In her erudite introduction to Thus Spake Zarathustra of 1905, Nietzsche's sister Elisabeth touches on this parallel of Nietzsche and Frederick II. Of course, current Nietzsche 'fashions' dismiss Elisabeth, and are likewise shy of making much of Nietzsche's intense identification with the Emperor.Frederick II was as outspokenly anti-Christian in his own times [the religiously oppressive middle ages] as Nietzsche was in the 19th century.
In true Aryan fashion, Frederick saw himself as the 'Sun Emperor', and was variously known as the 'terror of the earth', and 'the anti-christ' by his contemporaries. The chronicler Matthew Paris called Frederick "The World's Wonderman", while the poet Dante later described him as;"ultimo imperadore de li Romani",i.e., 'the Last Emperor of the Romans'.
His supporters saw Frederick as the god-Emperor of a New Age, and he no doubt prefigured the Renaissance, that era of European history which Nietzsche regards as its highest peak;"Frederick called himself the 'Lord of the World'. Norman and German in ancestry but essentially a Sicilian, Frederick always felt a stranger in Germany".[Columbia Encyclopedia]Here we see an immediate parity with Nietzsche - Germanic in blood, but drawn to the European Mediterranean.
"Frederick was also a gifted artist and scientist. A poet himself, he was surrounded by Provencal troubadours and German minnesingers".[ib.]
This is the atmosphere of Nietzsche's book 'The Joyous Wisdom', with its poetry and nods to Provencal 'gaya scienza'. This is compounded by the following;
"Frederick patronised science and philosophy, and interested himself in medicine, mathematics, astrology, and astronomy. His 'De Arte Venadi Avibus', on hawking as well as the anatomy and life of birds, was the first modern ornithology".[ib.]
Like Nietzsche, Frederick was a man of languages;
"Frederick spoke six languages fluently, among them Greek and Arabic; he had read the Koran and got on well with Muslim rulers, whom he considered his only cultural equals".[Hildinger]
This is uncanny - Nietzsche too admires Islam at the expense of Christianity.
Frederick's fascination with linguistics was said to have lead to experiments worthy of the Third Reich;
"Fond of 'scientific' experimentation, Frederick commanded that a number of children be raised from birth in total silence and isolation, in order to find out what language they would ultimately speak ... all the children died young".[R.Roland]
In that macabre result is much to be learned about the nature of language!
Like Nietzsche, Frederick was a man surrounded by rumour. It was said that Frederick had written a now lost book called 'De Tribus Impostoribus'.
The 'Three Imposters' of the title were none other than Moses, Jesus and Mohammed; this can be seen as nothing other than a comprehensive assault on the three Semitic religions.In his free spititedness, Frederick pioneered the establishment of a secular government [including the endowment of the University of Naples, the first clearly secular university in the West];
"In Frederick II the Pope was fighting an anti-ecclesiastical theory of world-organisation, aggressive and fully armed. The Emperor was making it his life's aim to restore the ancient subordination of religion to the state. The Pope was determined to destroy him".[N.Cohn]
This is very much the prototype for Nietzsche's Mastery of the Earth;
"Frederick became the battle-cry of the West; bloodier and more savage than before, the strife raged through the Christian world around his person alone. Never before had one single individual acieved such personal importance - Frederick the man, not Frederick the Emperor. The person of the Emperor was now the World-Idea".[Kantorowicz]
One can see how the Nietzschean tone of Kantorowicz's book quoted from above has inspired Hitler's Struggle. The forces that Frederick struggled against, "the Church, magnified Frederick the Hohenstaufen into a giant. The Papacy with all the forces of all the countries of Europe, was now fighting not the Emperor, nor the Empire, but one demon in whom all the evil of the world was incarnate, one Hohenstaufen".[ib.]
This standing alone as the personification of Evil against the 'moral world order' is a Hitlerian/Nietzschean stance which heralds the Overman (and can be symbolised by the Swatika). Kantowicz tells us that the poets of Frederick's time compared the Emperor to "Zeus, the Thunder God and Lightning Wielder of Greek mythology".[ib.]
We know from the work of Jung that those mythological archetypes find parallels in the Teutonic Wotan, and also therefore, in Nietzsche's Blond Beast.
"The Fates warn, stars teach, and likewise the flight of birds, that I will soon be the Hammer of the world. Papal Rome, a long time wavering, having committed a multitude of errors, will collapse and cease to be the Leader of the World".
[Frederick II]
Ah! - the Nietzschean echoes in that statement of the Emperor! The brooding atmosphere of Twilight, and the symbol of the Hammer;
"Frederick was at home in the mysterious Twilight of the prophets and the stargazers and could not value their sphere too highly as, in a certain sense, a training ground".[Kantorowicz]
This is very much the world of Nietzsche's Thus Spake Zarathustra, a necessary rite of passage for the philosophers of the future.
Many legends have accrued around the Emperor;"In spite of Frederick's manifest dislike for Germany, it is he, and not his father Barbarossa ('Redbeard'), to whom that German legend originally attached - that legend which represents a great monarch slumbering in a deep cavern, his beard grown 'round a stone table, against a day of awakening when the world will be restored by him from an extremity of disorder to peace".[Wells]
Frederick, known in his day for his 'intelligence, licentiousness and cruelty' was greatly honoured in his death, his Lion-throned sarcophagus of blood-red porphry in its Classical grandeur calling to mind Napoleon's tomb in Paris."The final resting-place of Frederick II, according to Dante, is in a fiery coffin, in Circle Six with the Heretics, in Book Ten of The Inferno. - Yet Dante had the most profound respect and admiration for the Hohenstaufen. All his life Frederick II was the model Ruler, and Judge, the Scholar and Poet, the perfect Prince, the 'Illustrious Hero' ".[Kantorowicz]
And in all of this, Nietzsche saw himself and his philosophical Destiny.
All Hail The Hohenstaufen!
Friday, 27 January 2006
Racial Order of Rank
Philosophically though, and speaking as a Nietzschean, Race cannot be other than both a Perspective, and a Nexus of Will To Power; i.e., in asserting myself in 'Absolute Affirmation', I am also asserting my Race; - my stock itself must occupy a place in the Order of Rank', so that even the most mediocre member of my kin is precious to me, as it is from this stock that I have evolved, and it therefore is a part of my Destiny: I 'Love my Fate' (amor fati). Therefore I must hate Race-Mixing like the Devil and treat all alien Races as the enemy. Such an outlook is also necessary to the continuing conflict which maintains the fitness of the human races. I agree that there is a problem there; how do I treat those members of my Race who have practised or preached Race-Mixing etc.,?The answer to my eyes is similar to that of Earl Turner; - such creatures are criminals, Race Traitors, and should be dealt with accordingly (treason should always enjoy the death penalty).
The question is also raised; do we envisage a multi-racial Empire with various Alien Races occupying descending segregated strata below the White [Aryan Domination], or do we imagine autarkic White Nations with our own separated folk arranged in a strata of classes below an eugenicised Aryan aristocracy [Parallel Nations]?For if we hold to the necessary idea of Order of Rank, then we must accept class and/or caste. Belief systems (e.g., The Eternal Return) can easily legitimise this Racial Order of Rank, just as the liberal hegemony at present tries to discredit it. I think, though, that 'nature' is on the side of racial stratification, and that the natural world baulks at the sight of half-breeds strutting around the stage as 'masters' (rather puppets of the engineers of the multi-racial lie) as they are beginning to do today. Such a sight raises us to a rage, and suggests that the world must be under Aryan domination by way of natural right.
The question is also raised; do we envisage a multi-racial Empire with various Alien Races occupying descending segregated strata below the White [Aryan Domination], or do we imagine autarkic White Nations with our own separated folk arranged in a strata of classes below an eugenicised Aryan aristocracy [Parallel Nations]?For if we hold to the necessary idea of Order of Rank, then we must accept class and/or caste. Belief systems (e.g., The Eternal Return) can easily legitimise this Racial Order of Rank, just as the liberal hegemony at present tries to discredit it. I think, though, that 'nature' is on the side of racial stratification, and that the natural world baulks at the sight of half-breeds strutting around the stage as 'masters' (rather puppets of the engineers of the multi-racial lie) as they are beginning to do today. Such a sight raises us to a rage, and suggests that the world must be under Aryan domination by way of natural right.
In the 'melting pot', only the pot melts ...
Political thinking is very different to personal/individualist thinking. As Nietzsche recognised, politics takes place beyond morality; the reason one cannot free oneself from morality is because one views everything individually/personally.
Actually, Nietzsche took this insight straight from Schopenhauer;
"Governments loudly protest their reluctance to appeal to arms except for purposes of self-defense. Instead of trying to excuse themselves by telling public and official lies, which are almost more revolting than war itself, they should take their stand, as bold as brass, on Machiavelli's doctrine.The gist of it may be stated to be this: that whereas between one individual and another, and so far as concerns the law and morality of their relations, the principle, 'DON'T DO TO OTHERS WHAT YOU WOULDN'T LIKE DONE TO YOURSELF', certainly applies, it is the converse of this principle which is appropriate in the case of Nations and in politics: 'WHAT YOU WOULDN'T LIKE DONE TO YOURSELF, DO TO OTHERS' ".[Schopenhauer, 'Government']
Harmony of all kinds occurs on the individual level; the mistake (typical of liberals) is in extrapolating from that to the political arena. that mistake is a DEADLY one.War is NOT a modern phenomena, and far predates Hegel! The earliest Greek philosophers knew the necessity of war - did not Heraclitus say that "war is the father of all things"?
We war because we are Heraclitean, and therefore Nietzschean - no doubt it was War which helped to evolve from ape to man, and it will be War which will help us to evolve from man to superman.I am led to believe that it is possible to terraform the atmospheres of other planets to make them habitable in the future; I am sure that this will happen.
Man gets sick of harmony very quickly, but he loves conflict forever.
P.S. The term 'melting pot' comes from a 1908 play by Israel Zangwill, an English born Zionist. [info. from P.Brimelow's book 'Alien Nation']
Actually, Nietzsche took this insight straight from Schopenhauer;
"Governments loudly protest their reluctance to appeal to arms except for purposes of self-defense. Instead of trying to excuse themselves by telling public and official lies, which are almost more revolting than war itself, they should take their stand, as bold as brass, on Machiavelli's doctrine.The gist of it may be stated to be this: that whereas between one individual and another, and so far as concerns the law and morality of their relations, the principle, 'DON'T DO TO OTHERS WHAT YOU WOULDN'T LIKE DONE TO YOURSELF', certainly applies, it is the converse of this principle which is appropriate in the case of Nations and in politics: 'WHAT YOU WOULDN'T LIKE DONE TO YOURSELF, DO TO OTHERS' ".[Schopenhauer, 'Government']
Harmony of all kinds occurs on the individual level; the mistake (typical of liberals) is in extrapolating from that to the political arena. that mistake is a DEADLY one.War is NOT a modern phenomena, and far predates Hegel! The earliest Greek philosophers knew the necessity of war - did not Heraclitus say that "war is the father of all things"?
We war because we are Heraclitean, and therefore Nietzschean - no doubt it was War which helped to evolve from ape to man, and it will be War which will help us to evolve from man to superman.I am led to believe that it is possible to terraform the atmospheres of other planets to make them habitable in the future; I am sure that this will happen.
Man gets sick of harmony very quickly, but he loves conflict forever.
P.S. The term 'melting pot' comes from a 1908 play by Israel Zangwill, an English born Zionist. [info. from P.Brimelow's book 'Alien Nation']
The Superior Few
The question of Race is this; what can the many of a particular Race produce by way of the Superior Few? - that defines the excellence, or no, of a Race.The minority Race of Europeans has produced the greatest explorers/statesmen/philsophers/artists and scientists the world has ever seen. It is this that qualifies this European Race (which has now spread beyond Europe, hence the term White Race) as superior.
It is completely un-Nietzschean to judge a Race by the many of that Race, as they are only the raw material from which the Higher man is forged. It is also against the spirit of this philosophy to posit enviromental conditions as decisive; to Nietzsche it is what's within - the Blood - that is paramount!THE STRONG EXCELL D E S P I T E BAD CONDITIONS!'Positive discrimination' / 'affirmative action', produces only more mediocrity.
"The descent from good ancestors makes up true nobility of birth; one single interruption in that chain, one bad ancestor, and the nobility of birth is cancelled out".[Nietzsche, Human 456]
How can anyone take the above as being anything other than Elitist?
It is completely un-Nietzschean to judge a Race by the many of that Race, as they are only the raw material from which the Higher man is forged. It is also against the spirit of this philosophy to posit enviromental conditions as decisive; to Nietzsche it is what's within - the Blood - that is paramount!THE STRONG EXCELL D E S P I T E BAD CONDITIONS!'Positive discrimination' / 'affirmative action', produces only more mediocrity.
"The descent from good ancestors makes up true nobility of birth; one single interruption in that chain, one bad ancestor, and the nobility of birth is cancelled out".[Nietzsche, Human 456]
How can anyone take the above as being anything other than Elitist?
"The formula for greatness in man is AMOR FATI".
[Nietzsche, EH]
'Amor fati' means 'love of one's Fate';
"Every man is himself a piece of Fate".[Nietzsche, WS 229]
And what is this fate that we should love?;"The Destiny of the Higher Man is to be a Creator".[Nietzsche, TSZ L]
This concept of destiny pervades the philosophy;
"Let us be on our guard against saying that there are laws in nature. There are only necessities".[Nietzsche JW 109]
"Everything happens just as it ought to happen".[Nietzsche WM 1004]
[Nietzsche, EH]
'Amor fati' means 'love of one's Fate';
"Every man is himself a piece of Fate".[Nietzsche, WS 229]
And what is this fate that we should love?;"The Destiny of the Higher Man is to be a Creator".[Nietzsche, TSZ L]
This concept of destiny pervades the philosophy;
"Let us be on our guard against saying that there are laws in nature. There are only necessities".[Nietzsche JW 109]
"Everything happens just as it ought to happen".[Nietzsche WM 1004]
Counter Movements Against Egalitarianism
The Balfour Declaration guaranteed a State of Israel, and this was written during the FIRST WORLD WAR!
The Jews have been hated THROUGHOUT their history - why else were they 'persecuted' by everyone from the Egyptians to the Romans, to being expelled from England in A.D. 1290? - do you think that Hitler was the first to try and get shot of the 'Chosen People'?!
'Egalitarian' ideals were espoused and imposed during the 18th century - LONG BEFORE HITLER! - never heard of the French/American Revolutions?-Never heard of Rousseau, Paine? anti-semitism was OF COURSE a counter movement against egalitarianism, and NOT, the other way around!
The Jews have been hated THROUGHOUT their history - why else were they 'persecuted' by everyone from the Egyptians to the Romans, to being expelled from England in A.D. 1290? - do you think that Hitler was the first to try and get shot of the 'Chosen People'?!
'Egalitarian' ideals were espoused and imposed during the 18th century - LONG BEFORE HITLER! - never heard of the French/American Revolutions?-Never heard of Rousseau, Paine? anti-semitism was OF COURSE a counter movement against egalitarianism, and NOT, the other way around!
The Conspiracy of the Cult of Christianity
The Church Fathers were certainly adroit conspiracy theorists; whatever line you take [and Nietzsche's is in Genealogy of Morals 1:8, - "was not Christianity part of the secret black art of truly 'grand' politics of revenge, of a farseeing, subterranean, slowly advancing, and premeditated revenge ..? "], Christianity is not a 'real' religion, but rather an enormous con-trick ... a 'cult'.
An examination of political subversion at this period of the Roman Empire will show that conspiracy was the norm, not the exception.As the Classicist R.P.Oliver writes;"As early as 186 B.C. the Roman Senate tried to regulate the Bacchanalian rites of a cult that had been imported from Etruria, and used 'freedom of worship' as a cover for nocturnal orgies of promiscuity and perversion. Investigation disclosed that the alien 'religion' was really a secret conspiracy that worked systematically to entrap and corrupt young men and women in adolescence, and practiced, in addition to ual profligacy, such associated arts as the forging of wills and murder by poison.Despite the laws that were enacted to supress the conspiracy, other foreign cults were soon imported to provide religious camouflage for depravity, subversion and sedition".
It was in this hot-house atmosphere that the cult of Christianity was born.The Dead Sea Scrolls display a crude form of 'communism' and a hatred of the authorities - i.e., the 'Roman occupiers' and Jewish leaders who collaborated with the Romans. The famous 'War Scroll' contains the following;"In that indicated time, He shall advance with great revengefulness to fight against the kings of the North, and His anger will be so great that he will destroy Belial's horn and cut it off. That will be an era of liberation for God's people, and eternal destruction for all them that belong to Belial's party. So evil will completely perish and not a single one of the Children of Darkness will escape".
This perfectly illustrates the resentful slave revolt in morals described by Nietzsche in the 'Genealogy of Morals'; such pent up Jewish hatred will seek all devious means, including conspiracy, to achieve its insanely revaluated objectives;
"When they close ranks for battle, they will write on their banners:'War of God', 'Battle of God', 'Retaliation of God', 'Strength of God', 'Reprisal of God', 'Power of God', 'God Destroys All Nations' ".
[War Scroll, 'Dead Sea Scrolls' - Baigent/Leigh ed.]
This explains Jesus's utterance;
"Think not that I am come to send peace on Earth: I come not to send peace, but a sword". [Matt.10]
Once Christianity became organised, and got it hands on the levers of power, conspiracy and terror became institutionalised - not only that, but by the simple expedient of 'baptism', a Gentile-hating Jew was able to become a 'Christian', and work his subversion from within under the cover of Holy Water.
Oliver again;
"The Fathers of the Church were calculating or compulsive liars and forgers".
His knowledge of the history of this period enabled Nietzsche to expose the Conspiracy of the Cult of Christianity;
"Was it not, a necessary feature of the secret black art of the 'grand politics' of vengeance, a far-sighted, subterranean, slowly and carefully planned vengeance, that Israel had to deny its true instrument publicly and nail him to the cross like a mortal enemy, so that 'the whole world' - meaning the enemies of the Jews - might naively swallow the bait! ".
[Nietzsche GM 1:8]
An examination of political subversion at this period of the Roman Empire will show that conspiracy was the norm, not the exception.As the Classicist R.P.Oliver writes;"As early as 186 B.C. the Roman Senate tried to regulate the Bacchanalian rites of a cult that had been imported from Etruria, and used 'freedom of worship' as a cover for nocturnal orgies of promiscuity and perversion. Investigation disclosed that the alien 'religion' was really a secret conspiracy that worked systematically to entrap and corrupt young men and women in adolescence, and practiced, in addition to ual profligacy, such associated arts as the forging of wills and murder by poison.Despite the laws that were enacted to supress the conspiracy, other foreign cults were soon imported to provide religious camouflage for depravity, subversion and sedition".
It was in this hot-house atmosphere that the cult of Christianity was born.The Dead Sea Scrolls display a crude form of 'communism' and a hatred of the authorities - i.e., the 'Roman occupiers' and Jewish leaders who collaborated with the Romans. The famous 'War Scroll' contains the following;"In that indicated time, He shall advance with great revengefulness to fight against the kings of the North, and His anger will be so great that he will destroy Belial's horn and cut it off. That will be an era of liberation for God's people, and eternal destruction for all them that belong to Belial's party. So evil will completely perish and not a single one of the Children of Darkness will escape".
This perfectly illustrates the resentful slave revolt in morals described by Nietzsche in the 'Genealogy of Morals'; such pent up Jewish hatred will seek all devious means, including conspiracy, to achieve its insanely revaluated objectives;
"When they close ranks for battle, they will write on their banners:'War of God', 'Battle of God', 'Retaliation of God', 'Strength of God', 'Reprisal of God', 'Power of God', 'God Destroys All Nations' ".
[War Scroll, 'Dead Sea Scrolls' - Baigent/Leigh ed.]
This explains Jesus's utterance;
"Think not that I am come to send peace on Earth: I come not to send peace, but a sword". [Matt.10]
Once Christianity became organised, and got it hands on the levers of power, conspiracy and terror became institutionalised - not only that, but by the simple expedient of 'baptism', a Gentile-hating Jew was able to become a 'Christian', and work his subversion from within under the cover of Holy Water.
Oliver again;
"The Fathers of the Church were calculating or compulsive liars and forgers".
His knowledge of the history of this period enabled Nietzsche to expose the Conspiracy of the Cult of Christianity;
"Was it not, a necessary feature of the secret black art of the 'grand politics' of vengeance, a far-sighted, subterranean, slowly and carefully planned vengeance, that Israel had to deny its true instrument publicly and nail him to the cross like a mortal enemy, so that 'the whole world' - meaning the enemies of the Jews - might naively swallow the bait! ".
[Nietzsche GM 1:8]
The Bible's Siege Barbarism
The Bible advocates the beseigement of peoples, hoping to force the beseiged to eat their own children in order to stay alive. It takes great joy in this barbarism;
"And he shall beseige thee in all thy gates, until thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou trustedst, throughout all thy land, which the LORD thy God hath given thee.
And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters, which the LORD thy God hath given thee, in the seige, and in the straitness wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee".
[The Bible, deut.28]
The Jews go on a glorious murder spree;
"And all the spoil of these cities, and the cattle, the children of Israel took for a prey unto themselves; but every man they smote with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed them, neither left they any to breathe.
As the LORD commanded Moses his servant, so did Moses command Joshua, and so did Joshua".[ib.13]
This is what 'servants' do when they get the power!
And to what end is all this carnage?"All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD: and all the the kindreds of the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee".
[Psalm 22]
The whole WORLD at the feet of the Jewish God - does any one doubt what that means!
It is nothing other than the Slave Revolt in Morals: the Masters bowing down to the Slaves!
"And he shall beseige thee in all thy gates, until thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou trustedst, throughout all thy land, which the LORD thy God hath given thee.
And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters, which the LORD thy God hath given thee, in the seige, and in the straitness wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee".
[The Bible, deut.28]
The Jews go on a glorious murder spree;
"And all the spoil of these cities, and the cattle, the children of Israel took for a prey unto themselves; but every man they smote with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed them, neither left they any to breathe.
As the LORD commanded Moses his servant, so did Moses command Joshua, and so did Joshua".[ib.13]
This is what 'servants' do when they get the power!
And to what end is all this carnage?"All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD: and all the the kindreds of the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee".
[Psalm 22]
The whole WORLD at the feet of the Jewish God - does any one doubt what that means!
It is nothing other than the Slave Revolt in Morals: the Masters bowing down to the Slaves!
Christianity's Trojan Horse of Resentment
How right Nietzsche is to expose Christianity's conspiracy against Aryan nobility;
"Christianity only takes up the fight that had already begun against the CLASSICAL ideal and the NOBLE religion". (Nietzsche WM 196)
And what was this Noble religion? -"Christianity is the great anti-pagan movement of antiquity". (ib. 195)
This religion, sprung out of Judaism, was used as a Trojan Horse to infect and finally exterminate Aryan Nobility. It was largely the masterplan of Saul, who changed his Semitic name to the gentile name Paul; Christians know him as 'saint' Paul to Nietzsche he is;"Paul, the genius of hatred". (Nietzsche, 'The Antichristian')
Taking a deep breath, let us examine some of the evidence.
Jesus's utterances in the Gospels ['good tidings' - what irony!] are full of paradoxes which betoken interpolation. The very Jewish Jesus who says that he 'has not come to bring peace to the earth, but to bring a sword' (see 'The Bible', Matthew 10), preaches the opposite in the same Gospel;
"Turn the other cheek". (Matt. 5.39)
And elsewhere;"Love your enemies". (Luke 6)
Of course it is this latter 'Christian' message for Gentile ears which betokens the Trojan Horse; by this debilitating poison of pacifism, 'Jesus' will make the Aryans ripe for conquest!
That 'His' message was different for Jews is shown by the following, when he shows solidarity with the Jewish Old Testament;"Think not that I am come to destroy the Law, or the Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill". (Matthew 5)
And what was that message waiting for fulfilment?
It was of a world conquering JEWISH Messiah, who is spoken of here;
"They shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet". (Isaiah 49)
The tremendous store of hatred and revenge against Gentile/Aryan nations spews out - pure ressentiment. It is this which is carried by duplicity of Christianity into the Noble bloodstream!
This Jesus makes his conspiracy clear;
"I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel".(Matt.15)
Christians though, are meant to obey the following;
"Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned; forgive and ye shall be forgiven". (Luke 6)
Oh how very convenient! - is that the Jewish law?
No, the Law is for the Jews, - it is the Gentiles who are to be fed the self-destructive nonsense of liberalism, altruism and humility - 'do not fight back!'.
Think of all those generations of European children who were brainwashed as they were forced to recite this poisonous creed in the famous 'Lord's Prayer';
"And forgive us our misdeeds, as we forgive the misdeeds of others towards us".
All that forgiveness comes in handy when your ancestral religion, homeland and race is being destroyed in front of your very eyes!No wonder the 'West' has become lawless with this kind of Christian filth infusing all its institutions.
That this 'Christianity' was a conspiracy to chronically annhilate Aryan values, beginning with pagan Rome, cannot be doubted;
"I send you forth as lambs among wolves". (Luke 10)
But, to deflect charges of 'anti-Semitism', I shall quote a Jew on the matter;
"Only after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 A.D. the new belief of Christianity started to win respect.
A patriotic Jew, called Paul or Saul, hit on the idea of breaking the moral backbone of the Roman soldiers by means of the doctrine of love and pacifism, preached by a small Jewish sect, in order to force Rome to its knees and humiliate it.He became the apostle to the heathens, the very person who had been, up to then, one of the most zealous persecutors of that gang, the Christians. Paul did it so well that 400 years later, this huge Empire, which had conquered Palestine and half the world, had become a heap of rubble. And the Law of Moses, which had gone out from Sion, became the state religion of Rome".[Marcus Eli Ravage, 1928]
That Trojan Horse rumbles on today with its liberalism, political correctness, anti-racism, anti-sm, and all the rest of its pseudo-Christian doctrines!
"Christianity only takes up the fight that had already begun against the CLASSICAL ideal and the NOBLE religion". (Nietzsche WM 196)
And what was this Noble religion? -"Christianity is the great anti-pagan movement of antiquity". (ib. 195)
This religion, sprung out of Judaism, was used as a Trojan Horse to infect and finally exterminate Aryan Nobility. It was largely the masterplan of Saul, who changed his Semitic name to the gentile name Paul; Christians know him as 'saint' Paul to Nietzsche he is;"Paul, the genius of hatred". (Nietzsche, 'The Antichristian')
Taking a deep breath, let us examine some of the evidence.
Jesus's utterances in the Gospels ['good tidings' - what irony!] are full of paradoxes which betoken interpolation. The very Jewish Jesus who says that he 'has not come to bring peace to the earth, but to bring a sword' (see 'The Bible', Matthew 10), preaches the opposite in the same Gospel;
"Turn the other cheek". (Matt. 5.39)
And elsewhere;"Love your enemies". (Luke 6)
Of course it is this latter 'Christian' message for Gentile ears which betokens the Trojan Horse; by this debilitating poison of pacifism, 'Jesus' will make the Aryans ripe for conquest!
That 'His' message was different for Jews is shown by the following, when he shows solidarity with the Jewish Old Testament;"Think not that I am come to destroy the Law, or the Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill". (Matthew 5)
And what was that message waiting for fulfilment?
It was of a world conquering JEWISH Messiah, who is spoken of here;
"They shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet". (Isaiah 49)
The tremendous store of hatred and revenge against Gentile/Aryan nations spews out - pure ressentiment. It is this which is carried by duplicity of Christianity into the Noble bloodstream!
This Jesus makes his conspiracy clear;
"I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel".(Matt.15)
Christians though, are meant to obey the following;
"Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned; forgive and ye shall be forgiven". (Luke 6)
Oh how very convenient! - is that the Jewish law?
No, the Law is for the Jews, - it is the Gentiles who are to be fed the self-destructive nonsense of liberalism, altruism and humility - 'do not fight back!'.
Think of all those generations of European children who were brainwashed as they were forced to recite this poisonous creed in the famous 'Lord's Prayer';
"And forgive us our misdeeds, as we forgive the misdeeds of others towards us".
All that forgiveness comes in handy when your ancestral religion, homeland and race is being destroyed in front of your very eyes!No wonder the 'West' has become lawless with this kind of Christian filth infusing all its institutions.
That this 'Christianity' was a conspiracy to chronically annhilate Aryan values, beginning with pagan Rome, cannot be doubted;
"I send you forth as lambs among wolves". (Luke 10)
But, to deflect charges of 'anti-Semitism', I shall quote a Jew on the matter;
"Only after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 A.D. the new belief of Christianity started to win respect.
A patriotic Jew, called Paul or Saul, hit on the idea of breaking the moral backbone of the Roman soldiers by means of the doctrine of love and pacifism, preached by a small Jewish sect, in order to force Rome to its knees and humiliate it.He became the apostle to the heathens, the very person who had been, up to then, one of the most zealous persecutors of that gang, the Christians. Paul did it so well that 400 years later, this huge Empire, which had conquered Palestine and half the world, had become a heap of rubble. And the Law of Moses, which had gone out from Sion, became the state religion of Rome".[Marcus Eli Ravage, 1928]
That Trojan Horse rumbles on today with its liberalism, political correctness, anti-racism, anti-sm, and all the rest of its pseudo-Christian doctrines!
Thursday, 26 January 2006
Against the Jewish Slave revolt in Morals
First, Nietzsche understands that the Jewish religion of the Chosen People is the strongest example of spiritualised 'racism' in world history - anyone who actually READS the Old Testament cannot deny this.
Secondly, we must distinguish between the 'anti-Semitism' of Nietzsche's time espoused by Christians [and CHRISTIANISED/SECULARISED JEWS] in Germany, and his own original campaign against the Jewish Slave revolt in Morals which destroyed Nobility.
The final quote is from 1887, and cannot therefore refer to Hitler; indeed, it would seem to prophesy the bitter civil war within Europe which was to erupt between 1914 and 1945 [remembering that a corrupt Britain declared war on Germany on both occasions - see what Nietzsche has to say about the British in the same book!].
Hitler's plan was for a united Europe, around the Nordic-Latin Axis of Germany/Italy to form an Alliance with Britain and her dependencies; this was a Big European idea, a Good European idea - very different to the petty nationalism of Nietzsche's time.
A crude anti-sm/anti-Semitism is without intellectual credibility. However, the 'Distance' between Semitic and Aryan culture must be explored, and cannot be held-hostage by anti-Semitism, or anti-sm.
Those who wish to honestly engage with Nietzsche cannot be frightened of approaching the conflict of 'Judea versus Rome' - for this is the cultural/political Nietzsche.
The main difference is that the Aryans generated the culture of Master Morality.
Secondly, we must distinguish between the 'anti-Semitism' of Nietzsche's time espoused by Christians [and CHRISTIANISED/SECULARISED JEWS] in Germany, and his own original campaign against the Jewish Slave revolt in Morals which destroyed Nobility.
The final quote is from 1887, and cannot therefore refer to Hitler; indeed, it would seem to prophesy the bitter civil war within Europe which was to erupt between 1914 and 1945 [remembering that a corrupt Britain declared war on Germany on both occasions - see what Nietzsche has to say about the British in the same book!].
Hitler's plan was for a united Europe, around the Nordic-Latin Axis of Germany/Italy to form an Alliance with Britain and her dependencies; this was a Big European idea, a Good European idea - very different to the petty nationalism of Nietzsche's time.
A crude anti-sm/anti-Semitism is without intellectual credibility. However, the 'Distance' between Semitic and Aryan culture must be explored, and cannot be held-hostage by anti-Semitism, or anti-sm.
Those who wish to honestly engage with Nietzsche cannot be frightened of approaching the conflict of 'Judea versus Rome' - for this is the cultural/political Nietzsche.
The main difference is that the Aryans generated the culture of Master Morality.
Spiritual A.I.D.S.
Point of fact;
Christianity was imposed on the already existing Nobility of Europe through the powerful offices of the Roman Empire. That state structure was developed in Pagan Rome, and when it collapsed [the state, but not the parasitic Roman Church] , it was the mostly still Pagan Germanic Nobility which over-ran the Empire and filled the political vacuum.
The Roman Church then set about 'Christianising' those Pagan Nobilities, such as the Goths, the Franks, the Vandals etc. That process [akin to a holocaust] was still underway into the Middle Ages.
1) Nobility PRECEEDED the middle eastern creed of Christianity in Europe, and it was only through the means of Roman institutions that that Pagan Nobility was Christianised.
2) There is no 'Christian Nobility' per se because the religion began among slaves.
3) Christianity infected European Nobility (one's strength is evidenced by one's ability to withstand even the most deadly of infection).
4) Christianity is spiritual A.I.D.S.
Christianity was imposed on the already existing Nobility of Europe through the powerful offices of the Roman Empire. That state structure was developed in Pagan Rome, and when it collapsed [the state, but not the parasitic Roman Church] , it was the mostly still Pagan Germanic Nobility which over-ran the Empire and filled the political vacuum.
The Roman Church then set about 'Christianising' those Pagan Nobilities, such as the Goths, the Franks, the Vandals etc. That process [akin to a holocaust] was still underway into the Middle Ages.
1) Nobility PRECEEDED the middle eastern creed of Christianity in Europe, and it was only through the means of Roman institutions that that Pagan Nobility was Christianised.
2) There is no 'Christian Nobility' per se because the religion began among slaves.
3) Christianity infected European Nobility (one's strength is evidenced by one's ability to withstand even the most deadly of infection).
4) Christianity is spiritual A.I.D.S.
Moses as the inventor of Jihad, Abraham as the first Hollywood .
Hollywood Jews invented the 'American Dream'.
But every dream unconsciously evokes its own nightmare.
Hollywood Jews invented the 'American Dream'.
But every dream unconsciously evokes its own nightmare.
Paganism's history is one of assimilating other gods and traditions - that is true tolerance - unlike the 'one God only' bigotry of Judaism/Christianity/Islam.Pagan polytheism, with its endless array of gods, GODDESSES, demigods and heroes, pays tribute to its openness.
It was Jehovah who said, "for I am a jealous God".
It was Jehovah who said, "for I am a jealous God".
Straight to the point;
1) Belief in the phantom of Absolute Truth as espoused by Christianity leads to the realisation that this cannot be found; hence Nihilism.
2) Christianity has lead to atheism because it presents the most revolting spectacle of a jealous God and a 'son' who preaches an ambiguous slow suicide, and an apostle Paul who preaches hatred of the Body.Such conceptions would lead anyone (of noble blood) imbued by them over generations to reject the Christian God (now thought to be religion per se) and throw the spiritual baby out with the bath-water; Nihilistic Atheism is a peculiar post-Christian phenomena .
3) The Dionysian religiosity is the solution for Good Europeans, a returning home to our master morality.
4) Dionysos resides in the Universe as the most spiritual Will to Power, and in the self as Body and the Earth; he has been evoked by great artists and thinkers throughout the ages; His calling is the Uebermensch.
1) Belief in the phantom of Absolute Truth as espoused by Christianity leads to the realisation that this cannot be found; hence Nihilism.
2) Christianity has lead to atheism because it presents the most revolting spectacle of a jealous God and a 'son' who preaches an ambiguous slow suicide, and an apostle Paul who preaches hatred of the Body.Such conceptions would lead anyone (of noble blood) imbued by them over generations to reject the Christian God (now thought to be religion per se) and throw the spiritual baby out with the bath-water; Nihilistic Atheism is a peculiar post-Christian phenomena .
3) The Dionysian religiosity is the solution for Good Europeans, a returning home to our master morality.
4) Dionysos resides in the Universe as the most spiritual Will to Power, and in the self as Body and the Earth; he has been evoked by great artists and thinkers throughout the ages; His calling is the Uebermensch.
Nietzsche neither "rambled" nor "lamented"; on the contrary, his writing 'evolved' towards ever tighter concision, and his overall sensibility was one of cheerfulness.
Christianity was rooted in Jewish Slave Morality, but its interpretation in Europe showed that the underlying paganism was not vanquished. Examples are the Emperor Julian's return to Paganism, the long slow and painful process of Christianisation which was latest and least convincing in Scandinavia. The preservation of pagan lore in the Classical civilisation and in the Celto-Germanic world [the Eddas, Sagas, Epics, Arthurian cycles etc.,].The pagan quality of the Troubadors and their culture of knightly love; the profound triumph of the Renaiisance giving Europe and the world some of the finest artistic and intellectual work. The Enlightenment finally made the Judeao-Christian nonsense suspect [as well as scientifically confirming the Aryan connections between Europe and Asia], while Romanticism reinvigorated the pagan Mysticism indigeneous to the European. The 'divine right theory' in Europe is actually pagan in inspiration, this is evidenced by the most extreme form of it was The Sun King, in all his immoral splendour in pre-Revolutionary France!Plenty to affirm here which is not Christian!
The idea that 'love' is a specifically Christian notion is nonsense; indeed it is pagan pantheism which sees all things as living and worthy of love, while the Bible extolls man to master the beasts of the earth, and use the latter to his own ends. It is the Jewish-Christians who demystify the earth and animal kingdoms; it is the Christians who make the Body a thing of shame and a sin.Christ's ambiguous message hallows the destruction of the enviroment and spiteful religious war.Lest anyone should say that this was a perversion of Christ's own message, let's not forget 'His' words;"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth; I come not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother (etc.,) ... And a man's foes shall be they of his own household".[Matthew 10, 34-6]
Here we have the plan to destroy Aryan civilisation which was set out in full much later in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion!This Messiah is spoken of in the Book of Revelation like this;"His eyes were as a flame of fire ... and out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword". [Rev.1,14-6]"And he was clothed with a vesture dripped in blood". [ib. 19,13]
The European literature of love is derived from the pagan culture, where love is spoken of in various nuances - agape, eros etc., Christianity, like Islam, and like Judaism, is a hateful monotheistic Misanthropism;
"He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the Lord only, he shall be utterly destroyed".[Exodus 22,20]THAT is the key to the hateful farce as it flows from the Jews to the Christians and onto the Moslems [not to mention the 'Democrats'].
To the pagan, a god is an equal of a Noble; to the Jew/Christian/Moslem, God is Jealous Master, wrathful and spiteful.
Not the Darwinian 'will to survival', but the Will to Power is Nietzsche's philosophy; it is the philosophy of the Noble pagan cultures which once stretched around the world before the eruption of hateful monotono-theism in the shape of the genius race of resentment and their Bible-doctrine which has spawned the most negative religions and post-religious ideologies like Communism.
Christianity was rooted in Jewish Slave Morality, but its interpretation in Europe showed that the underlying paganism was not vanquished. Examples are the Emperor Julian's return to Paganism, the long slow and painful process of Christianisation which was latest and least convincing in Scandinavia. The preservation of pagan lore in the Classical civilisation and in the Celto-Germanic world [the Eddas, Sagas, Epics, Arthurian cycles etc.,].The pagan quality of the Troubadors and their culture of knightly love; the profound triumph of the Renaiisance giving Europe and the world some of the finest artistic and intellectual work. The Enlightenment finally made the Judeao-Christian nonsense suspect [as well as scientifically confirming the Aryan connections between Europe and Asia], while Romanticism reinvigorated the pagan Mysticism indigeneous to the European. The 'divine right theory' in Europe is actually pagan in inspiration, this is evidenced by the most extreme form of it was The Sun King, in all his immoral splendour in pre-Revolutionary France!Plenty to affirm here which is not Christian!
The idea that 'love' is a specifically Christian notion is nonsense; indeed it is pagan pantheism which sees all things as living and worthy of love, while the Bible extolls man to master the beasts of the earth, and use the latter to his own ends. It is the Jewish-Christians who demystify the earth and animal kingdoms; it is the Christians who make the Body a thing of shame and a sin.Christ's ambiguous message hallows the destruction of the enviroment and spiteful religious war.Lest anyone should say that this was a perversion of Christ's own message, let's not forget 'His' words;"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth; I come not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother (etc.,) ... And a man's foes shall be they of his own household".[Matthew 10, 34-6]
Here we have the plan to destroy Aryan civilisation which was set out in full much later in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion!This Messiah is spoken of in the Book of Revelation like this;"His eyes were as a flame of fire ... and out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword". [Rev.1,14-6]"And he was clothed with a vesture dripped in blood". [ib. 19,13]
The European literature of love is derived from the pagan culture, where love is spoken of in various nuances - agape, eros etc., Christianity, like Islam, and like Judaism, is a hateful monotheistic Misanthropism;
"He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the Lord only, he shall be utterly destroyed".[Exodus 22,20]THAT is the key to the hateful farce as it flows from the Jews to the Christians and onto the Moslems [not to mention the 'Democrats'].
To the pagan, a god is an equal of a Noble; to the Jew/Christian/Moslem, God is Jealous Master, wrathful and spiteful.
Not the Darwinian 'will to survival', but the Will to Power is Nietzsche's philosophy; it is the philosophy of the Noble pagan cultures which once stretched around the world before the eruption of hateful monotono-theism in the shape of the genius race of resentment and their Bible-doctrine which has spawned the most negative religions and post-religious ideologies like Communism.
14 Points
1) To My Enemy
Unwilling friend, let not your spite abate:Help me with scorn, and strengthen me with hate.[John Davidson; Davidson was a poet much influenced by Nietzsche - he was born in 1857]
2) "Provided one has a right to link the salvation and future of the human race with the unconditional dominance of aristocratic values, Roman values ..."[Nietzsche GM 1:16]
For man to actually HAVE a future, it is necessary that Noble Values dominate the earth; without that, mankind will become extinct, or worse, slip back to its simian past, devolve into an ape, 'more ape-like than any ape'.Nietzschean philosophy is our 'salvation' .
3) The Testament of John Davidson
...But with the unfading gods
Who live in the eternal moment, timeHas nought to do; their beauty and their strength
Renew themselves: with every ardent pulse
Desire augments throughout eternity.[Davidson, Testament, lines 1746 - 1750]
One should never forget that this is a Dionysian philosophy which lusts after the nobility of pagan culture in all its rich irrationality and will to might.
4) Deus est Amor
If a race NEGLECTS to create its own gods, it gets the bump.[Ezra Pound 1940]
5) "In the heathen classics you find no consciousness of sin ...They were conscious of wrath, of cruelty, avarice, drunkenness, lust, sloth, cowardice, and other actual vices, and struggled and got rid of the deformities, but they were not conscious of 'enmity against God', and didn't sit down and whine and groan against non-existent evil".[Theodore Parker]
6) Terra Italica
The glory of the polytheistic anschauung is that it never asserted a single and obligatory path for everyone.It never caused the assertion that everyone was fit for initiation and it never caused an attempt to force people into a path alien to their sensibilities.Paganism never feared knowledge. It feared ignorance and under a flood of ignorance it was driven out of its temples.[E.Pound 1931]
7) The Religion of Healthy-Mindedness
The earlier Greeks neither denied the ills of nature, nor did they, in order to escape from those ills, invent 'another and better world' of the imagination, in which, along with the ills, the innocent goods of sense would also find no place.[Wm. James]
8) All this was not lost with the fall of Greece and Rome; even into the Christian period much of the pagan lore, and therefore the aristocratic culture, was preserved in various ways (both esoteric and exoteric).
Indeed, the very blood itself so cried out for nobility that there were returns to the Graeco-Roman period;
"There was, to be sure, in the Renaissance an uncanny and glittering reawakening of the classical ideal, of the noble mode of evaluating things ..."[Nietzsche GM 1:16]
The forces of the counter-renaissance in the form of the Christian Churches both Protestant and Catholic did much to curtail this rebirth of the aristocratic ideal.
9) "With the French Revolution, Judea once again triumphed over the classical ideal ..."[Nietzsche GM 1:16]
It must be noted that it was the French Revolutionary government of 1791 which bestowed full civic rights on the Jews - this was Judaism's green light; social emancipation for the Jews followed throughout Europe [but conspicuously not in Tsarist Russia]
We want an European religion.
Christianity is verminous with semitic infections.
What we really believe is the pre-Christian element which Christianity has not stamped out.[E.Pound 1939]
11) "Like a last signpost to the OTHER path, Napoleon appeared, the most isolated and late-born man there has ever been, and in him the problem of the NOBLE IDEAL AS SUCH made flesh - one might well ponder WHAT kind of problem it is: Napoleon, this synthesis of the OVERBEAST and OVERMAN ."[Nietzsche GM 1:16]
For Nietzsche Napoleon was a gurantee that a return to Nobility is always possible, no matter how dire and 'democratic' the situation may be.
12) "Must the ancient fire not some day flare up much more terribly, after much longer preparation?More: must one not desire it with all one's might? even will it? even promote it? "[Nietzsche GM 1:17]
It is possible that Nietzsche was uttering a prophecy of Fascism here.
We can look forward to more such eruptions of that volcano in the future.
13) And let us be reminded of the mood of Master Morality among the Norsemen.
Look at the figure of Hrafnkel in the 'Saga of Hrafnkel Frey's Godi', as he sets out to deal with the oath-breaker Einar;
"He rode wearing black clothes. He had an axe in his hand, but no other weapons".
His retribution is swift and merciless;
"Then he leapt off his horse and swung his axe at Einar. He met his death immediately. After he had completed that, Hrafnkel rode home to announce the news".
When Einar's kinsmen seek legal recompence, they are told;
"You are not unaware that I never pay anyone reparations".
Einar's kinsmen suggest a mediating party; Hrafnkel replies;
"You regard yourself as my equal then, and we will never come to an agreement on that basis".
14) All this goes to show that it is Slave Morality which must be overcome, and Master Morality which must replace it;
"At least 'Beyond Good and Evil' does NOT mean 'Beyond Good and Bad' ".[Nietzsche GM 1:17]
Unwilling friend, let not your spite abate:Help me with scorn, and strengthen me with hate.[John Davidson; Davidson was a poet much influenced by Nietzsche - he was born in 1857]
2) "Provided one has a right to link the salvation and future of the human race with the unconditional dominance of aristocratic values, Roman values ..."[Nietzsche GM 1:16]
For man to actually HAVE a future, it is necessary that Noble Values dominate the earth; without that, mankind will become extinct, or worse, slip back to its simian past, devolve into an ape, 'more ape-like than any ape'.Nietzschean philosophy is our 'salvation' .
3) The Testament of John Davidson
...But with the unfading gods
Who live in the eternal moment, timeHas nought to do; their beauty and their strength
Renew themselves: with every ardent pulse
Desire augments throughout eternity.[Davidson, Testament, lines 1746 - 1750]
One should never forget that this is a Dionysian philosophy which lusts after the nobility of pagan culture in all its rich irrationality and will to might.
4) Deus est Amor
If a race NEGLECTS to create its own gods, it gets the bump.[Ezra Pound 1940]
5) "In the heathen classics you find no consciousness of sin ...They were conscious of wrath, of cruelty, avarice, drunkenness, lust, sloth, cowardice, and other actual vices, and struggled and got rid of the deformities, but they were not conscious of 'enmity against God', and didn't sit down and whine and groan against non-existent evil".[Theodore Parker]
6) Terra Italica
The glory of the polytheistic anschauung is that it never asserted a single and obligatory path for everyone.It never caused the assertion that everyone was fit for initiation and it never caused an attempt to force people into a path alien to their sensibilities.Paganism never feared knowledge. It feared ignorance and under a flood of ignorance it was driven out of its temples.[E.Pound 1931]
7) The Religion of Healthy-Mindedness
The earlier Greeks neither denied the ills of nature, nor did they, in order to escape from those ills, invent 'another and better world' of the imagination, in which, along with the ills, the innocent goods of sense would also find no place.[Wm. James]
8) All this was not lost with the fall of Greece and Rome; even into the Christian period much of the pagan lore, and therefore the aristocratic culture, was preserved in various ways (both esoteric and exoteric).
Indeed, the very blood itself so cried out for nobility that there were returns to the Graeco-Roman period;
"There was, to be sure, in the Renaissance an uncanny and glittering reawakening of the classical ideal, of the noble mode of evaluating things ..."[Nietzsche GM 1:16]
The forces of the counter-renaissance in the form of the Christian Churches both Protestant and Catholic did much to curtail this rebirth of the aristocratic ideal.
9) "With the French Revolution, Judea once again triumphed over the classical ideal ..."[Nietzsche GM 1:16]
It must be noted that it was the French Revolutionary government of 1791 which bestowed full civic rights on the Jews - this was Judaism's green light; social emancipation for the Jews followed throughout Europe [but conspicuously not in Tsarist Russia]
We want an European religion.
Christianity is verminous with semitic infections.
What we really believe is the pre-Christian element which Christianity has not stamped out.[E.Pound 1939]
11) "Like a last signpost to the OTHER path, Napoleon appeared, the most isolated and late-born man there has ever been, and in him the problem of the NOBLE IDEAL AS SUCH made flesh - one might well ponder WHAT kind of problem it is: Napoleon, this synthesis of the OVERBEAST and OVERMAN ."[Nietzsche GM 1:16]
For Nietzsche Napoleon was a gurantee that a return to Nobility is always possible, no matter how dire and 'democratic' the situation may be.
12) "Must the ancient fire not some day flare up much more terribly, after much longer preparation?More: must one not desire it with all one's might? even will it? even promote it? "[Nietzsche GM 1:17]
It is possible that Nietzsche was uttering a prophecy of Fascism here.
We can look forward to more such eruptions of that volcano in the future.
13) And let us be reminded of the mood of Master Morality among the Norsemen.
Look at the figure of Hrafnkel in the 'Saga of Hrafnkel Frey's Godi', as he sets out to deal with the oath-breaker Einar;
"He rode wearing black clothes. He had an axe in his hand, but no other weapons".
His retribution is swift and merciless;
"Then he leapt off his horse and swung his axe at Einar. He met his death immediately. After he had completed that, Hrafnkel rode home to announce the news".
When Einar's kinsmen seek legal recompence, they are told;
"You are not unaware that I never pay anyone reparations".
Einar's kinsmen suggest a mediating party; Hrafnkel replies;
"You regard yourself as my equal then, and we will never come to an agreement on that basis".
14) All this goes to show that it is Slave Morality which must be overcome, and Master Morality which must replace it;
"At least 'Beyond Good and Evil' does NOT mean 'Beyond Good and Bad' ".[Nietzsche GM 1:17]
7 Points
1)Twas once - perhaps year one of our blessed Lord -
Drunk without wine, the Sybil thus deplored;-
"How wrong things go!
Decay! Decay! Ne'er sank the world so low!
Great Rome has turned harlot and harlot-stew,
Rome's Caesar a beast; and God has turned - Jew! ".[Nietzsche,TSZ}
2)The Eight Salvations (A Revaluation)
Blessed are the abundant in spirit, for they shall be true to the earth,
Blessed are the cheerful, for they are their own comfort,
Blessed are the noble, for they shall conquer the earth,
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after rankordering, they shall enforce it,
Blessed are they who are without pity, and are only merciful amongst equals,
Blessed are they with scars in their heart from fighting against Nihilism,
Blessed are they who choose war and enter into the innocence of becoming,
Blessed are the victorious, for theirs is the glory of the body and the earth.
[freely adapted from J.Rogiers,'The Bible'/Sermon on the Mount]
3)Towards New Seas.
That way is my WILL; I trust
In my mind and in my grip.
Without plan, into the vast
Open sea I head my ship.
All is shining, new and newer,
Upon space and time sleepeth noon;
Only YOUR eye - monstrously,
Stares at me, Infinity ![Nietzsche]
4)"What are the general rules governing the breeding of animals when it comes specifically to improving the stock?
i) An ideal specimen is selected first of all to establish what the selection process is aimimg at, and also to give individual breeders a sort of inner compass to point their efforts in the right direction ...
ii) The best animals are paired with the best ...
iii) Animals are selected according to their pedigree.
iv) The qualities and yield of every animal considered for breeding are evaluated ...
v) The attributes of the offspring are carefully tested, because to some extent this provides a way of establishing whether the first four steps have been taken correctly ..."[W.Darre 1930]
5)The Tree Speaks
Too lonely have I grown, too high
-I wait: and yet for what wait I ?
Of the clouds, too near, I bear the yoke;
I wait upon the lightning-stroke.[Nietzsche]
6) "I would give a 100,000 marks all at once if I were as well-bred as Nietzsche; he is always the aristocrat, always dignified. Such deportment is of the utmost value to anyone".[Wagner to Elisabeth Nietzsche, 1874]
7) Of Old and New Tables (19)
I draw around me circles and holy boundaries.
Ever fewer mount with me ever higher mountains.
I build a mountain chain out of ever holier mountains.But whatever ye mount with me, O my brethren, see to it that no PARASITE mount with you!Parasite - that is a worm, a creeping, bent one, that wisheth to fatten upon your hidden sores and wounds.
And THIS is its art, that it findeth out ascending souls, where they are weary.
In your sorrow and bad mood, in your tender shame, he buildeth his loathsome nest.
Wherever the strong is weak, and the Noble much-too-mild - there he buildeth his loathsome nest.
The parasite dwelleth where the great one hath small hidden wounds.
Drunk without wine, the Sybil thus deplored;-
"How wrong things go!
Decay! Decay! Ne'er sank the world so low!
Great Rome has turned harlot and harlot-stew,
Rome's Caesar a beast; and God has turned - Jew! ".[Nietzsche,TSZ}
2)The Eight Salvations (A Revaluation)
Blessed are the abundant in spirit, for they shall be true to the earth,
Blessed are the cheerful, for they are their own comfort,
Blessed are the noble, for they shall conquer the earth,
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after rankordering, they shall enforce it,
Blessed are they who are without pity, and are only merciful amongst equals,
Blessed are they with scars in their heart from fighting against Nihilism,
Blessed are they who choose war and enter into the innocence of becoming,
Blessed are the victorious, for theirs is the glory of the body and the earth.
[freely adapted from J.Rogiers,'The Bible'/Sermon on the Mount]
3)Towards New Seas.
That way is my WILL; I trust
In my mind and in my grip.
Without plan, into the vast
Open sea I head my ship.
All is shining, new and newer,
Upon space and time sleepeth noon;
Only YOUR eye - monstrously,
Stares at me, Infinity ![Nietzsche]
4)"What are the general rules governing the breeding of animals when it comes specifically to improving the stock?
i) An ideal specimen is selected first of all to establish what the selection process is aimimg at, and also to give individual breeders a sort of inner compass to point their efforts in the right direction ...
ii) The best animals are paired with the best ...
iii) Animals are selected according to their pedigree.
iv) The qualities and yield of every animal considered for breeding are evaluated ...
v) The attributes of the offspring are carefully tested, because to some extent this provides a way of establishing whether the first four steps have been taken correctly ..."[W.Darre 1930]
5)The Tree Speaks
Too lonely have I grown, too high
-I wait: and yet for what wait I ?
Of the clouds, too near, I bear the yoke;
I wait upon the lightning-stroke.[Nietzsche]
6) "I would give a 100,000 marks all at once if I were as well-bred as Nietzsche; he is always the aristocrat, always dignified. Such deportment is of the utmost value to anyone".[Wagner to Elisabeth Nietzsche, 1874]
7) Of Old and New Tables (19)
I draw around me circles and holy boundaries.
Ever fewer mount with me ever higher mountains.
I build a mountain chain out of ever holier mountains.But whatever ye mount with me, O my brethren, see to it that no PARASITE mount with you!Parasite - that is a worm, a creeping, bent one, that wisheth to fatten upon your hidden sores and wounds.
And THIS is its art, that it findeth out ascending souls, where they are weary.
In your sorrow and bad mood, in your tender shame, he buildeth his loathsome nest.
Wherever the strong is weak, and the Noble much-too-mild - there he buildeth his loathsome nest.
The parasite dwelleth where the great one hath small hidden wounds.
Aryan Sun
It is the common cant of egalitarians to quote from that scripture, - the 'sun also rises' on the 'just as well as the unjust (i.e., masters)', on the 'good as well as the evil (i.e., noble)', - with its implicit 'all are equal under God'.Of course it also implies that it doesn't matter whether one is good or bad/good or evil/Master or Slave; - all distinctions melt under the heat of this 'Xtian Sun', - which is, of course, the polar opposite of the Aryan Sun.
Shakespeare is satisfied only with being dissolved into the images of the most passionate life".[Nietzsche, 'Daybreak' 549]
"We must be free or die who speak the tongue
That Shakespeare spake".[Wordsworth]
Shakespeare knew that passionate patriotism was ever at the edge of crisis; the England of poetry was ever embattled;
"This England never did, nor never shall,
Lie at the proud foot of a conqueror".[Shak. KJ]
Patriotism is a heightening;
"Awake, awake, English nobility!
Let not sloth dim your honours new-begot".[KH VI Pt.1]
It speaks of integrity;
"Why, knows not Montague that of itself
England is safe if true within itself".[ib.]
The sort of gratitude which pours out when poetry caresses an aristocratic nationalism;
"This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise,
This fortress built by Nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war;
This happy breed of men, this little world,
This precious stone set in the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall,
Or as a moat defensive to a house;
Against the envy of less happier lands;
This bless-ed plot, this earth, this realm, this England,
This nurse, this teeming womb of royal kings".[KR III]
I shouldn't need to continue the above passage as it must be the most renowned in patriotic poetry; as must be the next, where the nation is about to war;
"Once more unto the breech, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead! ".[KH V]
-Thus begins one of the greatest patriotic war-speeches in world history; space does not permit the full quotation [but then it should be known by heart anyway].
Further on, in the same work, the Noble King addresses the various orders of his army;
"And you, good yeomen,
Whose limbs were made in England, show us here
The mettle of your pasture; let us swear
that you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;
For there is none of you so mean and base
that hath not noble lustre in your eyes".[ib.]
The ties of Blood are adverted to elsewhere in the play;
"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England, now a-bed,
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here".[ib.]
The 'mission' of the Nation is made plain;
"The saving forces come from England".[KR III]
And the patriotic truth of monarchy is poeticised;
"My crown is in my heart, not on my head;
Not deck'd with diamonds and Indian stones".[KH VI]
This is why Nietzsche maintains that "monarchy represents the belief in one man who is utterly superior, a Leader, saviour, demigod. Aristocracy represents the belief in an elite humanity and higher caste". [Nietzsche WM 752]
"We must be free or die who speak the tongue
That Shakespeare spake".[Wordsworth]
Shakespeare knew that passionate patriotism was ever at the edge of crisis; the England of poetry was ever embattled;
"This England never did, nor never shall,
Lie at the proud foot of a conqueror".[Shak. KJ]
Patriotism is a heightening;
"Awake, awake, English nobility!
Let not sloth dim your honours new-begot".[KH VI Pt.1]
It speaks of integrity;
"Why, knows not Montague that of itself
England is safe if true within itself".[ib.]
The sort of gratitude which pours out when poetry caresses an aristocratic nationalism;
"This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle,
This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise,
This fortress built by Nature for herself
Against infection and the hand of war;
This happy breed of men, this little world,
This precious stone set in the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall,
Or as a moat defensive to a house;
Against the envy of less happier lands;
This bless-ed plot, this earth, this realm, this England,
This nurse, this teeming womb of royal kings".[KR III]
I shouldn't need to continue the above passage as it must be the most renowned in patriotic poetry; as must be the next, where the nation is about to war;
"Once more unto the breech, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead! ".[KH V]
-Thus begins one of the greatest patriotic war-speeches in world history; space does not permit the full quotation [but then it should be known by heart anyway].
Further on, in the same work, the Noble King addresses the various orders of his army;
"And you, good yeomen,
Whose limbs were made in England, show us here
The mettle of your pasture; let us swear
that you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;
For there is none of you so mean and base
that hath not noble lustre in your eyes".[ib.]
The ties of Blood are adverted to elsewhere in the play;
"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England, now a-bed,
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here".[ib.]
The 'mission' of the Nation is made plain;
"The saving forces come from England".[KR III]
And the patriotic truth of monarchy is poeticised;
"My crown is in my heart, not on my head;
Not deck'd with diamonds and Indian stones".[KH VI]
This is why Nietzsche maintains that "monarchy represents the belief in one man who is utterly superior, a Leader, saviour, demigod. Aristocracy represents the belief in an elite humanity and higher caste". [Nietzsche WM 752]
"My point of departure is the Prussian soldier: here there is true convention, here there is compulsion, earnestness, and discipline, in matters of form, as well...For some it is almost mythic: it has its origin in the strict disciplining of the Body, and in the scrupulously fulfilled demands of duty".(Nietzsche, Nachlass 29[119], 1873
Philosophy as Art
And philosophy isn't an Art?
The philosopher who isn't at least an aesthetician is not of our ilk.
I demonstrate that when a philosopher is at his most aesthetic, he is also at his most patriotic.
Oh you shallow fool; don't you know that the Nietzschean philosopher is the most tragic of artists!
Was not Art BORN from the Tragic Rites of Dionysos?Is not Nietzsche a disciple of Dionysos?
Is not our 'truth' a picturing, a composing, a 'making' ('poet' - 'maker').
We Nietzschean philosophers have outgrown the minor arts to found our Philosophic Art in the Grand Style.
The Philosophers of the Future will be greater Artists than any artists hitherto because they will create values out of organic and inorganic matter for life - out of Blood, out of Disclipline and Breeding; - the Fascist Ordering of Life as a Total Artwork!
The philosopher who isn't at least an aesthetician is not of our ilk.
I demonstrate that when a philosopher is at his most aesthetic, he is also at his most patriotic.
Oh you shallow fool; don't you know that the Nietzschean philosopher is the most tragic of artists!
Was not Art BORN from the Tragic Rites of Dionysos?Is not Nietzsche a disciple of Dionysos?
Is not our 'truth' a picturing, a composing, a 'making' ('poet' - 'maker').
We Nietzschean philosophers have outgrown the minor arts to found our Philosophic Art in the Grand Style.
The Philosophers of the Future will be greater Artists than any artists hitherto because they will create values out of organic and inorganic matter for life - out of Blood, out of Disclipline and Breeding; - the Fascist Ordering of Life as a Total Artwork!
Patriotic Nietzsche
A patriotic perspective is necessary for great art and vice versa - this is a virtuous circle.
Of the utmost importance to Nietzsche studies is the fact that for Nietzsche, Art is the paradigm for tragic wisdom: Nietzsche's philosophy begins with the assertion that only as an aesthetic phenomenon is life justified.Consequently, I argue that the only justifiable existence is a patriotic one: from that, all else that is beautiful, illusory and tragic follows.
My thesis, as should be known, derives not from my own prejudices, but from a study of Nietzsche in the period when he was close to Wagner - when he was very much a Wagnerian.
During this period he was;
i) at his most aesthetic, and
ii) at his most patriotic.
Of the utmost importance to Nietzsche studies is the fact that for Nietzsche, Art is the paradigm for tragic wisdom: Nietzsche's philosophy begins with the assertion that only as an aesthetic phenomenon is life justified.Consequently, I argue that the only justifiable existence is a patriotic one: from that, all else that is beautiful, illusory and tragic follows.
My thesis, as should be known, derives not from my own prejudices, but from a study of Nietzsche in the period when he was close to Wagner - when he was very much a Wagnerian.
During this period he was;
i) at his most aesthetic, and
ii) at his most patriotic.
Break with Wagner
"All free spirits who are not on guard against magicians will lose their freedom".[Nietzsche TSZ LXXV]
Nietzsche's growing disquiet with the Wagnerian conception of Total Art reached a peak at the time of the first performance of the Ring in total at Bayreuth in 1876; Nietzsche was suffering the crisis of confidence of one who had put so much into a movement which he now had come to inwardly disavow.There was at first a veiled note of criticism when Nietzsche wrote at the time;"Wagner's Nibelung cycle, strictly speaking, are DRAMAS TO BE READ with the aid of the inner fantasy".
Indeed, while at the said performance, Nietzsche had to make his excuses and leave before the final curtain, saying;"We are witnessing the death agony of the LAST GREAT ART: Bayreuth was convinced me of this".
Here is a clear break in Nietzsche's career; - Wagner, like Bayreuth was no longer dear to Nietzsche, - this was not the regeneration for which Nietzsche had planned; now he must needs tread the paths of Solitude.But Nietzsche will never be able to completely reject the influence of Wagner [nor of Schopenhauer] on his future thinking.
"The tradition of the Ancient Olympic Games endured for nearly a thousand years. That results, it seems to me, from a mystery similar to that which lies at the origin of Bayreuth".[ Hitler, 1942]
Nietzsche's growing disquiet with the Wagnerian conception of Total Art reached a peak at the time of the first performance of the Ring in total at Bayreuth in 1876; Nietzsche was suffering the crisis of confidence of one who had put so much into a movement which he now had come to inwardly disavow.There was at first a veiled note of criticism when Nietzsche wrote at the time;"Wagner's Nibelung cycle, strictly speaking, are DRAMAS TO BE READ with the aid of the inner fantasy".
Indeed, while at the said performance, Nietzsche had to make his excuses and leave before the final curtain, saying;"We are witnessing the death agony of the LAST GREAT ART: Bayreuth was convinced me of this".
Here is a clear break in Nietzsche's career; - Wagner, like Bayreuth was no longer dear to Nietzsche, - this was not the regeneration for which Nietzsche had planned; now he must needs tread the paths of Solitude.But Nietzsche will never be able to completely reject the influence of Wagner [nor of Schopenhauer] on his future thinking.
"The tradition of the Ancient Olympic Games endured for nearly a thousand years. That results, it seems to me, from a mystery similar to that which lies at the origin of Bayreuth".[ Hitler, 1942]
Nation works on artist, artist works on nation.
No artist exists within a vacuum.
The process is symbiotic.
Blood is both Body and Spirit.
A cosmopolitan anti-Nation has no 'blood' of its own, and no art of its own.
Its people are mixed and botched, its highest value is Gold not Blood [lesson in Wagner's Ring].
It is different in a true Nation bound by Bloodlines and a Common culture, an Order of Rank and inherited Myths; here understanding doesn't even NEED to be put into words!
But when it is!
Nation works on artist, artist works on nation.
the truly great artists are all held in high esteem by their Nations.
Italy without Dante?
Germany without Goethe?
Greece without Homer?
Shakespeare transcends everything in England, King or Commoner.
And yet there is not a more patriotic writer.How is that?Because the Nation has formed itself to Shakespeare as much as Shakespeare wrote around the myths and history of Nations
They are the most precious things that the Nation possesses.The whole reason for a culture to exist is to produce a Shakespeare.
So, how to make sure the Nation is 'fit' enough to give birth to such a one; that is the the question Nietzsche's philosophy seeks to answer.
You certainly don't get there with Democracy, equality, pop culture, and the rule of money.
Of course, you have to be a Nation with an ancient tradition to appreciate this.
The process is symbiotic.
Blood is both Body and Spirit.
A cosmopolitan anti-Nation has no 'blood' of its own, and no art of its own.
Its people are mixed and botched, its highest value is Gold not Blood [lesson in Wagner's Ring].
It is different in a true Nation bound by Bloodlines and a Common culture, an Order of Rank and inherited Myths; here understanding doesn't even NEED to be put into words!
But when it is!
Nation works on artist, artist works on nation.
the truly great artists are all held in high esteem by their Nations.
Italy without Dante?
Germany without Goethe?
Greece without Homer?
Shakespeare transcends everything in England, King or Commoner.
And yet there is not a more patriotic writer.How is that?Because the Nation has formed itself to Shakespeare as much as Shakespeare wrote around the myths and history of Nations
They are the most precious things that the Nation possesses.The whole reason for a culture to exist is to produce a Shakespeare.
So, how to make sure the Nation is 'fit' enough to give birth to such a one; that is the the question Nietzsche's philosophy seeks to answer.
You certainly don't get there with Democracy, equality, pop culture, and the rule of money.
Of course, you have to be a Nation with an ancient tradition to appreciate this.
Art Blood
Great art must drink deep of the collective unconscious of the particular race-soul from which it gains birth; only when it does THAT does it become in any sense 'universal'.The greatest artists and artworks are the most patriotic;HomerVirgilDanteShakespeareThey are also the most universal, as the call of the Blood resonates in every people.
But try to transfuse the wrong blood type, and the patient dies.
The point is, that greatness knows no moral approval, whether that greatness is Hitler, Nietzsche, or Wagner.
But try to transfuse the wrong blood type, and the patient dies.
The point is, that greatness knows no moral approval, whether that greatness is Hitler, Nietzsche, or Wagner.
Wagner - Bizet - Nietzsche
"The existence of the world is justified only as an aesthetic phenomenon".[Nietzsche, 'Birth of Tragedy']
Art can only be seen as the product of a particular people, a unique ethnos.Art must, like any self-respecting man, be only true to itself; it must deplore anything which seeks to undermine it, devalue it, dilute it or 'dumb it down'.All cultural strength is repaired by a periodic return to the roots.It is this emphasis which explains Wagner's so-called anti-Semitism, a sentiment shared by Nietzsche during his Wagner Period;"Wagner's ideal art in which he shows a close affinity to Schiller, is especially detested by our 'Jews' - and you know what a far-reaching element this is".[Nietzsche, letter to Gersdorff 1870]
There are many who regard this period of Nietzsche's output [late 1860s to mid 1870s] as being his best;"The early Nietzsche - the friend of R.Wagner. The young Nietzsche, hopeful, confident, looking towards the future with a supreme faith in his ideals and his friends; the combative Nietzsche, who in the early 1870s was in the full possession of his powers of body and mind,'Fiery, elastic, and as conscious of his own strength as a young lion',as he appeared to his friend and fellow author Deussen".[Prof Holzer, quoted in the 'Nietzsche Wagner Correspondence']
The interaction between Wagner and Nietzsche should be seen [as it was by the composer Richard Strauss, who immortalised Zarathustra as a tone poem] as one of the great cultural events of the 19th century;"I know of no other way by which I could have been vouchsafed the purest, serenest delight than through the Wagner music, and this, despite the fact that it by no means speaks always of happiness, but more often of uncanny subterranean forces, of human conduct, of suffering in the midst of happiness, and of the finiteness of all human happiness. The enchantment, therefore, that radiates from this music must lay in the manner in which it speaks to us".[Nietzsche, notebook 1875]
Wagner demonstrated through his Art the tenacity of all heroic Will to Power; this was recognised also by Adolf Hitler in 1944;"Think of Wagner and how he was torn to bits for ten years by the critics! The same thing happened with Bizet's 'Carmen'. And now the critics who tore these masterpieces to shreds are completely and utterly forgotten, and the works live on".
The parallel between Wagner and Carmen evidences Hitler's aqaintance with Nietzsche's work, who in his later writing made Carmen the antithesis of Wagner's Parsifal. It is worth noting that the ability to hold both these polarities up at the same time is thoroughly Nietzschean.
Art can only be seen as the product of a particular people, a unique ethnos.Art must, like any self-respecting man, be only true to itself; it must deplore anything which seeks to undermine it, devalue it, dilute it or 'dumb it down'.All cultural strength is repaired by a periodic return to the roots.It is this emphasis which explains Wagner's so-called anti-Semitism, a sentiment shared by Nietzsche during his Wagner Period;"Wagner's ideal art in which he shows a close affinity to Schiller, is especially detested by our 'Jews' - and you know what a far-reaching element this is".[Nietzsche, letter to Gersdorff 1870]
There are many who regard this period of Nietzsche's output [late 1860s to mid 1870s] as being his best;"The early Nietzsche - the friend of R.Wagner. The young Nietzsche, hopeful, confident, looking towards the future with a supreme faith in his ideals and his friends; the combative Nietzsche, who in the early 1870s was in the full possession of his powers of body and mind,'Fiery, elastic, and as conscious of his own strength as a young lion',as he appeared to his friend and fellow author Deussen".[Prof Holzer, quoted in the 'Nietzsche Wagner Correspondence']
The interaction between Wagner and Nietzsche should be seen [as it was by the composer Richard Strauss, who immortalised Zarathustra as a tone poem] as one of the great cultural events of the 19th century;"I know of no other way by which I could have been vouchsafed the purest, serenest delight than through the Wagner music, and this, despite the fact that it by no means speaks always of happiness, but more often of uncanny subterranean forces, of human conduct, of suffering in the midst of happiness, and of the finiteness of all human happiness. The enchantment, therefore, that radiates from this music must lay in the manner in which it speaks to us".[Nietzsche, notebook 1875]
Wagner demonstrated through his Art the tenacity of all heroic Will to Power; this was recognised also by Adolf Hitler in 1944;"Think of Wagner and how he was torn to bits for ten years by the critics! The same thing happened with Bizet's 'Carmen'. And now the critics who tore these masterpieces to shreds are completely and utterly forgotten, and the works live on".
The parallel between Wagner and Carmen evidences Hitler's aqaintance with Nietzsche's work, who in his later writing made Carmen the antithesis of Wagner's Parsifal. It is worth noting that the ability to hold both these polarities up at the same time is thoroughly Nietzschean.
Nietzsche's Ring
Im Feuer mich baden!Im Feuer zu finden die Braut!['In the Fire will I bathe/In the fire find my Bride!' - Siegfried after shattering the Wanderer's spear, (Act III sc.2)]
Wagner's image of a wall of fire surrounding Brunnhilde is stunning, as it taps into all the rich symbolic traditions associated with that element, particularly in Aryan culture;"It is only after Siegfried's triumphant shattering of the Wanderer's spear, and with it the last barrier before his assault on Brunnhilde's rock, that the Fire music sweeps away with its triumphant onrush the last traces of doubt and restriction, the last memories of Siegfried's servitude to Mime". [Cooper notes to 'Siegfried']
'Heil dir, Sonne!Heil dir, Licht!Heil dir, leuchtender Tag!Lang war mein Schlaf;Ich bin erwacht.Wer ist der Held, der mich erweckt?'('Hail to thee, sun!/ Hail to thee, light!/ Hail to thee, glorious day!/ Long have I slept;/ I was awakened./ Who is the hero who woke me?' - Brunnhilde after being awoken by Siegfried, Act III sc.3)
The Nietzschean philosopher is an 'awakener'; it may take centuries for others to catch up with him, but he stands like a Beacon-Fire across the ages;"Siegfried was Nietzsche's favourite among the Wagnerian heroes. He found himself again in this young man, who had never known fear. 'We are the knights of the Spirit', he had then written in his notes, 'we understand the song of the birds and follow them' ".[Halevy, 'The Life of Friedrich Nietzsche']
Nietzsche connects the Germanic Siegfried with the Hellenic Dionysian;"In some inaccessible abyss the German Spirit still rests and dreams, undestroyed, in glorious health, profundity and Dionysian strength, like a Knight sunk in slumber: from which abyss the Dionysian song rises to our ears to let us know that this German Knight even now is dreaming his primitive Dionysian myth in blissfully earnest vision.Let no one believe that the German Spirit has forever lost its mythical home when it can still understand so plainly the voices of the birds which tell of that home.Some day it will find itself awake in all the morning freshness following a deep sleep: then, it will slay the dragons, destroy the malignant dwarfs, waken Brunnhilde - and Wotan's spear itself will be unable to obstruct its course! ".[Nietzsche, 'The Birth of Tragedy' 1]
That is a beautiful parable of National renewal, using the Wagnerian and Aryan symbology which so ennobles the Race.To show how au fait Nietzsche was with the overall concept of the Ring of the Nibelung itself, I shall finish with the following;"I would wish for such a degree of rhythmic, visualising endowment as would enable me to survey the Nibelung work in its entirety, as I have, at times, succeeded in doing with the single dramas.But here I anticipate rhythmical delights of a very special kind and degree. For instance: the scene between Alberich and the Rhine Maidens in the first act of the first drama; the love rhapsodies of Siegfried and Brunnhilde; the parting rhapsodies of the lovers in the first act of 'Gotterdammerung': the scene of the Nornes at the beginning of the first act (Vorspiel) of the 'Gotterdammerung' and so on".[Nietzsche, personal correspondence 1876]
Wagner's image of a wall of fire surrounding Brunnhilde is stunning, as it taps into all the rich symbolic traditions associated with that element, particularly in Aryan culture;"It is only after Siegfried's triumphant shattering of the Wanderer's spear, and with it the last barrier before his assault on Brunnhilde's rock, that the Fire music sweeps away with its triumphant onrush the last traces of doubt and restriction, the last memories of Siegfried's servitude to Mime". [Cooper notes to 'Siegfried']
'Heil dir, Sonne!Heil dir, Licht!Heil dir, leuchtender Tag!Lang war mein Schlaf;Ich bin erwacht.Wer ist der Held, der mich erweckt?'('Hail to thee, sun!/ Hail to thee, light!/ Hail to thee, glorious day!/ Long have I slept;/ I was awakened./ Who is the hero who woke me?' - Brunnhilde after being awoken by Siegfried, Act III sc.3)
The Nietzschean philosopher is an 'awakener'; it may take centuries for others to catch up with him, but he stands like a Beacon-Fire across the ages;"Siegfried was Nietzsche's favourite among the Wagnerian heroes. He found himself again in this young man, who had never known fear. 'We are the knights of the Spirit', he had then written in his notes, 'we understand the song of the birds and follow them' ".[Halevy, 'The Life of Friedrich Nietzsche']
Nietzsche connects the Germanic Siegfried with the Hellenic Dionysian;"In some inaccessible abyss the German Spirit still rests and dreams, undestroyed, in glorious health, profundity and Dionysian strength, like a Knight sunk in slumber: from which abyss the Dionysian song rises to our ears to let us know that this German Knight even now is dreaming his primitive Dionysian myth in blissfully earnest vision.Let no one believe that the German Spirit has forever lost its mythical home when it can still understand so plainly the voices of the birds which tell of that home.Some day it will find itself awake in all the morning freshness following a deep sleep: then, it will slay the dragons, destroy the malignant dwarfs, waken Brunnhilde - and Wotan's spear itself will be unable to obstruct its course! ".[Nietzsche, 'The Birth of Tragedy' 1]
That is a beautiful parable of National renewal, using the Wagnerian and Aryan symbology which so ennobles the Race.To show how au fait Nietzsche was with the overall concept of the Ring of the Nibelung itself, I shall finish with the following;"I would wish for such a degree of rhythmic, visualising endowment as would enable me to survey the Nibelung work in its entirety, as I have, at times, succeeded in doing with the single dramas.But here I anticipate rhythmical delights of a very special kind and degree. For instance: the scene between Alberich and the Rhine Maidens in the first act of the first drama; the love rhapsodies of Siegfried and Brunnhilde; the parting rhapsodies of the lovers in the first act of 'Gotterdammerung': the scene of the Nornes at the beginning of the first act (Vorspiel) of the 'Gotterdammerung' and so on".[Nietzsche, personal correspondence 1876]
Taste my sword, loathsome babbler!
"No poetry in the world contains anything more beautiful than Wotan's relations to Siegfried, his love, the obligatory hostility and the joy in pure destruction. All this is symbolical of Wagner's own nature: love for that which by one is redeemed, judged and annihilated, but the whole conceived in a truly god-like manner".[Nietzsche, notebook 1875]
It is impossible not to see in the above quote the seeds of Nietzsche's 'amor fati' and Superman. Wagner's 'Siegfied' must then be looked into if one wishes to increase an understanding of Nietzschean philosophy."The figure of Siegfried is the kernel of the whole 'Ring' drama, and it was from a conflation of the Siegfied myth of the god's downfall that Wagner constructed his Tetraology". [M.Cooper, notes to Siegfried]
As mentioned, the 'Ring' was a 'tetraology', i.e., four Operas connected by an overarching concept. Wagner worked on Siegfried, part three of the tetraology, intermittently from the late 1840s, through the 1850s; leaving it to take it up again in the 1860s, finishing the score in 1871. The first performance of the Ring as a whole was at Bayreuth in August 1876, although much of the music would have been heard before then.
The Opera Siegfied has four main characters - the eponymous hero, the Wanderer [actually Wotan in disguise], Mime the dwarf and the Valkyrie Brunnhilde. We notice the 'Wanderer' as a Nietzschean figure [book 'The Wanderer and his Shadow', and in 'Zarathustra'], while "Siegfied is unquestionably the hero, embodying the ruthlessness and amorality, the animal vitality and physical beauty that Wagner and Nietzsche naturally associated with the Superman". [Cooper ib.]
Mime is something of a 'Semitic' figure who contrasts with Siegfried's Aryanism;
' Schmeck du mein Schwert, ekliger Schwatzer! '('Taste my sword, loathsome babbler!' -
Siegfried to Mime as he slays him: [Act II sc.3])"Siegfried's loathing for the dwarf Mime is to a great extent physical, and his violence with Mime is not just that of an undisciplined child, but the expression of 'Ekel', physical disgust or nausea". [Cooper ib.]
This term 'Ekel' recurs in Nietzsche's Zarathustra, particularly to refer to the 'Last Man'; we also notice the appearance of a dwarf in the same work, who at one point plays a foil to Zarathustra's explication of the all important doctrine of the Eternal Return. Cooper emphasises the parity of Nietzsche/Wagner in the following;"Wagner's music makes Siegfried a symbol of youth, youthful innocence [in the sense of premoral rather than amoral] and vitality, desire for knowledge and impatience".The concept of the 'premoral' was articulated by Nietzsche in his 'Beyond Good and Evil', while the notion of 'Innocence' as the virtue of the Overman occurs with great effect in Nietzsche's mature work.
' The dead can tell no tales.Then lead me, my living sword!Its blood burns like fire!
(He involuntarily puts his fingers in his mouth to the blood from them. As he gazes thoughtfully before him, his attention is increasingly drawn to the song of the forest-birds)
It seems almost as if the birds were speaking to me!Did the taste of its blood affect me?That rare bird there,Hark! what says its song? '[Siegfried after he has killed the dragon Fafner, (Act II sc.2)]
The symbolic images here of blood, fire and bird-song are powerfully drawn."When the Wanderer has barred Siegfried's path with his spear, and the spear has been shattered by Siegfied's sword - a perfect Freudian vignette of the rivalry between the old male and the young - he surrenders and retires". [Cooper ib.]
Freud acknowledged his debt to Nietzsche, and also to Schopenhauer; it was during this period that both Nietzsche and Wagner saw themselves as 'disciples' of Schopenhauer whose theory of the blind will did much to inspire the psychoanalytic notion of the unconscious."Throughout the Ring, and perhaps more particularly in 'Siegfried', it is from a psychological angle that we must understand the theology, or cosmology, which Wagner puts into the mouths of Wotan, Erda and Brunnhilde". [ib.]
It is impossible not to see in the above quote the seeds of Nietzsche's 'amor fati' and Superman. Wagner's 'Siegfied' must then be looked into if one wishes to increase an understanding of Nietzschean philosophy."The figure of Siegfried is the kernel of the whole 'Ring' drama, and it was from a conflation of the Siegfied myth of the god's downfall that Wagner constructed his Tetraology". [M.Cooper, notes to Siegfried]
As mentioned, the 'Ring' was a 'tetraology', i.e., four Operas connected by an overarching concept. Wagner worked on Siegfried, part three of the tetraology, intermittently from the late 1840s, through the 1850s; leaving it to take it up again in the 1860s, finishing the score in 1871. The first performance of the Ring as a whole was at Bayreuth in August 1876, although much of the music would have been heard before then.
The Opera Siegfied has four main characters - the eponymous hero, the Wanderer [actually Wotan in disguise], Mime the dwarf and the Valkyrie Brunnhilde. We notice the 'Wanderer' as a Nietzschean figure [book 'The Wanderer and his Shadow', and in 'Zarathustra'], while "Siegfied is unquestionably the hero, embodying the ruthlessness and amorality, the animal vitality and physical beauty that Wagner and Nietzsche naturally associated with the Superman". [Cooper ib.]
Mime is something of a 'Semitic' figure who contrasts with Siegfried's Aryanism;
' Schmeck du mein Schwert, ekliger Schwatzer! '('Taste my sword, loathsome babbler!' -
Siegfried to Mime as he slays him: [Act II sc.3])"Siegfried's loathing for the dwarf Mime is to a great extent physical, and his violence with Mime is not just that of an undisciplined child, but the expression of 'Ekel', physical disgust or nausea". [Cooper ib.]
This term 'Ekel' recurs in Nietzsche's Zarathustra, particularly to refer to the 'Last Man'; we also notice the appearance of a dwarf in the same work, who at one point plays a foil to Zarathustra's explication of the all important doctrine of the Eternal Return. Cooper emphasises the parity of Nietzsche/Wagner in the following;"Wagner's music makes Siegfried a symbol of youth, youthful innocence [in the sense of premoral rather than amoral] and vitality, desire for knowledge and impatience".The concept of the 'premoral' was articulated by Nietzsche in his 'Beyond Good and Evil', while the notion of 'Innocence' as the virtue of the Overman occurs with great effect in Nietzsche's mature work.
' The dead can tell no tales.Then lead me, my living sword!Its blood burns like fire!
(He involuntarily puts his fingers in his mouth to the blood from them. As he gazes thoughtfully before him, his attention is increasingly drawn to the song of the forest-birds)
It seems almost as if the birds were speaking to me!Did the taste of its blood affect me?That rare bird there,Hark! what says its song? '[Siegfried after he has killed the dragon Fafner, (Act II sc.2)]
The symbolic images here of blood, fire and bird-song are powerfully drawn."When the Wanderer has barred Siegfried's path with his spear, and the spear has been shattered by Siegfied's sword - a perfect Freudian vignette of the rivalry between the old male and the young - he surrenders and retires". [Cooper ib.]
Freud acknowledged his debt to Nietzsche, and also to Schopenhauer; it was during this period that both Nietzsche and Wagner saw themselves as 'disciples' of Schopenhauer whose theory of the blind will did much to inspire the psychoanalytic notion of the unconscious."Throughout the Ring, and perhaps more particularly in 'Siegfried', it is from a psychological angle that we must understand the theology, or cosmology, which Wagner puts into the mouths of Wotan, Erda and Brunnhilde". [ib.]
Wagner the Philosopher
That Nietzsche was at one time utterly devoted to Wagner cannot be denied; this devotion was not only due to Wagner's music and dramatic poetry, but also to his philosophising;"The highest and most inspiring moments of my life are closely associated with your name."If it be the fate of genius to belong to the 'select few', I make bold to count myself among these 'select few', since realising how incapable the world at large is of comprehending your personality, or of feeling the deeply ethical current by which your life, your writings, and your music are permeated - in short, of sensing an atmosphere of that serious and more spiritual outlook upon life of which we poor Germans have been robbed overnight, as it were, by every conceivable sort of political misery, philosophical nonsense, and aggressive Judaism".[Nietzsche, letter to Wagner, Spring 1869]
That Nietzsche approved of 'Wagner the Philosopher' during this period is attested by the following;"A short time ago Wagner gave me a manuscript of his to read entitled: 'State and Religion'. This essay is of such Nobility of thought".[Nietzsche, letter to Rhode, August 1869]
This Essay of Wagner's is SEMINAL to Nietzsche's philosophy, and so a synopsis of its main points is invaluable;
"Wagner had written, at the request of Louis II, King of Bavaria, a short treatise on social metaphysics; traces of the impression Nietzsche received from it are to be discovered in his work down to the very end.In it, Wagner recognised that the masses experience only such needs as are gross, elementary and short-lived.
For them, all Noble ends are unattainable; and the problem which reality obliges us to solve is this: how are we to contrive things so that the masses shall serve a Culture which must always be beyond their comprehension, and serve it with zeal and love, even to the sacrifice of life?Consider Nature: no one understands her ends, and yet all beings serve her. How does Nature obtain their adhesion to life?
Wagner answers that she does so by DECEIVING HER CREATURES.
She puts them in hope of an immutable and ever-delayed happiness. She gives them those instincts which constrain the humblest of animals to lengthy sacrifices and voluntary pains.She envelops in illusion all living beings, and thus persuades them to struggle and to suffer with unalterable constancy.
Society ought to be upheld by similar artifices.It is illusions that assure its duration, and the task of those who rule men is to maintain and to propagate these conserving illusions.Patriotism is the most essential.The Patriotic illusion assures the permanence of the State, but does not in itself suffice to guarantee a High Culture. Here, a second illusion is necessary, the religious illusion whose dogmas symbolise a profound unity and a universal love.The ordinary man, if he be penetrated with this double illusion, can live a happy and worthy life: his way is made clear, he is saved.
But the life of the Rulers is a graver and a more dangerous thing - it is they who propagate illusions, therefore they judge them. Life appears to them unveiled, and they know how tragic a thing it is;'The great man, the exceptional man', writes Wagner, 'finds himself practically every day in the same condition in which the ordinary man despairs of life, and has recourse to suicide'.
The ruling Aristocracy are fore-armed by their valour against so cowardly a temptation. Nevertheless, they experience a bitter need to 'turn their back on the world'. They desire for themselves a restful illusion, of which they may be at the same time the authors and the accessories.Here Art intervenes to save them, not to exalt the naive enthusiasm of the people, but to alleviate the unhappy lives of the Nobles and to sustain their valour.'
Art I present to my dear friend [Louis II] as the promised and benignant land. If Art cannot lift us in a real and complete manner above life, at least it lifts us in life itself to the very highest of regions. It gives life the appearance of a game, it withdraws us from the common lot, it ravishes and consoles us' ".[from Halevy's 'The Life of Friedrich Nietzsche']
Here we have the basic Nietzschean view of the super-human Aristocracy. Referring again to the Essay, in that letter to Rhode quoted from above, Nietzsche writes;"Better than anyother mortal, the King should understand the tragic essence of life".
That Nietzsche approved of 'Wagner the Philosopher' during this period is attested by the following;"A short time ago Wagner gave me a manuscript of his to read entitled: 'State and Religion'. This essay is of such Nobility of thought".[Nietzsche, letter to Rhode, August 1869]
This Essay of Wagner's is SEMINAL to Nietzsche's philosophy, and so a synopsis of its main points is invaluable;
"Wagner had written, at the request of Louis II, King of Bavaria, a short treatise on social metaphysics; traces of the impression Nietzsche received from it are to be discovered in his work down to the very end.In it, Wagner recognised that the masses experience only such needs as are gross, elementary and short-lived.
For them, all Noble ends are unattainable; and the problem which reality obliges us to solve is this: how are we to contrive things so that the masses shall serve a Culture which must always be beyond their comprehension, and serve it with zeal and love, even to the sacrifice of life?Consider Nature: no one understands her ends, and yet all beings serve her. How does Nature obtain their adhesion to life?
Wagner answers that she does so by DECEIVING HER CREATURES.
She puts them in hope of an immutable and ever-delayed happiness. She gives them those instincts which constrain the humblest of animals to lengthy sacrifices and voluntary pains.She envelops in illusion all living beings, and thus persuades them to struggle and to suffer with unalterable constancy.
Society ought to be upheld by similar artifices.It is illusions that assure its duration, and the task of those who rule men is to maintain and to propagate these conserving illusions.Patriotism is the most essential.The Patriotic illusion assures the permanence of the State, but does not in itself suffice to guarantee a High Culture. Here, a second illusion is necessary, the religious illusion whose dogmas symbolise a profound unity and a universal love.The ordinary man, if he be penetrated with this double illusion, can live a happy and worthy life: his way is made clear, he is saved.
But the life of the Rulers is a graver and a more dangerous thing - it is they who propagate illusions, therefore they judge them. Life appears to them unveiled, and they know how tragic a thing it is;'The great man, the exceptional man', writes Wagner, 'finds himself practically every day in the same condition in which the ordinary man despairs of life, and has recourse to suicide'.
The ruling Aristocracy are fore-armed by their valour against so cowardly a temptation. Nevertheless, they experience a bitter need to 'turn their back on the world'. They desire for themselves a restful illusion, of which they may be at the same time the authors and the accessories.Here Art intervenes to save them, not to exalt the naive enthusiasm of the people, but to alleviate the unhappy lives of the Nobles and to sustain their valour.'
Art I present to my dear friend [Louis II] as the promised and benignant land. If Art cannot lift us in a real and complete manner above life, at least it lifts us in life itself to the very highest of regions. It gives life the appearance of a game, it withdraws us from the common lot, it ravishes and consoles us' ".[from Halevy's 'The Life of Friedrich Nietzsche']
Here we have the basic Nietzschean view of the super-human Aristocracy. Referring again to the Essay, in that letter to Rhode quoted from above, Nietzsche writes;"Better than anyother mortal, the King should understand the tragic essence of life".
This love, which forsees pain and violence,yet still concurs with life; this love, which looks
Profoundly into horror as it is,And joy, to redeem them as they are;
The God Apollo called Dionysian.
[Seb Barker,'The Dream of Intelligence' Ch.4:10 (1992)]
Nietzsche's radical, tragic and agonistic philosophical perspective derived from his unique insight into the ancient Greeks; particularly the Greeks of the archaic period, - the Presocratic Age of the Greeks.
This remained so throughout his career, but was particularly noticeable in his early period, - that which I shall call his Wagner Period. Up to the break with Wagner, Nietzsche had written the Birth of Tragedy, as well as important essays on the Greek State, the Presocratics and the Greek conception of the Philosopher as a 'physician of the soul'.All in all, philosophy was seen to be a sublimation of Contest;"The Greek genius emanated from War, it sang War, it had War for its comrade. ' it is the people of the tragic mysteries ', wrote Friedrich Nietzsche, ' who strike the great of the Persian battles; in return, the people who have maintained these Wars need the salutary beverage of tragedy. ' ".
[Halevy, 'The Life of Friedrich Nietzsche']
Not only was War the 'father of all', it was essential for the maintainance of culture;"War is necessary to the state, as the slave is to society".
[Nietzsche,'The Greek State'].
Now, the point is, that in his Wagner Period, Nietzsche associated the struggles of the ancient Greeks with the cultural struggles of his own time which he "found fresh and unimpaired in all its early Germanic vigour, within the ranks of our Army. This was a beautiful and unexpected discovery for me; upon this we can build, and this justifies us in entertaining the hope that our GERMAN MISSION has not yet been fulfilled".
[Nietzsche, letter to Gersdorff early 1870s]
That Nietzsche meant action as much as words is undeniable;"We believe that the Germans will only appear worthy of respect and be able to exercise a salutary influence upon other Nations when they have shown how formiddable they can be".[Nietzsche, 'An Appeal to the German Nation', 1873]
Nietzsche was then nothing other than what would be called today, 'an extreme nationalist';"We have no right to live today, if we are not militants, militants who prepare a 'saeculum' to come".[Nietzsche, letter to Gersdorff November 1871]
Halevy's early biography of Nietzsche captures the flavour of this era when he writes;"How glorious this Germany would be, with Bismarck as its Leader, Moltke as its Warrior, Wagner as its Poet, and Nietzsche as its Philosopher".
Profoundly into horror as it is,And joy, to redeem them as they are;
The God Apollo called Dionysian.
[Seb Barker,'The Dream of Intelligence' Ch.4:10 (1992)]
Nietzsche's radical, tragic and agonistic philosophical perspective derived from his unique insight into the ancient Greeks; particularly the Greeks of the archaic period, - the Presocratic Age of the Greeks.
This remained so throughout his career, but was particularly noticeable in his early period, - that which I shall call his Wagner Period. Up to the break with Wagner, Nietzsche had written the Birth of Tragedy, as well as important essays on the Greek State, the Presocratics and the Greek conception of the Philosopher as a 'physician of the soul'.All in all, philosophy was seen to be a sublimation of Contest;"The Greek genius emanated from War, it sang War, it had War for its comrade. ' it is the people of the tragic mysteries ', wrote Friedrich Nietzsche, ' who strike the great of the Persian battles; in return, the people who have maintained these Wars need the salutary beverage of tragedy. ' ".
[Halevy, 'The Life of Friedrich Nietzsche']
Not only was War the 'father of all', it was essential for the maintainance of culture;"War is necessary to the state, as the slave is to society".
[Nietzsche,'The Greek State'].
Now, the point is, that in his Wagner Period, Nietzsche associated the struggles of the ancient Greeks with the cultural struggles of his own time which he "found fresh and unimpaired in all its early Germanic vigour, within the ranks of our Army. This was a beautiful and unexpected discovery for me; upon this we can build, and this justifies us in entertaining the hope that our GERMAN MISSION has not yet been fulfilled".
[Nietzsche, letter to Gersdorff early 1870s]
That Nietzsche meant action as much as words is undeniable;"We believe that the Germans will only appear worthy of respect and be able to exercise a salutary influence upon other Nations when they have shown how formiddable they can be".[Nietzsche, 'An Appeal to the German Nation', 1873]
Nietzsche was then nothing other than what would be called today, 'an extreme nationalist';"We have no right to live today, if we are not militants, militants who prepare a 'saeculum' to come".[Nietzsche, letter to Gersdorff November 1871]
Halevy's early biography of Nietzsche captures the flavour of this era when he writes;"How glorious this Germany would be, with Bismarck as its Leader, Moltke as its Warrior, Wagner as its Poet, and Nietzsche as its Philosopher".
Wednesday, 25 January 2006
The link between Order of Rank, politics, psychology/physiology, and morality is shown in Nietzsche's analysis of the philosopher;"Above all, it is the philosopher's morality which proves decidedly and decisively WHO HE IS - that is to say, to the Order of Rank [Rangordnung] which the innermost drives of his nature stand to each other".
[Nietzsche BGE 6]
The fluid comparison of the person and the 'body politic' reminds one of Plato's republic, where the various forms of governance - Aristocracy, Oligarchy, Timocracy, Democracy, Tyranny etc., are compared to the character types of individuals who supposedly embody them.
Similarly, Nietzsche sees the person as containing a political state within himself, populated by his 'drives' - this he calls the 'soul'. Correspondingly, the sort of morality that a person professes indicates the nature of that soul-polity concealed within him. This is so , because " moral codes are only a SIGN LANGUAGE OF THE EMOTIONS ".
[BGE 187]
Focusing on the rare type of the 'actual' philosopher, Nietzsche notes that, "ultimately there is an Order of Rank in psychical states, to which the Order of Rank in philosophical problems corresponds; - and the highest problems mercilessly rebuff anyone who attempts to approach them without being pre-ordained to solve them by the loftiness and power of his spirituality".[ib. 213]
Constantly connecting the realm of thought with that of the body, Nietzsche explains that "people have always to be born to a higher station; put more clearly, they have to be BRED for it. A person has only a right to philosophy - taking the word in its higher significance - in virtue of his descent: here too, ancestors, 'bloodlines' [Geblut], are decisive".[ib.]
Philosophy is to Nietzsche, "the most spiritual will to power" (BGE 9), and "that lofty spirituality is precisely the spiritualisation of justice and of a benevolent severity that knows it is charged with maintaining the Order of Rank in the world, even among things - and not only among men".[ib. 219]
Man's racial and etnical Rankordering, reflect and inform his moral and ethical Order of Rank.
[Nietzsche BGE 6]
The fluid comparison of the person and the 'body politic' reminds one of Plato's republic, where the various forms of governance - Aristocracy, Oligarchy, Timocracy, Democracy, Tyranny etc., are compared to the character types of individuals who supposedly embody them.
Similarly, Nietzsche sees the person as containing a political state within himself, populated by his 'drives' - this he calls the 'soul'. Correspondingly, the sort of morality that a person professes indicates the nature of that soul-polity concealed within him. This is so , because " moral codes are only a SIGN LANGUAGE OF THE EMOTIONS ".
[BGE 187]
Focusing on the rare type of the 'actual' philosopher, Nietzsche notes that, "ultimately there is an Order of Rank in psychical states, to which the Order of Rank in philosophical problems corresponds; - and the highest problems mercilessly rebuff anyone who attempts to approach them without being pre-ordained to solve them by the loftiness and power of his spirituality".[ib. 213]
Constantly connecting the realm of thought with that of the body, Nietzsche explains that "people have always to be born to a higher station; put more clearly, they have to be BRED for it. A person has only a right to philosophy - taking the word in its higher significance - in virtue of his descent: here too, ancestors, 'bloodlines' [Geblut], are decisive".[ib.]
Philosophy is to Nietzsche, "the most spiritual will to power" (BGE 9), and "that lofty spirituality is precisely the spiritualisation of justice and of a benevolent severity that knows it is charged with maintaining the Order of Rank in the world, even among things - and not only among men".[ib. 219]
Man's racial and etnical Rankordering, reflect and inform his moral and ethical Order of Rank.
"A person's value-judgments reveal something about how his Soul is STRUCTURED ".[Nietzsche BGE 268]
Nietzsche uses his formula 'Rangordnung' [sometimes 'Ordnung des Ranges'] consistently.In English translations it is variously treated as 'hierarchy', 'gradation', 'arrangement', and 'order of rank'.
Now while using varying epithets in various contexts may be ciorrect in English idiom [i.e., synonyms tend to be used to tease out shades of meaning] it is often detrimental to philosophical rigour.
holds to 'Rangordnung' more or less throughout 'Beyond Good and Evil', and indeed, that book itself seems to be primarily an exercise in applying that concept to as many things as possible.
A transliteration of 'Rangordnung' as 'Rankordering' is a little clumsy, but acceptable. Hollingdale is consistent in using 'order of rank' which is probably the best, as it has something of the Grand Style about it, and is recognisable as a formula which encapsulates a 'load' of meaning.'Rang' in German is from the same root as English 'rank'. However, the latter lacks the immediate sense also of 'ring', 'arena', 'circle'. Both 'ring' and 'rank' derive from the Old High German 'hring', - 'ring', referring to the gold rings given out by warriorlords as gifts of distinction. Beowulf is called a 'ring-giver' for example. I suspect that decorations of rank, medals etc., in the military derive from this - hence, 'ring/rank'.
So, rank must be thought in the widest and deepest sense.'Ordnung' is from the same root as 'order', which both derive from the Latin 'ordo', arrangement, group, class, an Ecclesiastical Order; akin to Latin 'ordiri', to lay the warp, to begin.'Order' is a primal Classical concept; 'Rank-Ordering' seems to combine the Classic and Nordic concepts in one - a Good European term if there ever was one.
So we can speak of Order of Rank in the most profound and exalted sense, and like Nietzsche, apply it to all aspects of life as a way of necessarily widening the Distances between things - as befits a philosophy of Nobilitas.
Nietzsche uses his formula 'Rangordnung' [sometimes 'Ordnung des Ranges'] consistently.In English translations it is variously treated as 'hierarchy', 'gradation', 'arrangement', and 'order of rank'.
Now while using varying epithets in various contexts may be ciorrect in English idiom [i.e., synonyms tend to be used to tease out shades of meaning] it is often detrimental to philosophical rigour.
holds to 'Rangordnung' more or less throughout 'Beyond Good and Evil', and indeed, that book itself seems to be primarily an exercise in applying that concept to as many things as possible.
A transliteration of 'Rangordnung' as 'Rankordering' is a little clumsy, but acceptable. Hollingdale is consistent in using 'order of rank' which is probably the best, as it has something of the Grand Style about it, and is recognisable as a formula which encapsulates a 'load' of meaning.'Rang' in German is from the same root as English 'rank'. However, the latter lacks the immediate sense also of 'ring', 'arena', 'circle'. Both 'ring' and 'rank' derive from the Old High German 'hring', - 'ring', referring to the gold rings given out by warriorlords as gifts of distinction. Beowulf is called a 'ring-giver' for example. I suspect that decorations of rank, medals etc., in the military derive from this - hence, 'ring/rank'.
So, rank must be thought in the widest and deepest sense.'Ordnung' is from the same root as 'order', which both derive from the Latin 'ordo', arrangement, group, class, an Ecclesiastical Order; akin to Latin 'ordiri', to lay the warp, to begin.'Order' is a primal Classical concept; 'Rank-Ordering' seems to combine the Classic and Nordic concepts in one - a Good European term if there ever was one.
So we can speak of Order of Rank in the most profound and exalted sense, and like Nietzsche, apply it to all aspects of life as a way of necessarily widening the Distances between things - as befits a philosophy of Nobilitas.
"Aeschylus, we must remember, lived through the great Crisis in which that Greek civilisation, to which we our own owes so great a debt, was threatened by alien hosts".[Roberts, 'Patriotic Poetry']
The Persian invasion which threatened the Greeks; the Mongolian invasions which later threatened the life of Europe: the Spanish Armada which threatened Shakespeare's fellows ...What is the threat today?
The philosopher Alain de Benoist made the following observations from a sophisticated Good European coign of vantage;"The greatest threat is the levelling down of people, the reduction of all cultures to a 'world civilisation' made up of what is the most COMMON.
"To say that our society is in crisis is just a platitude: Man IS A CRISIS.He is a tragedy.In him nothing is definitely SAID.
If egalitarianism is reaching its 'FINAL stage of affirmation', what will succeed it will necessarily be something different. Moreover, if the present world is the materialisation of the end of a cycle, it is equally clear that the only source of inspiration possible for what must be born is something which has preceded what has just occurred.The projective force for the future resides in the SPIRIT of the remotest past".[de Benoist, 'Ideas Put Right' 1980]
Here is Nietzsche's Eternal Return and the 'Transvaluation of Values' by another name!
The Persian invasion which threatened the Greeks; the Mongolian invasions which later threatened the life of Europe: the Spanish Armada which threatened Shakespeare's fellows ...What is the threat today?
The philosopher Alain de Benoist made the following observations from a sophisticated Good European coign of vantage;"The greatest threat is the levelling down of people, the reduction of all cultures to a 'world civilisation' made up of what is the most COMMON.
"To say that our society is in crisis is just a platitude: Man IS A CRISIS.He is a tragedy.In him nothing is definitely SAID.
If egalitarianism is reaching its 'FINAL stage of affirmation', what will succeed it will necessarily be something different. Moreover, if the present world is the materialisation of the end of a cycle, it is equally clear that the only source of inspiration possible for what must be born is something which has preceded what has just occurred.The projective force for the future resides in the SPIRIT of the remotest past".[de Benoist, 'Ideas Put Right' 1980]
Here is Nietzsche's Eternal Return and the 'Transvaluation of Values' by another name!
"The duty of guarding ancestral tombs was widely felt in Classical antiquity, and needs no illustration; indeed, the mighty dead lived for them in another world than the one we know, but their presence was felt, and their help gained.It was no light matter for the Athenians to gaze from the wooden walls of their ships towards the stone walls of their abandoned city, and to know that their enemies were trampling upon each hallowed sanctuary".[Roberts,'Patriotic Poetry']
Nietzsche saw the importance of ancestors from his profoundly philosophical perspective;"Within the original tribal community - we are speaking of primeval times - the living generation always recognised a juridical duty toward earlier generations, and especially toward the earliest, which founded the tribe (and by no means a merely sentimental obligation: there are actually reasons for denying the existence of the latter for the greater part of human history).The conviction reigns that it is only through the sacrifices and accomplishments of the ancestors that the tribe EXISTS - and that one has to PAY THEM BACK with sacrifices and accomplishments: one thus recognises a DEBT that constantly grows greater, since these forebears never cease, in their continued existence as powerful Spirits, to accord the tribe new advantages and new strength".[Nietzsche GM II 19]
It should be remembered that the Slave has always been deracinated, uprooted, atomised, without heritage, without tradition, without culture; - something like modern democratic man!
Nietzsche saw the importance of ancestors from his profoundly philosophical perspective;"Within the original tribal community - we are speaking of primeval times - the living generation always recognised a juridical duty toward earlier generations, and especially toward the earliest, which founded the tribe (and by no means a merely sentimental obligation: there are actually reasons for denying the existence of the latter for the greater part of human history).The conviction reigns that it is only through the sacrifices and accomplishments of the ancestors that the tribe EXISTS - and that one has to PAY THEM BACK with sacrifices and accomplishments: one thus recognises a DEBT that constantly grows greater, since these forebears never cease, in their continued existence as powerful Spirits, to accord the tribe new advantages and new strength".[Nietzsche GM II 19]
It should be remembered that the Slave has always been deracinated, uprooted, atomised, without heritage, without tradition, without culture; - something like modern democratic man!
As Burckhardt shows, - to the Greeks, the national polis was in, and of itself, the Greek 'religion': Patriotism and religion were one and the same.It is the disease of alien Christianity which has made us late Europeans think that the 'state' and religion are 'separate'.
This totalising Greek Nationalreligion is put into the noblest poetry by Homer;
"Without a sign his sword the brave man draws,And asks no omen but his country's cause".[Iliad, 12 (Pope's translation)]
Nietzsche saw art as the way of "purifying" and "reconsecrating" the Nation in his 'Appeal to the German Nation' of 1873.
This totalising Greek Nationalreligion is put into the noblest poetry by Homer;
"Without a sign his sword the brave man draws,And asks no omen but his country's cause".[Iliad, 12 (Pope's translation)]
Nietzsche saw art as the way of "purifying" and "reconsecrating" the Nation in his 'Appeal to the German Nation' of 1873.
Here, we are given to think of Plutarch's report of,"The Spartan mother who bids her son, as she gives him his shield, 'return with it, or on it' ". [Plutarch]
With protection of women folk, the importance of racial quality is touched upon, something recognised right up to Nietzsche;"Having political supremacy without true human supremacy is the greatest detriment".[Nietzsche, Nachlass 1874]
The Nation is the Macrocosm, and the National Man is the Microcosm;
"O England! model to thy inward greatness,Like little body with a mighty heart,What mightst thou do, that honour would thee do,Were all thy children kind and natural ! "
[Shakespeare, KHV,ii.Prol.]
With protection of women folk, the importance of racial quality is touched upon, something recognised right up to Nietzsche;"Having political supremacy without true human supremacy is the greatest detriment".[Nietzsche, Nachlass 1874]
The Nation is the Macrocosm, and the National Man is the Microcosm;
"O England! model to thy inward greatness,Like little body with a mighty heart,What mightst thou do, that honour would thee do,Were all thy children kind and natural ! "
[Shakespeare, KHV,ii.Prol.]
"This is the key term for our study: Greek 'patris' - 'fatherland, from which the term 'patriotism' has been formed in order to denote 'love of fatherland'.
In his 'Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori' ( 'Sweet and seemly is it to die for fatherland' ), Horace [a favourite author of Nietzsche's] had in his mind Homer's line:
'It is no unseemly thing for him to die in defence of fatherland' (Iliad 15.496,7) .
"The Greek words for 'fatherland' are used in the Iliad nearly fifty, in the Odyssey, nearly a hundred times; and in both poems alike, with a deep and constant affection. In Homer, Patriotism meets with its first recorder in all but its modern name".[Roberts, 'Patriotic Poetry']
As Roberts points out, 'Odysseus's master passion is the love of home and fatherland. The Odyssey is not only an epic of manly adventure; it is also an epic of Patriotism.
'The following words of Odysseus -"Nothing is sweeter than a man's own fatherland and parents".
[Odyssey 9.34]
- begin a short essay by Lucian entitled,'Praise of the Fatherland'.Lucian, who lived under the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, shows how the golden thread of patriotism goes from the Greeks to the Romans.
"The Homeric poems kept alive for centuries the best ideals of patriotism; the love alike of the soil and of the noble men and women whom it breeds".[Roberts,ib.]
Astonishingly, this Graeco-Roman ideal of Patriotism is found living and breathing in Shakespeare; no wonder Nietzsche said of Shakespeare, that he had fully understood the 'type' Caesar.
And this leads us to the 'type' of Fatherland;"Among our own poets, from Shakespeare onwards, it is England not as a collection of great cities, but as a sea-girt island that most enchants the imagination: 'This royal throne of Kings, this scepter'd isle' (KRII,ii.1.40)".[Roberts,ib.]
With the powerhouse base of Greek, Roman and the Shakespearean, English poetry abounds in the highest expressions of this island Patriotism;
"This isle,The greatest and the best of all the main".[Milton,'Comus']
"The inviolate island of the sage and the free".[Lord Byron, 'Childe Harold']
"A virtuous populace may rise the while,And stand a wall of fire around their much-lov'd isle".[Spenser,'Faery Qveene']
And doesn't the patriotic view of England as the 'green and pleasant land' find its parallel in the ancient Greek poets;"Thou radiant wearer of the violent crown, thou theme of minstrelsy, bulwark of Greece, renowned Athens, citadel divine".[Pindar,'Dith.' 54]
In his 'Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori' ( 'Sweet and seemly is it to die for fatherland' ), Horace [a favourite author of Nietzsche's] had in his mind Homer's line:
'It is no unseemly thing for him to die in defence of fatherland' (Iliad 15.496,7) .
"The Greek words for 'fatherland' are used in the Iliad nearly fifty, in the Odyssey, nearly a hundred times; and in both poems alike, with a deep and constant affection. In Homer, Patriotism meets with its first recorder in all but its modern name".[Roberts, 'Patriotic Poetry']
As Roberts points out, 'Odysseus's master passion is the love of home and fatherland. The Odyssey is not only an epic of manly adventure; it is also an epic of Patriotism.
'The following words of Odysseus -"Nothing is sweeter than a man's own fatherland and parents".
[Odyssey 9.34]
- begin a short essay by Lucian entitled,'Praise of the Fatherland'.Lucian, who lived under the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, shows how the golden thread of patriotism goes from the Greeks to the Romans.
"The Homeric poems kept alive for centuries the best ideals of patriotism; the love alike of the soil and of the noble men and women whom it breeds".[Roberts,ib.]
Astonishingly, this Graeco-Roman ideal of Patriotism is found living and breathing in Shakespeare; no wonder Nietzsche said of Shakespeare, that he had fully understood the 'type' Caesar.
And this leads us to the 'type' of Fatherland;"Among our own poets, from Shakespeare onwards, it is England not as a collection of great cities, but as a sea-girt island that most enchants the imagination: 'This royal throne of Kings, this scepter'd isle' (KRII,ii.1.40)".[Roberts,ib.]
With the powerhouse base of Greek, Roman and the Shakespearean, English poetry abounds in the highest expressions of this island Patriotism;
"This isle,The greatest and the best of all the main".[Milton,'Comus']
"The inviolate island of the sage and the free".[Lord Byron, 'Childe Harold']
"A virtuous populace may rise the while,And stand a wall of fire around their much-lov'd isle".[Spenser,'Faery Qveene']
And doesn't the patriotic view of England as the 'green and pleasant land' find its parallel in the ancient Greek poets;"Thou radiant wearer of the violent crown, thou theme of minstrelsy, bulwark of Greece, renowned Athens, citadel divine".[Pindar,'Dith.' 54]
" 'Freedom' - The Greek adjective 'eleutheros', 'free' is found in Homer, who contrasts the 'day of freedom' with the 'day of slavery'. (Iliad 6 and Odyssey 14)".[Roberts, 'Patriotic Poetry']
The Noble conception of 'freedom', is found also in the Germanic tribal name of the 'Franks' - i.e., those free of slavery and serfdom - or, to put it bluntly, the Master Race.'Free' describes a select subspecies of man, and not the revaluation and abstraction of that state of physical being so envied by the Slaves and commoners.Not the perversion of the Noble concept, but the original aristocratic meaning of mastery, severity and discipline.
The liberal 'freedom' of 'letting it all go', is not meant here; only when a Spirit is 'bound', can it be a Free Spirit in the Aristocratic sense;
"It is said of the Attic orator Lycurgus that his Nobility made him outspoken".[attrib. Plutarch]
The very outspoken, and very Noble Nietzsche knew that the Rule of Law is the most important thing in life;
"To be a Law-giver is a sublimated form of tyranny".[Nietzsche HATH 261]
Going back to our quote from Aeschylus, we see how the Greeks compared their view of 'freedom' with that of the Persians;
"Free though the Greeks are, they are not free in every way, for over them is set as master, Law ; and of Law they stand in greater fear than your subjects, O Persian King, stand of you
From Herodotus 7.104 - a Spartan exile to the Persian king]
The Noble conception of 'freedom', is found also in the Germanic tribal name of the 'Franks' - i.e., those free of slavery and serfdom - or, to put it bluntly, the Master Race.'Free' describes a select subspecies of man, and not the revaluation and abstraction of that state of physical being so envied by the Slaves and commoners.Not the perversion of the Noble concept, but the original aristocratic meaning of mastery, severity and discipline.
The liberal 'freedom' of 'letting it all go', is not meant here; only when a Spirit is 'bound', can it be a Free Spirit in the Aristocratic sense;
"It is said of the Attic orator Lycurgus that his Nobility made him outspoken".[attrib. Plutarch]
The very outspoken, and very Noble Nietzsche knew that the Rule of Law is the most important thing in life;
"To be a Law-giver is a sublimated form of tyranny".[Nietzsche HATH 261]
Going back to our quote from Aeschylus, we see how the Greeks compared their view of 'freedom' with that of the Persians;
"Free though the Greeks are, they are not free in every way, for over them is set as master, Law ; and of Law they stand in greater fear than your subjects, O Persian King, stand of you
From Herodotus 7.104 - a Spartan exile to the Persian king]
Taking the first phrase of our quote from Aeschylus' play, we notice that it has an echo in the genius of the English Elizabethan playwright, Shakespeare;
"On, on, you noblest English,
Whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof ! "
[Shakespeare, KHV iii.1.]
This play, King Henry V th, ranks alongside 'the Persians' as one of the great Patriotic works of European Art, as well as adverting to the continuity of our Aryan culture.The same dynamic is expressed by Nietzsche;"As a powerful Nation, we have an enormous responsibility to take the lead".[Nietzsche, Nachlass 1874]
Going back to our Aeschylus quote, the terms 'Hellas' and 'Hellenes', as in 'Sons of the Greeks', 'Sons of the Hellenes', had come to mean 'Greece' and 'Greeks' in the widest sense; what we would call today a Nationalistic sensibility.Likewise, Nietzsche came to see all Europeans as one, under the sacred banner of Europa.
"On, on, you noblest English,
Whose blood is fet from fathers of war-proof ! "
[Shakespeare, KHV iii.1.]
This play, King Henry V th, ranks alongside 'the Persians' as one of the great Patriotic works of European Art, as well as adverting to the continuity of our Aryan culture.The same dynamic is expressed by Nietzsche;"As a powerful Nation, we have an enormous responsibility to take the lead".[Nietzsche, Nachlass 1874]
Going back to our Aeschylus quote, the terms 'Hellas' and 'Hellenes', as in 'Sons of the Greeks', 'Sons of the Hellenes', had come to mean 'Greece' and 'Greeks' in the widest sense; what we would call today a Nationalistic sensibility.Likewise, Nietzsche came to see all Europeans as one, under the sacred banner of Europa.
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