Beast - the Creator of Culture!

Nietzsche says further;
"The blond beast is at the root of all noble races".
[ib., II,11],

"Europe has for centuries watched the raging of the blond Germanic beast".

Whereas the "pre-Aryan" population of Germany on which these Blond Beasts threw themselves is;
"The REGRESSION of humankind! These 'tools of culture' are a disgrace to humanity!".

What could be more clear than that!
What kind of Europe though?
Here's some quotes from the Italian philosopher Baron Julius Evola on Europa;

" 'A Europe of the Peoples', with its regional and cultural differentiation, must possess a centralising force to avoid being weak and disorganised.
It must have a point of reference, a higher synthesis.
Hence comes the idea of the IMPERIUM which has 'checks and balances' in its inherent respect for diverse laws and languages in Europe".
[Evola - article in Scorpion 12]

One is reminded here of U.Varange's book 'Imperium', which offered a different, but parallel view of a new European order.
Evola continues;

"The notion of European unity is spiritual and supranational.
Homeland, nation, ethnic group subsist at an essentially naturalistic 'physical' level; Europe ['Europa una'] should be something more than this.
The old nationalisms and resentments are only grafted onto Europe when a particular national domination is imposed by one nation upon the rest of Europe.
The Euopean 'Imperium' will belong to a higher order than the parts which compose it, and to be European should be conceived as being something qualitatively different from being Italian, Prussian, Basque, Finnish, Scottish or Hungarian ..."

Truly, writers and thinkers like Evola have imbibed the essence of Nietzsche's 'Good Europeanism' and taken it further.

European Synthesis

"Give to our lost continent Will, Union and Spirit, and our Europe can yet win this new world".
[Sir Oswald Mosley 1953]

We are living through a momentous time in history as Europe - slowly, painstakingly - attempts to "become one".

Of course it was Nietzsche, over a century ago, who recognised this political/cultural/spiritual necessity.
Did he not write in his 'Beyond Good and Evil' (1886);

"The most unmistakable signs that EUROPE WISHES TO BE ONE are now overlooked".
[BGE 256]

Alas, even today are these signs are being over-looked. We Nietzscheans, as 'Good Europeans' (BGE 241), must be advocates for this European Union.
Not the EU of the Bankers, but the EU of Philosopher Rulers and Artists!

"With all the more profound and large-minded men of this 19th century, the real general tendency of the mysterious labour of their souls was to prepare the way for that new SYNTHESIS, and tentatively to anticipate the European of the future ...
"I think of such men as Napoleon, Goethe, Beethovan, Stendhal, Heine, Schopenhauer ,,,
"I also count Wagner as among them ...
"It is Europe, the ONE Europe, whose soul presses urgently and longingly, outwards and upwards, in their multifarious and boisterous art - whither?
Into a new light?
Towards a new sun? "
[BGE 256]

That this United Europe must be a great Power is borne out by the gem-like aphorism in amongst Nietzsche's meditations on Europa;

"I hear with pleasure that our sun is moving rapidly towards the constellation 'Hercules': and I hope that the men on this earth will do like the sun. And we foremost, we good Europeans!"
[BGE 243]
Interestingly, some recent scientific speculation has it that red hair is a trait inherited from Neanderthals - Manu knew that long ago!Red bearded Thor, with all his ill temper, was the god of these awesome Aryan/Neanderthal hybrids and not the Blond Baldr of the pure blonds.


The computer was not an invention of modernity but rather an evolution of the technics of computation which reach back to the abacus.
The Internet was devised by the Military to protect lines of communication in a possible devastating attack.
Using the 'net in the way we are doing is actually a subversion of its intended function. As I have pointed out - modernity seeks to CONTROL the 'net - we Free Spirits seek the opposite.
We are all living in the Modern age by dint of being alive - that is an obvious truism.
However, this philosophy is properly anti-modern [see Nietzsche's works passim for references to anti-modernism], that cannot be gainsaid.
'The masses can do nothing but resent the higher man - so be it!
They are not We - We are not They!
Let the Hate fall down like rain! Passionate Distance!'
Take what Nietzsche says in 'Beyond Good and Evil';

"It cannot be effaced from a man's soul what his ancestors have preferably and most constantly done ...
It is quite impossible for a man NOT to have the qualities and predelictions of his parents and ancestors in his constitution, whatever appearances may suggest to the contrary.
This is the problem of race".
[BGE 264 'What Is Noble?']

What can we learn from this?
To Nietzsche it is IMPOSSIBLE to escape one's genetic inheritance.
Therefore, ignoble ancestors render one ignoble.
Ergo, Nobility cannot be drawn from the Mass.

"There is only Nobility of Birth, only Nobility of Blood".
[WP 942]

Nietzsche constantly maintains the Distance from his Higher Race and the Mass by talking of them as different SPECIES!;

"The conditions under which a strong and Noble SPECIES maintains itself are the REVERSE of those which govern the 'industrial masses', the shopkeepers .."
[WP 901]

Not only are they a separate species, but they reverse everything that is of the mass. The mass are miscegenated - therefore the Higher Species is the REVERSE OF THAT.
Ergo, the Higher Race is of Pure Blood.

Such Purity is nobility's project;

"Physiological Purification and strengthening; the New Aristocracy has need of an opposite against which it struggles ..."
[WP 953]

Again, note the words used - 'physiological (i.e., of the body) purification'.
Note also the use of 'opposite' ;- the Mass is impure ... therefore ...

"A fundamental, artificial and conscious BREEDING of the opposite type to the Herd".
[WP 954]

A Pure Breed versus an Impure Cross-Breed.

The Mass are like the iron base on which a gold trophy is fixed - they are both of different stuff;

"Main consideration: not to see the task of the higher species in leading the lower .., but the lower as a base upon which higher species performs it OWN tasks - upon which it can stand".
[WP 901]

There is no suggestion here of a common evolution - on the contrary, there is only PROFOUND separation. To recap; different species with different tasks and reversed valuations and considerations.

Nietzsche asserted in his first book that Prometheus was the typical Aryan hero.
He was also a model for his higher race who would be noble barabrians and blond beasts;

"There exists also the type of barbarian who comes from the heights: a species of a conquering and ruling nature in search of material to mould. Prometheus was this kind of barbarian".
[WP 900]

This higher Aryan, Promethean Race are not to be bred out of the ignoble mixlings of the Mass, of the Herd!
That idea is contrary to Nietzsche's philosophy!

This "new master type and caste" [WP 957] - Note the word 'caste'!
This caste is to "arrive" [WP 954];

"I write for a Species of Man that does not yet exist: for the 'Masters of the Earth' ".
[WP 958]
Institutions grow out of the instincts.
What, according to Nietzsche, is the "first imperative of instinct"?
That "certain things SHOULD NOT BE QUESTIONED".
[TWI IX 40]

Nietzsche finds this instinct alive in the following;

"The Great Artists of government so far - Confucius in China, the Roman Empire, Napoleon and the Popes of the Renaissance".
[Nietzsche WP 129]

It is when the instinct to rule fails that culture degenerates;

"The degeneration of the rulers and the ruling classes has been the cause of the greatest mischief in history!
Without the degeneration of the Roman Caesars and Roman society, the insanity of Christianity would never have come to power".
[WP 874]

This instinct fell again with the degeneration of the French Aristocracy;

"The French Revolution destroyed the instinct for a grand organisation of society ...
The French Revolution as the continuation of Christianity.
Rousseau is the seducer: he again unfetters woman ... then the slaves ... then the poor and the workers. Then the vice-addicts and the sick - all this is moved into the foreground".
[WP 80/94]

But then the question is raised - without a healthy ruling aristocracy can philosophy be possible?

"The new philosopher can arise only in conjunction with a ruling caste, as its highest spiritualisation".
[WP 978]

This is why politics is essential to the Nietzschean project.
How else could our 'moderns' understand the following passage from Nietzsche? -

"As soon as the composite European man is established, this homogenising species requires a justification: it lies in serving a higher sovereign species that stands upon the former and can raise itself to its task only by doing this".
[Nietzsche WP 898]

Note that this democratised European herd animal will be as a different SPECIES to that of the Masters of the Earth, the new Nietzschean aristocracy.
We say species are differentiated from other species because they are not able to inter-breed - the mass man will not be able to inter-breed with the new aristocracy!

"Not merely a Master Race whose sole task is to rule but a Race with its own sphere of life, with an excess of strength for beauty, culture, manners to the highest peak of the spirit; an Affirming Race that may grant itself every great luxury .."

Again - this Race, which will not be the same species as homo sapien sapien will have its 'own sphere' of life - completely segregated from the lower orders!
Only among this higher Race will culture flourish!
A 'pure' Race!

No doubt the Masses will continue with their vile pop culture, race-mixing and multiculturalism!

Such slaves have NOTHING to do with us!

Anti-modern politics but pro-Great politics

Nietzsche was against the party-politics of his time, but he was also AGAINST POLITICS AS AN END IN ITSELF.
This is what he means by the "political" in the negative sense.

He sees positive politics ONLY AS A MEANS to the Higher Man. Of course this in itself is 'political' to us, but such a usage always has the disadvantage of making politics seem to be an end iitself, and not what it should be - a TOOL.

To make the distinction, Nietzsche is Anti-PETTY Politics, but Pro-GREAT Politics;

"When truth goes into combat with all the lies of millennia we shall see upheavals ... such as has never been dreamt of.
There will be Wars such as have never yet been seen on Earth.
It is only since I came along that the Earth begins to conceive of GREAT POLITICS".
[Nietzsche, Ecce Homo]

So while it is true that Nietzsche is opposed to the petty political, his whole work aims at the creation of the Superhuman Masters of the Earth via the means of Great Politics.

"It is noteworthy that Nietzsche wished his publisher to remove the passage from his 'Ecce Homo' where he supposedly declared himself to be a nonpolitical thinker".
['Nietzsche: Godfather of Fascism?'; introduction by Golomb/Wistrich]